ENH use stratified buckets for budget tagging

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2023-01-30 20:13:25 -05:00
parent a6d9f959f1
commit 36c6a56f1b
5 changed files with 236 additions and 213 deletions

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@ -174,45 +174,44 @@ let Import =
let Statement = < StmtManual : Manual | StmtImport : Import >
let Bucket = < Fixed | Investment | Savings | Guiltless >
let ExpenseBucket = < Fixed | Investment | Savings | Guiltless >
let Amount = \(v : Type) -> { amtValue : v, amtDesc : Text }
let IncomeBucket = < PreTax | IntraTax | PostTax >
let TimeAmount = { taWhen : DatePat, taAmt : Amount Decimal }
let Amount = { amtValue : Decimal, amtDesc : Text }
let TimeAmount = { taWhen : DatePat, taAmt : Amount }
let Tax = { taxAcnt : AcntID, taxValue : Decimal }
let Allocation =
\(v : Type) ->
{ alloPath : AcntID
, alloBucket : Bucket
, alloAmts : List (Amount v)
, alloCurrency : CurID
let PreAllocation = Allocation Decimal
let PostAllocation = Allocation (Optional Decimal)
{ alloPath : AcntID
, alloBucket : ExpenseBucket
, alloAmts : List Amount
, alloCurrency : CurID
let Income =
{ incGross : Decimal
, incCurrency : CurID
, incWhen : DatePat
, incAccount : AcntID
, incPretax : List PreAllocation
, incFrom : AcntID
, incPretax : List Allocation
, incTaxes : List Tax
, incPosttax : List PostAllocation
, incPosttax : List Allocation
, incToBal : AcntID
let Expense =
{ expFrom : AcntID
, expTo : AcntID
, expBucket : Bucket
, expBucket : ExpenseBucket
, expAmounts : List TimeAmount
, expCurrency : CurID
let Budget = { income : List Income, expenses : List Expense }
let Budget =
{ income : List Income, expenses : List Expense, manual : List Manual }
in { CurID
, AcntID
@ -251,12 +250,11 @@ in { CurID
, Statement
, Expense
, Income
, Bucket
, IncomeBucket
, ExpenseBucket
, Budget
, Tax
, Allocation
, PreAllocation
, PostAllocation
, Amount
, TimeAmount

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ let List/map =
let T =
let nullSplit =
\(a : T.SplitAcnt) ->

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@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ TransactionR sql=transactions
commit CommitRId OnDeleteCascade
date Day
description T.Text
bucket T.Text Maybe
deriving Show Eq
SplitR sql=splits
transaction TransactionRId OnDeleteCascade
@ -60,6 +59,15 @@ SplitR sql=splits
memo T.Text
value Rational
deriving Show Eq
split SplitRId
name T.Text
budgetLabel BudgetLabelRId
bucket T.Text
budgetLabel BudgetLabelRId
bucket T.Text
type AccountMap = M.Map AcntID (AccountRId, AcntSign)

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Internal.Insert
@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ insertBudget :: MonadUnliftIO m => Budget -> MappingT m [InsertError]
insertBudget Budget {income = is, expenses = es} = do
es1 <- mapM insertIncome is
es2 <- mapM insertExpense es
-- es3 <- mapM insertBudgetManual ms
-- return $ concat $ es1 ++ es2 ++ es3
return $ concat $ es1 ++ es2
-- TODO this hashes twice (not that it really matters)
@ -105,27 +107,86 @@ whenHash t o def f = do
hs <- asks kmNewCommits
if h `elem` hs then f =<< lift (insert $ CommitR h t) else return def
insertIncome :: MonadUnliftIO m => Income -> MappingT m [InsertError]
{ incCurrency = cur
, incWhen = dp
, incAccount = from
, incTaxes = taxes
} =
whenHash CTIncome i [] $ \c ->
unlessLeft (balanceIncome i) $ \balanced -> do
bounds <- (liftIO . resolveBounds) =<< asks kmBudgetInterval
fmap concat $ forM (expandDatePat bounds dp) $ \day -> do
-- TODO why are these separate?
nontaxRes <- alloTxs concat (allocationToTx from day) balanced
taxRes <- alloTxs (fmap (,Fixed)) (taxToTx from day cur) taxes
unlessLefts_ (concatEithers2 nontaxRes taxRes (++)) $ \txs ->
lift $ mapM_ (\(t, b) -> insertTxBucket (Just b) c t) txs
alloTxs squish toTx = fmap (fmap squish . concatEithersL) . mapM toTx
-- TODO allow currency conversions here
data BudgetSplit b = BudgetSplit
{ bsAcnt :: AcntID
, bsBucket :: Maybe b
balanceIncome :: Income -> EitherErr [BalAllocation]
data BudgetMeta = BudgetMeta
{ bmCommit :: Key CommitR
, bmWhen :: Day
, bmCur :: CurID
data BudgetTx = BudgetTx
{ btMeta :: BudgetMeta
, btFrom :: BudgetSplit IncomeBucket
, btTo :: BudgetSplit ExpenseBucket
, btValue :: Rational
, btDesc :: T.Text
insertIncome :: MonadUnliftIO m => Income -> MappingT m [InsertError]
insertIncome i@Income {..} =
whenHash CTIncome i [] $ \c ->
unlessLeft (balanceIncome i) $ \balance ->
fmap concat $ withDates incWhen $ \day -> do
let meta = BudgetMeta c day incCurrency
let fromAllos b = concatMap (fromAllo meta incFrom (Just b))
let pre = fromAllos PreTax incPretax
let tax = fmap (fromTax meta incFrom) incTaxes
let post = fromAllos PostTax incPosttax
let bal =
{ btMeta = meta
, btFrom = BudgetSplit incFrom $ Just PostTax
, btTo = BudgetSplit incToBal Nothing
, btValue = balance
, btDesc = "balance after deductions"
fmap concat $ mapM insertBudgetTx $ bal : (pre ++ tax ++ post)
:: BudgetMeta
-> AcntID
-> Maybe IncomeBucket
-> Allocation
-> [BudgetTx]
fromAllo meta from ib Allocation {..} = fmap (toBT alloPath) alloAmts
toBT to (Amount desc v) =
{ btFrom = BudgetSplit from ib
, btTo = BudgetSplit to $ Just alloBucket
, btValue = dec2Rat v
, btDesc = desc
, btMeta = meta
fromTax :: BudgetMeta -> AcntID -> Tax -> BudgetTx
fromTax meta from Tax {taxAcnt = to, taxValue = v} =
{ btFrom = BudgetSplit from (Just IntraTax)
, btTo = BudgetSplit to (Just Fixed)
, btValue = dec2Rat v
, btDesc = ""
, btMeta = meta
:: MonadUnliftIO m
=> DatePat
-> (Day -> MappingT m a)
-> MappingT m [a]
withDates dp f = do
bounds <- askBounds
mapM f (expandDatePat bounds dp)
askBounds :: MonadUnliftIO m => MappingT m Bounds
askBounds = (liftIO . resolveBounds) =<< asks kmBudgetInterval
balanceIncome :: Income -> EitherErr Rational
{ incGross = g
@ -133,122 +194,33 @@ balanceIncome
, incPretax = pre
, incTaxes = tax
, incPosttax = post
} = (preRat ++) <$> balancePostTax dp bal postRat
| bal < 0 = Left $ AllocationError undefined dp
| otherwise = Right bal
preRat = mapAlloAmts dec2Rat <$> pre
postRat = mapAlloAmts (fmap dec2Rat) <$> post
bal = dec2Rat g - (sumAllocations preRat + sumTaxes tax)
bal = dec2Rat g - sum (sumAllocation <$> pre ++ post) - sumTaxes tax
mapAlloAmts :: (a -> b) -> Allocation a -> Allocation b
mapAlloAmts f a@Allocation {alloAmts = as} = a {alloAmts = fmap f <$> as}
sumAllocations :: [BalAllocation] -> Rational
sumAllocations = sum . concatMap (fmap amtValue . alloAmts)
sumAllocation :: Allocation -> Rational
sumAllocation = sum . fmap (dec2Rat . amtValue) . alloAmts
sumTaxes :: [Tax] -> Rational
sumTaxes = sum . fmap (dec2Rat . taxValue)
balancePostTax :: DatePat -> Rational -> [RawAllocation] -> EitherErr [BalAllocation]
balancePostTax dp bal as
| null as = err NoAllocations
| otherwise = case partitionEithers $ fmap hasVal as of
([([empty], nonmissing)], bs) ->
let s = bal - sumAllocations (nonmissing : bs)
in if s < 0
then err ExceededTotal
else Right $ mapAmts (empty {amtValue = s} :) nonmissing : bs
([], _) -> err MissingBlank
_ -> err TooManyBlanks
hasVal a@Allocation {alloAmts = xs} =
case partitionEithers $ fmap maybeAmt xs of
([], bs) -> Right a {alloAmts = bs}
(unbal, bs) -> Left (unbal, a {alloAmts = bs})
maybeAmt a@Amount {amtValue = Just v} = Right a {amtValue = v}
maybeAmt a = Left a
err t = Left $ AllocationError t dp
-- TODO lens reinvention
mapAmts :: ([Amount a] -> [Amount b]) -> Allocation a -> Allocation b
mapAmts f a@Allocation {alloAmts = xs} = a {alloAmts = f xs}
:: MonadUnliftIO m
=> AcntID
-> Day
-> BalAllocation
-> MappingT m (EitherErrs [(KeyTx, Bucket)])
{ alloPath = to
, alloBucket = b
, alloCurrency = cur
, alloAmts = as
} =
second (fmap (,b)) . concatEithersL <$> mapM (transferToTx day from to cur) as
:: MonadUnliftIO m
=> AcntID
-> Day
-> T.Text
-> Tax
-> MappingT m (EitherErrs KeyTx)
taxToTx from day cur Tax {taxAcnt = to, taxValue = v} =
txPair day from to cur (dec2Rat v) ""
:: MonadUnliftIO m
=> Day
-> AcntID
-> AcntID
-> T.Text
-> BalAmount
-> MappingT m (EitherErrs KeyTx)
transferToTx day from to cur Amount {amtValue = v, amtDesc = d} =
txPair day from to cur v d
insertExpense :: MonadUnliftIO m => Expense -> MappingT m [InsertError]
{ expFrom = from
, expTo = to
, expCurrency = cur
, expBucket = buc
, expAmounts = as
} = do
whenHash CTExpense e [] $ \key -> concat <$> mapM (go key) as
go key amt = do
res <- timeAmountToTx from to cur amt
unlessLefts_ res $
lift . mapM_ (insertTxBucket (Just buc) key)
:: MonadUnliftIO m
=> AcntID
-> AcntID
-> CurID
-> TimeAmount
-> MappingT m (EitherErrs [KeyTx])
{ taWhen = dp
, taAmt =
{ amtValue = v
, amtDesc = d
insertExpense e@Expense {..} =
fmap (concat . concat) $ whenHash CTExpense e [] $ \key -> do
forM expAmounts $ \(TimeAmount amt pat) ->
withDates pat $ \day -> insertBudgetTx $ budgetTx amt day key
meta d c = BudgetMeta {bmWhen = d, bmCur = expCurrency, bmCommit = c}
budgetTx (Amount desc v) d c =
{ btMeta = meta d c
, btFrom = BudgetSplit expFrom Nothing
, btTo = BudgetSplit expTo Nothing
, btValue = dec2Rat v
, btDesc = desc
} = do
bounds <- (liftIO . resolveBounds) =<< asks kmBudgetInterval
concatEithersL <$> mapM tx (expandDatePat bounds dp)
tx day = txPair day from to cur (dec2Rat v) d
-- statements
@ -302,7 +274,7 @@ txPair
=> Day
-> AcntID
-> AcntID
-> T.Text
-> CurID
-> Rational
-> T.Text
-> MappingT m (EitherErrs KeyTx)
@ -317,6 +289,35 @@ txPair day from to cur val desc = resolveTx tx
, txSplits = [split from (-val), split to val]
:: MonadUnliftIO m
=> AcntID
-> AcntID
-> CurID
-> Rational
-> MappingT m (EitherErrs (KeySplit, KeySplit))
splitPair from to cur val = do
s1 <- split from (-val)
s2 <- split to val
return $ concatEithers2 s1 s2 (,)
split a v =
resolveSplit $
{ sAcnt = a
, sValue = v
, sComment = ""
, sCurrency = cur
-- tx =
-- Tx
-- { txDescr = desc
-- , txDate = day
-- , txTags = []
-- , txSplits = [split from (-val), split to val]
-- }
resolveTx :: MonadUnliftIO m => BalTx -> MappingT m (EitherErrs KeyTx)
resolveTx t@Tx {txSplits = ss} = do
res <- concatEithersL <$> mapM resolveSplit ss
@ -339,17 +340,55 @@ resolveSplit s@Split {sAcnt = p, sCurrency = c, sValue = v} = do
-- return $ case (aid, cid, sign) of
-- _ -> Nothing
insertTxBucket :: MonadUnliftIO m => Maybe Bucket -> Key CommitR -> KeyTx -> SqlPersistT m ()
insertTxBucket b c Tx {txDate = d, txDescr = e, txSplits = ss} = do
k <- insert $ TransactionR c d e (fmap (T.pack . show) b)
-- insertTax
-- :: MonadUnliftIO m
-- => AcntID
-- -> CurID
-- -> Day
-- -> Key CommitR
-- -> Tax
-- -> MappingT m [InsertError]
-- insertTax from cur day commit Tax {taxAcnt = to, taxValue = amnt} =
-- insertBudgetValue IntraTax Fixed from to cur commit day "" $ dec2Rat amnt
-- insertAllocation
-- :: MonadUnliftIO m
-- => AcntID
-- -> CurID
-- -> IncomeBucket
-- -> Day
-- -> Key CommitR
-- -> Allocation Decimal
-- -> MappingT m [InsertError]
-- insertAllocation from cur ib d c (Allocation to xb as _) = concat <$> mapM go as
-- where
-- go (Amount v desc) = insertBudgetValue ib xb from to cur c d desc $ dec2Rat v
insertBudgetTx :: MonadUnliftIO m => BudgetTx -> MappingT m [InsertError]
insertBudgetTx BudgetTx {..} = do
res <- splitPair (bsAcnt btFrom) (bsAcnt btTo) (bmCur btMeta) btValue
unlessLefts_ res $ \(sFrom, sTo) -> lift $ do
k <- insert $ TransactionR (bmCommit btMeta) (bmWhen btMeta) btDesc
skFrom <- insertSplit k sFrom
bFrom <- insert $ BudgetLabelR skFrom ""
forM_ (bsBucket btFrom) $ \b ->
insert_ $ IncomeBucketR bFrom $ showT b
skTo <- insertSplit k sTo
bTo <- insert $ BudgetLabelR skTo ""
forM_ (bsBucket btTo) $ \b ->
insert_ $ ExpenseBucketR bTo $ showT b
insertTxBucket :: MonadUnliftIO m => Key CommitR -> KeyTx -> SqlPersistT m ()
insertTxBucket c Tx {txDate = d, txDescr = e, txSplits = ss} = do
k <- insert $ TransactionR c d e
mapM_ (insertSplit k) ss
insertTx :: MonadUnliftIO m => Key CommitR -> KeyTx -> SqlPersistT m ()
insertTx = insertTxBucket Nothing
insertTx = insertTxBucket
insertSplit :: MonadUnliftIO m => Key TransactionR -> KeySplit -> SqlPersistT m ()
insertSplit :: MonadUnliftIO m => Key TransactionR -> KeySplit -> SqlPersistT m (Key SplitR)
insertSplit t Split {sAcnt = aid, sCurrency = cid, sValue = v, sComment = c} = do
insert_ $ SplitR t cid aid c v
insert $ SplitR t cid aid c v
lookupAccount :: MonadUnliftIO m => AcntID -> MappingT m (EitherErr (Key AccountR, AcntSign))
lookupAccount p = lookupErr (DBKey AcntField) p <$> asks kmAccount

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@ -24,12 +24,11 @@ import Dhall.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import RIO
import qualified RIO.Map as M
-- import RIO.State
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import RIO.Time
@ -43,7 +42,8 @@ makeHaskellTypesWith
, MultipleConstructors "MatchYMD" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).MatchYMD"
, MultipleConstructors "MatchDate" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).MatchDate"
, MultipleConstructors "SplitNum" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).SplitNum"
, MultipleConstructors "Bucket" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).Bucket"
, MultipleConstructors "ExpenseBucket" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).ExpenseBucket"
, MultipleConstructors "IncomeBucket" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).IncomeBucket"
, SingleConstructor "Currency" "Currency" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).Currency"
, SingleConstructor "Gregorian" "Gregorian" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).Gregorian"
, SingleConstructor "GregorianM" "GregorianM" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).GregorianM"
@ -57,6 +57,12 @@ makeHaskellTypesWith
, SingleConstructor "MatchVal" "MatchVal" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).MatchVal.Type"
, SingleConstructor "Manual" "Manual" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).Manual"
, SingleConstructor "Tax" "Tax" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).Tax"
, SingleConstructor "Amount" "Amount" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).Amount"
, SingleConstructor "TimeAmount" "TimeAmount" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).TimeAmount"
, SingleConstructor "Allocation" "Allocation" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).Allocation"
, SingleConstructor "Income" "Income" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).Income"
, SingleConstructor "Expense" "Expense" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).Expense"
, SingleConstructor "Budget" "Budget" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).Budget"
@ -216,61 +222,41 @@ deriving instance Hashable DatePat
-- Budget (projecting into the future)
data Income = Income
{ incGross :: !Decimal
, incCurrency :: !CurID
, incWhen :: !DatePat
, incAccount :: !AcntID
, incPretax :: ![Allocation Decimal]
, incTaxes :: ![Tax]
, incPosttax :: ![Allocation (Maybe Decimal)]
deriving (Eq, Hashable, Generic, FromDhall)
deriving instance Eq Income
data Budget = Budget
{ income :: ![Income]
, expenses :: ![Expense]
deriving (Generic, FromDhall)
deriving instance Hashable Income
deriving instance Eq Tax
deriving instance Hashable Tax
data Amount v = Amount
{ amtValue :: !v
, amtDesc :: !T.Text
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq, Hashable, Generic, FromDhall)
deriving instance Eq Amount
data Allocation v = Allocation
{ alloPath :: !AcntID
, alloBucket :: !Bucket
, alloAmts :: ![Amount v]
, alloCurrency :: !CurID
deriving (Eq, Hashable, Generic, FromDhall)
deriving instance Hashable Amount
deriving instance Eq Bucket
deriving instance Eq Allocation
deriving instance Hashable Bucket
deriving instance Hashable Allocation
deriving instance Show Bucket
deriving instance Eq IncomeBucket
data TimeAmount = TimeAmount
{ taWhen :: !DatePat
, taAmt :: Amount Decimal
deriving (Eq, Hashable, Generic, FromDhall)
deriving instance Hashable IncomeBucket
data Expense = Expense
{ expFrom :: !AcntID
, expTo :: !AcntID
, expBucket :: !Bucket
, expAmounts :: ![TimeAmount]
, expCurrency :: !CurID
deriving (Eq, Hashable, Generic, FromDhall)
deriving instance Show IncomeBucket
deriving instance Eq ExpenseBucket
deriving instance Hashable ExpenseBucket
deriving instance Show ExpenseBucket
deriving instance Eq TimeAmount
deriving instance Hashable TimeAmount
deriving instance Eq Expense
deriving instance Hashable Expense
-- Statements (data from the past)
@ -502,14 +488,6 @@ accountSign IncomeT = Credit
accountSign LiabilityT = Credit
accountSign EquityT = Credit
type RawAmount = Amount (Maybe Rational)
type BalAmount = Amount Rational
type RawAllocation = Allocation (Maybe Rational)
type BalAllocation = Allocation Rational
type RawSplit = Split AcntID (Maybe Rational) CurID
type BalSplit = Split AcntID Rational CurID