ENH use decimals to round

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2023-07-08 00:52:40 -04:00
parent c886c53f17
commit 46decdc4de
7 changed files with 277 additions and 265 deletions

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@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ library
ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat -Widentities -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wredundant-constraints -Wpartial-fields -Werror -O2
base >=4.12 && <10
Decimal >=0.5.2
, base >=4.12 && <10
, cassava
, conduit >=
, containers >=
@ -144,7 +145,8 @@ executable pwncash
ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat -Widentities -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wredundant-constraints -Wpartial-fields -Werror -O2 -threaded
base >=4.12 && <10
Decimal >=0.5.2
, base >=4.12 && <10
, budget
, cassava
, conduit >=

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Internal.Budget (readBudget) where
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Decimal hiding (allocate)
import Data.Foldable
import Internal.Database
import Internal.Types.Main
@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ readIncome
(combineError incRes nonIncRes (,))
(combineError cpRes dayRes (,))
$ \_ (cp, days) -> do
let gross = roundPrecisionCur cp incGross
let gross = realFracToDecimal (cpPrec cp) incGross
foldDays (allocate cp gross) start days
incRes = isIncomeAcnt srcAcnt
@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ readIncome
let primary =
{ esTotalValue = gross
, esCurrency = cp
, esCurrency = cpID cp
, esFrom = HalfEntrySet {hesPrimary = src, hesOther = []}
, esTo = HalfEntrySet {hesPrimary = dest, hesOther = allos}
@ -178,18 +179,16 @@ periodScaler
-> InsertExcept PeriodScaler
periodScaler pt prev cur = return scale
n = fromIntegral $ workingDays wds prev cur
n = workingDays wds prev cur
wds = case pt of
Hourly HourlyPeriod {hpWorkingDays} -> hpWorkingDays
Daily ds -> ds
scale precision x = case pt of
scale prec x = case pt of
Hourly HourlyPeriod {hpAnnualHours, hpDailyHours} ->
fromRational (rnd $ x / fromIntegral hpAnnualHours)
realFracToDecimal prec (x / fromIntegral hpAnnualHours)
* fromIntegral hpDailyHours
* n
Daily _ -> x * n / 365.25
rnd = roundPrecision precision
* fromIntegral n
Daily _ -> realFracToDecimal prec (x * fromIntegral n / 365.25)
-- ASSUME start < end
workingDays :: [Weekday] -> Day -> Day -> Natural
@ -267,49 +266,44 @@ selectAllos day Allocation {alloAmts, alloTo} =
, faDesc = amtDesc
allo2Trans :: FlatAllocation Rational -> Entry AcntID (LinkDeferred Rational) TagID
allo2Trans :: FlatAllocation Decimal -> Entry AcntID LinkDeferred TagID
allo2Trans FlatAllocation {faValue, faTo = TaggedAcnt {taAcnt, taTags}, faDesc} =
{ eValue = LinkDeferred (EntryValue TFixed faValue)
{ eValue = LinkDeferred (EntryFixed faValue)
, eComment = faDesc
, eAcnt = taAcnt
, eTags = taTags
:: Natural
-> Rational
:: Precision
-> Decimal
-> [FlatAllocation PretaxValue]
-> (M.Map T.Text Rational, [FlatAllocation Rational])
-> (M.Map T.Text Decimal, [FlatAllocation Decimal])
allocatePre precision gross = L.mapAccumR go M.empty
go m f@FlatAllocation {faValue} =
let c = preCategory faValue
p = preValue faValue
v =
if prePercent faValue
then (roundPrecision 3 p / 100) * gross
else roundPrecision precision p
in (mapAdd_ c v m, f {faValue = v})
go m f@FlatAllocation {faValue = PretaxValue {preCategory, preValue, prePercent}} =
let v =
if prePercent
then gross *. (preValue / 100)
else realFracToDecimal precision preValue
in (mapAdd_ preCategory v m, f {faValue = v})
:: Natural
-> Rational
-> M.Map T.Text Rational
:: Precision
-> Decimal
-> M.Map T.Text Decimal
-> PeriodScaler
-> [FlatAllocation TaxValue]
-> [FlatAllocation Rational]
-> [FlatAllocation Decimal]
allocateTax precision gross preDeds f = fmap (fmap go)
go TaxValue {tvCategories, tvMethod} =
let agi = gross - sum (mapMaybe (`M.lookup` preDeds) tvCategories)
in case tvMethod of
TMPercent p ->
roundPrecision precision $
fromRational $
roundPrecision 3 p / 100 * agi
TMPercent p -> agi *. p / 100
TMBracket TaxProgression {tpDeductible, tpBrackets} ->
let taxDed = roundPrecision precision $ f precision tpDeductible
let taxDed = f precision tpDeductible
in foldBracket f precision (agi - taxDed) tpBrackets
-- | Compute effective tax percentage of a bracket
@ -323,26 +317,25 @@ allocateTax precision gross preDeds f = fmap (fmap go)
-- In reality, this can all be done with one loop, but it isn't clear these
-- three steps are implemented from this alone.
foldBracket :: PeriodScaler -> Natural -> Rational -> [TaxBracket] -> Rational
foldBracket f precision agi bs = fst $ foldr go (0, agi) $ L.sortOn tbLowerLimit bs
foldBracket :: PeriodScaler -> Precision -> Decimal -> [TaxBracket] -> Decimal
foldBracket f prec agi bs = fst $ foldr go (0, agi) $ L.sortOn tbLowerLimit bs
go TaxBracket {tbLowerLimit, tbPercent} a@(acc, remain) =
let l = roundPrecision precision $ f precision tbLowerLimit
p = roundPrecision 3 tbPercent / 100
in if remain >= l then (acc + p * (remain - l), l) else a
let l = f prec tbLowerLimit
in if remain >= l
then (acc + (remain - l) *. (tbPercent / 100), l)
else a
:: Natural
-> Rational
:: Precision
-> Decimal
-> [FlatAllocation PosttaxValue]
-> [FlatAllocation Rational]
allocatePost precision aftertax = fmap (fmap go)
-> [FlatAllocation Decimal]
allocatePost prec aftertax = fmap (fmap go)
go PosttaxValue {postValue, postPercent} =
let v = postValue
in if postPercent
then aftertax * roundPrecision 3 v / 100
else roundPrecision precision v
go PosttaxValue {postValue, postPercent}
| postPercent = aftertax *. (postValue / 100)
| otherwise = realFracToDecimal prec postValue
-- shadow transfers
@ -365,8 +358,9 @@ fromShadow
-> ShadowTransfer
-> m (Maybe ShadowEntrySet)
fromShadow tx ShadowTransfer {stFrom, stTo, stDesc, stRatio, stCurrency, stMatch} = do
cp <- lookupCurrency stCurrency
res <- liftExcept $ shadowMatches stMatch tx
es <- entryPair stFrom stTo stCurrency stDesc stRatio ()
let es = entryPair stFrom stTo (cpID cp) stDesc stRatio ()
return $ if not res then Nothing else Just es
shadowMatches :: TransferMatcher -> Tx CommitR -> InsertExcept Bool
@ -374,7 +368,7 @@ shadowMatches TransferMatcher {tmFrom, tmTo, tmDate, tmVal} Tx {txPrimary, txDat
-- NOTE this will only match against the primary entry set since those
-- are what are guaranteed to exist from a transfer
valRes <- case txPrimary of
Left es -> valMatches tmVal $ esTotalValue es
Left es -> valMatches tmVal $ toRational $ esTotalValue es
Right _ -> return True
return $
memberMaybe fa tmFrom
@ -404,7 +398,7 @@ type IntAllocations =
type DaySpanAllocation = Allocation DaySpan
type PeriodScaler = Natural -> Double -> Double
type PeriodScaler = Precision -> Double -> Decimal
data FlatAllocation v = FlatAllocation
{ faValue :: !v

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ where
import Conduit
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Logger
import Data.Decimal
import Data.Hashable
import Database.Esqueleto.Experimental ((:&) (..), (==.), (^.))
import qualified Database.Esqueleto.Experimental as E
@ -461,6 +462,7 @@ readUpdates hashes = do
return (makeRE . snd <$> toRead, toUpdate')
makeUES ((_, day, name, pri, (curID, prec)), es) = do
let prec' = fromIntegral $ E.unValue prec
let res =
bimap NE.nonEmpty NE.nonEmpty $
NE.partition ((< 0) . entryRIndex . snd) $
@ -469,22 +471,22 @@ readUpdates hashes = do
case res of
(Just froms, Just tos) -> do
let tot = sum $ fmap (entryRValue . snd) froms
(from0, fromRO, fromUnkVec) <- splitFrom $ NE.reverse froms
(from0', fromUnk, to0, toRO, toUnk) <- splitTo from0 fromUnkVec tos
(from0, fromRO, fromUnkVec) <- splitFrom prec' $ NE.reverse froms
(from0', fromUnk, to0, toRO, toUnk) <- splitTo prec' from0 fromUnkVec tos
-- TODO WAP (wet ass programming)
return $ case from0' of
Left x ->
Left $
{ utDate = E.unValue day
, utCurrency = (E.unValue curID, fromIntegral $ E.unValue prec)
, utCurrency = E.unValue curID
, utFrom0 = x
, utTo0 = to0
, utFromRO = fromRO
, utToRO = toRO
, utFromUnk = fromUnk
, utToUnk = toUnk
, utTotalValue = tot
, utTotalValue = realFracToDecimal prec' tot
, utBudget = E.unValue name
, utPriority = E.unValue pri
@ -492,7 +494,7 @@ readUpdates hashes = do
Right $
{ utDate = E.unValue day
, utCurrency = (E.unValue curID, fromIntegral $ E.unValue prec)
, utCurrency = E.unValue curID
, utFrom0 = x
, utTo0 = to0
, utFromRO = fromRO
@ -504,32 +506,34 @@ readUpdates hashes = do
, utPriority = E.unValue pri
_ -> throwError undefined
makeRE ((_, day, name, pri, (curID, _)), entry) =
makeRE ((_, day, name, pri, (curID, prec)), entry) =
let e = entityVal entry
in ReadEntry
{ reDate = E.unValue day
, reCurrency = E.unValue curID
, reAcnt = entryRAccount e
, reValue = entryRValue e
, reValue = realFracToDecimal (fromIntegral $ E.unValue prec) (entryRValue e)
, reBudget = E.unValue name
, rePriority = E.unValue pri
:: NonEmpty (EntryRId, EntryR)
:: Precision
-> NonEmpty (EntryRId, EntryR)
-> InsertExcept (Either UEBlank (Either UE_RO UEUnk), [UE_RO], [UEUnk])
splitFrom (f0 :| fs) = do
splitFrom prec (f0 :| fs) = do
-- ASSUME entries are sorted by index
-- TODO combine errors here
let f0Res = readDeferredValue f0
let fsRes = mapErrors splitDeferredValue fs
let f0Res = readDeferredValue prec f0
let fsRes = mapErrors (splitDeferredValue prec) fs
combineErrorM f0Res fsRes $ \f0' fs' -> do
let (ro, unk) = partitionEithers fs'
-- let idxVec = V.fromList $ fmap (either (const Nothing) Just) fs'
return (f0', ro, unk)
:: Either UEBlank (Either UE_RO UEUnk)
:: Precision
-> Either UEBlank (Either UE_RO UEUnk)
-> [UEUnk]
-> NonEmpty (EntryRId, EntryR)
-> InsertExcept
@ -539,7 +543,7 @@ splitTo
, [UE_RO]
, [UEUnk]
splitTo from0 fromUnk (t0 :| ts) = do
splitTo prec from0 fromUnk (t0 :| ts) = do
-- How to split the credit side of the database transaction in 1024 easy
-- steps:
@ -547,7 +551,7 @@ splitTo from0 fromUnk (t0 :| ts) = do
let (unlinked, linked) = partitionEithers $ fmap splitLinked ts
-- 2. For unlinked entries, split into read-only and unknown entries
let unlinkedRes = partitionEithers <$> mapErrors splitDeferredValue unlinked
let unlinkedRes = partitionEithers <$> mapErrors (splitDeferredValue prec) unlinked
-- 3. For linked entries, split into those that link to the primary debit
-- entry and not
@ -557,7 +561,7 @@ splitTo from0 fromUnk (t0 :| ts) = do
-- into those that link to an unknown debit entry or not. Those that
-- are not will be read-only and those that are will be collected with
-- their linked debit entry
let linkedRes = zipPaired fromUnk linkedN
let linkedRes = zipPaired prec fromUnk linkedN
-- 5. For entries linked to the primary debit entry, turn them into linked
-- entries (lazily only used when needed later)
@ -571,7 +575,7 @@ splitTo from0 fromUnk (t0 :| ts) = do
\from0Links (fromUnk', toROLinkedN) (toROUnlinked, toUnk) -> do
let (from0', toROLinked0) = case from0 of
Left blnk -> (Left (blnk, from0Links), [])
Right (Left ro) -> (Right $ Left ro, makeRoUE . snd . snd <$> linked0)
Right (Left ro) -> (Right $ Left ro, makeRoUE prec . snd . snd <$> linked0)
Right (Right unk) -> (Right $ Right (unk, from0Links), [])
return (from0', fromUnk', primary, toROLinked0 ++ toROLinkedN ++ toROUnlinked, toUnk)
@ -583,10 +587,11 @@ splitTo from0 fromUnk (t0 :| ts) = do
-- sorted according to index and 'fst' respectively. NOTE the output will NOT be
-- sorted.
:: [UEUnk]
:: Precision
-> [UEUnk]
-> [(Int, NonEmpty (EntryRId, EntryR))]
-> InsertExcept ([(UEUnk, [UELink])], [UE_RO])
zipPaired = go ([], [])
zipPaired prec = go ([], [])
nolinks = ((,[]) <$>)
go acc fs [] = return $ first (nolinks fs ++) acc
@ -599,7 +604,7 @@ zipPaired = go ([], [])
| otherwise -> (Nothing, rest)
_ -> (Nothing, rest)
let acc' = (nolinks lesser ++ facc, tacc)
let ros = NE.toList $ makeRoUE . snd <$> tls
let ros = NE.toList $ makeRoUE prec . snd <$> tls
let f = maybe (second (++ ros)) (\u -> first (u :)) nextLink
go (f acc') fs' ts
@ -619,30 +624,30 @@ makeLinkUnk (k, e) =
(throwError $ InsertException undefined)
(return . makeUE k e . LinkScale)
$ entryRCachedValue e
$ fromRational <$> entryRCachedValue e
splitDeferredValue :: (EntryRId, EntryR) -> InsertExcept (Either UE_RO UEUnk)
splitDeferredValue p = do
res <- readDeferredValue p
splitDeferredValue :: Precision -> (EntryRId, EntryR) -> InsertExcept (Either UE_RO UEUnk)
splitDeferredValue prec p = do
res <- readDeferredValue prec p
case res of
Left _ -> throwError $ InsertException undefined
Right x -> return x
readDeferredValue :: (EntryRId, EntryR) -> InsertExcept (Either UEBlank (Either UE_RO UEUnk))
readDeferredValue (k, e) = case (entryRCachedValue e, entryRCachedType e) of
(Nothing, Just TFixed) -> return $ Right $ Left $ makeRoUE e
(Just v, Just TBalance) -> go EVBalance v
(Just v, Just TPercent) -> go EVPercent v
readDeferredValue :: Precision -> (EntryRId, EntryR) -> InsertExcept (Either UEBlank (Either UE_RO UEUnk))
readDeferredValue prec (k, e) = case (entryRCachedValue e, entryRCachedType e) of
(Nothing, Just TFixed) -> return $ Right $ Left $ makeRoUE prec e
(Just v, Just TBalance) -> go $ fmap EVBalance $ makeUE k e $ realFracToDecimal prec v
(Just v, Just TPercent) -> go $ fmap EVPercent $ makeUE k e $ fromRational v
(Nothing, Nothing) -> return $ Left $ makeUnkUE k e
_ -> throwError $ InsertException undefined
go c = return . Right . Right . fmap c . makeUE k e
go = return . Right . Right
makeUE :: i -> EntryR -> v -> UpdateEntry i v
makeUE k e v = UpdateEntry k (entryRAccount e) v (entryRIndex e)
makeRoUE :: EntryR -> UpdateEntry () StaticValue
makeRoUE e = makeUE () e $ StaticValue (entryRValue e)
makeRoUE :: Precision -> EntryR -> UpdateEntry () StaticValue
makeRoUE prec e = makeUE () e $ StaticValue (realFracToDecimal prec $ entryRValue e)
makeUnkUE :: EntryRId -> EntryR -> UpdateEntry EntryRId ()
makeUnkUE k e = makeUE k e ()
@ -689,15 +694,17 @@ insertEntry
, ieDeferred
} =
ek <- insert $ EntryR k eAcnt eComment eValue i cval ctype deflink
ek <- insert $ EntryR k eAcnt eComment (toRational eValue) i cval ctype deflink
mapM_ (insert_ . TagRelationR ek) eTags
return ek
(cval, ctype, deflink) = case ieDeferred of
(Just (EntryLinked index scale)) -> (Just scale, Nothing, Just $ fromIntegral index)
(Just (EntryBalance target)) -> (Just target, Just TBalance, Nothing)
(Just (EntryPercent target)) -> (Just target, Just TPercent, Nothing)
(Just (DBEntryLinked x s)) -> (Just (toRational s), Nothing, Just $ fromIntegral x)
(Just (DBEntryBalance b)) -> (Just (toRational b), Just TBalance, Nothing)
(Just (DBEntryPercent p)) -> (Just (toRational p), Just TPercent, Nothing)
Nothing -> (Nothing, Just TFixed, Nothing)
updateTx :: MonadSqlQuery m => UEBalanced -> m ()
updateTx UpdateEntry {ueID, ueValue} = update ueID [EntryRValue =. unStaticValue ueValue]
updateTx UpdateEntry {ueID, ueValue} = update ueID [EntryRValue =. v]
v = toRational $ unStaticValue ueValue

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ where
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Csv
import Data.Decimal
import Data.Foldable
import GHC.Real
import Internal.Database
@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ parseTxRecord p TxOpts {toDate, toAmountFmt, toDesc, toAmount, toOther, toDateFm
if d == ""
then return Nothing
else do
a <- parseRational toAmountFmt =<< r .: T.encodeUtf8 toAmount
a <- parseDecimal toAmountFmt =<< r .: T.encodeUtf8 toAmount
e <- r .: T.encodeUtf8 toDesc
os <- M.fromList <$> mapM (\n -> (n,) <$> r .: T.encodeUtf8 n) toOther
d' <- parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale (T.unpack toDateFmt) d
@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ matches
then maybe (return MatchSkip) convert spTx
else return MatchFail
val = valMatches spVal trAmount
val = valMatches spVal $ toRational trAmount
date = maybe True (`dateMatches` trDate) spDate
other = foldM (\a o -> (a &&) <$> otherMatches trOther o) True spOther
desc = maybe (return True) (matchMaybe trDesc . snd) spDesc
@ -301,8 +302,8 @@ toTx
, txPrimary =
Left $
{ esTotalValue = roundPrecisionCur cur $ tgScale * fromRational trAmount
, esCurrency = cur
{ esTotalValue = roundTo (cpPrec cur) trAmount *. tgScale
, esCurrency = cpID cur
, esFrom = f
, esTo = t
@ -314,8 +315,9 @@ toTx
curRes = do
m <- askDBState kmCurrency
cur <- liftInner $ resolveCurrency m r tgCurrency
let fromRes = liftInner $ resolveHalfEntry resolveFromValue cur r () tgFrom
let toRes = liftInner $ resolveHalfEntry resolveToValue cur r () tgTo
let prec = cpPrec cur
let fromRes = liftInner $ resolveHalfEntry resolveFromValue prec r () tgFrom
let toRes = liftInner $ resolveHalfEntry resolveToValue prec r () tgTo
combineError fromRes toRes (cur,,)
subRes = mapErrors (resolveSubGetter r) tgOtherEntries
@ -327,27 +329,27 @@ resolveSubGetter
resolveSubGetter r TxSubGetter {tsgFrom, tsgTo, tsgValue, tsgCurrency} = do
m <- askDBState kmCurrency
cur <- liftInner $ resolveCurrency m r tsgCurrency
let toRes = resolveHalfEntry resolveToValue cur r () tsgTo
let valRes = liftInner $ fmap (roundPrecisionCur cur) <$> resolveValue r tsgValue
let prec = cpPrec cur
let toRes = resolveHalfEntry resolveToValue prec r () tsgTo
let valRes = liftInner $ resolveValue prec r tsgValue
liftInner $ combineErrorM toRes valRes $ \t v -> do
f <- resolveHalfEntry resolveFromValue cur r v tsgFrom
f <- resolveHalfEntry resolveFromValue prec r v tsgFrom
return $
{ esTotalValue = ()
, esCurrency = cur
, esCurrency = cpID cur
, esFrom = f
, esTo = t
:: Traversable f
=> (TxRecord -> n -> InsertExcept (f Double))
-> CurrencyPrec
:: (Precision -> TxRecord -> n -> InsertExcept v')
-> Precision
-> TxRecord
-> v
-> TxHalfGetter (EntryGetter n)
-> InsertExcept (HalfEntrySet v (f Rational))
resolveHalfEntry f cur r v TxHalfGetter {thgAcnt, thgComment, thgTags, thgEntries} =
-> InsertExcept (HalfEntrySet v v')
resolveHalfEntry f prec r v TxHalfGetter {thgAcnt, thgComment, thgTags, thgEntries} =
combineError acntRes esRes $ \a es ->
{ hesPrimary =
@ -361,7 +363,7 @@ resolveHalfEntry f cur r v TxHalfGetter {thgAcnt, thgComment, thgTags, thgEntrie
acntRes = resolveAcnt r thgAcnt
esRes = mapErrors (resolveEntry f cur r) thgEntries
esRes = mapErrors (resolveEntry f prec r) thgEntries
otherMatches :: M.Map T.Text T.Text -> FieldMatcherRe -> InsertExcept Bool
otherMatches dict m = case m of
@ -371,33 +373,33 @@ otherMatches dict m = case m of
lookup_ t n = lookupErr (MatchField t) n dict
:: Traversable f
=> (TxRecord -> n -> InsertExcept (f Double))
-> CurrencyPrec
:: (Precision -> TxRecord -> n -> InsertExcept v)
-> Precision
-> TxRecord
-> EntryGetter n
-> InsertExcept (Entry AcntID (f Rational) TagID)
resolveEntry f cur r s@Entry {eAcnt, eValue} = do
combineError acntRes valRes $ \a v ->
s {eAcnt = a, eValue = roundPrecisionCur cur <$> v}
-> InsertExcept (Entry AcntID v TagID)
resolveEntry f prec r s@Entry {eAcnt, eValue} =
combineError acntRes valRes $ \a v -> s {eAcnt = a, eValue = v}
acntRes = resolveAcnt r eAcnt
valRes = f r eValue
valRes = f prec r eValue
resolveFromValue :: TxRecord -> EntryNumGetter -> InsertExcept (EntryValue Double)
resolveFromValue :: Precision -> TxRecord -> EntryNumGetter -> InsertExcept EntryValue
resolveFromValue = resolveValue
resolveToValue :: TxRecord -> LinkedEntryNumGetter -> InsertExcept (LinkDeferred Double)
resolveToValue _ (Linked l) = return $ LinkIndex l
resolveToValue r (Getter g) = LinkDeferred <$> resolveValue r g
resolveToValue :: Precision -> TxRecord -> LinkedEntryNumGetter -> InsertExcept LinkDeferred
resolveToValue _ _ (Linked l) = return $ LinkIndex l
resolveToValue prec r (Getter g) = LinkDeferred <$> resolveValue prec r g
resolveValue :: TxRecord -> EntryNumGetter -> InsertExcept (EntryValue Double)
resolveValue TxRecord {trOther, trAmount} s = case s of
(LookupN t) -> EntryValue TFixed <$> (readDouble =<< lookupErr EntryValField t trOther)
(ConstN c) -> return $ EntryValue TFixed c
AmountN m -> return $ EntryValue TFixed $ m * fromRational trAmount
BalanceN x -> return $ EntryValue TBalance x
PercentN x -> return $ EntryValue TPercent x
resolveValue :: Precision -> TxRecord -> EntryNumGetter -> InsertExcept EntryValue
resolveValue prec TxRecord {trOther, trAmount} s = case s of
(LookupN t) -> EntryFixed . go <$> (readDouble =<< lookupErr EntryValField t trOther)
(ConstN c) -> return $ EntryFixed $ go c
AmountN m -> return $ EntryFixed $ trAmount *. m
BalanceN x -> return $ EntryBalance $ go x
PercentN x -> return $ EntryPercent x
go = realFracToDecimal prec
resolveAcnt :: TxRecord -> EntryAcnt -> InsertExcept T.Text
resolveAcnt = resolveEntryField AcntField
@ -479,14 +481,41 @@ matchGroupsMaybe q re = case regexec re q of
-- this should never fail as regexec always returns Right
Left _ -> []
parseRational :: MonadFail m => (T.Text, Regex) -> T.Text -> m Rational
parseRational (pat, re) s = case matchGroupsMaybe s re of
[sign, x, ""] -> uncurry (*) <$> readWhole sign x
-- parseRational :: MonadFail m => (T.Text, Regex) -> T.Text -> m Rational
-- parseRational (pat, re) s = case matchGroupsMaybe s re of
-- [sign, x, ""] -> uncurry (*) <$> readWhole sign x
-- [sign, x, y] -> do
-- d <- readT "decimal" y
-- let p = 10 ^ T.length y
-- (k, w) <- readWhole sign x
-- return $ k * (w + d % p)
-- _ -> msg "malformed decimal"
-- where
-- readT what t = case readMaybe $ T.unpack t of
-- Just d -> return $ fromInteger d
-- _ -> msg $ T.unwords ["could not parse", what, singleQuote t]
-- msg :: MonadFail m => T.Text -> m a
-- msg m =
-- fail $
-- T.unpack $
-- T.unwords [m, "-", keyVals [("pattern", pat), ("query", s)]]
-- readSign x
-- | x == "-" = return (-1)
-- | x == "+" || x == "" = return 1
-- | otherwise = msg $ T.append "invalid sign: " x
-- readWhole sign x = do
-- w <- readT "whole number" x
-- k <- readSign sign
-- return (k, w)
parseDecimal :: MonadFail m => (T.Text, Regex) -> T.Text -> m Decimal
parseDecimal (pat, re) s = case matchGroupsMaybe s re of
[sign, x, ""] -> Decimal 0 . uncurry (*) <$> readWhole sign x
[sign, x, y] -> do
d <- readT "decimal" y
let p = 10 ^ T.length y
let p = T.length y
(k, w) <- readWhole sign x
return $ k * (w + d % p)
return $ Decimal (fromIntegral p) (k * (w * (10 ^ p) + d))
_ -> msg "malformed decimal"
readT what t = case readMaybe $ T.unpack t of

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module Internal.Types.Main
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Decimal
import Database.Persist.Sql hiding (Desc, In, Statement)
import Dhall hiding (embed, maybe)
import Internal.Types.Database
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ data ConfigHashes = ConfigHashes
type AccountMap = M.Map AcntID (AccountRId, AcntSign, AcntType)
data CurrencyPrec = CurrencyPrec {cpID :: !CurrencyRId, cpPrec :: !Natural}
data CurrencyPrec = CurrencyPrec {cpID :: !CurrencyRId, cpPrec :: !Precision}
deriving (Show)
type CurrencyMap = M.Map CurID CurrencyPrec
@ -64,17 +65,15 @@ data DBUpdates = DBUpdates
type CurrencyM = Reader CurrencyMap
-- type DeferredKeyEntry = Entry AccountRId (Deferred Rational) CurrencyRId TagRId
data DBDeferred
= EntryLinked Natural Rational
| EntryBalance Rational
| EntryPercent Rational
= DBEntryLinked Natural Double
| DBEntryBalance Decimal
| DBEntryPercent Double
data ReadEntry = ReadEntry
{ reCurrency :: !CurrencyRId
, reAcnt :: !AccountRId
, reValue :: !Rational
, reValue :: !Decimal
, reDate :: !Day
, rePriority :: !Int
, reBudget :: !T.Text
@ -93,16 +92,15 @@ data CurrencyRound = CurrencyRound CurID Natural
deriving instance Functor (UpdateEntry i)
newtype LinkScale = LinkScale {unLinkScale :: Rational}
type Precision = Word8
newtype LinkScale = LinkScale {unLinkScale :: Decimal}
deriving newtype (Num, Show)
-- newtype BalanceTarget = BalanceTarget {unBalanceTarget :: Rational}
-- deriving newtype (Num)
newtype StaticValue = StaticValue {unStaticValue :: Rational}
newtype StaticValue = StaticValue {unStaticValue :: Decimal}
deriving newtype (Num, Show)
data EntryValueUnk = EVBalance Rational | EVPercent Rational deriving (Show)
data EntryValueUnk = EVBalance Decimal | EVPercent Double deriving (Show)
type UEUnk = UpdateEntry EntryRId EntryValueUnk
@ -121,7 +119,7 @@ data UpdateEntrySet f t = UpdateEntrySet
, utToUnk :: ![UEUnk]
, utFromRO :: ![UE_RO]
, utToRO :: ![UE_RO]
, utCurrency :: !(CurrencyRId, Natural)
, utCurrency :: !CurrencyRId
, utDate :: !Day
, utTotalValue :: !t
, utBudget :: !T.Text
@ -129,7 +127,7 @@ data UpdateEntrySet f t = UpdateEntrySet
deriving (Show)
type TotalUpdateEntrySet = UpdateEntrySet (UEBlank, [UELink]) Rational
type TotalUpdateEntrySet = UpdateEntrySet (UEBlank, [UELink]) Decimal
type FullUpdateEntrySet = UpdateEntrySet (Either UE_RO (UEUnk, [UELink])) ()
@ -171,7 +169,7 @@ data AcntPath = AcntPath
data TxRecord = TxRecord
{ trDate :: !Day
, trAmount :: !Rational
, trAmount :: !Decimal
, trDesc :: !T.Text
, trOther :: !(M.Map T.Text T.Text)
, trFile :: !FilePath
@ -211,7 +209,7 @@ data HalfEntrySet v0 vN = HalfEntrySet
data EntrySet v0 vp0 vpN vtN = EntrySet
{ esTotalValue :: !v0
, esCurrency :: !CurrencyPrec
, esCurrency :: !CurrencyRId
, esFrom :: !(HalfEntrySet vp0 vpN)
, esTo :: !(HalfEntrySet () vtN)
@ -221,25 +219,13 @@ type TotalEntrySet v0 vpN vtN = EntrySet v0 () vpN vtN
type FullEntrySet vp0 vpN vtN = EntrySet () vp0 vpN vtN
type PrimaryEntrySet =
(EntryValue Rational)
(LinkDeferred Rational)
type PrimaryEntrySet = TotalEntrySet Decimal EntryValue LinkDeferred
type SecondayEntrySet =
(EntryValue Rational)
(EntryValue Rational)
(LinkDeferred Rational)
type SecondayEntrySet = FullEntrySet EntryValue EntryValue LinkDeferred
type TransferEntrySet = SecondayEntrySet
type ShadowEntrySet =
(EntryValue Rational)
(LinkDeferred Rational)
type ShadowEntrySet = TotalEntrySet Double EntryValue LinkDeferred
data TxCommit = HistoryCommit CommitR | BudgetCommit CommitR T.Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
@ -257,7 +243,7 @@ data Tx k = Tx
data InsertEntry = InsertEntry
{ ieDeferred :: !(Maybe DBDeferred)
, ieEntry :: !(Entry AccountRId Rational TagRId)
, ieEntry :: !(Entry AccountRId Decimal TagRId)
data InsertEntrySet = InsertEntrySet
@ -279,17 +265,16 @@ data InsertTx = InsertTx
data Deferred a = Deferred Bool a
deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data EntryValue a = EntryValue TransferType a
data EntryValue_ a = EntryValue_ TransferType a
deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data LinkDeferred a
= LinkDeferred (EntryValue a)
data EntryValue = EntryFixed Decimal | EntryPercent Double | EntryBalance Decimal
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data LinkDeferred
= LinkDeferred EntryValue
| LinkIndex LinkedNumGetter
deriving (Show, Functor, Traversable, Foldable)
-- type RawEntry = Entry AcntID (Deferred Rational) CurID TagID
-- type RawFromEntry = Entry AcntID (Deferred Rational) CurID TagID
deriving (Show)
data MatchRes a = MatchPass !a | MatchFail | MatchSkip

View File

@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ module Internal.Utils
, xGregToDay
, dateMatches
, valMatches
, roundPrecision
, roundPrecisionCur
, lookupAccount
, lookupAccountKey
, lookupAccountSign
@ -63,6 +61,7 @@ where
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Decimal
import Data.Time.Format.ISO8601
import GHC.Real
import Internal.Types.Main
@ -415,13 +414,13 @@ fmtRational precision x = T.concat [s, txt n', ".", pad 2 "0" $ txt d']
txt = T.pack . show
pad i c z = T.append (T.replicate (i - T.length z) c) z
roundPrecision :: Natural -> Double -> Rational
roundPrecision n = (% p) . round . (* fromIntegral p) . toRational
p = 10 ^ n
-- roundPrecision :: Natural -> Double -> Rational
-- roundPrecision n = (% p) . round . (* fromIntegral p) . toRational
-- where
-- p = 10 ^ n
roundPrecisionCur :: CurrencyPrec -> Double -> Rational
roundPrecisionCur (CurrencyPrec _ n) = roundPrecision n
-- roundPrecisionCur :: CurrencyPrec -> Double -> Rational
-- roundPrecisionCur (CurrencyPrec _ n) = roundPrecision n
acntPath2Text :: AcntPath -> T.Text
acntPath2Text (AcntPath t cs) = T.intercalate "/" (atName t : cs)
@ -525,7 +524,7 @@ showTx TxRecord {trDate = d, trAmount = v, trDesc = e, trFile = f} =
[ ("path", T.pack f)
, ("date", T.pack $ iso8601Show d)
, ("value", showT (fromRational v :: Float))
, ("value", showT v)
, ("description", doubleQuote e)
@ -663,7 +662,7 @@ lookupCurrency = lookupFinance CurField kmCurrency
lookupCurrencyKey :: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m) => AcntID -> m CurrencyRId
lookupCurrencyKey = fmap cpID . lookupCurrency
lookupCurrencyPrec :: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m) => AcntID -> m Natural
lookupCurrencyPrec :: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m) => AcntID -> m Precision
lookupCurrencyPrec = fmap cpPrec . lookupCurrency
lookupTag :: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m) => TagID -> m TagRId
@ -695,7 +694,7 @@ balanceTxs ebs =
go (ToInsert Tx {txPrimary, txOther, txDescr, txCommit, txDate, txBudget, txPriority}) = do
e <- either (balancePrimaryEntrySet txBudget) (balanceSecondaryEntrySet txBudget) txPrimary
let tot = sum $ fmap (eValue . ieEntry) $ NE.toList $ iesFromEntries e
es <- mapErrors (either (balanceSecondaryEntrySet txBudget) (balancePrimaryEntrySet txBudget . fromShadow tot)) txOther
es <- mapErrors (goOther tot) txOther
let tx =
-- TODO this is lame
@ -707,7 +706,12 @@ balanceTxs ebs =
, itxPriority = txPriority
return $ Just $ Right tx
fromShadow tot e@EntrySet {esTotalValue} = e {esTotalValue = tot * toRational esTotalValue}
goOther tot =
(balanceSecondaryEntrySet txBudget)
(balancePrimaryEntrySet txBudget . fromShadow tot)
fromShadow tot e@EntrySet {esTotalValue} = e {esTotalValue = tot *. esTotalValue}
binDate :: EntryBin -> (Day, Int)
binDate (ToRead ReadEntry {reDate, rePriority}) = (reDate, rePriority)
@ -720,7 +724,7 @@ type BCKey = (CurrencyRId, Text)
type ABCKey = (AccountRId, BCKey)
type EntryBals = M.Map ABCKey Rational
type EntryBals = M.Map ABCKey Decimal
-- rebalancing
@ -735,19 +739,19 @@ rebalanceTotalEntrySet
, utToUnk
, utFromRO
, utToRO
, utCurrency = (curID, precision)
, utCurrency
, utTotalValue
, utBudget
} =
(fval, fs, tpairs) <- rebalanceDebit bc precision utFromRO utFromUnk
(fval, fs, tpairs) <- rebalanceDebit bc utFromRO utFromUnk
let f0val = utTotalValue - fval
modify $ mapAdd_ (f0Acnt, bc) f0val
let tsLinked = tpairs ++ (unlink f0val <$> f0links)
ts <- rebalanceCredit bc precision utTotalValue utTo0 utToUnk utToRO tsLinked
ts <- rebalanceCredit bc utTotalValue utTo0 utToUnk utToRO tsLinked
return (f0 {ueValue = StaticValue f0val} : fs ++ ts)
bc = (curID, utBudget)
bc = (utCurrency, utBudget)
rebalanceFullEntrySet :: FullUpdateEntrySet -> State EntryBals [UEBalanced]
@ -758,26 +762,25 @@ rebalanceFullEntrySet
, utToUnk
, utFromRO
, utToRO
, utCurrency = (curID, precision)
, utCurrency
, utBudget
} =
(ftot, fs, tpairs) <- rebalanceDebit bc precision rs ls
ts <- rebalanceCredit bc precision ftot utTo0 utToUnk utToRO tpairs
(ftot, fs, tpairs) <- rebalanceDebit bc rs ls
ts <- rebalanceCredit bc ftot utTo0 utToUnk utToRO tpairs
return (fs ++ ts)
(rs, ls) = case utFrom0 of
Left x -> (x : utFromRO, utFromUnk)
Right x -> (utFromRO, x : utFromUnk)
bc = (curID, utBudget)
bc = (utCurrency, utBudget)
:: BCKey
-> Natural
-> [UE_RO]
-> [(UEUnk, [UELink])]
-> State EntryBals (Rational, [UEBalanced], [UEBalanced])
rebalanceDebit k precision ro linked = do
-> State EntryBals (Decimal, [UEBalanced], [UEBalanced])
rebalanceDebit k ro linked = do
(tot, (tpairs, fs)) <-
fmap (second (partitionEithers . concat)) $
sumM goFrom $
@ -788,24 +791,23 @@ rebalanceDebit k precision ro linked = do
idx = either ueIndex (ueIndex . fst)
goFrom (Left e) = (,[]) <$> updateFixed k e
goFrom (Right (e0, es)) = do
v <- updateUnknown precision k e0
v <- updateUnknown k e0
let e0' = Right $ e0 {ueValue = StaticValue v}
let es' = Left . unlink v <$> es
return (v, e0' : es')
unlink :: Rational -> UELink -> UEBalanced
unlink :: Decimal -> UELink -> UEBalanced
unlink v e = e {ueValue = StaticValue $ (-v) * unLinkScale (ueValue e)}
:: BCKey
-> Natural
-> Rational
-> Decimal
-> UEBlank
-> [UEUnk]
-> [UE_RO]
-> [UEBalanced]
-> State EntryBals [UEBalanced]
rebalanceCredit k precision tot t0 us rs bs = do
rebalanceCredit k tot t0 us rs bs = do
(tval, ts) <-
fmap (second catMaybes) $
sumM goTo $
@ -819,7 +821,7 @@ rebalanceCredit k precision tot t0 us rs bs = do
goTo (UETReadOnly e) = (,Nothing) <$> updateFixed k e
goTo (UETLinked e) = (,Just e) <$> updateFixed k e
goTo (UETUnk e) = do
v <- updateUnknown precision k e
v <- updateUnknown k e
return (v, Just $ e {ueValue = StaticValue v})
data UpdateEntryType a b
@ -832,18 +834,18 @@ projectUET f _ _ (UETReadOnly e) = f e
projectUET _ f _ (UETUnk e) = f e
projectUET _ _ f (UETLinked p) = f p
updateFixed :: BCKey -> UpdateEntry i StaticValue -> State EntryBals Rational
updateFixed :: BCKey -> UpdateEntry i StaticValue -> State EntryBals Decimal
updateFixed k e = do
let v = unStaticValue $ ueValue e
modify $ mapAdd_ (ueAcnt e, k) v
return v
updateUnknown :: Natural -> BCKey -> UpdateEntry i EntryValueUnk -> State EntryBals Rational
updateUnknown precision k e = do
updateUnknown :: BCKey -> UpdateEntry i EntryValueUnk -> State EntryBals Decimal
updateUnknown k e = do
let key = (ueAcnt e, k)
curBal <- gets (M.findWithDefault 0 key)
let v = roundPrecision precision $ fromRational $ case ueValue e of
EVPercent p -> p * curBal
let v = case ueValue e of
EVPercent p -> curBal *. p
EVBalance p -> p - curBal
modify $ mapAdd_ key v
return v
@ -861,7 +863,7 @@ balancePrimaryEntrySet
{ esFrom = HalfEntrySet {hesPrimary = f0, hesOther = fs}
, esTo = HalfEntrySet {hesPrimary = t0, hesOther = ts}
, esCurrency = CurrencyPrec {cpID = curID, cpPrec = precision}
, esCurrency
, esTotalValue
} =
@ -869,12 +871,12 @@ balancePrimaryEntrySet
let t0res = resolveAcntAndTags t0
let fsres = mapErrors resolveAcntAndTags fs
let tsres = mapErrors resolveAcntAndTags ts
let bc = (curID, budgetName)
let bc = (esCurrency, budgetName)
combineErrorM (combineError f0res fsres (,)) (combineError t0res tsres (,)) $
\(f0', fs') (t0', ts') -> do
let balFrom = fmap liftInnerS . balanceDeferred precision
let balFrom = fmap liftInnerS . balanceDeferred
fs'' <- doEntries balFrom bc esTotalValue f0' fs'
balanceFinal bc (-esTotalValue) precision fs'' t0' ts'
balanceFinal bc (-esTotalValue) fs'' t0' ts'
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
@ -886,7 +888,7 @@ balanceSecondaryEntrySet
{ esFrom = HalfEntrySet {hesPrimary = f0, hesOther = fs}
, esTo = HalfEntrySet {hesPrimary = t0, hesOther = ts}
, esCurrency = CurrencyPrec {cpID = curID, cpPrec = precision}
, esCurrency
} =
let fsRes = mapErrors resolveAcntAndTags (f0 :| fs)
@ -895,24 +897,23 @@ balanceSecondaryEntrySet
combineErrorM fsRes (combineError t0Res tsRes (,)) $ \fs' (t0', ts') -> do
fs'' <- mapErrors balFrom fs'
let tot = entrySum (NE.toList fs'')
balanceFinal bc (-tot) precision fs'' t0' ts'
balanceFinal bc (-tot) fs'' t0' ts'
entrySum = sum . fmap (eValue . ieEntry)
balFrom = balanceEntry (fmap liftInnerS . balanceDeferred precision) bc
bc = (curID, budgetName)
balFrom = balanceEntry (fmap liftInnerS . balanceDeferred) bc
bc = (esCurrency, budgetName)
:: (MonadInsertError m)
=> BCKey
-> Rational
-> Natural
-> Decimal
-> NonEmpty InsertEntry
-> Entry (AccountRId, AcntSign) () TagRId
-> [Entry (AccountRId, AcntSign) (LinkDeferred Rational) TagRId]
-> [Entry (AccountRId, AcntSign) LinkDeferred TagRId]
-> StateT EntryBals m InsertEntrySet
balanceFinal k@(curID, _) tot precision fs t0 ts = do
balanceFinal k@(curID, _) tot fs t0 ts = do
let fv = V.fromList $ NE.toList $ fmap (eValue . ieEntry) fs
let balTo = balanceLinked fv precision
let balTo = balanceLinked fv
ts' <- doEntries balTo k tot t0 ts
return $
@ -923,9 +924,9 @@ balanceFinal k@(curID, _) tot precision fs t0 ts = do
:: (MonadInsertError m)
=> (ABCKey -> v -> StateT EntryBals m (Rational, Maybe DBDeferred))
=> (ABCKey -> v -> StateT EntryBals m (Decimal, Maybe DBDeferred))
-> BCKey
-> Rational
-> Decimal
-> Entry (AccountRId, AcntSign) () TagRId
-> [Entry (AccountRId, AcntSign) v TagRId]
-> StateT EntryBals m (NonEmpty InsertEntry)
@ -949,39 +950,34 @@ liftInnerS = mapStateT (return . runIdentity)
:: MonadInsertError m
=> Vector Rational
-> Natural
=> Vector Decimal
-> ABCKey
-> LinkDeferred Rational
-> StateT EntryBals m (Rational, Maybe DBDeferred)
balanceLinked from precision k lg = case lg of
-> LinkDeferred
-> StateT EntryBals m (Decimal, Maybe DBDeferred)
balanceLinked from k lg = case lg of
(LinkIndex LinkedNumGetter {lngIndex, lngScale}) -> do
let res = fmap (go lngScale) $ from V.!? fromIntegral lngIndex
case res of
Just v -> return (v, Just $ EntryLinked lngIndex $ toRational lngScale)
Just v -> return (v, Just $ DBEntryLinked lngIndex lngScale)
-- TODO this error would be much more informative if I had access to the
-- file from which it came
Nothing -> throwError undefined
(LinkDeferred d) -> liftInnerS $ balanceDeferred precision k d
(LinkDeferred d) -> liftInnerS $ balanceDeferred k d
go s = negate . roundPrecision precision . (* s) . fromRational
go s = negate . (*. s)
:: Natural
-> ABCKey
-> EntryValue Rational
-> State EntryBals (Rational, Maybe DBDeferred)
balanceDeferred prec k (EntryValue t v) = do
newval <- findBalance prec k t v
let d = case t of
TFixed -> Nothing
TBalance -> Just $ EntryBalance v
TPercent -> Just $ EntryPercent v
balanceDeferred :: ABCKey -> EntryValue -> State EntryBals (Decimal, Maybe DBDeferred)
balanceDeferred k e = do
newval <- findBalance k e
let d = case e of
EntryFixed _ -> Nothing
EntryBalance v -> Just $ DBEntryBalance v
EntryPercent v -> Just $ DBEntryPercent v
return (newval, d)
:: (MonadInsertError m)
=> (ABCKey -> v -> StateT EntryBals m (Rational, Maybe DBDeferred))
=> (ABCKey -> v -> StateT EntryBals m (Decimal, Maybe DBDeferred))
-> BCKey
-> Entry (AccountRId, AcntSign) v TagRId
-> StateT EntryBals m InsertEntry
@ -1005,18 +1001,13 @@ resolveAcntAndTags e@Entry {eAcnt, eTags} = do
combineError acntRes tagRes $
\(acntID, sign, _) tags -> e {eAcnt = (acntID, sign), eTags = tags}
:: Natural
-> ABCKey
-> TransferType
-> Rational
-> State EntryBals Rational
findBalance prec k t v = do
findBalance :: ABCKey -> EntryValue -> State EntryBals Decimal
findBalance k e = do
curBal <- gets (M.findWithDefault 0 k)
return $ roundPrecision prec $ fromRational $ case t of
TBalance -> v - curBal
TPercent -> v * curBal
TFixed -> v
return $ case e of
EntryBalance b -> b - curBal
EntryPercent p -> curBal *. p
EntryFixed v -> v
-- transfers
@ -1047,14 +1038,20 @@ expandTransfer tc name bounds Transfer {transAmounts, transTo, transCurrency, tr
, amtValue = TransferValue {tvVal = v, tvType = t}
, amtDesc = desc
, amtPriority = pri
} =
withDates bounds pat $ \day -> do
p <- entryPair transFrom transTo transCurrency desc () (EntryValue t (toRational (-v)))
} = do
cp <- lookupCurrency transCurrency
let v' = (-v)
let dec = realFracToDecimal (cpPrec cp) v'
let v'' = case t of
TFixed -> EntryFixed dec
TPercent -> EntryPercent v'
TBalance -> EntryBalance dec
withDates bounds pat $ \day ->
{ txCommit = tc
, txDate = day
, txPrimary = Right p
, txPrimary = Right $ entryPair transFrom transTo (cpID cp) desc () v''
, txOther = []
, txDescr = desc
, txBudget = name
@ -1062,19 +1059,16 @@ expandTransfer tc name bounds Transfer {transAmounts, transTo, transCurrency, tr
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> TaggedAcnt
:: TaggedAcnt
-> TaggedAcnt
-> CurID
-> CurrencyRId
-> T.Text
-> v0
-> v1
-> m (EntrySet v0 v1 v2 v3)
entryPair (TaggedAcnt fa fts) (TaggedAcnt ta tts) curid com totval val1 = do
cp <- lookupCurrency curid
return $
-> EntrySet v0 v1 v2 v3
entryPair (TaggedAcnt fa fts) (TaggedAcnt ta tts) curid com totval val1 =
{ esCurrency = cp
{ esCurrency = curid
, esTotalValue = totval
, esFrom = halfEntry fa fts val1
, esTo = halfEntry ta tts ()

View File

@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ dependencies:
- filepath
- mtl
- persistent-mtl >=
- Decimal >= 0.5.2
source-dirs: lib/