FIX don't hash budget components (since they are interdependent)

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2023-03-01 20:38:11 -05:00
parent 6e2598b274
commit d89b63e59a
4 changed files with 80 additions and 78 deletions

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@ -95,14 +95,11 @@ hashConfig
{ budget = bs
, statements = ss
} =
concatMap budgetHashes bs ++ (hash <$> ms) ++ (hash <$> ps)
} = (hash <$> bs) ++ (hash <$> ms) ++ (hash <$> ps)
(ms, ps) = partitionEithers $ fmap go ss
go (StmtManual x) = Left x
go (StmtImport x) = Right x
budgetHashes Budget {transfers = xs, income = is} =
(hash <$> xs) ++ (hash <$> is)
setDiff :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
-- setDiff = setDiff' (==)

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@ -119,14 +119,15 @@ withDates dp f = do
-- 5. insert all transactions
insertBudget :: MonadFinance m => Budget -> SqlPersistT m [InsertError]
insertBudget Budget {budgetLabel = name, income = is, transfers = es, shadowTransfers = ss} = do
res1 <- mapM (insertIncome name) is
res2 <- expandTransfers name es
unlessLefts (concatEithers2 (fmap concat $ concatEithersL res1) res2 (++)) $
\txs -> do
unlessLefts (addShadowTransfers ss txs) $ \shadow -> do
let bals = balanceTransfers $ txs ++ shadow
concat <$> mapM insertBudgetTx bals
insertBudget b@(Budget {budgetLabel = name, income = is, transfers = es, shadowTransfers = ss}) =
whenHash CTBudget b [] $ \key -> do
res1 <- mapM (insertIncome key name) is
res2 <- expandTransfers key name es
unlessLefts (concatEithers2 (fmap concat $ concatEithersL res1) res2 (++)) $
\txs -> do
unlessLefts (addShadowTransfers ss txs) $ \shadow -> do
let bals = balanceTransfers $ txs ++ shadow
concat <$> mapM insertBudgetTx bals
-- TODO this is going to be O(n*m), which might be a problem?
addShadowTransfers :: [ShadowTransfer] -> [BudgetTxType] -> EitherErrs [BudgetTxType]
@ -173,13 +174,15 @@ shadowMatches ShadowMatch {smFrom, smTo, smDate, smVal} tx = do
(if asInclude then id else not) $ x `elem` asList
balanceTransfers :: [BudgetTxType] -> [BudgetTx]
balanceTransfers ts = snd $ L.mapAccumR go initBals $ L.sortOn (btWhen . bttTx) ts
balanceTransfers ts =
snd $ L.mapAccumR go initBals $ reverse $ L.sortOn (btWhen . bttTx) ts
initBals =
M.fromList $
fmap (,0) $
L.nub $
(fmap (btTo . bttTx) ts ++ fmap (btTo . bttTx) ts)
fmap (btTo . bttTx) ts
++ fmap (btFrom . bttTx) ts
updateBal x = M.update (Just . (+ x))
lookupBal = M.findWithDefault (error "this should not happen")
go bals btt =
@ -197,7 +200,7 @@ balanceTransfers ts = snd $ L.mapAccumR go initBals $ L.sortOn (btWhen . bttTx)
amtToMove bal Target x = x - bal
data BudgetMeta = BudgetMeta
{ bmCommit :: !(Key CommitR)
{ bmCommit :: !CommitRId
, bmCur :: !BudgetCurrency
, bmName :: !T.Text
@ -216,40 +219,41 @@ data BudgetTxType = BudgetTxType
, bttTx :: !BudgetTx
insertIncome :: MonadFinance m => T.Text -> Income -> SqlPersistT m (EitherErrs [BudgetTxType])
insertIncome :: MonadFinance m => CommitRId -> T.Text -> Income -> SqlPersistT m (EitherErrs [BudgetTxType])
i@Income {incWhen, incCurrency, incFrom, incPretax, incPosttax, incTaxes, incToBal} =
whenHash CTIncome i (Right []) $ \c -> do
let meta = BudgetMeta c (NoX incCurrency) name
let balRes = balanceIncome i
fromRes <- lift $ checkAcntType IncomeT $ taAcnt incFrom
case concatEither2 balRes fromRes (,) of
Left es -> return $ Left es
-- TODO this hole seems sloppy...
Right (balance, _) ->
fmap (fmap (concat . concat)) $
withDates incWhen $ \day -> do
let fromAllos = fmap concat . mapM (lift . fromAllo day meta incFrom)
pre <- fromAllos incPretax
tax <-
<$> mapM (lift . fromTax day meta (taAcnt incFrom)) incTaxes
post <- fromAllos incPosttax
let bal =
{ bttTx =
{ btMeta = meta
, btWhen = day
, btFrom = incFrom
, btTo = incToBal
, btValue = balance
, btDesc = "balance after deductions"
, bttType = FixedAmt
return $ concatEithersL [Right [bal], tax, Right pre, Right post]
i@Income {incWhen, incCurrency, incFrom, incPretax, incPosttax, incTaxes, incToBal} = do
-- whenHash CTIncome i (Right []) $ \c -> do
let meta = BudgetMeta key (NoX incCurrency) name
let balRes = balanceIncome i
fromRes <- lift $ checkAcntType IncomeT $ taAcnt incFrom
case concatEither2 balRes fromRes (,) of
Left es -> return $ Left es
-- TODO this hole seems sloppy...
Right (balance, _) ->
fmap (fmap (concat . concat)) $
withDates incWhen $ \day -> do
let fromAllos = fmap concat . mapM (lift . fromAllo day meta incFrom)
pre <- fromAllos incPretax
tax <-
<$> mapM (lift . fromTax day meta (taAcnt incFrom)) incTaxes
post <- fromAllos incPosttax
let bal =
{ bttTx =
{ btMeta = meta
, btWhen = day
, btFrom = incFrom
, btTo = incToBal
, btValue = balance
, btDesc = "balance after deductions"
, bttType = FixedAmt
return $ concatEithersL [Right [bal], tax, Right pre, Right post]
:: MonadFinance m
@ -325,39 +329,40 @@ sumTaxes = sum . fmap (dec2Rat . taxValue)
:: MonadFinance m
=> T.Text
=> CommitRId
-> T.Text
-> [Transfer]
-> SqlPersistT m (EitherErrs [BudgetTxType])
expandTransfers name ts = do
txs <- mapM (expandTransfer name) ts
expandTransfers key name ts = do
txs <- mapM (expandTransfer key name) ts
return $ L.sortOn (btWhen . bttTx) . concat <$> concatEithersL txs
expandTransfer :: MonadFinance m => T.Text -> Transfer -> SqlPersistT m (EitherErrs [BudgetTxType])
expandTransfer name t@Transfer {transAmounts, transTo, transCurrency, transFrom} =
whenHash CTExpense t (Right []) $ \key ->
fmap (fmap concat . concatEithersL) $
forM transAmounts $ \(TimeAmount (Amount desc v) atype pat) -> do
withDates pat $ \day ->
let meta =
{ bmCur = transCurrency
, bmCommit = key
, bmName = name
tx =
{ bttTx =
{ btMeta = meta
, btWhen = day
, btFrom = transFrom
, btTo = transTo
, btValue = dec2Rat v
, btDesc = desc
, bttType = atype
in return $ Right tx
expandTransfer :: MonadFinance m => CommitRId -> T.Text -> Transfer -> SqlPersistT m (EitherErrs [BudgetTxType])
expandTransfer key name Transfer {transAmounts, transTo, transCurrency, transFrom} =
-- whenHash CTExpense t (Right []) $ \key ->
fmap (fmap concat . concatEithersL) $
forM transAmounts $ \(TimeAmount (Amount desc v) atype pat) -> do
withDates pat $ \day ->
let meta =
{ bmCur = transCurrency
, bmCommit = key
, bmName = name
tx =
{ bttTx =
{ btMeta = meta
, btWhen = day
, btFrom = transFrom
, btTo = transTo
, btValue = dec2Rat v
, btDesc = desc
, bttType = atype
in return $ Right tx
insertBudgetTx :: MonadFinance m => BudgetTx -> SqlPersistT m [InsertError]
insertBudgetTx BudgetTx {btFrom, btTo, btMeta, btValue, btDesc, btWhen} = do

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@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ data ConfigHashes = ConfigHashes
, chImport :: ![Int]
data ConfigType = CTIncome | CTExpense | CTShadow | CTManual | CTImport
data ConfigType = CTBudget | CTManual | CTImport
deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Enum)
instance PersistFieldSql ConfigType where

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@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ showError other = (: []) $ case other of
(MatchValPrecisionError d p) ->
T.unwords ["Match denominator", showT d, "must be less than", showT p]
(LookupError t f) ->
T.unwords ["Could not find field", singleQuote f, "when resolving", what]
T.unwords ["Could not find field", f, "when resolving", what]
what = case t of
SplitIDField st -> T.unwords ["split", idName st, "ID"]