WIP make budget and statement paths use same machinery

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2023-06-29 21:32:14 -04:00
parent d617fa52cc
commit cc0699eb4e
8 changed files with 461 additions and 405 deletions

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@ -402,13 +402,15 @@ let EntryNumGetter =
LookupN: lookup the value from a field
ConstN: a constant value
AmountN: the value of the 'Amount' column
AmountN: the value of the 'Amount' column times a scaling factor
BalanceN: the amount required to make the target account reach a balance
PercentN: the amount required to make an account reach a given percentage
< LookupN : Text
| ConstN : Double
| AmountN : Double
| BalanceN : Double
| PercentN : Double
let LinkedNumGetter =
@ -679,6 +681,58 @@ let Amount =
\(v : Type) ->
{ amtWhen : w, amtValue : v, amtDesc : Text }
let Exchange =
A currency exchange.
{ xFromCur :
Starting currency of the exchange.
, xToCur :
Ending currency of the exchange.
, xAcnt :
account in which the exchange will be documented.
, xRate :
The exchange rate between the currencies.
let TransferCurrency =
Means to represent currency in a transcaction; either single fixed currency
or two currencies with an exchange rate.
< NoX : CurID | X : Exchange >
let TransferType =
The type of a budget transfer.
BTFixed: Tranfer a fixed amount
BTPercent: Transfer a percent of the source account to destination
BTTarget: Transfer an amount such that the destination has a given target
< TPercent | TBalance | TFixed >
let TransferValue =
Means to determine the value of a budget transfer.
{ Type = { tvVal : Double, tvType : TransferType }
, default.tvType = TransferType.TFixed
let Transfer =
1-1 transaction(s) between two accounts.
@ -697,7 +751,7 @@ let HistTransfer =
A manually specified historical transfer
Transfer AcntID CurID DatePat Double
Transfer AcntID CurID DatePat TransferValue.Type
let Statement =
@ -734,38 +788,6 @@ let History =
< HistTransfer : HistTransfer | HistStatement : Statement >
let Exchange =
A currency exchange.
{ xFromCur :
Starting currency of the exchange.
, xToCur :
Ending currency of the exchange.
, xAcnt :
account in which the exchange will be documented.
, xRate :
The exchange rate between the currencies.
let BudgetCurrency =
A 'currency' in the budget; either a fixed currency or an exchange
< NoX : CurID | X : Exchange >
let TaggedAcnt =
An account with a tag
@ -1037,17 +1059,6 @@ let TransferMatcher =
let BudgetTransferType =
The type of a budget transfer.
BTFixed: Tranfer a fixed amount
BTPercent: Transfer a percent of the source account to destination
BTTarget: Transfer an amount such that the destination has a given target
< BTPercent | BTTarget | BTFixed >
let ShadowTransfer =
A transaction analogous to another transfer with given properties.
@ -1066,7 +1077,7 @@ let ShadowTransfer =
Currency of this transfer.
, stDesc :
Description of this transfer.
@ -1080,7 +1091,7 @@ let ShadowTransfer =
specified in other fields of this type.
, stType : BudgetTransferType
, stType : TransferType
, stRatio :
Fixed multipler to translate value of matched transfer to this one.
@ -1088,17 +1099,11 @@ let ShadowTransfer =
let BudgetTransferValue =
Means to determine the value of a budget transfer.
{ btVal : Double, btType : BudgetTransferType }
let BudgetTransfer =
A manually specified transaction for a budget
Transfer TaggedAcnt BudgetCurrency DatePat BudgetTransferValue
Transfer TaggedAcnt TransferCurrency DatePat TransferValue.Type
let Budget =
@ -1168,7 +1173,7 @@ in { CurID
, TransferMatcher
, ShadowTransfer
, AcntSet
, BudgetCurrency
, TransferCurrency
, Exchange
, TaggedAcnt
, AccountTree
@ -1180,8 +1185,8 @@ in { CurID
, TaxProgression
, TaxMethod
, TaxValue
, BudgetTransferValue
, BudgetTransferType
, TransferValue
, TransferType
, TxGetter
, TxSubGetter
, TxHalfGetter

View File

@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ insertBudget
++ (alloAcnt <$> bgtTax)
++ (alloAcnt <$> bgtPosttax)
-- TODO need to systematically make this function match the history version,
-- which will allow me to use the same balancing algorithm for both
balanceTransfers :: [UnbalancedTransfer] -> [BalancedTransfer]
balanceTransfers = snd . L.mapAccumR go M.empty . reverse . L.sortOn ftWhen
@ -527,8 +529,64 @@ data UnbalancedValue = UnbalancedValue
deriving (Show)
-- TODO need to make this into the same ish thing as the Tx/EntrySet structs
-- in the history algorithm, which will entail resolving the budget currency
-- stuff earlier in the chain, and preloading multiple entries into this thing
-- before balancing.
type UnbalancedTransfer = FlatTransfer UnbalancedValue
ubt2tx :: UnbalancedTransfer -> Tx [EntrySet AcntID CurID TagID Rational] BudgetMeta
{ ftFrom
, ftTo
, ftValue
, ftWhen
, ftDesc
, ftMeta
, ftCur
} =
{ txDescr = ftDesc
, txDate = ftWhen
, txEntries = entries ftCur
, txCommit = ftMeta
entries (NoX curid) = [pair curid ftFrom ftTo ftValue]
entries (X Exchange {xFromCur, xToCur, xAcnt, xRate}) =
let middle = TaggedAcnt xAcnt []
p1 = pair xFromCur ftFrom middle ftValue
p2 = pair xToCur middle ftTo (ftValue * roundPrecision 3 xRate)
in [p1, p2]
pair c (TaggedAcnt fa fts) (TaggedAcnt ta tts) v =
{ esTotalValue = v
, esCurrency = c
, esFrom =
{ hesPrimary =
{ eValue = ()
, eComment = ""
, eAcnt = fa
, eTags = fts
, hesOther = []
, esTo =
{ hesPrimary =
{ eValue = ()
, eComment = ""
, eAcnt = ta
, eTags = tts
, hesOther = []
type BalancedTransfer = FlatTransfer Rational
data FlatTransfer v = FlatTransfer

View File

@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ currencyMap =
. fmap
( \e ->
( currencyRSymbol $ entityVal e
, (entityKey e, fromIntegral $ currencyRPrecision $ entityVal e)
, CurrencyPrec (entityKey e) $ fromIntegral $ currencyRPrecision $ entityVal e
@ -424,24 +424,25 @@ whenHash_ t o f = do
insertEntry :: MonadSqlQuery m => TransactionRId -> KeyEntry -> m EntryRId
{ feEntry = Entry {eValue, eTags, eAcnt, eComment}
, feCurrency
, feIndex
, feDeferred
} =
k <- insert $ EntryR t feCurrency eAcnt eComment eValue feIndex defval deflink
k <- insert $ EntryR t feCurrency eAcnt eComment eValue feIndex cval ctype deflink
mapM_ (insert_ . TagRelationR k) eTags
return k
(defval, deflink) = case feDeferred of
(Just (EntryLinked index scale)) -> (Just scale, Just $ fromIntegral index)
(Just (EntryBalance target)) -> (Just target, Nothing)
Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing)
(cval, ctype, deflink) = case feDeferred of
(Just (EntryLinked index scale)) -> (Just scale, Nothing, Just $ fromIntegral index)
(Just (EntryBalance target)) -> (Just target, Just TBalance, Nothing)
(Just (EntryPercent target)) -> (Just target, Just TPercent, Nothing)
Nothing -> (Nothing, Just TFixed, Nothing)
resolveEntry :: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m) => BalEntry -> m KeyEntry
resolveEntry s@FullEntry {feEntry = e@Entry {eValue, eTags, eAcnt}, feCurrency} = do
resolveEntry s@InsertEntry {feEntry = e@Entry {eValue, eTags, eAcnt}, feCurrency} = do
let aRes = lookupAccountKey eAcnt
let cRes = lookupCurrencyKey feCurrency
let sRes = lookupAccountSign eAcnt
@ -516,26 +517,26 @@ readUpdates hashes = do
:: [(EntryRId, EntryR)]
-> InsertExcept (UEBlank, [UE_RO], [UEBalance], Vector (Maybe UEBalance))
-> InsertExcept (UEBlank, [UE_RO], [UEUnk], Vector (Maybe UEUnk))
splitFrom from = do
-- ASSUME entries are sorted by index
(primary, rest) <- case from of
((i, e) : xs) -> return (makeUnkUE i e, xs)
_ -> throwError $ InsertException undefined
let rest' = fmap splitDeferredValue rest
rest' <- mapErrors splitDeferredValue rest
let idxVec = V.fromList $ fmap (either (const Nothing) Just) rest'
let (ro, toBal) = partitionEithers rest'
return (primary, ro, toBal, idxVec)
:: Vector (Maybe UEBalance)
:: Vector (Maybe UEUnk)
-> [(EntryRId, EntryR)]
-> InsertExcept
( UEBlank
, [UE_RO]
, [UEBalance]
, [UEUnk]
, [UELink]
, [(UEBalance, [UELink])]
, [(UEUnk, [UELink])]
splitTo froms tos = do
-- How to split the credit side of the database transaction in 1024 easy
@ -552,7 +553,7 @@ splitTo froms tos = do
let (unlinked, linked) = partitionEithers $ fmap splitLinked rest
-- 2. Split unlinked based on if they have a balance target
let (ro, toBal) = partitionEithers $ fmap splitDeferredValue unlinked
let unlinkedRes = partitionEithers <$> mapErrors splitDeferredValue unlinked
-- 3. Split paired entries by link == 0 (which are special) or link > 0
let (paired0, pairedN) = second (groupKey id) $ L.partition ((== 0) . fst) linked
@ -565,10 +566,11 @@ splitTo froms tos = do
-- then consider the linked entry as another credit read-only entry
let pairedRes = partitionEithers <$> mapErrors splitPaired pairedN
combineError paired0Res pairedRes $ \paired0' (pairedUnk, pairedRO) ->
combineError3 unlinkedRes paired0Res pairedRes $
\(ro, toBal) paired0' (pairedUnk, pairedRO) ->
(primary, ro ++ concat pairedRO, toBal, paired0', pairedUnk)
splitLinked t@(_, e) = maybe (Left t) (Right . (,t)) $ entryRDeferred_link e
splitLinked t@(_, e) = maybe (Left t) (Right . (,t)) $ entryRCachedLink e
splitPaired (lnk, ts) = case froms V.!? (lnk - 1) of
Just (Just f) -> Left . (f,) <$> mapErrors makeLinkUnk ts
Just Nothing -> return $ Right $ makeRoUE . snd <$> ts
@ -577,18 +579,22 @@ splitTo froms tos = do
(throwError $ InsertException undefined)
(return . makeUE k e . LinkScale)
$ entryRDeferred_value e
$ entryRCachedValue e
splitDeferredValue :: (EntryRId, EntryR) -> Either UE_RO UEBalance
splitDeferredValue (k, e) =
maybe (Left $ makeRoUE e) (Right . fmap BalanceTarget . makeUE k e) $
entryRDeferred_value e
splitDeferredValue :: (EntryRId, EntryR) -> InsertExcept (Either UE_RO UEUnk)
splitDeferredValue (k, e) = case (entryRCachedValue e, entryRCachedType e) of
(Nothing, Just TFixed) -> return $ Left $ makeRoUE e
(Just v, Just TBalance) -> go EVBalance v
(Just v, Just TPercent) -> go EVPercent v
_ -> throwError $ InsertException undefined
go c = return . Right . fmap c . makeUE k e
makeUE :: i -> EntryR -> v -> UpdateEntry i v
makeUE k e v = UpdateEntry k (entryRAccount e) v (entryRIndex e)
makeRoUE :: EntryR -> UpdateEntry () EntryValue
makeRoUE e = makeUE () e $ EntryValue (entryRValue e)
makeRoUE :: EntryR -> UpdateEntry () StaticValue
makeRoUE e = makeUE () e $ StaticValue (entryRValue e)
makeUnkUE :: EntryRId -> EntryR -> UpdateEntry EntryRId ()
makeUnkUE k e = makeUE k e ()

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import qualified RIO.Vector as V
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> HistTransfer
-> m [DeferredTx CommitR]
-> m [Tx CommitR]
{ transFrom = from
@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ readHistTransfer
} =
whenHash0 CTManual m [] $ \c -> do
bounds <- askDBState kmStatementInterval
let precRes = lookupCurrencyPrec u
let curRes = lookupCurrency u
let go Amount {amtWhen, amtValue, amtDesc} = do
let dayRes = liftExcept $ expandDatePat bounds amtWhen
(days, precision) <- combineError dayRes precRes (,)
let tx day = txPair c day from to u (roundPrecision precision amtValue) amtDesc
(days, cur) <- combineError dayRes curRes (,)
let tx day = txPair c day from to cur amtValue amtDesc
return $ fmap tx days
concat <$> mapErrors go amts
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ readHistStmt
:: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadFinance m)
=> FilePath
-> Statement
-> m (Either CommitR [DeferredTx CommitR])
-> m (Either CommitR [Tx CommitR])
readHistStmt root i = eitherHash CTImport i return $ \c -> do
bs <- readImport root i
bounds <- askDBState kmStatementInterval
@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ insertHistory
insertHistory hs = do
(toUpdate, toInsert) <- balanceTxs hs
mapM_ updateTx toUpdate
forM_ (groupKey commitRHash $ (\x -> (txCommit x, x)) <$> toInsert) $
forM_ (groupKey commitRHash $ (\x -> (itxCommit x, x)) <$> toInsert) $
\(c, ts) -> do
ck <- insert $ c
ck <- insert c
mapM_ (insertTx ck) ts
@ -94,23 +94,23 @@ txPair
-> Day
-> AcntID
-> AcntID
-> CurID
-> Rational
-> CurrencyPrec
-> Double
-> T.Text
-> DeferredTx CommitR
-> Tx CommitR
txPair commit day from to cur val desc =
{ txDescr = desc
, txDate = day
, txCommit = commit
, txEntries =
[ EntrySet
{ esTotalValue = -val
, txPrimary =
{ esTotalValue = -(roundPrecisionCur cur val)
, esCurrency = cur
, esFrom = HalfEntrySet {hesPrimary = entry from, hesOther = []}
, esTo = HalfEntrySet {hesPrimary = entry to, hesOther = []}
, txOther = []
entry a =
@ -125,31 +125,27 @@ txPair commit day from to cur val desc =
-- resolveTx t@Tx {txEntries = ss} =
-- (\kss -> t {txEntries = kss}) <$> mapErrors resolveEntry ss
insertTx :: MonadSqlQuery m => CommitRId -> (KeyTx CommitR) -> m ()
insertTx c Tx {txDate = d, txDescr = e, txEntries = ss} = do
insertTx :: MonadSqlQuery m => CommitRId -> InsertTx -> m ()
insertTx c InsertTx {itxDate = d, itxDescr = e, itxEntries = ss} = do
let anyDeferred = any (isJust . feDeferred) ss
k <- insert $ TransactionR c d e anyDeferred
mapM_ (insertEntry k) ss
updateTx :: MonadSqlQuery m => UEBalanced -> m ()
updateTx UpdateEntry {ueID, ueValue} = update ueID [EntryRValue =. (unEntryValue ueValue)]
updateTx UpdateEntry {ueID, ueValue} = update ueID [EntryRValue =. unStaticValue ueValue]
-- Statements
-- TODO this probably won't scale well (pipes?)
readImport :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadFinance m) => FilePath -> Statement -> m [DeferredTx ()]
readImport :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadFinance m) => FilePath -> Statement -> m [Tx ()]
readImport root Statement {stmtTxOpts, stmtParsers, stmtSkipLines, stmtDelim, stmtPaths} = do
let ores = compileOptions stmtTxOpts
let cres = combineErrors $ compileMatch <$> stmtParsers
(compiledOptions, compiledMatches) <- liftIOExcept $ combineError ores cres (,)
let readStmt = readImport_ stmtSkipLines stmtDelim compiledOptions
records <- L.sort . concat <$> mapErrorsIO readStmt paths
m <- askDBState kmCurrency
fromEither $
flip runReader m $
runExceptT $
matchRecords compiledMatches records
fromEither =<< runExceptT (matchRecords compiledMatches records)
paths = (root </>) <$> stmtPaths
@ -184,13 +180,11 @@ parseTxRecord p TxOpts {toDate, toAmountFmt, toDesc, toAmount, toOther, toDateFm
d' <- parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale (T.unpack toDateFmt) d
return $ Just $ TxRecord d' a e os p
-- TODO need to somehow balance temporally here (like I do in the budget for
-- directives that "pay off" a balance)
matchRecords :: [MatchRe] -> [TxRecord] -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM [DeferredTx ()]
matchRecords :: MonadFinance m => [MatchRe] -> [TxRecord] -> InsertExceptT m [Tx ()]
matchRecords ms rs = do
(matched, unmatched, notfound) <- matchAll (matchPriorities ms) rs
case (matched, unmatched, notfound) of
(ms_, [], []) -> return ms_ -- liftInner $ combineErrors $ fmap balanceTx ms_
(ms_, [], []) -> return ms_
(_, us, ns) -> throwError $ InsertException [StatementError us ns]
matchPriorities :: [MatchRe] -> [MatchGroup]
@ -245,9 +239,10 @@ zipperSlice f x = go
LT -> z
:: Unzipped MatchRe
:: MonadFinance m
=> Unzipped MatchRe
-> TxRecord
-> InsertExceptT CurrencyM (Zipped MatchRe, MatchRes (DeferredTx ()))
-> InsertExceptT m (Zipped MatchRe, MatchRes (Tx ()))
zipperMatch (Unzipped bs cs as) x = go [] cs
go _ [] = return (Zipped bs $ cs ++ as, MatchFail)
@ -261,9 +256,10 @@ zipperMatch (Unzipped bs cs as) x = go [] cs
in return (Zipped bs $ ps ++ ms' ++ as, skipOrPass)
:: Zipped MatchRe
:: MonadFinance m
=> Zipped MatchRe
-> TxRecord
-> InsertExceptT CurrencyM (Zipped MatchRe, MatchRes (DeferredTx ()))
-> InsertExceptT m (Zipped MatchRe, MatchRes (Tx ()))
zipperMatch' z x = go z
go (Zipped bs (a : as)) = do
@ -280,7 +276,11 @@ matchDec m = case spTimes m of
Just n -> Just $ m {spTimes = Just $ n - 1}
Nothing -> Just m
matchAll :: [MatchGroup] -> [TxRecord] -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM ([DeferredTx ()], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
:: MonadFinance m
=> [MatchGroup]
-> [TxRecord]
-> InsertExceptT m ([Tx ()], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
matchAll = go ([], [])
go (matched, unused) gs rs = case (gs, rs) of
@ -290,13 +290,21 @@ matchAll = go ([], [])
(ts, unmatched, us) <- matchGroup g rs
go (ts ++ matched, us ++ unused) gs' unmatched
matchGroup :: MatchGroup -> [TxRecord] -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM ([DeferredTx ()], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
:: MonadFinance m
=> MatchGroup
-> [TxRecord]
-> InsertExceptT m ([Tx ()], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
matchGroup MatchGroup {mgDate = ds, mgNoDate = ns} rs = do
(md, rest, ud) <- matchDates ds rs
(mn, unmatched, un) <- matchNonDates ns rest
return (md ++ mn, unmatched, filter ((/= Nothing) . spTimes) $ ud ++ un)
matchDates :: [MatchRe] -> [TxRecord] -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM ([DeferredTx ()], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
:: MonadFinance m
=> [MatchRe]
-> [TxRecord]
-> InsertExceptT m ([Tx ()], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
matchDates ms = go ([], [], initZipper ms)
go (matched, unmatched, z) [] =
@ -317,7 +325,11 @@ matchDates ms = go ([], [], initZipper ms)
go (m, u, z') rs
findDate m r = maybe EQ (`compareDate` trDate r) $ spDate m
matchNonDates :: [MatchRe] -> [TxRecord] -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM ([DeferredTx ()], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
:: MonadFinance m
=> [MatchRe]
-> [TxRecord]
-> InsertExceptT m ([Tx ()], [TxRecord], [MatchRe])
matchNonDates ms = go ([], [], initZipper ms)
go (matched, unmatched, z) [] =
@ -337,18 +349,29 @@ matchNonDates ms = go ([], [], initZipper ms)
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> [EntryBin]
-> m ([UEBalanced], [KeyTx CommitR])
balanceTxs es =
-> m ([UEBalanced], [InsertTx])
balanceTxs ebs =
first concat . partitionEithers . catMaybes
<$> evalStateT (mapErrors go $ L.sortOn binDate es) M.empty
<$> evalStateT (mapErrors go $ L.sortOn binDate ebs) M.empty
go (ToUpdate utx) = fmap (Just . Left) $ liftInnerS $ rebalanceEntrySet utx
go (ToRead ReadEntry {reCurrency, reAcnt, reValue}) = do
modify $ mapAdd_ (reAcnt, reCurrency) reValue
return Nothing
go (ToInsert t@Tx {txEntries}) =
(\es' -> Just $ Right $ t {txEntries = concat es'})
<$> mapErrors balanceEntrySet txEntries
go (ToInsert Tx {txPrimary, txOther, txDescr, txCommit, txDate}) =
let res0 = balanceEntrySet (\_ _ v -> return v) txPrimary
resN = mapErrors (balanceEntrySet primaryBalance) txOther
in combineError res0 resN $ \e es ->
-- TODO repacking a Tx into almost the same record seems stupid
Just $
Right $
{ itxDescr = txDescr
, itxDate = txDate
, itxEntries = concat $ e : es
, itxCommit = txCommit
primaryBalance Entry {eAcnt} c (EntryValue t v) = findBalance eAcnt c t v
binDate :: EntryBin -> Day
binDate (ToUpdate UpdateEntrySet {utDate}) = utDate
@ -359,9 +382,10 @@ type EntryBals = M.Map (AccountRId, CurrencyRId) Rational
data UpdateEntryType a
= UET_ReadOnly UE_RO
| UET_Balance UEBalance
| UET_Unk UEUnk
| UET_Linked a
-- TODO make sure new values are rounded properly here
rebalanceEntrySet :: UpdateEntrySet -> State EntryBals [UEBalanced]
@ -377,112 +401,124 @@ rebalanceEntrySet
, utTotalValue
} =
let fs =
(f0val, (tpairs, fs)) <-
fmap (second partitionEithers) $
foldM goFrom (utTotalValue, []) $
L.sortOn idx $
(UET_ReadOnly <$> utFromRO)
++ (UET_Balance <$> utFromUnk)
++ (UET_Unk <$> utFromUnk)
++ (UET_Linked <$> utPairs)
fs' <- mapM goFrom fs
let f0val = utTotalValue - sum (fmap value fs')
let f0 = utFrom0 {ueValue = EntryValue f0val}
let (tpairs, fs'') = partitionEithers $ concatMap flatten fs'
let tsLink0 = fmap (\e -> e {ueValue = EntryValue $ -f0val * unLinkScale (ueValue e)}) utToUnkLink0
let ts =
let f0 = utFrom0 {ueValue = StaticValue f0val}
let tsLink0 = fmap (unlink (-f0val)) utToUnkLink0
(t0val, tsUnk) <-
fmap (second catMaybes) $
foldM goTo (-utTotalValue, []) $
L.sortOn idx2 $
(UET_Linked <$> (tpairs ++ tsLink0))
++ (UET_Balance <$> utToUnk)
++ (UET_Unk <$> utToUnk)
++ (UET_ReadOnly <$> utToRO)
(tsRO, tsUnk) <- partitionEithers <$> mapM goTo ts
let t0val =
EntryValue utTotalValue
- sum (fmap ueValue tsRO ++ fmap ueValue tsUnk)
let t0 = utTo0 {ueValue = t0val}
return $ (f0 : fmap (fmap (EntryValue . unBalanceTarget)) fs'') ++ (t0 : tsUnk)
let t0 = utTo0 {ueValue = StaticValue t0val}
return (f0 : fs ++ (t0 : tsUnk))
project f _ _ (UET_ReadOnly e) = f e
project _ f _ (UET_Balance e) = f e
project _ f _ (UET_Unk e) = f e
project _ _ f (UET_Linked p) = f p
idx = project ueIndex ueIndex (ueIndex . fst)
idx2 = project ueIndex ueIndex ueIndex
value =
(unEntryValue . ueValue)
(unBalanceTarget . ueValue)
(unBalanceTarget . ueValue . fst)
flatten = project (const []) ((: []) . Right) (\(a, bs) -> Right a : (Left <$> bs))
-- TODO the following is wetter than the average groupie
goFrom (UET_ReadOnly e) = do
modify $ mapAdd_ (ueAcnt e, utCurrency) (unEntryValue $ ueValue e)
return $ UET_ReadOnly e
goFrom (UET_Balance e) = do
-- TODO the sum accumulator thing is kinda awkward
goFrom (tot, es) (UET_ReadOnly e) = do
v <- updateFixed e
return (tot - v, es)
goFrom (tot, esPrev) (UET_Unk e) = do
v <- updateUnknown e
return (tot - v, Right e {ueValue = StaticValue v} : esPrev)
goFrom (tot, esPrev) (UET_Linked (e0, es)) = do
v <- updateUnknown e0
let e0' = Right $ e0 {ueValue = StaticValue v}
let es' = fmap (Left . unlink (-v)) es
return (tot - v, (e0' : es') ++ esPrev)
goTo (tot, esPrev) (UET_ReadOnly e) = do
v <- updateFixed e
return (tot - v, esPrev)
goTo (tot, esPrev) (UET_Linked e) = do
v <- updateFixed e
return (tot - v, Just e : esPrev)
goTo (tot, esPrev) (UET_Unk e) = do
v <- updateUnknown e
return (tot - v, Just e {ueValue = StaticValue v} : esPrev)
updateFixed :: UpdateEntry i StaticValue -> State EntryBals Rational
updateFixed e = do
let v = unStaticValue $ ueValue e
modify $ mapAdd_ (ueAcnt e, utCurrency) v
return v
updateUnknown e = do
let key = (ueAcnt e, utCurrency)
curBal <- gets (M.findWithDefault 0 key)
let newVal = unBalanceTarget (ueValue e) - curBal
modify $ mapAdd_ key newVal
return $ UET_Balance $ e {ueValue = BalanceTarget newVal}
goFrom (UET_Linked (e0, es)) = do
let key = (ueAcnt e0, utCurrency)
curBal <- gets (M.findWithDefault 0 key)
let newVal = unBalanceTarget (ueValue e0) - curBal
modify $ mapAdd_ key newVal
return $
( e0 {ueValue = BalanceTarget newVal}
, fmap (\e -> e {ueValue = EntryValue $ (-newVal) * unLinkScale (ueValue e)}) es
goTo (UET_ReadOnly e) = do
modify $ mapAdd_ (ueAcnt e, utCurrency) (unEntryValue $ ueValue e)
return $ Left e
goTo (UET_Linked e) = do
modify $ mapAdd_ (ueAcnt e, utCurrency) (unEntryValue $ ueValue e)
return $ Right e
goTo (UET_Balance e) = do
let key = (ueAcnt e, utCurrency)
curBal <- gets (M.findWithDefault 0 key)
let newVal = unBalanceTarget (ueValue e) - curBal
modify $ mapAdd_ key newVal
return $ Right $ e {ueValue = EntryValue newVal}
let v = case ueValue e of
EVPercent p -> p * curBal
EVBalance p -> p - curBal
modify $ mapAdd_ key v
return v
unlink v e = e {ueValue = StaticValue $ v * unLinkScale (ueValue e)}
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> DeferredEntrySet
=> (Entry AccountRId AcntSign TagRId -> CurrencyRId -> v -> State EntryBals Rational)
-> DeferredEntrySet v
-> StateT EntryBals m [KeyEntry]
{ esFrom = HalfEntrySet {hesPrimary = f0, hesOther = fs}
, esTo = HalfEntrySet {hesPrimary = t0, hesOther = ts}
, esCurrency
, esCurrency = CurrencyPrec {cpID = curID, cpPrec = precision}
, esTotalValue
} =
-- get currency first and quit immediately on exception since everything
-- downstream depends on this
(curID, precision) <- lookupCurrency esCurrency
-- 1. Resolve tag and accout ids in primary entries since we (might) need
-- them later to calculate the total value of the transaction.
let f0res = resolveAcntAndTags f0
let t0res = resolveAcntAndTags t0
combineErrorM f0res t0res $ \f0' t0' -> do
-- 2. Compute total value of transaction using the primary debit entry
tot <- liftInnerS $ findTot f0' curID esTotalValue
-- resolve accounts and balance debit entries since we need an array
-- of debit entries for linked credit entries later
-- 3. Balance all debit entries (including primary). Note the negative
-- indices, which will signify them to be debit entries when updated
-- later.
let balFromEntry = balanceEntry (\a -> liftInnerS . balanceDeferred curID a) curID
fs' <- doEntries balFromEntry curID esTotalValue f0 fs (NE.iterate (+ (-1)) (-1))
fs' <- doEntries balFromEntry curID tot f0' fs (NE.iterate (+ (-1)) (-1))
-- 4. Build an array of debit values be linked as desired in credit entries
let fv = V.fromList $ fmap (eValue . feEntry) fs'
-- finally resolve credit entries
-- 4. Balance credit entries (including primary) analogously.
let balToEntry = balanceEntry (balanceLinked fv curID precision) curID
ts' <- doEntries balToEntry curID (-esTotalValue) t0 ts (NE.iterate (+ 1) 0)
ts' <- doEntries balToEntry curID (-tot) t0' ts (NE.iterate (+ 1) 0)
return $ fs' ++ ts'
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> (Int -> Entry AcntID v TagID -> StateT EntryBals m (FullEntry AccountRId CurrencyRId TagRId))
:: (MonadInsertError m)
=> (Int -> Entry AcntID v TagID -> StateT EntryBals m (InsertEntry AccountRId CurrencyRId TagRId))
-> CurrencyRId
-> Rational
-> Entry AcntID () TagID
-> Entry AccountRId AcntSign TagRId
-> [Entry AcntID v TagID]
-> NonEmpty Int
-> StateT EntryBals m [FullEntry AccountRId CurrencyRId TagRId]
-> StateT EntryBals m [InsertEntry AccountRId CurrencyRId TagRId]
doEntries f curID tot e es (i0 :| iN) = do
es' <- mapErrors (uncurry f) $ zip iN es
let val0 = tot - entrySum es'
e' <- balanceEntry (\_ _ -> return (val0, Nothing)) curID i0 e
let e0val = tot - entrySum es'
-- TODO not dry
let s = fromIntegral $ sign2Int (eValue e) -- NOTE hack
modify (mapAdd_ (eAcnt e, curID) tot)
let e' =
{ feEntry = e {eValue = s * e0val}
, feCurrency = curID
, feDeferred = Nothing
, feIndex = i0
return $ e' : es'
entrySum = sum . fmap (eValue . feEntry)
@ -502,7 +538,7 @@ balanceLinked from curID precision acntID lg = case lg of
(LinkIndex LinkedNumGetter {lngIndex, lngScale}) -> do
let res = fmap (go lngScale) $ from V.!? fromIntegral lngIndex
case res of
Just v -> return $ (v, Just $ EntryLinked lngIndex $ toRational lngScale)
Just v -> return (v, Just $ EntryLinked lngIndex $ toRational lngScale)
-- TODO this error would be much more informative if I had access to the
-- file from which it came
Nothing -> throwError undefined
@ -513,11 +549,15 @@ balanceLinked from curID precision acntID lg = case lg of
:: CurrencyRId
-> AccountRId
-> Deferred Rational
-> EntryValue Rational
-> State EntryBals (Rational, Maybe DBDeferred)
balanceDeferred curID acntID (Deferred toBal v) = do
newval <- findBalance acntID curID toBal v
return $ (newval, if toBal then Just (EntryBalance v) else Nothing)
balanceDeferred curID acntID (EntryValue t v) = do
newval <- findBalance acntID curID t v
let d = case t of
TFixed -> Nothing
TBalance -> Just $ EntryBalance v
TPercent -> Just $ EntryPercent v
return (newval, d)
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
@ -525,7 +565,7 @@ balanceEntry
-> CurrencyRId
-> Int
-> Entry AcntID v TagID
-> StateT EntryBals m (FullEntry AccountRId CurrencyRId TagRId)
-> StateT EntryBals m (InsertEntry AccountRId CurrencyRId TagRId)
balanceEntry f curID idx e@Entry {eValue, eAcnt, eTags} = do
let acntRes = lookupAccount eAcnt
let tagRes = mapErrors lookupTag eTags
@ -534,17 +574,37 @@ balanceEntry f curID idx e@Entry {eValue, eAcnt, eTags} = do
(newVal, deferred) <- f acntID eValue
modify (mapAdd_ (acntID, curID) newVal)
return $
{ feEntry = e {eValue = s * newVal, eAcnt = acntID, eTags = tags}
, feCurrency = curID
, feDeferred = deferred
, feIndex = idx
findBalance :: AccountRId -> CurrencyRId -> Bool -> Rational -> State EntryBals Rational
findBalance acnt cur toBal v = do
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> Entry AcntID v TagID
-> m (Entry AccountRId AcntSign TagRId)
resolveAcntAndTags e@Entry {eAcnt, eTags} = do
let acntRes = lookupAccount eAcnt
let tagRes = mapErrors lookupTag eTags
-- TODO total hack, store account sign in the value field so I don't need to
-- make seperate tuple pair thing to haul it around. Weird, but it works.
combineError acntRes tagRes $
\(acntID, sign, _) tags -> e {eAcnt = acntID, eTags = tags, eValue = sign}
:: AccountRId
-> CurrencyRId
-> TransferType
-> Rational
-> State EntryBals Rational
findBalance acnt cur t v = do
curBal <- gets (M.findWithDefault 0 (acnt, cur))
return $ if toBal then v - curBal else v
return $ case t of
TBalance -> v - curBal
TPercent -> v * curBal
TFixed -> v
-- -- reimplementation from future version :/
-- mapAccumM

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module Internal.Types.Database where
import Database.Persist.Sql hiding (Desc, In, Statement)
import Database.Persist.TH
import Internal.Types.Dhall
import RIO
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import RIO.Time
@ -52,8 +53,9 @@ EntryR sql=entries
memo T.Text
value Rational
index Int
deferred_value (Maybe Rational)
deferred_link (Maybe Int)
cachedValue (Maybe Rational)
cachedType (Maybe TransferType)
cachedLink (Maybe Int)
deriving Show Eq
TagRelationR sql=tag_relations
entry EntryRId OnDeleteCascade

View File

@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ makeHaskellTypesWith
, MultipleConstructors "DateMatcher" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).DateMatcher"
, MultipleConstructors "EntryNumGetter" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).EntryNumGetter"
, MultipleConstructors "LinkedEntryNumGetter" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).LinkedEntryNumGetter"
, MultipleConstructors "BudgetCurrency" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).BudgetCurrency"
, MultipleConstructors "BudgetTransferType" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).BudgetTransferType"
, MultipleConstructors "TransferCurrency" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).TransferCurrency"
, MultipleConstructors "TransferType" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).TransferType"
, MultipleConstructors "TaxMethod" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).TaxMethod"
, MultipleConstructors "PeriodType" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).PeriodType"
, SingleConstructor "LinkedNumGetter" "LinkedNumGetter" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).LinkedNumGetter.Type"
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ makeHaskellTypesWith
, SingleConstructor "TaxProgression" "TaxProgression" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).TaxProgression"
, SingleConstructor "TaxValue" "TaxValue" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).TaxValue"
, SingleConstructor "PosttaxValue" "PosttaxValue" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).PosttaxValue"
, SingleConstructor "BudgetTransferValue" "BudgetTransferValue" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).BudgetTransferValue"
, SingleConstructor "TransferValue" "TransferValue" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).TransferValue.Type"
, SingleConstructor "Period" "Period" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).Period"
, SingleConstructor "HourlyPeriod" "HourlyPeriod" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).HourlyPeriod"
-- , SingleConstructor "ToTx" "ToTx" "(./dhall/Types.dhall).ToTx"
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ deriveProduct
, "DateMatcher"
, "ValMatcher"
, "YMDMatcher"
, "BudgetCurrency"
, "TransferCurrency"
, "Exchange"
, "EntryNumGetter"
, "LinkedNumGetter"
@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ deriveProduct
, "TaxProgression"
, "TaxMethod"
, "PosttaxValue"
, "BudgetTransferValue"
, "BudgetTransferType"
, "TransferValue"
, "TransferType"
, "Period"
, "PeriodType"
, "HourlyPeriod"
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ deriving instance Ord DatePat
deriving instance Hashable DatePat
type BudgetTransfer =
Transfer TaggedAcnt BudgetCurrency DatePat BudgetTransferValue
Transfer TaggedAcnt TransferCurrency DatePat TransferValue
deriving instance Hashable BudgetTransfer
@ -216,9 +216,21 @@ deriving instance Hashable PosttaxValue
deriving instance Hashable Budget
deriving instance Hashable BudgetTransferValue
deriving instance Hashable TransferValue
deriving instance Hashable BudgetTransferType
deriving instance Hashable TransferType
deriving instance Read TransferType
instance PersistFieldSql TransferType where
sqlType _ = SqlString
instance PersistField TransferType where
toPersistValue = PersistText . T.pack . show
fromPersistValue (PersistText v) =
maybe (Left $ "could not parse: " <> v) Right $ readMaybe $ T.unpack v
fromPersistValue _ = Left "wrong type"
deriving instance Hashable TaggedAcnt
@ -262,7 +274,7 @@ deriving instance (Eq w, Eq v) => Eq (Amount w v)
deriving instance Hashable Exchange
deriving instance Hashable BudgetCurrency
deriving instance Hashable TransferCurrency
data Allocation w v = Allocation
{ alloTo :: TaggedAcnt

View File

@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ data ConfigHashes = ConfigHashes
type AccountMap = M.Map AcntID (AccountRId, AcntSign, AcntType)
type CurrencyMap = M.Map CurID (CurrencyRId, Natural)
data CurrencyPrec = CurrencyPrec {cpID :: !CurrencyRId, cpPrec :: !Natural}
type CurrencyMap = M.Map CurID CurrencyPrec
type TagMap = M.Map TagID TagRId
@ -61,7 +63,10 @@ type CurrencyM = Reader CurrencyMap
-- type DeferredKeyEntry = Entry AccountRId (Deferred Rational) CurrencyRId TagRId
data DBDeferred = EntryLinked Natural Rational | EntryBalance Rational
data DBDeferred
= EntryLinked Natural Rational
| EntryBalance Rational
| EntryPercent Rational
data ReadEntry = ReadEntry
{ reCurrency :: !CurrencyRId
@ -77,33 +82,37 @@ data UpdateEntry i v = UpdateEntry
, ueIndex :: !Int -- TODO this isn't needed for primary entries
data CurrencyRound = CurrencyRound CurID Natural
deriving instance Functor (UpdateEntry i)
newtype LinkScale = LinkScale {unLinkScale :: Rational}
deriving newtype (Num)
newtype BalanceTarget = BalanceTarget {unBalanceTarget :: Rational}
-- newtype BalanceTarget = BalanceTarget {unBalanceTarget :: Rational}
-- deriving newtype (Num)
newtype StaticValue = StaticValue {unStaticValue :: Rational}
deriving newtype (Num)
newtype EntryValue = EntryValue {unEntryValue :: Rational}
deriving newtype (Num)
data EntryValueUnk = EVBalance Rational | EVPercent Rational
type UEBalance = UpdateEntry EntryRId BalanceTarget
type UEUnk = UpdateEntry EntryRId EntryValueUnk
type UELink = UpdateEntry EntryRId LinkScale
type UEBlank = UpdateEntry EntryRId ()
type UE_RO = UpdateEntry () EntryValue
type UE_RO = UpdateEntry () StaticValue
type UEBalanced = UpdateEntry EntryRId EntryValue
type UEBalanced = UpdateEntry EntryRId StaticValue
data UpdateEntrySet = UpdateEntrySet
{ utFrom0 :: !UEBlank
, utTo0 :: !UEBlank
, utPairs :: ![(UEBalance, [UELink])]
, utFromUnk :: ![UEBalance]
, utToUnk :: ![UEBalance]
, utPairs :: ![(UEUnk, [UELink])]
, utFromUnk :: ![UEUnk]
, utToUnk :: ![UEUnk]
, utToUnkLink0 :: ![UELink]
, utFromRO :: ![UE_RO]
, utToRO :: ![UE_RO]
@ -115,18 +124,18 @@ data UpdateEntrySet = UpdateEntrySet
data EntryBin
= ToUpdate UpdateEntrySet
| ToRead ReadEntry
| ToInsert (DeferredTx CommitR)
| ToInsert (Tx CommitR)
data FullEntry a c t = FullEntry
data InsertEntry a c t = InsertEntry
{ feCurrency :: !c
, feIndex :: !Int
, feDeferred :: !(Maybe DBDeferred)
, feEntry :: !(Entry a Rational t)
type KeyEntry = FullEntry AccountRId CurrencyRId TagRId
type KeyEntry = InsertEntry AccountRId CurrencyRId TagRId
type BalEntry = FullEntry AcntID CurID TagID
type BalEntry = InsertEntry AcntID CurID TagID
-- type DeferredKeyTx = Tx DeferredKeyEntry
@ -202,50 +211,58 @@ data HalfEntrySet a c t v = HalfEntrySet
, hesOther :: ![Entry a v t]
data EntrySet a c t v = EntrySet
{ esTotalValue :: !Rational
data EntrySet a c t v v' = EntrySet
{ esTotalValue :: !v'
, esCurrency :: !c
, esFrom :: !(HalfEntrySet a c t (Deferred v))
, esFrom :: !(HalfEntrySet a c t (EntryValue v))
, esTo :: !(HalfEntrySet a c t (LinkDeferred v))
data Tx e c = Tx
data Tx k = Tx
{ txDescr :: !T.Text
, txDate :: !Day
, txEntries :: !e
, txCommit :: !c
, txPrimary :: !(EntrySet AcntID CurrencyPrec TagID Rational Rational)
, txOther :: ![EntrySet AcntID CurrencyPrec TagID Rational (EntryValue Rational)]
, txCommit :: !k
deriving (Generic)
type DeferredEntrySet = EntrySet AcntID CurID TagID Rational
data InsertTx = InsertTx
{ itxDescr :: !T.Text
, itxDate :: !Day
, itxEntries :: ![InsertEntry AccountRId CurrencyRId TagRId]
, itxCommit :: !CommitR
deriving (Generic)
type DeferredEntrySet = EntrySet AcntID CurrencyPrec TagID Rational
type BalEntrySet = EntrySet AcntID CurID TagID Rational
type KeyEntrySet = EntrySet AccountRId CurrencyRId TagRId Rational
type DeferredTx = Tx [DeferredEntrySet]
-- type DeferredTx = Tx [DeferredEntrySet]
type BalTx = Tx [BalEntry]
-- type BalTx = InsertTx [BalEntry]
type KeyTx = Tx [KeyEntry]
-- type KeyTx = InsertTx [KeyEntry]
data Deferred a = Deferred Bool a
deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data LinkDeferred a
= LinkDeferred (Deferred a)
| LinkIndex LinkedNumGetter
data EntryValue a = EntryValue TransferType a
deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data LinkDeferred a
= LinkDeferred (EntryValue a)
| LinkIndex LinkedNumGetter
deriving (Show, Functor, Traversable, Foldable)
-- type RawEntry = Entry AcntID (Deferred Rational) CurID TagID
-- type RawFromEntry = Entry AcntID (Deferred Rational) CurID TagID
-- type BalEntry = Entry AcntID Rational CurID TagID
-- type RawTx = Tx RawEntry
-- type BalTx = Tx BalEntry
-- type BalEntry = InsertEntry AcntID CurID TagID
data MatchRes a = MatchPass !a | MatchFail | MatchSkip

View File

@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ where
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Time.Format.ISO8601
import GHC.Real
import Internal.Types.Main
@ -294,7 +293,7 @@ toDaySpan (a, b) = (a, fromIntegral $ diffDays b a - 1)
-- matching
matches :: MatchRe -> TxRecord -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM (MatchRes (DeferredTx ()))
matches :: MonadFinance m => MatchRe -> TxRecord -> InsertExceptT m (MatchRes (Tx ()))
StatementParser {spTx, spOther, spVal, spDate, spDesc}
r@TxRecord {trDate, trAmount, trDesc, trOther} = do
@ -311,7 +310,7 @@ matches
desc = maybe (return True) (matchMaybe trDesc . snd) spDesc
convert tg = MatchPass <$> toTx tg r
toTx :: TxGetter -> TxRecord -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM (DeferredTx ())
toTx :: MonadFinance m => TxGetter -> TxRecord -> InsertExceptT m (Tx ())
{ tgFrom
@ -321,59 +320,43 @@ toTx
, tgScale
r@TxRecord {trAmount, trDate, trDesc} = do
combineError curRes subRes $ \(cur, f, t, v) ss ->
-- TODO might be more efficient to set rebalance flag when balancing
combineError curRes subRes $ \(cur, f, t) ss ->
{ txDate = trDate
, txDescr = trDesc
, txCommit = ()
, txEntries =
, txPrimary =
{ esTotalValue = v
{ esTotalValue = roundPrecisionCur cur $ tgScale * fromRational trAmount
, esCurrency = cur
, esFrom = f
, esTo = t
: ss
, txOther = ss
curRes = do
m <- ask
cur <- liftInner $ resolveCurrency r tgCurrency
let fromRes = resolveHalfEntry resolveFromValue cur r tgFrom
let toRes = resolveHalfEntry resolveToValue cur r tgTo
let totRes =
liftExcept $
roundPrecisionCur cur m $
tgScale * fromRational trAmount
combineError3 fromRes toRes totRes (cur,,,)
m <- askDBState kmCurrency
cur <- liftInner $ resolveCurrency m r tgCurrency
let fromRes = liftInner $ resolveHalfEntry resolveFromValue cur r tgFrom
let toRes = liftInner $ resolveHalfEntry resolveToValue cur r tgTo
combineError fromRes toRes (cur,,)
subRes = mapErrors (resolveSubGetter r) tgOtherEntries
-- anyDeferred :: DeferredEntrySet -> Bool
-- anyDeferred
-- EntrySet
-- { esFrom = HalfEntrySet {hesOther = fs}
-- , esTo = HalfEntrySet {hesOther = ts}
-- } =
-- any checkFrom fs || any checkTo ts
-- where
-- checkFrom Entry {eValue = (Deferred True _)} = True
-- checkFrom _ = False
-- checkTo = undefined
:: TxRecord
:: MonadFinance m
=> TxRecord
-> TxSubGetter
-> InsertExceptT CurrencyM (EntrySet AcntID CurID TagID Rational)
-> InsertExceptT m (EntrySet AcntID CurrencyPrec TagID Rational (EntryValue Rational))
resolveSubGetter r TxSubGetter {tsgFrom, tsgTo, tsgValue, tsgCurrency} = do
m <- ask
cur <- liftInner $ resolveCurrency r tsgCurrency
(_, val) <- liftInner $ mapM (roundPrecisionCur cur m) =<< resolveValue r tsgValue
m <- askDBState kmCurrency
cur <- liftInner $ resolveCurrency m r tsgCurrency
let fromRes = resolveHalfEntry resolveFromValue cur r tsgFrom
let toRes = resolveHalfEntry resolveToValue cur r tsgTo
combineError fromRes toRes $ \f t ->
let valRes = liftInner $ fmap (roundPrecisionCur cur) <$> resolveValue r tsgValue
liftInner $ combineError3 fromRes toRes valRes $ \f t v ->
{ esTotalValue = val
{ esTotalValue = v
, esCurrency = cur
, esFrom = f
, esTo = t
@ -382,10 +365,10 @@ resolveSubGetter r TxSubGetter {tsgFrom, tsgTo, tsgValue, tsgCurrency} = do
:: Traversable f
=> (TxRecord -> n -> InsertExcept (f Double))
-> CurID
-> CurrencyPrec
-> TxRecord
-> TxHalfGetter (EntryGetter n)
-> InsertExceptT CurrencyM (HalfEntrySet AcntID CurID TagID (f Rational))
-> InsertExcept (HalfEntrySet AcntID CurrencyPrec TagID (f Rational))
resolveHalfEntry f cur r TxHalfGetter {thgAcnt, thgComment, thgTags, thgEntries} =
combineError acntRes esRes $ \a es ->
@ -399,67 +382,9 @@ resolveHalfEntry f cur r TxHalfGetter {thgAcnt, thgComment, thgTags, thgEntries}
, hesOther = es
acntRes = liftInner $ resolveAcnt r thgAcnt
acntRes = resolveAcnt r thgAcnt
esRes = mapErrors (resolveEntry f cur r) thgEntries
-- resolveSubGetter
-- :: TxRecord
-- -> TxSubGetter
-- -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM DeferredEntrySet
-- resolveSubGetter
-- r
-- TxSubGetter
-- { tsgFromAcnt
-- , tsgToAcnt
-- , tsgFromTags
-- , tsgToTags
-- , tsgFromComment
-- , tsgToComment
-- , tsgValue
-- , tsgCurrency
-- , tsgFromEntries
-- , tsgToEntries
-- } = combineErrorM acntRes curRes $ \(fa, ta) (cur, fe, te) ->
-- do
-- m <- ask
-- -- TODO laaaaame...
-- (Deferred _ val) <- liftInner $ mapM (roundPrecisionCur cur m) =<< resolveValue r tsgValue
-- let fromEntry =
-- Entry
-- { eAcnt = fa
-- , eValue = ()
-- , eComment = tsgFromComment
-- , eTags = tsgFromTags
-- }
-- let toEntry =
-- Entry
-- { eAcnt = ta
-- , eValue = ()
-- , eComment = tsgToComment
-- , eTags = tsgToTags
-- }
-- return
-- EntrySet
-- { desTotalValue = val
-- , desCurrency = cur
-- , desFromEntry0 = fromEntry
-- , desFromEntries = fe
-- , desToEntries = te
-- , desToEntryBal = toEntry
-- }
-- where
-- resolveAcnt_ = liftInner . resolveAcnt r
-- acntRes =
-- combineError
-- (resolveAcnt_ tsgFromAcnt)
-- (resolveAcnt_ tsgToAcnt)
-- (,)
-- curRes = do
-- cur <- liftInner $ resolveCurrency r tsgCurrency
-- let feRes = mapErrors (resolveEntry cur r) tsgFromEntries
-- let teRes = mapErrors (resolveEntry cur r) tsgToEntries
-- combineError feRes teRes (cur,,)
valMatches :: ValMatcher -> Rational -> InsertExcept Bool
valMatches ValMatcher {vmDen, vmSign, vmNum, vmPrec} x
| Just d_ <- vmDen, d_ >= p = throwError $ InsertException [MatchValPrecisionError d_ p]
@ -487,47 +412,17 @@ otherMatches dict m = case m of
:: Traversable f
=> (TxRecord -> n -> InsertExcept (f Double))
-> CurID
-> CurrencyPrec
-> TxRecord
-> EntryGetter n
-> InsertExceptT CurrencyM (Entry AcntID (f Rational) TagID)
-> InsertExcept (Entry AcntID (f Rational) TagID)
resolveEntry f cur r s@Entry {eAcnt, eValue} = do
m <- ask
liftInner $ combineErrorM acntRes valRes $ \a v -> do
v' <- mapM (roundPrecisionCur cur m) v
return $ s {eAcnt = a, eValue = v'}
combineError acntRes valRes $ \a v ->
s {eAcnt = a, eValue = roundPrecisionCur cur <$> v}
acntRes = resolveAcnt r eAcnt
valRes = f r eValue
-- resolveEntry
-- :: CurID
-- -> TxRecord
-- -> EntryGetter n
-- -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM (Entry AcntID (Deferred Rational) TagID)
-- resolveEntry cur r s@Entry {eAcnt, eValue} = do
-- m <- ask
-- liftInner $ combineErrorM acntRes valRes $ \a v -> do
-- v' <- mapM (roundPrecisionCur cur m) v
-- return $ s {eAcnt = a, eValue = v'}
-- where
-- acntRes = resolveAcnt r eAcnt
-- valRes = resolveValue r eValue
-- curRes = resolveCurrency r eCurrency
-- -- TODO wet code (kinda, not sure if it's worth combining with above)
-- resolveToEntry :: TxRecord -> EntryGetter -> InsertExceptT CurrencyM RawEntry
-- resolveToEntry r s@Entry {eAcnt, eValue, eCurrency} = do
-- m <- ask
-- liftInner $ combineErrorM3 acntRes curRes valRes $ \a c v -> do
-- v' <- mapM (roundPrecisionCur c m) v
-- return $ s {eAcnt = a, eValue = maybe Derive (ConstD False) v', eCurrency = c}
-- where
-- acntRes = resolveAcnt r eAcnt
-- curRes = resolveCurrency r eCurrency
-- valRes = mapM (resolveToValue r) eValue
liftInner :: Monad m => ExceptT e Identity a -> ExceptT e m a
liftInner = mapExceptT (return . runIdentity)
@ -621,27 +516,31 @@ mapErrorsIO f xs = mapM go $ enumTraversable xs
collectErrorsIO :: (Traversable t, MonadUnliftIO m) => t (m a) -> m (t a)
collectErrorsIO = mapErrorsIO id
resolveFromValue :: TxRecord -> EntryNumGetter -> InsertExcept (Deferred Double)
resolveFromValue r = fmap (uncurry Deferred) . resolveValue r
resolveFromValue :: TxRecord -> EntryNumGetter -> InsertExcept (EntryValue Double)
resolveFromValue = resolveValue
resolveToValue :: TxRecord -> LinkedEntryNumGetter -> InsertExcept (LinkDeferred Double)
resolveToValue _ (Linked l) = return $ LinkIndex l
resolveToValue r (Getter g) = do
(l, v) <- resolveValue r g
return $ LinkDeferred (Deferred l v)
resolveToValue r (Getter g) = LinkDeferred <$> resolveValue r g
resolveValue :: TxRecord -> EntryNumGetter -> InsertExcept (Bool, Double)
resolveValue :: TxRecord -> EntryNumGetter -> InsertExcept (EntryValue Double)
resolveValue TxRecord {trOther, trAmount} s = case s of
(LookupN t) -> (False,) <$> (readDouble =<< lookupErr EntryValField t trOther)
(ConstN c) -> return (False, c)
AmountN m -> return $ (False,) <$> (* m) $ fromRational trAmount
BalanceN x -> return (True, x)
(LookupN t) -> EntryValue TFixed <$> (readDouble =<< lookupErr EntryValField t trOther)
(ConstN c) -> return $ EntryValue TFixed c
AmountN m -> return $ EntryValue TFixed $ m * fromRational trAmount
BalanceN x -> return $ EntryValue TBalance x
PercentN x -> return $ EntryValue TPercent x
resolveAcnt :: TxRecord -> EntryAcnt -> InsertExcept T.Text
resolveAcnt = resolveEntryField AcntField
resolveCurrency :: TxRecord -> EntryCur -> InsertExcept T.Text
resolveCurrency = resolveEntryField CurField
resolveCurrency :: CurrencyMap -> TxRecord -> EntryCur -> InsertExcept CurrencyPrec
resolveCurrency m r c = do
i <- resolveEntryField CurField r c
case M.lookup i m of
Just k -> return k
-- TODO this should be its own error (I think)
Nothing -> throwError $ InsertException [LookupError (EntryIDField CurField) undefined]
resolveEntryField :: EntryIDType -> TxRecord -> EntryAcnt -> InsertExcept T.Text
resolveEntryField t TxRecord {trOther = o} s = case s of
@ -728,11 +627,8 @@ roundPrecision n = (% p) . round . (* fromIntegral p) . toRational
p = 10 ^ n
roundPrecisionCur :: CurID -> CurrencyMap -> Double -> InsertExcept Rational
roundPrecisionCur c m x =
case M.lookup c m of
Just (_, n) -> return $ roundPrecision n x
Nothing -> throwError $ InsertException [RoundError c]
roundPrecisionCur :: CurrencyPrec -> Double -> Rational
roundPrecisionCur (CurrencyPrec _ n) = roundPrecision n
acntPath2Text :: AcntPath -> T.Text
acntPath2Text (AcntPath t cs) = T.intercalate "/" (atName t : cs)
@ -1105,14 +1001,14 @@ lookupAccountSign = fmap sndOf3 . lookupAccount
lookupAccountType :: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m) => AcntID -> m AcntType
lookupAccountType = fmap thdOf3 . lookupAccount
lookupCurrency :: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m) => CurID -> m (CurrencyRId, Natural)
lookupCurrency :: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m) => CurID -> m CurrencyPrec
lookupCurrency = lookupFinance CurField kmCurrency
lookupCurrencyKey :: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m) => AcntID -> m CurrencyRId
lookupCurrencyKey = fmap fst . lookupCurrency
lookupCurrencyKey = fmap cpID . lookupCurrency
lookupCurrencyPrec :: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m) => AcntID -> m Natural
lookupCurrencyPrec = fmap snd . lookupCurrency
lookupCurrencyPrec = fmap cpPrec . lookupCurrency
lookupTag :: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m) => TagID -> m TagRId
lookupTag = lookupFinance TagField kmTag