REF combine statement with history

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2023-05-29 17:19:49 -04:00
parent 55487982ec
commit ba557639c2
3 changed files with 230 additions and 243 deletions

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@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ library
Internal.Budget Internal.Budget
Internal.Database.Ops Internal.Database.Ops
Internal.History Internal.History
Internal.Types.Database Internal.Types.Database
Internal.Types.Dhall Internal.Types.Dhall
Internal.Types.Main Internal.Types.Main

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@ -7,14 +7,19 @@ module Internal.History
where where
import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Csv
import Database.Persist.Monad import Database.Persist.Monad
import Internal.Database.Ops import Internal.Database.Ops
import Internal.Statement
import Internal.Types.Main import Internal.Types.Main
import Internal.Utils import Internal.Utils
import RIO hiding (to) import RIO hiding (to)
import qualified RIO.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import RIO.FilePath
import qualified RIO.List as L
import qualified RIO.Map as M
import qualified RIO.Text as T import qualified RIO.Text as T
import RIO.Time import RIO.Time
import qualified RIO.Vector as V
splitHistory :: [History] -> ([HistTransfer], [Statement]) splitHistory :: [History] -> ([HistTransfer], [Statement])
splitHistory = partitionEithers . fmap go splitHistory = partitionEithers . fmap go
@ -95,3 +100,227 @@ insertTx :: MonadSqlQuery m => CommitRId -> KeyTx -> m ()
insertTx c Tx {txDate = d, txDescr = e, txEntries = ss} = do insertTx c Tx {txDate = d, txDescr = e, txEntries = ss} = do
k <- insert $ TransactionR c d e k <- insert $ TransactionR c d e
mapM_ (insertEntry k) ss mapM_ (insertEntry k) ss
-- Statements
-- TODO this probably won't scale well (pipes?)
readImport :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadFinance m) => Statement -> m [BalTx]
readImport Statement {stmtTxOpts, stmtParsers, stmtSkipLines, stmtDelim, stmtPaths} = do
let ores = compileOptions stmtTxOpts
let cres = combineErrors $ compileMatch <$> stmtParsers
(compiledOptions, compiledMatches) <- liftIOExcept $ combineError ores cres (,)
let readStmt = readImport_ stmtSkipLines stmtDelim compiledOptions
records <- L.sort . concat <$> mapErrorsIO readStmt stmtPaths
m <- askDBState kmCurrency
fromEither $
flip runReader m $
runExceptT $
matchRecords compiledMatches records
:: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadFinance m)
=> Natural
-> Word
-> TxOptsRe
-> FilePath
-> m [TxRecord]
readImport_ n delim tns p = do
dir <- askDBState kmConfigDir
res <- tryIO $ BL.readFile $ dir </> p
bs <- fromEither $ first (InsertException . (: []) . InsertIOError . showT) res
case decodeByNameWithP (parseTxRecord p tns) opts $ skip bs of
Left m -> throwIO $ InsertException [ParseError $ T.pack m]
Right (_, v) -> return $ catMaybes $ V.toList v
opts = defaultDecodeOptions {decDelimiter = fromIntegral delim}
skip = BL.intercalate "\n" . L.drop (fromIntegral n) . BL.split 10
-- TODO handle this better, this maybe thing is a hack to skip lines with
-- blank dates but will likely want to make this more flexible
parseTxRecord :: FilePath -> TxOptsRe -> NamedRecord -> Parser (Maybe TxRecord)
parseTxRecord p TxOpts {toDate, toAmountFmt, toDesc, toAmount, toOther, toDateFmt} r = do
d <- r .: T.encodeUtf8 toDate
if d == ""
then return Nothing
else do
a <- parseRational toAmountFmt =<< r .: T.encodeUtf8 toAmount
e <- r .: T.encodeUtf8 toDesc
os <- M.fromList <$> mapM (\n -> (n,) <$> r .: T.encodeUtf8 n) toOther
d' <- parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale (T.unpack toDateFmt) d
return $ Just $ TxRecord d' a e os p
matchRecords :: [MatchRe] -> [TxRecord] -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM [BalTx]
matchRecords ms rs = do
(matched, unmatched, notfound) <- matchAll (matchPriorities ms) rs
case (matched, unmatched, notfound) of
-- TODO record number of times each match hits for debugging
(ms_, [], []) -> liftInner $ combineErrors $ fmap balanceTx ms_
(_, us, ns) -> throwError $ InsertException [StatementError us ns]
matchPriorities :: [MatchRe] -> [MatchGroup]
matchPriorities =
fmap matchToGroup
. L.groupBy (\a b -> spPriority a == spPriority b)
. L.sortOn (Down . spPriority)
matchToGroup :: [MatchRe] -> MatchGroup
matchToGroup ms =
uncurry MatchGroup $
first (L.sortOn spDate) $
L.partition (isJust . spDate) ms
-- TDOO could use a better struct to flatten the maybe date subtype
data MatchGroup = MatchGroup
{ mgDate :: ![MatchRe]
, mgNoDate :: ![MatchRe]
deriving (Show)
data Zipped a = Zipped ![a] ![a]
data Unzipped a = Unzipped ![a] ![a] ![a]
initZipper :: [a] -> Zipped a
initZipper = Zipped []
resetZipper :: Zipped a -> Zipped a
resetZipper = initZipper . recoverZipper
recoverZipper :: Zipped a -> [a]
recoverZipper (Zipped as bs) = reverse as ++ bs
:: (a -> b -> Ordering)
-> b
-> Zipped a
-> Either (Zipped a) (Unzipped a)
zipperSlice f x = go
go z@(Zipped _ []) = Left z
go z@(Zipped bs (a : as)) =
case f a x of
GT -> go $ Zipped (a : bs) as
EQ -> Right $ goEq (Unzipped bs [a] as)
LT -> Left z
goEq z@(Unzipped _ _ []) = z
goEq z@(Unzipped bs cs (a : as)) =
case f a x of
GT -> goEq $ Unzipped (a : bs) cs as
EQ -> goEq $ Unzipped bs (a : cs) as
LT -> z
:: Unzipped MatchRe
-> TxRecord
-> InsertExceptT CurrencyM (Zipped MatchRe, MatchRes RawTx)
zipperMatch (Unzipped bs cs as) x = go [] cs
go _ [] = return (Zipped bs $ cs ++ as, MatchFail)
go prev (m : ms) = do
res <- matches m x
case res of
MatchFail -> go (m : prev) ms
skipOrPass ->
let ps = reverse prev
ms' = maybe ms (: ms) (matchDec m)
in return (Zipped bs $ ps ++ ms' ++ as, skipOrPass)
-- TODO all this unpacking left/error crap is annoying
:: Zipped MatchRe
-> TxRecord
-> InsertExceptT CurrencyM (Zipped MatchRe, MatchRes RawTx)
zipperMatch' z x = go z
go (Zipped bs (a : as)) = do
res <- matches a x
case res of
MatchFail -> go (Zipped (a : bs) as)
skipOrPass ->
return (Zipped (maybe bs (: bs) $ matchDec a) as, skipOrPass)
go z' = return (z', MatchFail)
matchDec :: MatchRe -> Maybe MatchRe
matchDec m = case spTimes m of
Just 1 -> Nothing
Just n -> Just $ m {spTimes = Just $ n - 1}
Nothing -> Just m
matchAll :: [MatchGroup] -> [TxRecord] -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM ([RawTx], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
matchAll = go ([], [])
go (matched, unused) gs rs = case (gs, rs) of
(_, []) -> return (matched, [], unused)
([], _) -> return (matched, rs, unused)
(g : gs', _) -> do
(ts, unmatched, us) <- matchGroup g rs
go (ts ++ matched, us ++ unused) gs' unmatched
matchGroup :: MatchGroup -> [TxRecord] -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM ([RawTx], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
matchGroup MatchGroup {mgDate = ds, mgNoDate = ns} rs = do
(md, rest, ud) <- matchDates ds rs
(mn, unmatched, un) <- matchNonDates ns rest
return (md ++ mn, unmatched, filter ((/= Nothing) . spTimes) $ ud ++ un)
matchDates :: [MatchRe] -> [TxRecord] -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM ([RawTx], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
matchDates ms = go ([], [], initZipper ms)
go (matched, unmatched, z) [] =
( catMaybes matched
, reverse unmatched
, recoverZipper z
go (matched, unmatched, z) (r : rs) =
case zipperSlice findDate r z of
Left zipped -> go (matched, r : unmatched, zipped) rs
Right unzipped -> do
(z', res) <- zipperMatch unzipped r
let (m, u) = case res of
(MatchPass p) -> (Just p : matched, unmatched)
MatchSkip -> (Nothing : matched, unmatched)
MatchFail -> (matched, r : unmatched)
go (m, u, z') rs
findDate m r = maybe EQ (`compareDate` trDate r) $ spDate m
matchNonDates :: [MatchRe] -> [TxRecord] -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM ([RawTx], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
matchNonDates ms = go ([], [], initZipper ms)
go (matched, unmatched, z) [] =
( catMaybes matched
, reverse unmatched
, recoverZipper z
go (matched, unmatched, z) (r : rs) = do
(z', res) <- zipperMatch' z r
let (m, u) = case res of
MatchPass p -> (Just p : matched, unmatched)
MatchSkip -> (Nothing : matched, unmatched)
MatchFail -> (matched, r : unmatched)
in go (m, u, resetZipper z') rs
balanceTx :: RawTx -> InsertExcept BalTx
balanceTx t@Tx {txEntries = ss} = do
bs <- balanceEntries ss
return $ t {txEntries = bs}
balanceEntries :: [RawEntry] -> InsertExcept [BalEntry]
balanceEntries ss =
fmap concat
<$> mapM (uncurry bal)
$ groupByKey
$ fmap (\s -> (eCurrency s, s)) ss
haeValue s@Entry {eValue = Just v} = Right s {eValue = v}
haeValue s = Left s
bal cur rss
| length rss < 2 = throwError $ InsertException [BalanceError TooFewEntries cur rss]
| otherwise = case partitionEithers $ fmap haeValue rss of
([noVal], val) -> return $ noVal {eValue = foldr (\s x -> x - eValue s) 0 val} : val
([], val) -> return val
_ -> throwError $ InsertException [BalanceError NotOneBlank cur rss]
groupByKey :: Ord k => [(k, v)] -> [(k, [v])]
groupByKey = M.toList . M.fromListWith (++) . fmap (second (: []))

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@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Internal.Statement
( readImport
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Csv
import Internal.Types.Main
import Internal.Utils
import RIO
import qualified RIO.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import RIO.FilePath
import qualified RIO.List as L
import qualified RIO.Map as M
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import RIO.Time
import qualified RIO.Vector as V
-- TODO this probably won't scale well (pipes?)
readImport :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadFinance m) => Statement -> m [BalTx]
readImport Statement {..} = do
let ores = compileOptions stmtTxOpts
let cres = combineErrors $ compileMatch <$> stmtParsers
(compiledOptions, compiledMatches) <- liftIOExcept $ combineError ores cres (,)
let readStmt = readImport_ stmtSkipLines stmtDelim compiledOptions
records <- L.sort . concat <$> mapErrorsIO readStmt stmtPaths
m <- askDBState kmCurrency
fromEither $
flip runReader m $
runExceptT $
matchRecords compiledMatches records
:: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadFinance m)
=> Natural
-> Word
-> TxOptsRe
-> FilePath
-> m [TxRecord]
readImport_ n delim tns p = do
dir <- askDBState kmConfigDir
res <- tryIO $ BL.readFile $ dir </> p
bs <- fromEither $ first (InsertException . (: []) . InsertIOError . showT) res
case decodeByNameWithP (parseTxRecord p tns) opts $ skip bs of
Left m -> throwIO $ InsertException [ParseError $ T.pack m]
Right (_, v) -> return $ catMaybes $ V.toList v
opts = defaultDecodeOptions {decDelimiter = fromIntegral delim}
skip = BL.intercalate "\n" . L.drop (fromIntegral n) . BL.split 10
-- TODO handle this better, this maybe thing is a hack to skip lines with
-- blank dates but will likely want to make this more flexible
parseTxRecord :: FilePath -> TxOptsRe -> NamedRecord -> Parser (Maybe TxRecord)
parseTxRecord p TxOpts {..} r = do
d <- r .: T.encodeUtf8 toDate
if d == ""
then return Nothing
else do
a <- parseRational toAmountFmt =<< r .: T.encodeUtf8 toAmount
e <- r .: T.encodeUtf8 toDesc
os <- M.fromList <$> mapM (\n -> (n,) <$> r .: T.encodeUtf8 n) toOther
d' <- parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale (T.unpack toDateFmt) d
return $ Just $ TxRecord d' a e os p
matchRecords :: [MatchRe] -> [TxRecord] -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM [BalTx]
matchRecords ms rs = do
(matched, unmatched, notfound) <- matchAll (matchPriorities ms) rs
case (matched, unmatched, notfound) of
-- TODO record number of times each match hits for debugging
(ms_, [], []) -> liftInner $ combineErrors $ fmap balanceTx ms_
(_, us, ns) -> throwError $ InsertException [StatementError us ns]
matchPriorities :: [MatchRe] -> [MatchGroup]
matchPriorities =
fmap matchToGroup
. L.groupBy (\a b -> spPriority a == spPriority b)
. L.sortOn (Down . spPriority)
matchToGroup :: [MatchRe] -> MatchGroup
matchToGroup ms =
uncurry MatchGroup $
first (L.sortOn spDate) $
L.partition (isJust . spDate) ms
-- TDOO could use a better struct to flatten the maybe date subtype
data MatchGroup = MatchGroup
{ mgDate :: ![MatchRe]
, mgNoDate :: ![MatchRe]
deriving (Show)
data Zipped a = Zipped ![a] ![a]
data Unzipped a = Unzipped ![a] ![a] ![a]
initZipper :: [a] -> Zipped a
initZipper = Zipped []
resetZipper :: Zipped a -> Zipped a
resetZipper = initZipper . recoverZipper
recoverZipper :: Zipped a -> [a]
recoverZipper (Zipped as bs) = reverse as ++ bs
:: (a -> b -> Ordering)
-> b
-> Zipped a
-> Either (Zipped a) (Unzipped a)
zipperSlice f x = go
go z@(Zipped _ []) = Left z
go z@(Zipped bs (a : as)) =
case f a x of
GT -> go $ Zipped (a : bs) as
EQ -> Right $ goEq (Unzipped bs [a] as)
LT -> Left z
goEq z@(Unzipped _ _ []) = z
goEq z@(Unzipped bs cs (a : as)) =
case f a x of
GT -> goEq $ Unzipped (a : bs) cs as
EQ -> goEq $ Unzipped bs (a : cs) as
LT -> z
:: Unzipped MatchRe
-> TxRecord
-> InsertExceptT CurrencyM (Zipped MatchRe, MatchRes RawTx)
zipperMatch (Unzipped bs cs as) x = go [] cs
go _ [] = return (Zipped bs $ cs ++ as, MatchFail)
go prev (m : ms) = do
res <- matches m x
case res of
MatchFail -> go (m : prev) ms
skipOrPass ->
let ps = reverse prev
ms' = maybe ms (: ms) (matchDec m)
in return (Zipped bs $ ps ++ ms' ++ as, skipOrPass)
-- TODO all this unpacking left/error crap is annoying
:: Zipped MatchRe
-> TxRecord
-> InsertExceptT CurrencyM (Zipped MatchRe, MatchRes RawTx)
zipperMatch' z x = go z
go (Zipped bs (a : as)) = do
res <- matches a x
case res of
MatchFail -> go (Zipped (a : bs) as)
skipOrPass ->
return (Zipped (maybe bs (: bs) $ matchDec a) as, skipOrPass)
go z' = return (z', MatchFail)
matchDec :: MatchRe -> Maybe MatchRe
matchDec m = case spTimes m of
Just 1 -> Nothing
Just n -> Just $ m {spTimes = Just $ n - 1}
Nothing -> Just m
matchAll :: [MatchGroup] -> [TxRecord] -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM ([RawTx], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
matchAll = go ([], [])
go (matched, unused) gs rs = case (gs, rs) of
(_, []) -> return (matched, [], unused)
([], _) -> return (matched, rs, unused)
(g : gs', _) -> do
(ts, unmatched, us) <- matchGroup g rs
go (ts ++ matched, us ++ unused) gs' unmatched
matchGroup :: MatchGroup -> [TxRecord] -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM ([RawTx], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
matchGroup MatchGroup {mgDate = ds, mgNoDate = ns} rs = do
(md, rest, ud) <- matchDates ds rs
(mn, unmatched, un) <- matchNonDates ns rest
return (md ++ mn, unmatched, filter ((/= Nothing) . spTimes) $ ud ++ un)
matchDates :: [MatchRe] -> [TxRecord] -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM ([RawTx], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
matchDates ms = go ([], [], initZipper ms)
go (matched, unmatched, z) [] =
( catMaybes matched
, reverse unmatched
, recoverZipper z
go (matched, unmatched, z) (r : rs) =
case zipperSlice findDate r z of
Left zipped -> go (matched, r : unmatched, zipped) rs
Right unzipped -> do
(z', res) <- zipperMatch unzipped r
let (m, u) = case res of
(MatchPass p) -> (Just p : matched, unmatched)
MatchSkip -> (Nothing : matched, unmatched)
MatchFail -> (matched, r : unmatched)
go (m, u, z') rs
findDate m r = maybe EQ (`compareDate` trDate r) $ spDate m
matchNonDates :: [MatchRe] -> [TxRecord] -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM ([RawTx], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
matchNonDates ms = go ([], [], initZipper ms)
go (matched, unmatched, z) [] =
( catMaybes matched
, reverse unmatched
, recoverZipper z
go (matched, unmatched, z) (r : rs) = do
(z', res) <- zipperMatch' z r
let (m, u) = case res of
MatchPass p -> (Just p : matched, unmatched)
MatchSkip -> (Nothing : matched, unmatched)
MatchFail -> (matched, r : unmatched)
in go (m, u, resetZipper z') rs
balanceTx :: RawTx -> InsertExcept BalTx
balanceTx t@Tx {txEntries = ss} = do
bs <- balanceEntries ss
return $ t {txEntries = bs}
balanceEntries :: [RawEntry] -> InsertExcept [BalEntry]
balanceEntries ss =
fmap concat
<$> mapM (uncurry bal)
$ groupByKey
$ fmap (\s -> (eCurrency s, s)) ss
haeValue s@Entry {eValue = Just v} = Right s {eValue = v}
haeValue s = Left s
bal cur rss
| length rss < 2 = throwError $ InsertException [BalanceError TooFewEntries cur rss]
| otherwise = case partitionEithers $ fmap haeValue rss of
([noVal], val) -> return $ noVal {eValue = foldr (\s x -> x - eValue s) 0 val} : val
([], val) -> return val
_ -> throwError $ InsertException [BalanceError NotOneBlank cur rss]
groupByKey :: Ord k => [(k, v)] -> [(k, [v])]
groupByKey = M.toList . M.fromListWith (++) . fmap (second (: []))