REF rearrange stuff

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2023-07-04 00:11:25 -04:00
parent bae847d9f3
commit 8c9dc1e970
5 changed files with 251 additions and 361 deletions

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@ -180,7 +180,6 @@ runSync c = do
hSs' <- mapErrorsIO (readHistStmt root) hSs hSs' <- mapErrorsIO (readHistStmt root) hSs
hTs' <- liftIOExceptT $ mapErrors readHistTransfer hTs hTs' <- liftIOExceptT $ mapErrors readHistTransfer hTs
bTs <- liftIOExceptT $ mapErrors readBudget $ budget config bTs <- liftIOExceptT $ mapErrors readBudget $ budget config
-- lift $ print hTs'
return $ second concat $ partitionEithers $ hSs' ++ hTs' ++ bTs return $ second concat $ partitionEithers $ hSs' ++ hTs' ++ bTs
-- Update the DB. -- Update the DB.

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ where
import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Csv import Data.Csv
import Data.Foldable import Data.Foldable
import GHC.Real
import Internal.Database import Internal.Database
import Internal.Types.Main import Internal.Types.Main
import Internal.Utils import Internal.Utils
@ -19,6 +20,8 @@ import qualified RIO.Map as M
import qualified RIO.Text as T import qualified RIO.Text as T
import RIO.Time import RIO.Time
import qualified RIO.Vector as V import qualified RIO.Vector as V
import Text.Regex.TDFA hiding (matchAll)
import Text.Regex.TDFA.Text
-- NOTE keep statement and transfer readers separate because the former needs -- NOTE keep statement and transfer readers separate because the former needs
-- the IO monad, and thus will throw IO errors rather than using the ExceptT -- the IO monad, and thus will throw IO errors rather than using the ExceptT
@ -261,3 +264,241 @@ matchNonDates ms = go ([], [], initZipper ms)
MatchSkip -> (Nothing : matched, unmatched) MatchSkip -> (Nothing : matched, unmatched)
MatchFail -> (matched, r : unmatched) MatchFail -> (matched, r : unmatched)
in go (m, u, resetZipper z') rs in go (m, u, resetZipper z') rs
matches :: MonadFinance m => MatchRe -> TxRecord -> InsertExceptT m (MatchRes (Tx ()))
StatementParser {spTx, spOther, spVal, spDate, spDesc}
r@TxRecord {trDate, trAmount, trDesc, trOther} = do
res <- liftInner $
combineError3 val other desc $
\x y z -> x && y && z && date
if res
then maybe (return MatchSkip) convert spTx
else return MatchFail
val = valMatches spVal trAmount
date = maybe True (`dateMatches` trDate) spDate
other = foldM (\a o -> (a &&) <$> otherMatches trOther o) True spOther
desc = maybe (return True) (matchMaybe trDesc . snd) spDesc
convert tg = MatchPass <$> toTx tg r
toTx :: MonadFinance m => TxGetter -> TxRecord -> InsertExceptT m (Tx ())
{ tgFrom
, tgTo
, tgCurrency
, tgOtherEntries
, tgScale
r@TxRecord {trAmount, trDate, trDesc} = do
combineError curRes subRes $ \(cur, f, t) ss ->
{ txDate = trDate
, txDescr = trDesc
, txCommit = ()
, txPrimary =
Left $
{ esTotalValue = roundPrecisionCur cur $ tgScale * fromRational trAmount
, esCurrency = cur
, esFrom = f
, esTo = t
, txOther = fmap Left ss
curRes = do
m <- askDBState kmCurrency
cur <- liftInner $ resolveCurrency m r tgCurrency
let fromRes = liftInner $ resolveHalfEntry resolveFromValue cur r () tgFrom
let toRes = liftInner $ resolveHalfEntry resolveToValue cur r () tgTo
combineError fromRes toRes (cur,,)
subRes = mapErrors (resolveSubGetter r) tgOtherEntries
:: MonadFinance m
=> TxRecord
-> TxSubGetter
-> InsertExceptT m SecondayEntrySet
resolveSubGetter r TxSubGetter {tsgFrom, tsgTo, tsgValue, tsgCurrency} = do
m <- askDBState kmCurrency
cur <- liftInner $ resolveCurrency m r tsgCurrency
let toRes = resolveHalfEntry resolveToValue cur r () tsgTo
let valRes = liftInner $ fmap (roundPrecisionCur cur) <$> resolveValue r tsgValue
liftInner $ combineErrorM toRes valRes $ \t v -> do
f <- resolveHalfEntry resolveFromValue cur r v tsgFrom
return $
{ esTotalValue = ()
, esCurrency = cur
, esFrom = f
, esTo = t
:: Traversable f
=> (TxRecord -> n -> InsertExcept (f Double))
-> CurrencyPrec
-> TxRecord
-> v
-> TxHalfGetter (EntryGetter n)
-> InsertExcept (HalfEntrySet v (f Rational))
resolveHalfEntry f cur r v TxHalfGetter {thgAcnt, thgComment, thgTags, thgEntries} =
combineError acntRes esRes $ \a es ->
{ hesPrimary =
{ eAcnt = a
, eValue = v
, eComment = thgComment
, eTags = thgTags
, hesOther = es
acntRes = resolveAcnt r thgAcnt
esRes = mapErrors (resolveEntry f cur r) thgEntries
otherMatches :: M.Map T.Text T.Text -> FieldMatcherRe -> InsertExcept Bool
otherMatches dict m = case m of
Val (Field n mv) -> valMatches mv =<< (readRational =<< lookup_ MatchNumeric n)
Desc (Field n (_, md)) -> (`matchMaybe` md) =<< lookup_ MatchText n
lookup_ t n = lookupErr (MatchField t) n dict
:: Traversable f
=> (TxRecord -> n -> InsertExcept (f Double))
-> CurrencyPrec
-> TxRecord
-> EntryGetter n
-> InsertExcept (Entry AcntID (f Rational) TagID)
resolveEntry f cur r s@Entry {eAcnt, eValue} = do
combineError acntRes valRes $ \a v ->
s {eAcnt = a, eValue = roundPrecisionCur cur <$> v}
acntRes = resolveAcnt r eAcnt
valRes = f r eValue
resolveFromValue :: TxRecord -> EntryNumGetter -> InsertExcept (EntryValue Double)
resolveFromValue = resolveValue
resolveToValue :: TxRecord -> LinkedEntryNumGetter -> InsertExcept (LinkDeferred Double)
resolveToValue _ (Linked l) = return $ LinkIndex l
resolveToValue r (Getter g) = LinkDeferred <$> resolveValue r g
resolveValue :: TxRecord -> EntryNumGetter -> InsertExcept (EntryValue Double)
resolveValue TxRecord {trOther, trAmount} s = case s of
(LookupN t) -> EntryValue TFixed <$> (readDouble =<< lookupErr EntryValField t trOther)
(ConstN c) -> return $ EntryValue TFixed c
AmountN m -> return $ EntryValue TFixed $ m * fromRational trAmount
BalanceN x -> return $ EntryValue TBalance x
PercentN x -> return $ EntryValue TPercent x
resolveAcnt :: TxRecord -> EntryAcnt -> InsertExcept T.Text
resolveAcnt = resolveEntryField AcntField
resolveCurrency :: CurrencyMap -> TxRecord -> EntryCur -> InsertExcept CurrencyPrec
resolveCurrency m r c = do
i <- resolveEntryField CurField r c
case M.lookup i m of
Just k -> return k
-- TODO this should be its own error (I think)
Nothing -> throwError $ InsertException [LookupError (EntryIDField CurField) undefined]
resolveEntryField :: EntryIDType -> TxRecord -> EntryAcnt -> InsertExcept T.Text
resolveEntryField t TxRecord {trOther = o} s = case s of
ConstT p -> return p
LookupT f -> lookup_ f o
MapT (Field f m) -> do
k <- lookup_ f o
lookup_ k m
Map2T (Field (f1, f2) m) -> do
(k1, k2) <- combineError (lookup_ f1 o) (lookup_ f2 o) (,)
lookup_ (k1, k2) m
lookup_ :: (Ord k, Show k) => k -> M.Map k v -> InsertExcept v
lookup_ = lookupErr (EntryIDField t)
readDouble :: T.Text -> InsertExcept Double
readDouble s = case readMaybe $ T.unpack s of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> throwError $ InsertException [ConversionError s]
readRational :: T.Text -> InsertExcept Rational
readRational s = case T.split (== '.') s of
[x] -> maybe err (return . fromInteger) $ readT x
[x, y] -> case (readT x, readT y) of
(Just x', Just y') ->
let p = 10 ^ T.length y
k = if x' >= 0 then 1 else -1
in return $ fromInteger x' + k * y' % p
_ -> err
_ -> err
readT = readMaybe . T.unpack
err = throwError $ InsertException [ConversionError s]
compileOptions :: TxOpts T.Text -> InsertExcept TxOptsRe
compileOptions o@TxOpts {toAmountFmt = pat} = do
re <- compileRegex True pat
return $ o {toAmountFmt = re}
compileMatch :: StatementParser T.Text -> InsertExcept MatchRe
compileMatch m@StatementParser {spDesc, spOther} = do
combineError dres ores $ \d os -> m {spDesc = d, spOther = os}
go = compileRegex False
dres = mapM go spDesc
ores = combineErrors $ fmap (mapM go) spOther
compileRegex :: Bool -> T.Text -> InsertExcept (Text, Regex)
compileRegex groups pat = case res of
Right re -> return (pat, re)
Left _ -> throwError $ InsertException [RegexError pat]
res =
(blankCompOpt {newSyntax = True})
(blankExecOpt {captureGroups = groups})
matchMaybe :: T.Text -> Regex -> InsertExcept Bool
matchMaybe q re = case execute re q of
Right res -> return $ isJust res
Left _ -> throwError $ InsertException [RegexError "this should not happen"]
matchGroupsMaybe :: T.Text -> Regex -> [T.Text]
matchGroupsMaybe q re = case regexec re q of
Right Nothing -> []
Right (Just (_, _, _, xs)) -> xs
-- this should never fail as regexec always returns Right
Left _ -> []
parseRational :: MonadFail m => (T.Text, Regex) -> T.Text -> m Rational
parseRational (pat, re) s = case matchGroupsMaybe s re of
[sign, x, ""] -> uncurry (*) <$> readWhole sign x
[sign, x, y] -> do
d <- readT "decimal" y
let p = 10 ^ T.length y
(k, w) <- readWhole sign x
return $ k * (w + d % p)
_ -> msg "malformed decimal"
readT what t = case readMaybe $ T.unpack t of
Just d -> return $ fromInteger d
_ -> msg $ T.unwords ["could not parse", what, singleQuote t]
msg :: MonadFail m => T.Text -> m a
msg m =
fail $
T.unpack $
T.unwords [m, "-", keyVals [("pattern", pat), ("query", s)]]
readSign x
| x == "-" = return (-1)
| x == "+" || x == "" = return 1
| otherwise = msg $ T.append "invalid sign: " x
readWhole sign x = do
w <- readT "whole number" x
k <- readSign sign
return (k, w)

View File

@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ EntryR sql=entries
TagRelationR sql=tag_relations TagRelationR sql=tag_relations
entry EntryRId OnDeleteCascade entry EntryRId OnDeleteCascade
tag TagRId OnDeleteCascade tag TagRId OnDeleteCascade
deriving Show Eq
BudgetLabelR sql=budget_labels BudgetLabelR sql=budget_labels
entry EntryRId OnDeleteCascade entry EntryRId OnDeleteCascade
budgetName T.Text budgetName T.Text

View File

@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ data ReadEntry = ReadEntry
, reValue :: !Rational , reValue :: !Rational
, reDate :: !Day , reDate :: !Day
} }
deriving (Show)
data UpdateEntry i v = UpdateEntry data UpdateEntry i v = UpdateEntry
{ ueID :: !i { ueID :: !i
@ -83,21 +84,22 @@ data UpdateEntry i v = UpdateEntry
, ueValue :: !v , ueValue :: !v
, ueIndex :: !Int , ueIndex :: !Int
} }
deriving (Show)
data CurrencyRound = CurrencyRound CurID Natural data CurrencyRound = CurrencyRound CurID Natural
deriving instance Functor (UpdateEntry i) deriving instance Functor (UpdateEntry i)
newtype LinkScale = LinkScale {unLinkScale :: Rational} newtype LinkScale = LinkScale {unLinkScale :: Rational}
deriving newtype (Num) deriving newtype (Num, Show)
-- newtype BalanceTarget = BalanceTarget {unBalanceTarget :: Rational} -- newtype BalanceTarget = BalanceTarget {unBalanceTarget :: Rational}
-- deriving newtype (Num) -- deriving newtype (Num)
newtype StaticValue = StaticValue {unStaticValue :: Rational} newtype StaticValue = StaticValue {unStaticValue :: Rational}
deriving newtype (Num) deriving newtype (Num, Show)
data EntryValueUnk = EVBalance Rational | EVPercent Rational data EntryValueUnk = EVBalance Rational | EVPercent Rational deriving (Show)
type UEUnk = UpdateEntry EntryRId EntryValueUnk type UEUnk = UpdateEntry EntryRId EntryValueUnk
@ -120,6 +122,7 @@ data UpdateEntrySet f t = UpdateEntrySet
, utDate :: !Day , utDate :: !Day
, utTotalValue :: !t , utTotalValue :: !t
} }
deriving (Show)
type TotalUpdateEntrySet = UpdateEntrySet (UEBlank, [UELink]) Rational type TotalUpdateEntrySet = UpdateEntrySet (UEBlank, [UELink]) Rational

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ module Internal.Utils
, fromWeekday , fromWeekday
, inDaySpan , inDaySpan
, fmtRational , fmtRational
, matches
, fromGregorian' , fromGregorian'
, resolveDaySpan , resolveDaySpan
, resolveDaySpan_ , resolveDaySpan_
@ -28,12 +27,7 @@ module Internal.Utils
, combineErrorIOM3 , combineErrorIOM3
, collectErrorsIO , collectErrorsIO
, mapErrorsIO , mapErrorsIO
, parseRational
, showError , showError
, unlessLeft_
, unlessLefts_
, unlessLeft
, unlessLefts
, acntPath2Text , acntPath2Text
, showT , showT
, lookupErr , lookupErr
@ -43,8 +37,6 @@ module Internal.Utils
, sndOf3 , sndOf3
, thdOf3 , thdOf3
, xGregToDay , xGregToDay
, compileMatch
, compileOptions
, dateMatches , dateMatches
, valMatches , valMatches
, roundPrecision , roundPrecision
@ -64,6 +56,8 @@ module Internal.Utils
, expandTransfers , expandTransfers
, expandTransfer , expandTransfer
, entryPair , entryPair
, singleQuote
, keyVals
) )
where where
@ -80,8 +74,6 @@ import RIO.State
import qualified RIO.Text as T import qualified RIO.Text as T
import RIO.Time import RIO.Time
import qualified RIO.Vector as V import qualified RIO.Vector as V
import Text.Regex.TDFA
import Text.Regex.TDFA.Text
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- intervals -- intervals
@ -300,101 +292,6 @@ toDaySpan (a, b) = (a, fromIntegral $ diffDays b a - 1)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- matching -- matching
matches :: MonadFinance m => MatchRe -> TxRecord -> InsertExceptT m (MatchRes (Tx ()))
StatementParser {spTx, spOther, spVal, spDate, spDesc}
r@TxRecord {trDate, trAmount, trDesc, trOther} = do
res <- liftInner $
combineError3 val other desc $
\x y z -> x && y && z && date
if res
then maybe (return MatchSkip) convert spTx
else return MatchFail
val = valMatches spVal trAmount
date = maybe True (`dateMatches` trDate) spDate
other = foldM (\a o -> (a &&) <$> otherMatches trOther o) True spOther
desc = maybe (return True) (matchMaybe trDesc . snd) spDesc
convert tg = MatchPass <$> toTx tg r
toTx :: MonadFinance m => TxGetter -> TxRecord -> InsertExceptT m (Tx ())
{ tgFrom
, tgTo
, tgCurrency
, tgOtherEntries
, tgScale
r@TxRecord {trAmount, trDate, trDesc} = do
combineError curRes subRes $ \(cur, f, t) ss ->
{ txDate = trDate
, txDescr = trDesc
, txCommit = ()
, txPrimary =
Left $
{ esTotalValue = roundPrecisionCur cur $ tgScale * fromRational trAmount
, esCurrency = cur
, esFrom = f
, esTo = t
, txOther = fmap Left ss
curRes = do
m <- askDBState kmCurrency
cur <- liftInner $ resolveCurrency m r tgCurrency
let fromRes = liftInner $ resolveHalfEntry resolveFromValue cur r () tgFrom
let toRes = liftInner $ resolveHalfEntry resolveToValue cur r () tgTo
combineError fromRes toRes (cur,,)
subRes = mapErrors (resolveSubGetter r) tgOtherEntries
:: MonadFinance m
=> TxRecord
-> TxSubGetter
-> InsertExceptT m SecondayEntrySet
resolveSubGetter r TxSubGetter {tsgFrom, tsgTo, tsgValue, tsgCurrency} = do
m <- askDBState kmCurrency
cur <- liftInner $ resolveCurrency m r tsgCurrency
let toRes = resolveHalfEntry resolveToValue cur r () tsgTo
let valRes = liftInner $ fmap (roundPrecisionCur cur) <$> resolveValue r tsgValue
liftInner $ combineErrorM toRes valRes $ \t v -> do
f <- resolveHalfEntry resolveFromValue cur r v tsgFrom
return $
{ esTotalValue = ()
, esCurrency = cur
, esFrom = f
, esTo = t
:: Traversable f
=> (TxRecord -> n -> InsertExcept (f Double))
-> CurrencyPrec
-> TxRecord
-> v
-> TxHalfGetter (EntryGetter n)
-> InsertExcept (HalfEntrySet v (f Rational))
resolveHalfEntry f cur r v TxHalfGetter {thgAcnt, thgComment, thgTags, thgEntries} =
combineError acntRes esRes $ \a es ->
{ hesPrimary =
{ eAcnt = a
, eValue = v
, eComment = thgComment
, eTags = thgTags
, hesOther = es
acntRes = resolveAcnt r thgAcnt
esRes = mapErrors (resolveEntry f cur r) thgEntries
valMatches :: ValMatcher -> Rational -> InsertExcept Bool valMatches :: ValMatcher -> Rational -> InsertExcept Bool
valMatches ValMatcher {vmDen, vmSign, vmNum, vmPrec} x valMatches ValMatcher {vmDen, vmSign, vmNum, vmPrec} x
| Just d_ <- vmDen, d_ >= p = throwError $ InsertException [MatchValPrecisionError d_ p] | Just d_ <- vmDen, d_ >= p = throwError $ InsertException [MatchValPrecisionError d_ p]
@ -412,27 +309,6 @@ valMatches ValMatcher {vmDen, vmSign, vmNum, vmPrec} x
dateMatches :: DateMatcher -> Day -> Bool dateMatches :: DateMatcher -> Day -> Bool
dateMatches md = (EQ ==) . compareDate md dateMatches md = (EQ ==) . compareDate md
otherMatches :: M.Map T.Text T.Text -> FieldMatcherRe -> InsertExcept Bool
otherMatches dict m = case m of
Val (Field n mv) -> valMatches mv =<< (readRational =<< lookup_ MatchNumeric n)
Desc (Field n (_, md)) -> (`matchMaybe` md) =<< lookup_ MatchText n
lookup_ t n = lookupErr (MatchField t) n dict
:: Traversable f
=> (TxRecord -> n -> InsertExcept (f Double))
-> CurrencyPrec
-> TxRecord
-> EntryGetter n
-> InsertExcept (Entry AcntID (f Rational) TagID)
resolveEntry f cur r s@Entry {eAcnt, eValue} = do
combineError acntRes valRes $ \a v ->
s {eAcnt = a, eValue = roundPrecisionCur cur <$> v}
acntRes = resolveAcnt r eAcnt
valRes = f r eValue
liftInner :: Monad m => ExceptT e Identity a -> ExceptT e m a liftInner :: Monad m => ExceptT e Identity a -> ExceptT e m a
liftInner = mapExceptT (return . runIdentity) liftInner = mapExceptT (return . runIdentity)
@ -442,9 +318,6 @@ liftExceptT x = runExceptT x >>= either throwError return
liftExcept :: MonadError e m => Except e a -> m a liftExcept :: MonadError e m => Except e a -> m a
liftExcept = either throwError return . runExcept liftExcept = either throwError return . runExcept
-- tryError :: MonadError e m => m a -> m (Either e a)
-- tryError action = (Right <$> action) `catchError` (pure . Left)
liftIOExceptT :: MonadIO m => InsertExceptT m a -> m a liftIOExceptT :: MonadIO m => InsertExceptT m a -> m a
liftIOExceptT = fromEither <=< runExceptT liftIOExceptT = fromEither <=< runExceptT
@ -526,101 +399,11 @@ mapErrorsIO f xs = mapM go $ enumTraversable xs
collectErrorsIO :: (Traversable t, MonadUnliftIO m) => t (m a) -> m (t a) collectErrorsIO :: (Traversable t, MonadUnliftIO m) => t (m a) -> m (t a)
collectErrorsIO = mapErrorsIO id collectErrorsIO = mapErrorsIO id
resolveFromValue :: TxRecord -> EntryNumGetter -> InsertExcept (EntryValue Double)
resolveFromValue = resolveValue
resolveToValue :: TxRecord -> LinkedEntryNumGetter -> InsertExcept (LinkDeferred Double)
resolveToValue _ (Linked l) = return $ LinkIndex l
resolveToValue r (Getter g) = LinkDeferred <$> resolveValue r g
resolveValue :: TxRecord -> EntryNumGetter -> InsertExcept (EntryValue Double)
resolveValue TxRecord {trOther, trAmount} s = case s of
(LookupN t) -> EntryValue TFixed <$> (readDouble =<< lookupErr EntryValField t trOther)
(ConstN c) -> return $ EntryValue TFixed c
AmountN m -> return $ EntryValue TFixed $ m * fromRational trAmount
BalanceN x -> return $ EntryValue TBalance x
PercentN x -> return $ EntryValue TPercent x
resolveAcnt :: TxRecord -> EntryAcnt -> InsertExcept T.Text
resolveAcnt = resolveEntryField AcntField
resolveCurrency :: CurrencyMap -> TxRecord -> EntryCur -> InsertExcept CurrencyPrec
resolveCurrency m r c = do
i <- resolveEntryField CurField r c
case M.lookup i m of
Just k -> return k
-- TODO this should be its own error (I think)
Nothing -> throwError $ InsertException [LookupError (EntryIDField CurField) undefined]
resolveEntryField :: EntryIDType -> TxRecord -> EntryAcnt -> InsertExcept T.Text
resolveEntryField t TxRecord {trOther = o} s = case s of
ConstT p -> return p
LookupT f -> lookup_ f o
MapT (Field f m) -> do
k <- lookup_ f o
lookup_ k m
Map2T (Field (f1, f2) m) -> do
(k1, k2) <- combineError (lookup_ f1 o) (lookup_ f2 o) (,)
lookup_ (k1, k2) m
lookup_ :: (Ord k, Show k) => k -> M.Map k v -> InsertExcept v
lookup_ = lookupErr (EntryIDField t)
lookupErr :: (Ord k, Show k) => LookupSuberr -> k -> M.Map k v -> InsertExcept v lookupErr :: (Ord k, Show k) => LookupSuberr -> k -> M.Map k v -> InsertExcept v
lookupErr what k m = case M.lookup k m of lookupErr what k m = case M.lookup k m of
Just x -> return x Just x -> return x
_ -> throwError $ InsertException [LookupError what $ showT k] _ -> throwError $ InsertException [LookupError what $ showT k]
parseRational :: MonadFail m => (T.Text, Regex) -> T.Text -> m Rational
parseRational (pat, re) s = case matchGroupsMaybe s re of
[sign, x, ""] -> uncurry (*) <$> readWhole sign x
[sign, x, y] -> do
d <- readT "decimal" y
let p = 10 ^ T.length y
(k, w) <- readWhole sign x
return $ k * (w + d % p)
_ -> msg "malformed decimal"
readT what t = case readMaybe $ T.unpack t of
Just d -> return $ fromInteger d
_ -> msg $ T.unwords ["could not parse", what, singleQuote t]
msg :: MonadFail m => T.Text -> m a
msg m =
fail $
T.unpack $
T.unwords [m, "-", keyVals [("pattern", pat), ("query", s)]]
readSign x
| x == "-" = return (-1)
| x == "+" || x == "" = return 1
| otherwise = msg $ T.append "invalid sign: " x
readWhole sign x = do
w <- readT "whole number" x
k <- readSign sign
return (k, w)
readDouble :: T.Text -> InsertExcept Double
readDouble s = case readMaybe $ T.unpack s of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> throwError $ InsertException [ConversionError s]
readRational :: T.Text -> InsertExcept Rational
readRational s = case T.split (== '.') s of
[x] -> maybe err (return . fromInteger) $ readT x
[x, y] -> case (readT x, readT y) of
(Just x', Just y') ->
let p = 10 ^ T.length y
k = if x' >= 0 then 1 else -1
in return $ fromInteger x' + k * y' % p
_ -> err
_ -> err
readT = readMaybe . T.unpack
err = throwError $ InsertException [ConversionError s]
-- TODO smells like a lens
-- mapTxSplits :: (a -> b) -> Tx a -> Tx b
-- mapTxSplits f t@Tx {txSplits = ss} = t {txSplits = fmap f ss}
fmtRational :: Natural -> Rational -> T.Text fmtRational :: Natural -> Rational -> T.Text
fmtRational precision x = T.concat [s, txt n', ".", pad 2 "0" $ txt d'] fmtRational precision x = T.concat [s, txt n', ".", pad 2 "0" $ txt d']
where where
@ -834,87 +617,9 @@ keyVals = T.intercalate "; " . fmap (uncurry keyVal)
showT :: Show a => a -> T.Text showT :: Show a => a -> T.Text
showT = T.pack . show showT = T.pack . show
-- pure error processing
-- concatEither2 :: Either x a -> Either x b -> (a -> b -> c) -> Either [x] c
-- concatEither2 a b fun = case (a, b) of
-- (Right a_, Right b_) -> Right $ fun a_ b_
-- _ -> Left $ catMaybes [leftToMaybe a, leftToMaybe b]
-- concatEither2M :: Monad m => Either x a -> Either x b -> (a -> b -> m c) -> m (Either [x] c)
-- concatEither2M a b fun = case (a, b) of
-- (Right a_, Right b_) -> Right <$> fun a_ b_
-- _ -> return $ Left $ catMaybes [leftToMaybe a, leftToMaybe b]
-- concatEither3 :: Either x a -> Either x b -> Either x c -> (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Either [x] d
-- concatEither3 a b c fun = case (a, b, c) of
-- (Right a_, Right b_, Right c_) -> Right $ fun a_ b_ c_
-- _ -> Left $ catMaybes [leftToMaybe a, leftToMaybe b, leftToMaybe c]
-- concatEithers2 :: Either [x] a -> Either [x] b -> (a -> b -> c) -> Either [x] c
-- concatEithers2 a b = merge . concatEither2 a b
-- concatEithers2M
-- :: Monad m
-- => Either [x] a
-- -> Either [x] b
-- -> (a -> b -> m c)
-- -> m (Either [x] c)
-- concatEithers2M a b = fmap merge . concatEither2M a b
-- concatEithers3
-- :: Either [x] a
-- -> Either [x] b
-- -> Either [x] c
-- -> (a -> b -> c -> d)
-- -> Either [x] d
-- concatEithers3 a b c = merge . concatEither3 a b c
-- concatEitherL :: [Either x a] -> Either [x] [a]
-- concatEitherL as = case partitionEithers as of
-- ([], bs) -> Right bs
-- (es, _) -> Left es
-- concatEithersL :: [Either [x] a] -> Either [x] [a]
-- concatEithersL = merge . concatEitherL
-- leftToMaybe :: Either a b -> Maybe a
-- leftToMaybe (Left a) = Just a
-- leftToMaybe _ = Nothing
unlessLeft :: (Monad m, MonadPlus n) => Either a b -> (b -> m (n a)) -> m (n a)
unlessLeft (Left es) _ = return (return es)
unlessLeft (Right rs) f = f rs
unlessLefts :: (Monad m) => Either (n a) b -> (b -> m (n a)) -> m (n a)
unlessLefts (Left es) _ = return es
unlessLefts (Right rs) f = f rs
unlessLeft_ :: (Monad m, MonadPlus n) => Either a b -> (b -> m ()) -> m (n a)
unlessLeft_ e f = unlessLeft e (\x -> void (f x) >> return mzero)
unlessLefts_ :: (Monad m, MonadPlus n) => Either (n a) b -> (b -> m ()) -> m (n a)
unlessLefts_ e f = unlessLefts e (\x -> void (f x) >> return mzero)
-- plural :: Either a b -> Either [a] b
-- plural = first (: [])
-- merge :: Either [[a]] b -> Either [a] b
-- merge = first concat
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- random functions -- random functions
-- when bifunctor fails...
-- thrice :: (a -> d) -> (b -> e) -> (c -> f) -> (a, b, c) -> (d, e, f)
-- thrice f1 f2 f3 (x, y, z) = (f1 x, f2 y, f3 z)
-- groupKey :: Ord c => (a -> c) -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, [b])]
-- groupKey f = fmap go . NE.groupAllWith (f . fst)
-- where
-- go xs@((c, _) :| _) = (c, NE.toList $ fmap snd xs)
groupKey :: Ord c => (a -> c) -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, NonEmpty b)] groupKey :: Ord c => (a -> c) -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, NonEmpty b)]
groupKey f = fmap go . NE.groupAllWith (f . fst) groupKey f = fmap go . NE.groupAllWith (f . fst)
where where
@ -940,65 +645,6 @@ sndOf3 (_, b, _) = b
thdOf3 :: (a, b, c) -> c thdOf3 :: (a, b, c) -> c
thdOf3 (_, _, c) = c thdOf3 (_, _, c) = c
-- lpad :: a -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
-- lpad c n s = replicate (n - length s) c ++ s
-- rpad :: a -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
-- rpad c n s = s ++ replicate (n - length s) c
-- lpadT :: Char -> Int -> T.Text -> T.Text
-- lpadT c n s = T.append (T.replicate (n - T.length s) (T.singleton c)) s
-- TODO this regular expression appears to be compiled each time, which is
-- super slow
-- NOTE: see - performance
-- is likely not going to be optimal for text
-- matchMaybe :: T.Text -> T.Text -> EitherErr Bool
-- matchMaybe q pat = case compres of
-- Right re -> case execute re q of
-- Right res -> Right $ isJust res
-- Left _ -> Left $ RegexError "this should not happen"
-- Left _ -> Left $ RegexError pat
-- where
-- -- these options barely do anything in terms of performance
-- compres = compile (blankCompOpt {newSyntax = True}) (blankExecOpt {captureGroups = False}) pat
compileOptions :: TxOpts T.Text -> InsertExcept TxOptsRe
compileOptions o@TxOpts {toAmountFmt = pat} = do
re <- compileRegex True pat
return $ o {toAmountFmt = re}
compileMatch :: StatementParser T.Text -> InsertExcept MatchRe
compileMatch m@StatementParser {spDesc, spOther} = do
combineError dres ores $ \d os -> m {spDesc = d, spOther = os}
go = compileRegex False
dres = mapM go spDesc
ores = combineErrors $ fmap (mapM go) spOther
compileRegex :: Bool -> T.Text -> InsertExcept (Text, Regex)
compileRegex groups pat = case res of
Right re -> return (pat, re)
Left _ -> throwError $ InsertException [RegexError pat]
res =
(blankCompOpt {newSyntax = True})
(blankExecOpt {captureGroups = groups})
matchMaybe :: T.Text -> Regex -> InsertExcept Bool
matchMaybe q re = case execute re q of
Right res -> return $ isJust res
Left _ -> throwError $ InsertException [RegexError "this should not happen"]
matchGroupsMaybe :: T.Text -> Regex -> [T.Text]
matchGroupsMaybe q re = case regexec re q of
Right Nothing -> []
Right (Just (_, _, _, xs)) -> xs
-- this should never fail as regexec always returns Right
Left _ -> []
lookupAccount :: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m) => AcntID -> m (AccountRId, AcntSign, AcntType) lookupAccount :: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m) => AcntID -> m (AccountRId, AcntSign, AcntType)
lookupAccount = lookupFinance AcntField kmAccount lookupAccount = lookupFinance AcntField kmAccount
@ -1339,7 +985,7 @@ balanceLinked from curID precision acntID lg = case lg of
Nothing -> throwError undefined Nothing -> throwError undefined
(LinkDeferred d) -> liftInnerS $ balanceDeferred curID acntID d (LinkDeferred d) -> liftInnerS $ balanceDeferred curID acntID d
where where
go s = roundPrecision precision . (* s) . fromRational go s = negate . roundPrecision precision . (* s) . fromRational
balanceDeferred balanceDeferred
:: CurrencyRId :: CurrencyRId