REF move commont stuff to common modules

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2023-07-01 18:58:15 -04:00
parent ebef4e0f6b
commit d5761c75ed
5 changed files with 409 additions and 480 deletions

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@ -163,25 +163,26 @@ runDumpAccountKeys c = do
runSync :: FilePath -> IO ()
runSync c = do
config <- readConfig c
let (hTs, hSs) = splitHistory $ statements config
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ mkPool $ sqlConfig config
handle err $ do
-- _ <- askLoggerIO
-- get the current DB state
-- Get the current DB state.
(state, updates) <- runSqlQueryT pool $ do
runMigration migrateAll
liftIOExceptT $ getDBState config
-- read desired statements from disk
-- Read raw transactions according to state. If a transaction is already in
-- the database, don't read it but record the commit so we can update it.
(rus, is) <-
flip runReaderT state $ do
let (hTs, hSs) = splitHistory $ statements config
hSs' <- mapErrorsIO (readHistStmt root) hSs
hTs' <- liftIOExceptT $ mapErrors readHistTransfer hTs
bTs <- liftIOExceptT $ mapErrors readBudget $ budget config
return $ second concat $ partitionEithers $ hSs' ++ hTs' ++ bTs
-- update the DB
-- Update the DB.
runSqlQueryT pool $ withTransaction $ flip runReaderT state $ do
res <- runExceptT $ do
-- TODO taking out the hash is dumb

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module Internal.Budget (readBudget) where
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Foldable
import Internal.Database
import Internal.History
import Internal.Types.Main
import Internal.Utils
import RIO hiding (to)
@ -13,17 +12,6 @@ import qualified RIO.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import RIO.Time
-- each budget (designated at the top level by a 'name') is processed in the
-- following steps
-- 1. expand all transactions given the desired date range and date patterns for
-- each directive in the budget
-- 2. sort all transactions by date
-- 3. propagate all balances forward, and while doing so assign values to each
-- transaction (some of which depend on the 'current' balance of the
-- target account)
-- 4. assign shadow transactions
-- 5. insert all transactions
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> Budget
@ -47,7 +35,7 @@ readBudget
(intAllos, _) <- combineError intAlloRes acntRes (,)
let tc = BudgetCommit key bgtLabel
let res1 = mapErrors (readIncome tc intAllos budgetSpan) bgtIncomes
let res2 = expandTransfers tc (Just budgetSpan) bgtTransfers
let res2 = expandTransfers tc budgetSpan bgtTransfers
txs <- combineError (concat <$> res1) res2 (++)
shadow <- addShadowTransfers bgtShadowTransfers txs
return $ txs ++ shadow
@ -354,9 +342,6 @@ allocatePost precision aftertax = fmap (fmap go)
then aftertax * roundPrecision 3 v / 100
else roundPrecision precision v
-- Standalone Transfer
-- shadow transfers
@ -403,12 +388,6 @@ shadowMatches TransferMatcher {tmFrom, tmTo, tmDate} Tx {txPrimary, txDate} = do
alloAcnt :: Allocation w v -> AcntID
alloAcnt = taAcnt . alloTo
data UnbalancedValue = UnbalancedValue
{ cvType :: !TransferType
, cvValue :: !Rational
deriving (Show)
type IntAllocations =
( [DaySpanAllocation PretaxValue]
, [DaySpanAllocation TaxValue]

View File

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ module Internal.Database
, insertEntry
, resolveEntry
, readUpdates
, insertAll
, updateTx
@ -33,6 +35,7 @@ import Database.Persist.Sqlite hiding
, insertKey
, insert_
, runMigration
, update
, (==.)
, (||.)
@ -598,3 +601,33 @@ makeRoUE e = makeUE () e $ StaticValue (entryRValue e)
makeUnkUE :: EntryRId -> EntryR -> UpdateEntry EntryRId ()
makeUnkUE k e = makeUE k e ()
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadSqlQuery m, MonadFinance m)
=> [EntryBin]
-> m ()
insertAll ebs = do
(toUpdate, toInsert) <- balanceTxs ebs
mapM_ updateTx toUpdate
forM_ (groupWith itxCommit toInsert) $
\(c, ts) -> do
ck <- insert $ getCommit c
mapM_ (insertTx ck) ts
getCommit (HistoryCommit c) = c
getCommit (BudgetCommit c _) = c
insertTx :: MonadSqlQuery m => CommitRId -> InsertTx -> m ()
insertTx c InsertTx {itxDate, itxDescr, itxEntries, itxCommit} = do
let anyDeferred = any (isJust . feDeferred) itxEntries
k <- insert $ TransactionR c itxDate itxDescr anyDeferred
mapM_ (go k) itxEntries
go k tx = do
ek <- insertEntry k tx
case itxCommit of
BudgetCommit _ name -> insert_ $ BudgetLabelR ek name
_ -> return ()
updateTx :: MonadSqlQuery m => UEBalanced -> m ()
updateTx UpdateEntry {ueID, ueValue} = update ueID [EntryRValue =. unStaticValue ueValue]

View File

@ -1,21 +1,13 @@
module Internal.History
( readHistStmt
, readHistTransfer
, insertAll
, splitHistory
, balanceTxs
, updateTx
, entryPair_
, expandTransfers
, entryPair
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Csv
import Data.Foldable
import Database.Persist ((=.))
import Database.Persist.Monad hiding (get)
import Internal.Database
import Internal.Types.Main
import Internal.Utils
@ -24,20 +16,32 @@ import qualified RIO.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import RIO.FilePath
import qualified RIO.List as L
import qualified RIO.Map as M
import qualified RIO.NonEmpty as NE
import RIO.State
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import RIO.Time
import qualified RIO.Vector as V
-- TODO unify this with the transfer system I use in the budget now
-- NOTE keep statement and transfer readers separate because the former needs
-- the IO monad, and thus will throw IO errors rather than using the ExceptT
-- thingy
splitHistory :: [History] -> ([PairedTransfer], [Statement])
splitHistory = partitionEithers . fmap go
go (HistTransfer x) = Left x
go (HistStatement x) = Right x
-- Transfers
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> PairedTransfer
-> m (Either CommitR [Tx TxCommit])
readHistTransfer ht = eitherHash CTManual ht return $ \c -> do
bounds <- askDBState kmStatementInterval
expandTransfer (HistoryCommit c) (Just bounds) ht
expandTransfer (HistoryCommit c) bounds ht
-- Statements
:: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadFinance m)
@ -49,172 +53,6 @@ readHistStmt root i = eitherHash CTImport i return $ \c -> do
bounds <- askDBState kmStatementInterval
return $ filter (inDaySpan bounds . txDate) $ fmap (\t -> t {txCommit = HistoryCommit c}) bs
splitHistory :: [History] -> ([PairedTransfer], [Statement])
splitHistory = partitionEithers . fmap go
go (HistTransfer x) = Left x
go (HistStatement x) = Right x
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadSqlQuery m, MonadFinance m)
=> [EntryBin]
-> m ()
insertAll ebs = do
(toUpdate, toInsert) <- balanceTxs ebs
mapM_ updateTx toUpdate
forM_ (groupWith itxCommit toInsert) $
\(c, ts) -> do
ck <- insert $ getCommit c
mapM_ (insertTx ck) ts
getCommit (HistoryCommit c) = c
getCommit (BudgetCommit c _) = c
insertTx :: MonadSqlQuery m => CommitRId -> InsertTx -> m ()
insertTx c InsertTx {itxDate, itxDescr, itxEntries, itxCommit} = do
let anyDeferred = any (isJust . feDeferred) itxEntries
k <- insert $ TransactionR c itxDate itxDescr anyDeferred
mapM_ (go k) itxEntries
go k tx = do
ek <- insertEntry k tx
case itxCommit of
BudgetCommit _ name -> insert_ $ BudgetLabelR ek name
_ -> return ()
updateTx :: MonadSqlQuery m => UEBalanced -> m ()
updateTx UpdateEntry {ueID, ueValue} = update ueID [EntryRValue =. unStaticValue ueValue]
-- low-level transaction stuff
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> TxCommit
-> Maybe DaySpan
-> [PairedTransfer]
-> m [Tx TxCommit]
expandTransfers tc localInterval ts =
fmap (L.sortOn txDate . concat) $
combineErrors $
fmap (expandTransfer tc localInterval) ts
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> TxCommit
-> Maybe DaySpan
-> PairedTransfer
-> m [Tx TxCommit]
expandTransfer tc ds Transfer {transAmounts, transTo, transCurrency, transFrom} = do
txs <- concat <$> mapErrors go transAmounts
return $ case ds of
Nothing -> txs
Just bounds -> filter (inDaySpan bounds . txDate) txs
{ amtWhen = pat
, amtValue = TransferValue {tvVal = v, tvType = t}
, amtDesc = desc
} =
withDates pat $ \day -> do
p <- entryPair_ (\_ x -> EntryValue t $ toRational x) transFrom transTo transCurrency desc v
{ txCommit = tc
, txDate = day
, txPrimary = p
, txOther = []
, txDescr = desc
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> TaggedAcnt
-> TaggedAcnt
-> CurID
-> T.Text
-> Double
-> m (EntrySet AcntID CurrencyPrec TagID Rational (EntryValue Rational))
entryPair = entryPair_ (fmap (EntryValue TFixed) . roundPrecisionCur)
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> (CurrencyPrec -> v -> v')
-> TaggedAcnt
-> TaggedAcnt
-> CurID
-> T.Text
-> v
-> m (EntrySet AcntID CurrencyPrec TagID Rational v')
entryPair_ f from to curid com val = do
cp <- lookupCurrency curid
return $ pair cp from to (f cp val)
halfEntry :: a -> [t] -> HalfEntrySet a c t v
halfEntry a ts =
{ hesPrimary = Entry {eAcnt = a, eValue = (), eComment = com, eTags = ts}
, hesOther = []
pair cp (TaggedAcnt fa fts) (TaggedAcnt ta tts) v =
{ esCurrency = cp
, esTotalValue = v
, esFrom = halfEntry fa fts
, esTo = halfEntry ta tts
:: (MonadFinance m, MonadInsertError m)
=> DatePat
-> (Day -> m a)
-> m [a]
withDates dp f = do
bounds <- askDBState kmBudgetInterval
days <- liftExcept $ expandDatePat bounds dp
combineErrors $ fmap f days
-- -- TODO tags here?
-- txPair
-- :: CommitR
-- -> Day
-- -> AcntID
-- -> AcntID
-- -> CurrencyPrec
-- -> TransferValue
-- -> T.Text
-- -> Tx TxCommit
-- txPair commit day from to cur (TransferValue t v) desc =
-- Tx
-- { txDescr = desc
-- , txDate = day
-- , txCommit = HistoryCommit commit
-- , txPrimary =
-- EntrySet
-- { esTotalValue = EntryValue t $ toRational v
-- , esCurrency = cur
-- , esFrom = HalfEntrySet {hesPrimary = entry from, hesOther = []}
-- , esTo = HalfEntrySet {hesPrimary = entry to, hesOther = []}
-- }
-- , txOther = []
-- }
-- where
-- entry a =
-- Entry
-- { eAcnt = a
-- , eValue = ()
-- , eComment = ""
-- , eTags = []
-- }
-- resolveTx :: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m) => BalTx CommitR -> m (KeyTx CommitR)
-- resolveTx t@Tx {txEntries = ss} =
-- (\kss -> t {txEntries = kss}) <$> mapErrors resolveEntry ss
-- Statements
-- TODO this probably won't scale well (pipes?)
readImport :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadFinance m) => FilePath -> Statement -> m [Tx ()]
readImport root Statement {stmtTxOpts, stmtParsers, stmtSkipLines, stmtDelim, stmtPaths} = do
@ -423,279 +261,3 @@ matchNonDates ms = go ([], [], initZipper ms)
MatchSkip -> (Nothing : matched, unmatched)
MatchFail -> (matched, r : unmatched)
in go (m, u, resetZipper z') rs
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> [EntryBin]
-> m ([UEBalanced], [InsertTx])
balanceTxs ebs =
first concat . partitionEithers . catMaybes
<$> evalStateT (mapErrors go $ L.sortOn binDate ebs) M.empty
go (ToUpdate utx) = fmap (Just . Left) $ liftInnerS $ rebalanceEntrySet utx
go (ToRead ReadEntry {reCurrency, reAcnt, reValue}) = do
modify $ mapAdd_ (reAcnt, reCurrency) reValue
return Nothing
go (ToInsert Tx {txPrimary, txOther, txDescr, txCommit, txDate}) = do
e <- balanceEntrySet primaryBalance txPrimary
-- TODO this logic is really stupid, I'm balancing the total twice; fix
-- will likely entail making a separate data structure for txs derived
-- from transfers vs statements
let etot = sum $ eValue . feEntry <$> filter ((< 0) . feIndex) e
es <- mapErrors (balanceEntrySet (secondaryBalance etot)) txOther
let tx =
{ itxDescr = txDescr
, itxDate = txDate
, itxEntries = concat $ e : es
, itxCommit = txCommit
return $ Just $ Right tx
primaryBalance Entry {eAcnt} c (EntryValue t v) = findBalance eAcnt c t v
secondaryBalance tot Entry {eAcnt} c val = case val of
Right (EntryValue t v) -> findBalance eAcnt c t v
Left v -> return $ toRational v * tot
binDate :: EntryBin -> Day
binDate (ToUpdate UpdateEntrySet {utDate}) = utDate
binDate (ToRead ReadEntry {reDate}) = reDate
binDate (ToInsert Tx {txDate}) = txDate
type EntryBals = M.Map (AccountRId, CurrencyRId) Rational
data UpdateEntryType a
= UET_ReadOnly UE_RO
| UET_Unk UEUnk
| UET_Linked a
-- TODO make sure new values are rounded properly here
rebalanceEntrySet :: UpdateEntrySet -> State EntryBals [UEBalanced]
{ utFrom0
, utTo0
, utPairs
, utFromUnk
, utToUnk
, utFromRO
, utToRO
, utCurrency
, utToUnkLink0
, utTotalValue
} =
(f0val, (tpairs, fs)) <-
fmap (second partitionEithers) $
foldM goFrom (utTotalValue, []) $
L.sortOn idx $
(UET_ReadOnly <$> utFromRO)
++ (UET_Unk <$> utFromUnk)
++ (UET_Linked <$> utPairs)
let f0 = utFrom0 {ueValue = StaticValue f0val}
let tsLink0 = fmap (unlink (-f0val)) utToUnkLink0
(t0val, tsUnk) <-
fmap (second catMaybes) $
foldM goTo (-utTotalValue, []) $
L.sortOn idx2 $
(UET_Linked <$> (tpairs ++ tsLink0))
++ (UET_Unk <$> utToUnk)
++ (UET_ReadOnly <$> utToRO)
let t0 = utTo0 {ueValue = StaticValue t0val}
return (f0 : fs ++ (t0 : tsUnk))
project f _ _ (UET_ReadOnly e) = f e
project _ f _ (UET_Unk e) = f e
project _ _ f (UET_Linked p) = f p
idx = project ueIndex ueIndex (ueIndex . fst)
idx2 = project ueIndex ueIndex ueIndex
-- TODO the sum accumulator thing is kinda awkward
goFrom (tot, es) (UET_ReadOnly e) = do
v <- updateFixed e
return (tot - v, es)
goFrom (tot, esPrev) (UET_Unk e) = do
v <- updateUnknown e
return (tot - v, Right e {ueValue = StaticValue v} : esPrev)
goFrom (tot, esPrev) (UET_Linked (e0, es)) = do
v <- updateUnknown e0
let e0' = Right $ e0 {ueValue = StaticValue v}
let es' = fmap (Left . unlink (-v)) es
return (tot - v, (e0' : es') ++ esPrev)
goTo (tot, esPrev) (UET_ReadOnly e) = do
v <- updateFixed e
return (tot - v, esPrev)
goTo (tot, esPrev) (UET_Linked e) = do
v <- updateFixed e
return (tot - v, Just e : esPrev)
goTo (tot, esPrev) (UET_Unk e) = do
v <- updateUnknown e
return (tot - v, Just e {ueValue = StaticValue v} : esPrev)
updateFixed :: UpdateEntry i StaticValue -> State EntryBals Rational
updateFixed e = do
let v = unStaticValue $ ueValue e
modify $ mapAdd_ (ueAcnt e, utCurrency) v
return v
updateUnknown e = do
let key = (ueAcnt e, utCurrency)
curBal <- gets (M.findWithDefault 0 key)
let v = case ueValue e of
EVPercent p -> p * curBal
EVBalance p -> p - curBal
modify $ mapAdd_ key v
return v
unlink v e = e {ueValue = StaticValue $ v * unLinkScale (ueValue e)}
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> (Entry AccountRId AcntSign TagRId -> CurrencyRId -> v -> State EntryBals Rational)
-> DeferredEntrySet v
-> StateT EntryBals m [KeyEntry]
{ esFrom = HalfEntrySet {hesPrimary = f0, hesOther = fs}
, esTo = HalfEntrySet {hesPrimary = t0, hesOther = ts}
, esCurrency = CurrencyPrec {cpID = curID, cpPrec = precision}
, esTotalValue
} =
-- 1. Resolve tag and accout ids in primary entries since we (might) need
-- them later to calculate the total value of the transaction.
let f0res = resolveAcntAndTags f0
let t0res = resolveAcntAndTags t0
combineErrorM f0res t0res $ \f0' t0' -> do
-- 2. Compute total value of transaction using the primary debit entry
tot <- liftInnerS $ findTot f0' curID esTotalValue
-- 3. Balance all debit entries (including primary). Note the negative
-- indices, which will signify them to be debit entries when updated
-- later.
let balFromEntry = balanceEntry (\a -> liftInnerS . balanceDeferred curID a) curID
fs' <- doEntries balFromEntry curID tot f0' fs (NE.iterate (+ (-1)) (-1))
-- 4. Build an array of debit values be linked as desired in credit entries
let fv = V.fromList $ fmap (eValue . feEntry) fs'
-- 4. Balance credit entries (including primary) analogously.
let balToEntry = balanceEntry (balanceLinked fv curID precision) curID
ts' <- doEntries balToEntry curID (-tot) t0' ts (NE.iterate (+ 1) 0)
return $ fs' ++ ts'
:: (MonadInsertError m)
=> (Int -> Entry AcntID v TagID -> StateT EntryBals m (InsertEntry AccountRId CurrencyRId TagRId))
-> CurrencyRId
-> Rational
-> Entry AccountRId AcntSign TagRId
-> [Entry AcntID v TagID]
-> NonEmpty Int
-> StateT EntryBals m [InsertEntry AccountRId CurrencyRId TagRId]
doEntries f curID tot e es (i0 :| iN) = do
es' <- mapErrors (uncurry f) $ zip iN es
let e0val = tot - entrySum es'
-- TODO not dry
let s = fromIntegral $ sign2Int (eValue e) -- NOTE hack
modify (mapAdd_ (eAcnt e, curID) tot)
let e' =
{ feEntry = e {eValue = s * e0val}
, feCurrency = curID
, feDeferred = Nothing
, feIndex = i0
return $ e' : es'
entrySum = sum . fmap (eValue . feEntry)
liftInnerS :: Monad m => StateT e Identity a -> StateT e m a
liftInnerS = mapStateT (return . runIdentity)
:: MonadInsertError m
=> Vector Rational
-> CurrencyRId
-> Natural
-> AccountRId
-> LinkDeferred Rational
-> StateT EntryBals m (Rational, Maybe DBDeferred)
balanceLinked from curID precision acntID lg = case lg of
(LinkIndex LinkedNumGetter {lngIndex, lngScale}) -> do
let res = fmap (go lngScale) $ from V.!? fromIntegral lngIndex
case res of
Just v -> return (v, Just $ EntryLinked lngIndex $ toRational lngScale)
-- TODO this error would be much more informative if I had access to the
-- file from which it came
Nothing -> throwError undefined
(LinkDeferred d) -> liftInnerS $ balanceDeferred curID acntID d
go s = roundPrecision precision . (* s) . fromRational
:: CurrencyRId
-> AccountRId
-> EntryValue Rational
-> State EntryBals (Rational, Maybe DBDeferred)
balanceDeferred curID acntID (EntryValue t v) = do
newval <- findBalance acntID curID t v
let d = case t of
TFixed -> Nothing
TBalance -> Just $ EntryBalance v
TPercent -> Just $ EntryPercent v
return (newval, d)
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> (AccountRId -> v -> StateT EntryBals m (Rational, Maybe DBDeferred))
-> CurrencyRId
-> Int
-> Entry AcntID v TagID
-> StateT EntryBals m (InsertEntry AccountRId CurrencyRId TagRId)
balanceEntry f curID idx e@Entry {eValue, eAcnt, eTags} = do
let acntRes = lookupAccount eAcnt
let tagRes = mapErrors lookupTag eTags
combineErrorM acntRes tagRes $ \(acntID, sign, _) tags -> do
let s = fromIntegral $ sign2Int sign
(newVal, deferred) <- f acntID eValue
modify (mapAdd_ (acntID, curID) newVal)
return $
{ feEntry = e {eValue = s * newVal, eAcnt = acntID, eTags = tags}
, feCurrency = curID
, feDeferred = deferred
, feIndex = idx
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> Entry AcntID v TagID
-> m (Entry AccountRId AcntSign TagRId)
resolveAcntAndTags e@Entry {eAcnt, eTags} = do
let acntRes = lookupAccount eAcnt
let tagRes = mapErrors lookupTag eTags
-- TODO total hack, store account sign in the value field so I don't need to
-- make seperate tuple pair thing to haul it around. Weird, but it works.
combineError acntRes tagRes $
\(acntID, sign, _) tags -> e {eAcnt = acntID, eTags = tags, eValue = sign}
:: AccountRId
-> CurrencyRId
-> TransferType
-> Rational
-> State EntryBals Rational
findBalance acnt cur t v = do
curBal <- gets (M.findWithDefault 0 (acnt, cur))
return $ case t of
TBalance -> v - curBal
TPercent -> v * curBal
TFixed -> v
-- -- reimplementation from future version :/
-- mapAccumM
-- :: Monad m
-- => (s -> a -> m (s, b))
-- -> s
-- -> [a]
-- -> m (s, [b])
-- mapAccumM f s xs = foldrM go (s, []) xs
-- where
-- go x (s', acc) = second (: acc) <$> f s' x

View File

@ -60,6 +60,11 @@ module Internal.Utils
, mapAdd_
, groupKey
, groupWith
, balanceTxs
, expandTransfers
, expandTransfer
, entryPair
, entryPair_
@ -72,8 +77,10 @@ import RIO
import qualified RIO.List as L
import qualified RIO.Map as M
import qualified RIO.NonEmpty as NE
import RIO.State
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import RIO.Time
import qualified RIO.Vector as V
import Text.Regex.TDFA
import Text.Regex.TDFA.Text
@ -1021,3 +1028,350 @@ lookupFinance
-> T.Text
-> m a
lookupFinance t f c = (liftExcept . lookupErr (DBKey t) c) =<< askDBState f
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> [EntryBin]
-> m ([UEBalanced], [InsertTx])
balanceTxs ebs =
first concat . partitionEithers . catMaybes
<$> evalStateT (mapErrors go $ L.sortOn binDate ebs) M.empty
go (ToUpdate utx) = fmap (Just . Left) $ liftInnerS $ rebalanceEntrySet utx
go (ToRead ReadEntry {reCurrency, reAcnt, reValue}) = do
modify $ mapAdd_ (reAcnt, reCurrency) reValue
return Nothing
go (ToInsert Tx {txPrimary, txOther, txDescr, txCommit, txDate}) = do
e <- balanceEntrySet primaryBalance txPrimary
-- TODO this logic is really stupid, I'm balancing the total twice; fix
-- will likely entail making a separate data structure for txs derived
-- from transfers vs statements
let etot = sum $ eValue . feEntry <$> filter ((< 0) . feIndex) e
es <- mapErrors (balanceEntrySet (secondaryBalance etot)) txOther
let tx =
{ itxDescr = txDescr
, itxDate = txDate
, itxEntries = concat $ e : es
, itxCommit = txCommit
return $ Just $ Right tx
primaryBalance Entry {eAcnt} c (EntryValue t v) = findBalance eAcnt c t v
secondaryBalance tot Entry {eAcnt} c val = case val of
Right (EntryValue t v) -> findBalance eAcnt c t v
Left v -> return $ toRational v * tot
binDate :: EntryBin -> Day
binDate (ToUpdate UpdateEntrySet {utDate}) = utDate
binDate (ToRead ReadEntry {reDate}) = reDate
binDate (ToInsert Tx {txDate}) = txDate
type EntryBals = M.Map (AccountRId, CurrencyRId) Rational
data UpdateEntryType a
= UET_ReadOnly UE_RO
| UET_Unk UEUnk
| UET_Linked a
-- TODO make sure new values are rounded properly here
rebalanceEntrySet :: UpdateEntrySet -> State EntryBals [UEBalanced]
{ utFrom0
, utTo0
, utPairs
, utFromUnk
, utToUnk
, utFromRO
, utToRO
, utCurrency
, utToUnkLink0
, utTotalValue
} =
(f0val, (tpairs, fs)) <-
fmap (second partitionEithers) $
foldM goFrom (utTotalValue, []) $
L.sortOn idx $
(UET_ReadOnly <$> utFromRO)
++ (UET_Unk <$> utFromUnk)
++ (UET_Linked <$> utPairs)
let f0 = utFrom0 {ueValue = StaticValue f0val}
let tsLink0 = fmap (unlink (-f0val)) utToUnkLink0
(t0val, tsUnk) <-
fmap (second catMaybes) $
foldM goTo (-utTotalValue, []) $
L.sortOn idx2 $
(UET_Linked <$> (tpairs ++ tsLink0))
++ (UET_Unk <$> utToUnk)
++ (UET_ReadOnly <$> utToRO)
let t0 = utTo0 {ueValue = StaticValue t0val}
return (f0 : fs ++ (t0 : tsUnk))
project f _ _ (UET_ReadOnly e) = f e
project _ f _ (UET_Unk e) = f e
project _ _ f (UET_Linked p) = f p
idx = project ueIndex ueIndex (ueIndex . fst)
idx2 = project ueIndex ueIndex ueIndex
-- TODO the sum accumulator thing is kinda awkward
goFrom (tot, es) (UET_ReadOnly e) = do
v <- updateFixed e
return (tot - v, es)
goFrom (tot, esPrev) (UET_Unk e) = do
v <- updateUnknown e
return (tot - v, Right e {ueValue = StaticValue v} : esPrev)
goFrom (tot, esPrev) (UET_Linked (e0, es)) = do
v <- updateUnknown e0
let e0' = Right $ e0 {ueValue = StaticValue v}
let es' = fmap (Left . unlink (-v)) es
return (tot - v, (e0' : es') ++ esPrev)
goTo (tot, esPrev) (UET_ReadOnly e) = do
v <- updateFixed e
return (tot - v, esPrev)
goTo (tot, esPrev) (UET_Linked e) = do
v <- updateFixed e
return (tot - v, Just e : esPrev)
goTo (tot, esPrev) (UET_Unk e) = do
v <- updateUnknown e
return (tot - v, Just e {ueValue = StaticValue v} : esPrev)
updateFixed :: UpdateEntry i StaticValue -> State EntryBals Rational
updateFixed e = do
let v = unStaticValue $ ueValue e
modify $ mapAdd_ (ueAcnt e, utCurrency) v
return v
updateUnknown e = do
let key = (ueAcnt e, utCurrency)
curBal <- gets (M.findWithDefault 0 key)
let v = case ueValue e of
EVPercent p -> p * curBal
EVBalance p -> p - curBal
modify $ mapAdd_ key v
return v
unlink v e = e {ueValue = StaticValue $ v * unLinkScale (ueValue e)}
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> (Entry AccountRId AcntSign TagRId -> CurrencyRId -> v -> State EntryBals Rational)
-> DeferredEntrySet v
-> StateT EntryBals m [KeyEntry]
{ esFrom = HalfEntrySet {hesPrimary = f0, hesOther = fs}
, esTo = HalfEntrySet {hesPrimary = t0, hesOther = ts}
, esCurrency = CurrencyPrec {cpID = curID, cpPrec = precision}
, esTotalValue
} =
-- 1. Resolve tag and accout ids in primary entries since we (might) need
-- them later to calculate the total value of the transaction.
let f0res = resolveAcntAndTags f0
let t0res = resolveAcntAndTags t0
combineErrorM f0res t0res $ \f0' t0' -> do
-- 2. Compute total value of transaction using the primary debit entry
tot <- liftInnerS $ findTot f0' curID esTotalValue
-- 3. Balance all debit entries (including primary). Note the negative
-- indices, which will signify them to be debit entries when updated
-- later.
let balFromEntry = balanceEntry (\a -> liftInnerS . balanceDeferred curID a) curID
fs' <- doEntries balFromEntry curID tot f0' fs (NE.iterate (+ (-1)) (-1))
-- 4. Build an array of debit values be linked as desired in credit entries
let fv = V.fromList $ fmap (eValue . feEntry) fs'
-- 4. Balance credit entries (including primary) analogously.
let balToEntry = balanceEntry (balanceLinked fv curID precision) curID
ts' <- doEntries balToEntry curID (-tot) t0' ts (NE.iterate (+ 1) 0)
return $ fs' ++ ts'
:: (MonadInsertError m)
=> (Int -> Entry AcntID v TagID -> StateT EntryBals m (InsertEntry AccountRId CurrencyRId TagRId))
-> CurrencyRId
-> Rational
-> Entry AccountRId AcntSign TagRId
-> [Entry AcntID v TagID]
-> NonEmpty Int
-> StateT EntryBals m [InsertEntry AccountRId CurrencyRId TagRId]
doEntries f curID tot e es (i0 :| iN) = do
es' <- mapErrors (uncurry f) $ zip iN es
let e0val = tot - entrySum es'
-- TODO not dry
let s = fromIntegral $ sign2Int (eValue e) -- NOTE hack
modify (mapAdd_ (eAcnt e, curID) tot)
let e' =
{ feEntry = e {eValue = s * e0val}
, feCurrency = curID
, feDeferred = Nothing
, feIndex = i0
return $ e' : es'
entrySum = sum . fmap (eValue . feEntry)
liftInnerS :: Monad m => StateT e Identity a -> StateT e m a
liftInnerS = mapStateT (return . runIdentity)
:: MonadInsertError m
=> Vector Rational
-> CurrencyRId
-> Natural
-> AccountRId
-> LinkDeferred Rational
-> StateT EntryBals m (Rational, Maybe DBDeferred)
balanceLinked from curID precision acntID lg = case lg of
(LinkIndex LinkedNumGetter {lngIndex, lngScale}) -> do
let res = fmap (go lngScale) $ from V.!? fromIntegral lngIndex
case res of
Just v -> return (v, Just $ EntryLinked lngIndex $ toRational lngScale)
-- TODO this error would be much more informative if I had access to the
-- file from which it came
Nothing -> throwError undefined
(LinkDeferred d) -> liftInnerS $ balanceDeferred curID acntID d
go s = roundPrecision precision . (* s) . fromRational
:: CurrencyRId
-> AccountRId
-> EntryValue Rational
-> State EntryBals (Rational, Maybe DBDeferred)
balanceDeferred curID acntID (EntryValue t v) = do
newval <- findBalance acntID curID t v
let d = case t of
TFixed -> Nothing
TBalance -> Just $ EntryBalance v
TPercent -> Just $ EntryPercent v
return (newval, d)
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> (AccountRId -> v -> StateT EntryBals m (Rational, Maybe DBDeferred))
-> CurrencyRId
-> Int
-> Entry AcntID v TagID
-> StateT EntryBals m (InsertEntry AccountRId CurrencyRId TagRId)
balanceEntry f curID idx e@Entry {eValue, eAcnt, eTags} = do
let acntRes = lookupAccount eAcnt
let tagRes = mapErrors lookupTag eTags
combineErrorM acntRes tagRes $ \(acntID, sign, _) tags -> do
let s = fromIntegral $ sign2Int sign
(newVal, deferred) <- f acntID eValue
modify (mapAdd_ (acntID, curID) newVal)
return $
{ feEntry = e {eValue = s * newVal, eAcnt = acntID, eTags = tags}
, feCurrency = curID
, feDeferred = deferred
, feIndex = idx
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> Entry AcntID v TagID
-> m (Entry AccountRId AcntSign TagRId)
resolveAcntAndTags e@Entry {eAcnt, eTags} = do
let acntRes = lookupAccount eAcnt
let tagRes = mapErrors lookupTag eTags
-- TODO total hack, store account sign in the value field so I don't need to
-- make seperate tuple pair thing to haul it around. Weird, but it works.
combineError acntRes tagRes $
\(acntID, sign, _) tags -> e {eAcnt = acntID, eTags = tags, eValue = sign}
:: AccountRId
-> CurrencyRId
-> TransferType
-> Rational
-> State EntryBals Rational
findBalance acnt cur t v = do
curBal <- gets (M.findWithDefault 0 (acnt, cur))
return $ case t of
TBalance -> v - curBal
TPercent -> v * curBal
TFixed -> v
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> TxCommit
-> DaySpan
-> [PairedTransfer]
-> m [Tx TxCommit]
expandTransfers tc bounds = fmap concat . mapErrors (expandTransfer tc bounds)
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> TxCommit
-> DaySpan
-> PairedTransfer
-> m [Tx TxCommit]
expandTransfer tc bounds Transfer {transAmounts, transTo, transCurrency, transFrom} = do
txs <- mapErrors go transAmounts
return $ filter (inDaySpan bounds . txDate) $ concat txs
{ amtWhen = pat
, amtValue = TransferValue {tvVal = v, tvType = t}
, amtDesc = desc
} =
withDates pat $ \day -> do
p <- entryPair_ (\_ x -> EntryValue t $ toRational x) transFrom transTo transCurrency desc v
{ txCommit = tc
, txDate = day
, txPrimary = p
, txOther = []
, txDescr = desc
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> TaggedAcnt
-> TaggedAcnt
-> CurID
-> T.Text
-> Double
-> m (EntrySet AcntID CurrencyPrec TagID Rational (EntryValue Rational))
entryPair = entryPair_ (fmap (EntryValue TFixed) . roundPrecisionCur)
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> (CurrencyPrec -> v -> v')
-> TaggedAcnt
-> TaggedAcnt
-> CurID
-> T.Text
-> v
-> m (EntrySet AcntID CurrencyPrec TagID Rational v')
entryPair_ f from to_ curid com val = do
cp <- lookupCurrency curid
return $ pair cp from to_ (f cp val)
halfEntry :: a -> [t] -> HalfEntrySet a c t v
halfEntry a ts =
{ hesPrimary = Entry {eAcnt = a, eValue = (), eComment = com, eTags = ts}
, hesOther = []
pair cp (TaggedAcnt fa fts) (TaggedAcnt ta tts) v =
{ esCurrency = cp
, esTotalValue = v
, esFrom = halfEntry fa fts
, esTo = halfEntry ta tts
:: (MonadFinance m, MonadInsertError m)
=> DatePat
-> (Day -> m a)
-> m [a]
withDates dp f = do
bounds <- askDBState kmBudgetInterval
days <- liftExcept $ expandDatePat bounds dp
combineErrors $ fmap f days