ADD method for luminex

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Nathan Dwarshuis 2021-07-27 16:13:09 -04:00
parent dbf2869ae9
commit b541c280eb
1 changed files with 15 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -931,9 +931,22 @@ plates and incubated for another \SI{24}{\hour}. Cells and beads/\glspl{dms}
were removed from the retronectin plates using vigorous pipetting and
transferred to another 96 well plate wherein expansion continued.
\subsection{Luminex Analysis}
% METHOD luminex
Luminex was performed using a \product{ProcartaPlex kit}{\thermo}{custom} for
the markers outlined in \cref{tab:luminex_panel} with modifications (note that
some markers were run in separate panels to allow for proper dilutions).
Briefly, media supernatents from cells were sampled as desired and immediately
placed in a \SI{-80}{\degreeCelsius} freezer until use. Before use, samples were
thawed at \gls{rt} and vortexed to ensure homogeneity. To run the plate,
\SI{25}{\ul} of magnetic beads were added to the plate and washed 3x using
\SI{300}{\ul} of wash buffer. \SI{25}{\ul} of samples or standard were added to
the plate and incubated for \SI{120}{\minute} at \SI{850}{\rpm} at \gls{rt}
before washing analogously 3X with wash. \SI{12.5}{\ul} detection \glspl{mab}
and \SI{25}{\ul} \gls{stppe} were sequentially added, incubated for
\SI{30}{\minute} and vortexed, and washed analogously to the sample step.
Finally, samples were resuspended in \SI{120}{\ul} reading buffer and analyzed
via a Biorad Bioplex 200 plate reader.
\begin{table}[!h] \centering
\caption{Luminex Panel}