ADD results paragraph for grex

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Nathan Dwarshuis 2021-07-27 18:06:38 -04:00
parent 67a4758da0
commit eda1f3e6d6
1 changed files with 19 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1466,7 +1466,25 @@ for bead (\cref{fig:car_bcma_total}).
\subsection{DMSs efficiently expand T cells in Grex bioreactors}
% RESULT Grex bioreactor and luminex
We also asked if the \gls{dms} platform could expand T cells in a static
bioreactor such a Grex. We incubated T cells in a Grex analogously to that for
plates and found that T cells in Grex bioreactors expanded as efficiently as
bead over \SI{14}{\day} and had similar viability
(\cref{fig:grex_results_fc,fig:grex_results_viability}). Furthermore, consistent
with past results, \glspl{dms}-expanded T cells had higher \pthp{} compared to
beads, but only had slightly higher \ptmemp{} compared to beads
% TODO is this discussion stuff?
These discrepancies might be explained in light of our other data as follows.
The Grex bioreactor has higher media capacity relative to its surface area, and
we did not move the T cells to a larger bioreactor as they grew in contrast with
our plate cultures. This means that the cells had higher growth area
constraints, which may have nullified any advantage to the expansion that we
seen elsewhere (\cref{fig:dms_exp_fold_change}). Furthermore, the higher growth
area could mean higher signaling and higher differentiation rate to effector T
cells, which was why the \ptmemp{} was so low compared to other data
% TODO this figure has wonky proportions
% TODO add stats for the phenotype stuff