REF move database to same level module

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2023-05-29 17:33:59 -04:00
parent 971cfa1c92
commit 2a6aa23836
5 changed files with 4 additions and 429 deletions

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text.IO as TI
import Database.Persist.Monad import Database.Persist.Monad
import Dhall hiding (double, record) import Dhall hiding (double, record)
import Internal.Budget import Internal.Budget
import Internal.Database.Ops import Internal.Database
import Internal.History import Internal.History
import Internal.Types.Main import Internal.Types.Main
import Internal.Utils import Internal.Utils

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ source-repository head
library library
exposed-modules: exposed-modules:
Internal.Budget Internal.Budget
Internal.Database.Ops Internal.Database
Internal.History Internal.History
Internal.Types.Database Internal.Types.Database
Internal.Types.Dhall Internal.Types.Dhall

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Internal.Budget (insertBudget) where
import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Foldable import Data.Foldable
import Database.Persist.Monad import Database.Persist.Monad
import Internal.Database.Ops import Internal.Database
import Internal.Types.Main import Internal.Types.Main
import Internal.Utils import Internal.Utils
import RIO hiding (to) import RIO hiding (to)

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@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
module Internal.Database.Ops
( runDB
, nukeTables
, updateHashes
, updateDBState
, getDBState
, tree2Records
, flattenAcntRoot
, paths2IDs
, mkPool
, whenHash
, whenHash_
, insertEntry
, resolveEntry
import Conduit
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Logger
import Data.Hashable
import Database.Esqueleto.Experimental ((==.), (^.))
import qualified Database.Esqueleto.Experimental as E
import Database.Esqueleto.Internal.Internal (SqlSelect)
import Database.Persist.Monad
import Database.Persist.Sqlite hiding
( delete
, deleteWhere
, insert
, insertKey
, insert_
, runMigration
, (==.)
, (||.)
import GHC.Err
import Internal.Types.Main
import Internal.Utils
import RIO hiding (LogFunc, isNothing, on, (^.))
import RIO.List ((\\))
import qualified RIO.List as L
import qualified RIO.Map as M
import qualified RIO.NonEmpty as N
import qualified RIO.Text as T
:: MonadUnliftIO m
=> SqlConfig
-> SqlQueryT (NoLoggingT m) a
-> m a
runDB c more =
runNoLoggingT $ do
pool <- mkPool c
runSqlQueryT pool $ do
_ <- lift askLoggerIO
runMigration migrateAll
mkPool :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadUnliftIO m) => SqlConfig -> m ConnectionPool
mkPool c = case c of
Sqlite p -> createSqlitePool p 10
-- conn <- open p
-- wrapConnection conn logfn
Postgres -> error "postgres not implemented"
nukeTables :: MonadSqlQuery m => m ()
nukeTables = do
deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter CommitR])
deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter CurrencyR])
deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter AccountR])
deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter TransactionR])
-- showBalances :: MonadUnliftIO m => SqlPersistT m ()
-- showBalances = do
-- xs <- select $ do
-- (accounts :& splits :& txs) <-
-- from
-- $ table @AccountR
-- `innerJoin` table @SplitR
-- `on` (\(a :& s) -> a ^. AccountRId ==. s ^. SplitRAccount)
-- `innerJoin` table @TransactionR
-- `on` (\(_ :& s :& t) -> s ^. SplitRTransaction ==. t ^. TransactionRId)
-- where_ $
-- isNothing (txs ^. TransactionRBucket)
-- &&. ( (accounts ^. AccountRFullpath `like` val "asset" ++. (%))
-- ||. (accounts ^. AccountRFullpath `like` val "liability" ++. (%))
-- )
-- groupBy (accounts ^. AccountRFullpath, accounts ^. AccountRName)
-- return
-- ( accounts ^. AccountRFullpath
-- , accounts ^. AccountRName
-- , sum_ $ splits ^. SplitRValue
-- )
-- -- TODO super stetchy table printing thingy
-- liftIO $ do
-- putStrLn $ T.unpack $ fmt "Account" "Balance"
-- putStrLn $ T.unpack $ fmt (T.replicate 60 "-") (T.replicate 15 "-")
-- mapM_ (putStrLn . T.unpack . fmtBalance) xs
-- where
-- fmtBalance (path, name, bal) = fmt (toFullPath path name) (toBal bal)
-- fmt a b = T.unwords ["| ", pad 60 a, " | ", pad 15 b, " |"]
-- pad n xs = T.append xs $ T.replicate (n - T.length xs) " "
-- toFullPath path name = T.unwords [unValue @T.Text path, "/", unValue @T.Text name]
-- toBal = maybe "???" (fmtRational 2) . unValue
hashConfig :: Config -> [Int]
{ budget = bs
, statements = ss
} = (hash <$> bs) ++ (hash <$> ms) ++ (hash <$> ps)
(ms, ps) = partitionEithers $ fmap go ss
go (HistTransfer x) = Left x
go (HistStatement x) = Right x
setDiff :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
-- setDiff = setDiff' (==)
setDiff as bs = (as \\ bs, bs \\ as)
-- setDiff' :: Eq a => (a -> b -> Bool) -> [a] -> [b] -> ([a], [b])
-- setDiff' f = go []
-- where
-- go inA [] bs = (inA, bs)
-- go inA as [] = (as ++ inA, [])
-- go inA (a:as) bs = case inB a bs of
-- Just bs' -> go inA as bs'
-- Nothing -> go (a:inA) as bs
-- inB _ [] = Nothing
-- inB a (b:bs)
-- | f a b = Just bs
-- | otherwise = inB a bs
getDBHashes :: MonadSqlQuery m => m [Int]
getDBHashes = fmap (commitRHash . entityVal) <$> dumpTbl
nukeDBHash :: MonadSqlQuery m => Int -> m ()
nukeDBHash h = deleteE $ do
c <- E.from E.table
E.where_ (c ^. CommitRHash ==. E.val h)
nukeDBHashes :: MonadSqlQuery m => [Int] -> m ()
nukeDBHashes = mapM_ nukeDBHash
getConfigHashes :: MonadSqlQuery m => Config -> m ([Int], [Int])
getConfigHashes c = do
let ch = hashConfig c
dh <- getDBHashes
return $ setDiff dh ch
dumpTbl :: (MonadSqlQuery m, PersistEntity r) => m [Entity r]
dumpTbl = selectE $ E.from E.table
deleteAccount :: MonadSqlQuery m => Entity AccountR -> m ()
deleteAccount e = deleteE $ do
c <- E.from $ E.table @AccountR
E.where_ (c ^. AccountRId ==. E.val k)
k = entityKey e
deleteCurrency :: MonadSqlQuery m => Entity CurrencyR -> m ()
deleteCurrency e = deleteE $ do
c <- E.from $ E.table @CurrencyR
E.where_ (c ^. CurrencyRId ==. E.val k)
k = entityKey e
deleteTag :: MonadSqlQuery m => Entity TagR -> m ()
deleteTag e = deleteE $ do
c <- E.from $ E.table @TagR
E.where_ (c ^. TagRId ==. E.val k)
k = entityKey e
-- TODO slip-n-slide code...
:: (PersistRecordBackend r SqlBackend, Typeable r, MonadSqlQuery m)
=> Entity r
-> m ()
insertFull (Entity k v) = insertKey k v
currency2Record :: Currency -> Entity CurrencyR
currency2Record c@Currency {curSymbol, curFullname, curPrecision} =
Entity (toKey c) $ CurrencyR curSymbol curFullname (fromIntegral curPrecision)
currencyMap :: [Entity CurrencyR] -> CurrencyMap
currencyMap =
. fmap
( \e ->
( currencyRSymbol $ entityVal e
, (entityKey e, fromIntegral $ currencyRPrecision $ entityVal e)
toKey :: (ToBackendKey SqlBackend b, Hashable a) => a -> Key b
toKey = toSqlKey . fromIntegral . hash
tree2Entity :: AcntType -> [T.Text] -> T.Text -> T.Text -> Entity AccountR
tree2Entity t parents name des =
Entity (toSqlKey $ fromIntegral h) $
AccountR name (toPath parents) des
p = AcntPath t (reverse (name : parents))
h = hash p
toPath = T.intercalate "/" . (atName t :) . reverse
:: AcntType
-> AccountTree
-> ([Entity AccountR], [AccountPathR], [(AcntPath, (AccountRId, AcntSign, AcntType))])
tree2Records t = go []
go ps (Placeholder d n cs) =
let e = tree2Entity t (fmap snd ps) n d
k = entityKey e
(as, aps, ms) = L.unzip3 $ fmap (go ((k, n) : ps)) cs
a0 = acnt k n (fmap snd ps) d
paths = expand k $ fmap fst ps
in (a0 : concat as, paths ++ concat aps, concat ms)
go ps (Account d n) =
let e = tree2Entity t (fmap snd ps) n d
k = entityKey e
in ( [acnt k n (fmap snd ps) d]
, expand k $ fmap fst ps
, [(AcntPath t $ reverse $ n : fmap snd ps, (k, sign, t))]
toPath = T.intercalate "/" . (atName t :) . reverse
acnt k n ps = Entity k . AccountR n (toPath ps)
expand h0 hs = (\(h, d) -> AccountPathR h h0 d) <$> zip (h0 : hs) [0 ..]
sign = accountSign t
paths2IDs :: [(AcntPath, a)] -> [(AcntID, a)]
paths2IDs =
uncurry zip
. first trimNames
. L.unzip
. L.sortOn fst
. fmap (first pathList)
pathList (AcntPath t []) = atName t :| []
pathList (AcntPath t ns) = N.reverse $ atName t :| ns
-- none of these errors should fire assuming that input is sorted and unique
trimNames :: [N.NonEmpty T.Text] -> [AcntID]
trimNames = fmap (T.intercalate "_" . reverse) . trimAll 0
trimAll _ [] = []
trimAll i (y : ys) = case L.foldl' (matchPre i) (y, [], []) ys of
(a, [], bs) -> reverse $ trim i a : bs
(a, as, bs) -> reverse bs ++ trimAll (i + 1) (reverse $ a : as)
matchPre i (y, ys, old) new = case (y !? i, new !? i) of
(Nothing, Just _) ->
case ys of
[] -> (new, [], trim i y : old)
_ -> err "unsorted input"
(Just _, Nothing) -> err "unsorted input"
(Nothing, Nothing) -> err "duplicated inputs"
(Just a, Just b)
| a == b -> (new, y : ys, old)
| otherwise ->
let next = case ys of
[] -> [trim i y]
_ -> trimAll (i + 1) (reverse $ y : ys)
in (new, [], reverse next ++ old)
trim i = N.take (i + 1)
err msg = errorWithoutStackTrace $ "Import.Database.Ops.hs: " ++ msg
(!?) :: N.NonEmpty a -> Int -> Maybe a
xs !? n
| n < 0 = Nothing
-- Definition adapted from GHC.List
| otherwise =
( \x r k -> case k of
0 -> Just x
_ -> r (k - 1)
(const Nothing)
flattenAcntRoot :: AccountRoot -> [(AcntType, AccountTree)]
flattenAcntRoot AccountRoot_ {arIncome, arExpenses, arLiabilities, arAssets, arEquity} =
((IncomeT,) <$> arIncome)
++ ((ExpenseT,) <$> arExpenses)
++ ((LiabilityT,) <$> arLiabilities)
++ ((AssetT,) <$> arAssets)
++ ((EquityT,) <$> arEquity)
indexAcntRoot :: AccountRoot -> ([Entity AccountR], [AccountPathR], AccountMap)
indexAcntRoot r =
( concat ars
, concat aprs
, M.fromList $ paths2IDs $ concat ms
(ars, aprs, ms) = L.unzip3 $ uncurry tree2Records <$> flattenAcntRoot r
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadSqlQuery m)
=> Config
-> m (FilePath -> DBState)
getDBState c = do
(del, new) <- getConfigHashes c
-- TODO not sure how I feel about this, probably will change this struct alot
-- in the future so whatever...for now
combineError bi si $ \b s f ->
-- TODO this can be cleaned up, half of it is meant to be queried when
-- determining how to insert budgets/history and the rest is just
-- holdover data to delete upon successful insertion
{ kmCurrency = currencyMap cs
, kmAccount = am
, kmBudgetInterval = b
, kmStatementInterval = s
, kmNewCommits = new
, kmOldCommits = del
, kmConfigDir = f
, kmTag = tagMap ts
, kmTagAll = ts
, kmAcntPaths = paths
, kmAcntsOld = acnts
, kmCurrenciesOld = cs
bi = liftExcept $ resolveDaySpan $ budgetInterval $ global c
si = liftExcept $ resolveDaySpan $ statementInterval $ global c
(acnts, paths, am) = indexAcntRoot $ accounts c
cs = currency2Record <$> currencies c
ts = toRecord <$> tags c
toRecord t@Tag {tagID, tagDesc} = Entity (toKey t) $ TagR tagID tagDesc
tagMap = M.fromList . fmap (\e -> (tagRSymbol $ entityVal e, entityKey e))
updateHashes :: (MonadFinance m, MonadSqlQuery m) => m ()
updateHashes = do
old <- askDBState kmOldCommits
nukeDBHashes old
updateTags :: (MonadFinance m, MonadSqlQuery m) => m ()
updateTags = do
tags <- askDBState kmTagAll
tags' <- selectE $ E.from $ E.table @TagR
let (toIns, toDel) = setDiff tags tags'
mapM_ deleteTag toDel
mapM_ insertFull toIns
updateAccounts :: (MonadFinance m, MonadSqlQuery m) => m ()
updateAccounts = do
acnts <- askDBState kmAcntsOld
paths <- askDBState kmAcntPaths
acnts' <- dumpTbl
let (toIns, toDel) = setDiff acnts acnts'
deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter AccountPathR])
mapM_ deleteAccount toDel
mapM_ insertFull toIns
mapM_ insert paths
updateCurrencies :: (MonadFinance m, MonadSqlQuery m) => m ()
updateCurrencies = do
curs <- askDBState kmCurrenciesOld
curs' <- selectE $ E.from $ E.table @CurrencyR
let (toIns, toDel) = setDiff curs curs'
mapM_ deleteCurrency toDel
mapM_ insertFull toIns
updateDBState :: (MonadFinance m, MonadSqlQuery m) => m ()
updateDBState = do
deleteE :: (MonadSqlQuery m) => E.SqlQuery () -> m ()
deleteE q = unsafeLiftSql "esqueleto-delete" (E.delete q)
selectE :: (MonadSqlQuery m, SqlSelect a r) => E.SqlQuery a -> m [r]
selectE q = unsafeLiftSql "esqueleto-select" ( q)
:: (Hashable a, MonadFinance m, MonadSqlQuery m)
=> ConfigType
-> a
-> b
-> (CommitRId -> m b)
-> m b
whenHash t o def f = do
let h = hash o
hs <- askDBState kmNewCommits
if h `elem` hs then f =<< insert (CommitR h t) else return def
:: (Hashable a, MonadFinance m)
=> ConfigType
-> a
-> m b
-> m (Maybe (CommitR, b))
whenHash_ t o f = do
let h = hash o
let c = CommitR h t
hs <- askDBState kmNewCommits
if h `elem` hs then Just . (c,) <$> f else return Nothing
insertEntry :: MonadSqlQuery m => TransactionRId -> KeyEntry -> m EntryRId
insertEntry t Entry {eAcnt, eCurrency, eValue, eComment, eTags} = do
k <- insert $ EntryR t eCurrency eAcnt eComment eValue
mapM_ (insert_ . TagRelationR k) eTags
return k
resolveEntry :: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m) => BalEntry -> m KeyEntry
resolveEntry s@Entry {eAcnt, eCurrency, eValue, eTags} = do
let aRes = lookupAccountKey eAcnt
let cRes = lookupCurrencyKey eCurrency
let sRes = lookupAccountSign eAcnt
let tagRes = combineErrors $ fmap lookupTag eTags
-- TODO correct sign here?
-- TODO lenses would be nice here
combineError (combineError3 aRes cRes sRes (,,)) tagRes $
\(aid, cid, sign) tags ->
{ eAcnt = aid
, eCurrency = cid
, eValue = eValue * fromIntegral (sign2Int sign)
, eTags = tags

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ where
import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Csv import Data.Csv
import Database.Persist.Monad import Database.Persist.Monad
import Internal.Database.Ops import Internal.Database
import Internal.Types.Main import Internal.Types.Main
import Internal.Utils import Internal.Utils
import RIO hiding (to) import RIO hiding (to)