ADD interior quantification section

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Nathan Dwarshuis 2021-07-27 16:37:58 -04:00
parent b541c280eb
commit f91a944aa5
1 changed files with 19 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ adding \gls{fitcbt} to the \gls{stp}-coated \glspl{dms}, resuspending in
staining with \product{\anti{\gls{igg}}-\gls{fitc}}{\bl}{406001}, incubating for
\SI{30}{\minute}, washing with \gls{pbs}, and imaging on a confocal microscope.
\subsection{t cell culture}
\subsection{t cell culture}\label{sec:tcellculture}
% TODO verify countess product number
Cryopreserved primary human T cells were either obtained as sorted
@ -838,7 +838,24 @@ Cells on the \glspl{dms} were visualized by adding \SI{0.5}{\ul}
\product{\acd{45}-\gls{af647}}{\bl}{368538}, incubating for \SI{1}{\hour}, and
imaging on a spinning disk confocal microscope.
% METHOD mtt staining and interior quantification
\subsection{Quantifying cells on DMS interior}
% TODO add a product number to MTT (if I can find it)
Cells were stained and visualized using \gls{mtt}. \glspl{dms} with attached and
loosely attached cells were sampled as desired and filtered through a
\SI{40}{\um} cell strainer. While still in the cell strainer, \glspl{dms} were
washed twice with \gls{pbs} and then dried by pulling liquid through the bottom
of the cell strainer via a micropipette and dabbing with a KimWipe. \glspl{dms}
were transferred to a 24 well plate with \SI{400}{\ul} media. \SI{40}{\ul}
\gls{mtt} was added to each well and allowed to incubate for \SI{3}{\hour},
after which \glspl{dms} with cell were visualized via a brightfield microscope.
To quantify cells on the interior of \glspl{dms}, cells and \glspl{dms} were
isolated analogously to those for the \gls{mtt} stain up until the drying step.
Cells were then transferred to a tube containing \SI{400}{\ul} at
\SI{5}{\mg\per\ml} dispase solution. \glspl{dms} were incubated and rotated for
\SI{45}{\minute} at \SI{37}{\degreeCelsius}, after which cells were counted as
already described in \cref{sec:tcellculture}.
\subsection{quantification of apoptosis using Annexin-V}