ENH use better algorithm for cronpatterns

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2023-02-05 10:34:26 -05:00
parent 56a14e5e9e
commit dae132c8b9
8 changed files with 141 additions and 225 deletions

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@ -158,12 +158,15 @@ runSync :: MonadUnliftIO m => FilePath -> m ()
runSync c = do
config <- readConfig c
handle err $ migrate_ (sqlConfig config) $ do
s <- getDBState config
flip runReaderT (s $ takeDirectory c) $ do
es1 <- insertBudget $ budget config
es2 <- insertStatements config
let es = es1 ++ es2
unless (null es) $ throwIO $ InsertException es
res <- getDBState config
case res of
Left es -> throwIO $ InsertException es
Right s -> do
flip runReaderT (s $ takeDirectory c) $ do
es1 <- insertBudget $ budget config
es2 <- insertStatements config
let es = es1 ++ es2
unless (null es) $ throwIO $ InsertException es
err (InsertException es) = do
liftIO $ mapM_ TI.putStrLn $ concatMap showError es

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ let Gregorian = { gYear : Natural, gMonth : Natural, gDay : Natural }
let GregorianM = { gmYear : Natural, gmMonth : Natural }
let Interval = { intStart : Optional Gregorian, intEnd : Optional Gregorian }
let Interval = { intStart : Gregorian, intEnd : Optional Gregorian }
let Global = { budgetInterval : Interval, statementInterval : Interval }

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ let List/map =
let T =
let nullSplit =
\(a : T.SplitAcnt) ->

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@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ type CurrencyMap = M.Map CurID CurrencyRId
data DBState = DBState
{ kmCurrency :: !CurrencyMap
, kmAccount :: !AccountMap
, kmBudgetInterval :: !MaybeBounds
, kmStatementInterval :: !MaybeBounds
, kmBudgetInterval :: !Bounds
, kmStatementInterval :: !Bounds
, kmNewCommits :: ![Int]
, kmConfigDir :: !FilePath
, kmBoundsCache :: !(MVar (M.Map (Bounds, DatePat) [Day]))

View File

@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ indexAcntRoot r =
:: MonadUnliftIO m
=> Config
-> SqlPersistT m (FilePath -> DBState)
-> SqlPersistT m (EitherErrs (FilePath -> DBState))
getDBState c = do
am <- updateAccounts $ accounts c
cm <- updateCurrencies $ currencies c
@ -316,13 +316,16 @@ getDBState c = do
v <- newMVar M.empty
-- TODO not sure how I feel about this, probably will change this struct alot
-- in the future so whatever...for now
return $ \f ->
return $ concatEither2 bi si $ \b s f ->
{ kmCurrency = cm
, kmAccount = am
, kmBudgetInterval = intervalMaybeBounds $ budgetInterval $ global c
, kmStatementInterval = intervalMaybeBounds $ statementInterval $ global c
, kmBudgetInterval = b
, kmStatementInterval = s
, kmNewCommits = hs
, kmConfigDir = f
, kmBoundsCache = v
bi = resolveBounds $ budgetInterval $ global c
si = resolveBounds $ statementInterval $ global c

View File

@ -17,206 +17,87 @@ import Internal.Statement
import Internal.Types hiding (sign)
import Internal.Utils
import RIO hiding (to)
-- import qualified RIO.Map as M
import qualified RIO.List as L
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import RIO.Time
-- intervals
-- expandDatePat :: MonadUnliftIO m => Bounds -> DatePat -> MappingT m [Day]
-- expandDatePat d p = do
-- -- TODO crude memoization
-- v <- asks kmBoundsCache
-- modifyMVar v $ \m -> case M.lookup (d, p) m of
-- Just ds -> return (m, ds)
-- Nothing -> do
-- let res = expandDatePat_ d p
-- return (M.insert (d, p) res m, res)
expandDatePat :: Bounds -> DatePat -> [Day]
expandDatePat :: Bounds -> DatePat -> EitherErrs [Day]
expandDatePat b (Cron cp) = expandCronPat b cp
-- expandDatePat (a, b) (Cron cp) =
-- fmap xGregToDay $
-- filter (cronPatternMatches cp) $
-- take (fromIntegral $ diffDays b a) $
-- gregorians a
expandDatePat i (Mod mp) = expandModPat mp i
expandDatePat i (Mod mp) = Right $ expandModPat mp i
expandModPat :: ModPat -> Bounds -> [Day]
ModPat {mpStart = s, mpBy = b, mpUnit = u, mpRepeats = r}
(lower, upper) =
takeWhile (<= upper) $
(`addFun` start) . (* b')
<$> maybe id (take . fromIntegral) r [0 ..]
start = maybe lower fromGregorian' s
b' = fromIntegral b
addFun = case u of
Day -> addDays
Week -> addDays . (* 7)
Month -> addGregorianMonthsClip
Year -> addGregorianYearsClip
-- nextXGreg_ :: CronPat -> XGregorian -> XGregorian
-- nextXGreg_ c XGregorian {xgYear = y, xgMonth = m, xgDay = d, xgDayOfWeek = w}
-- | m == 12 && d == 31 = XGregorian (y + 1) 1 1 w_
-- | (m == 2 && (not leap && d == 28 || (leap && d == 29)))
-- || (m `elem` [4, 6, 9, 11] && d == 30)
-- || (d == 31) =
-- XGregorian y (m + 1) 1 w_
-- | otherwise = XGregorian y m (d + 1) w_
-- where
-- -- don't use DayOfWeek from Data.Time since this uses mod (which uses a
-- -- division opcode) and thus will be slower than just checking for equality
-- -- and adding
-- w_ = if w == 6 then 0 else w + 1
-- leap = isLeapYear $ fromIntegral y
monthLength :: (Integral a, Integral b, Integral c) => a -> b -> c
monthLength y m
| m == 2 && isLeapYear (fromIntegral y) = 29
| m == 2 = 28
| m `elem` [4, 6, 9, 11] = 30
| otherwise = 31
-- TODO this can be optimized to prevent filtering a bunch of dates for
-- one/a few cron patterns
-- cronPatternMatches :: CronPat -> XGregorian -> Bool
-- cronPatternMatches CronPat {..} XGregorian {..} =
-- testYMD xgYear cronYear
-- && testYMD xgMonth cronMonth
-- && testYMD xgDay cronDay
-- && testW (dayOfWeek_ xgDayOfWeek) cronWeekly
-- where
-- testYMD z = maybe True (mdyPatternMatches (fromIntegral z))
-- testW z = maybe True (`weekdayPatternMatches` z)
expandCronPat :: Bounds -> CronPat -> [Day]
expandCronPat b = L.unfoldr nextCronPat . compileCronPat b
data CompiledCronPat = CompiledCronPat
{ ccpYear :: ![Int]
, ccpMonth :: !(Zipper Int)
, ccpDay :: !(Zipper Int)
, ccpWeekly :: ![Int]
, ccpMonthEnd :: !Int
, ccpDayEnd :: !Int
deriving (Show)
data Zipper a = Zipper ![a] ![a] deriving (Show)
initZipper :: [a] -> Zipper a
initZipper = Zipper []
resetZipper :: Zipper a -> Zipper a
resetZipper (Zipper bs as) = initZipper $ reverse bs ++ as
shiftZipperWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> Zipper a -> Zipper a
shiftZipperWhile f z@(Zipper bs as) = case as of
[] -> z
x : xs
| f x -> shiftZipperWhile f $ Zipper (x : bs) xs
| otherwise -> z
zipperCurrent :: Zipper a -> Either (Zipper a) (a, Zipper a)
zipperCurrent z@(Zipper _ []) = Left $ resetZipper z
zipperCurrent (Zipper bs (a : as)) = Right (a, Zipper (a : bs) as)
compileCronPat :: Bounds -> CronPat -> CompiledCronPat
compileCronPat (x, y) CronPat {..} =
{ ccpYear = maybe [y0_ .. y1_] compileMDY_ cronYear
, ccpMonth = compileDY [1 .. 12] m0 cronMonth
, ccpDay = compileDY [1 .. 31] d0 cronDay
, ccpWeekly = maybe [] compileW cronWeekly
, ccpMonthEnd = m1
, ccpDayEnd = d1
expandModPat ModPat {mpStart = s, mpBy = b, mpUnit = u, mpRepeats = r} bs =
takeWhile (<= upper) $
(`addFun` start) . (* b')
<$> maybe id (take . fromIntegral) r [0 ..]
(y0, m0, d0) = toGregorian x
(y1, m1, d1) = toGregorian y
y0_ = fromIntegral y0
y1_ = fromIntegral y1
compileDY def k = shiftZipperWhile (< k) . initZipper . maybe def compileMDY_
compileMDY_ (Single z) = [fromIntegral z]
compileMDY_ (Multi zs) = fromIntegral <$> zs
compileMDY_ (Repeat RepeatPat {rpStart = s, rpBy = b, rpRepeats = rs}) =
-- TODO minor perf improvement, filter the repeats before filterng <=31
let b' = fromIntegral b
xs = takeWhile (<= 31) $ L.iterate (+ b') $ fromIntegral s
in maybe xs (\r -> take (fromIntegral r) xs) rs
(lower, upper) = expandBounds bs
start = maybe lower fromGregorian' s
b' = fromIntegral b
addFun = case u of
Day -> addDays
Week -> addDays . (* 7)
Month -> addGregorianMonthsClip
Year -> addGregorianYearsClip
compileW (OnDay w) = [fromEnum w]
compileW (OnDays ws) = fromEnum <$> ws
nextCronPat :: CompiledCronPat -> Maybe (Day, CompiledCronPat)
nextCronPat CompiledCronPat {ccpYear = []} = Nothing
nextCronPat c@(CompiledCronPat {..}) =
case zipperCurrent ccpMonth of
Left mz -> nextCronPat $ c {ccpYear = ys, ccpMonth = mz, ccpDay = resetZipper ccpDay}
Right (m, mz) -> case zipperCurrent ccpDay of
Left dz -> nextCronPat $ c {ccpMonth = mz, ccpDay = dz}
Right (d, dz)
| null ys && m >= ccpMonthEnd && d >= ccpDayEnd -> Nothing
| otherwise -> case dayMaybe m d of
Nothing -> nextCronPat $ c {ccpMonth = mz, ccpDay = resetZipper dz}
Just day -> Just (day, c {ccpDay = dz})
expandCronPat :: Bounds -> CronPat -> EitherErrs [Day]
expandCronPat b CronPat {..} = concatEither3 yRes mRes dRes $ \ys ms ds ->
filter validWeekday $
mapMaybe (uncurry3 toDay) $
takeWhile (\((y, _), m, d) -> (y, m, d) <= (yb1, mb1, db1)) $
dropWhile (\((y, _), m, d) -> (y, m, d) < (yb0, mb0, db0)) $
[(y, m, d) | y <- (\y -> (y, isLeapYear y)) <$> ys, m <- ms, d <- ds]
y : ys = ccpYear
-- TODO not the most efficient way to check weekdays (most likely) since
-- I have to go through all the trouble of converting to a day and then
-- doing some complex math to figure out which day of the week it is
validWeekday day =
null ccpWeekly
|| (not (null ccpWeekly) && dayToWeekday day `elem` ccpWeekly)
dayMaybe m d
| d > monthLength y m = Nothing
| otherwise =
let day = fromGregorian (fromIntegral y) m d
in if validWeekday day then Just day else Nothing
yRes = case cronYear of
Nothing -> return [yb0 .. yb1]
Just pat -> do
ys <- expandMDYPat (fromIntegral yb1) pat
return $ dropWhile (< yb0) $ fromIntegral <$> ys
mRes = expandMD 12 cronMonth
dRes = expandMD 31 cronDay
(s, e) = expandBounds b
(yb0, mb0, db0) = toGregorian s
(yb1, mb1, db1) = toGregorian $ addDays (-1) e
expandMD lim = fmap (fromIntegral <$>) . maybe (return [1 .. lim]) (expandMDYPat lim)
expandW (OnDay x) = [fromEnum x]
expandW (OnDays xs) = fromEnum <$> xs
ws = maybe [] expandW cronWeekly
validWeekday = if null ws then const True else \day -> dayToWeekday day `elem` ws
toDay (y, leap) m d
| m == 2 && (not leap && d > 28 || leap && d > 29) = Nothing
| m `elem` [4, 6, 9, 11] && d > 30 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ fromGregorian y m d
expandMDYPat :: Natural -> MDYPat -> EitherErr [Natural]
expandMDYPat _ (Single x) = Right [x]
expandMDYPat _ (Multi xs) = Right xs
expandMDYPat lim (Repeat RepeatPat {rpStart = s, rpBy = b, rpRepeats = r})
| b < 1 = Left $ PatternError s b r ZeroLength
| otherwise = do
k <- limit r
return $ takeWhile (<= k) [s + i * b | i <- [0 ..]]
limit Nothing = Right lim
limit (Just n)
-- this guard not only produces the error for the user but also protects
-- from an underflow below it
| n < 1 = Left $ PatternError s b r ZeroRepeats
| otherwise = Right $ min (s + b * (n - 1)) lim
dayToWeekday :: Day -> Int
dayToWeekday (ModifiedJulianDay d) = mod (fromIntegral d + 2) 7
-- -- TODO could clean this up by making an enum instance for Weekday
-- dayOfWeek_ :: Int -> Weekday
-- dayOfWeek_ d = case d of
-- 0 -> Sun
-- 1 -> Mon
-- 2 -> Tue
-- 3 -> Wed
-- 4 -> Thu
-- 5 -> Fri
-- _ -> Sat
-- weekdayPatternMatches :: WeekdayPat -> Weekday -> Bool
-- weekdayPatternMatches (OnDay x) = (== x)
-- weekdayPatternMatches (OnDays xs) = (`elem` xs)
-- mdyPatternMatches :: Natural -> MDYPat -> Bool
-- mdyPatternMatches x p = case p of
-- Single y -> x == y
-- Multi xs -> x `elem` xs
-- Repeat (RepeatPat {rpStart = s, rpBy = b, rpRepeats = r}) ->
-- s >= x && mod x b == 0 && maybe True (\y -> x <= s + b * y) r
:: MonadUnliftIO m
=> DatePat
-> (Day -> MappingT m a)
-> MappingT m [a]
-> MappingT m (EitherErrs [a])
withDates dp f = do
bounds <- askBounds
bounds <- asks kmBudgetInterval
let days = expandDatePat bounds dp
mapM f days
askBounds :: MonadUnliftIO m => MappingT m Bounds
askBounds = (liftIO . resolveBounds) =<< asks kmBudgetInterval
mapM (mapM f) days
-- budget
@ -263,8 +144,8 @@ data BudgetTx = BudgetTx
insertIncome :: MonadUnliftIO m => Income -> MappingT m [InsertError]
insertIncome i@Income {..} =
whenHash CTIncome i [] $ \c ->
unlessLeft (balanceIncome i) $ \balance ->
fmap concat $ withDates incWhen $ \day -> do
unlessLeft (balanceIncome i) $ \balance -> do
res <- withDates incWhen $ \day -> do
let meta = BudgetMeta c day incCurrency
let fromAllos b = concatMap (fromAllo meta incFrom (Just b))
let pre = fromAllos PreTax incPretax
@ -279,6 +160,7 @@ insertIncome i@Income {..} =
, btDesc = "balance after deductions"
fmap concat $ mapM insertBudgetTx $ bal : (pre ++ tax ++ post)
unlessLefts res $ return . concat
:: BudgetMeta
@ -329,9 +211,10 @@ sumTaxes = sum . fmap (dec2Rat . taxValue)
insertTransfer :: MonadUnliftIO m => Transfer -> MappingT m [InsertError]
insertTransfer t@Transfer {..} =
fmap (concat . concat) $ whenHash CTExpense t [] $ \key -> do
forM transAmounts $ \(TimeAmount amt pat) ->
withDates pat $ \day -> insertBudgetTx $ budgetTx amt day key
fmap concat $ whenHash CTExpense t [] $ \key -> do
forM transAmounts $ \(TimeAmount amt pat) -> do
res <- withDates pat $ \day -> insertBudgetTx $ budgetTx amt day key
unlessLefts res $ return . concat
meta d c = BudgetMeta {bmWhen = d, bmCur = transCurrency, bmCommit = c}
budgetTx (Amount desc v) d c =
@ -399,10 +282,12 @@ insertManual
, manualDesc = e
} = do
whenHash CTManual m [] $ \c -> do
bounds <- (liftIO . resolveBounds) =<< asks kmStatementInterval
let days = expandDatePat bounds dp
res <- mapM tx days
unlessLefts_ (concatEithersL res) $ lift . mapM_ (insertTx c)
bounds <- asks kmStatementInterval
-- let days = expandDatePat bounds dp
let dayRes = expandDatePat bounds dp
unlessLefts dayRes $ \days -> do
txRes <- mapM tx days
unlessLefts_ (concatEithersL txRes) $ lift . mapM_ (insertTx c)
tx day = txPair day from to u (dec2Rat v) e
@ -411,8 +296,8 @@ insertImport i = whenHash CTImport i [] $ \c -> do
-- TODO this isn't efficient, the whole file will be read and maybe no
-- transactions will be desired
recoverIO (readImport i) $ \r -> unlessLefts r $ \bs -> do
bounds <- asks kmStatementInterval
res <- mapM resolveTx $ filter (inMaybeBounds bounds . txDate) bs
bounds <- expandBounds <$> asks kmStatementInterval
res <- mapM resolveTx $ filter (inBounds bounds . txDate) bs
unlessLefts_ (concatEithersL res) $ lift . mapM_ (insertTx c)
recoverIO x rest = do

View File

@ -520,9 +520,9 @@ data TxRecord = TxRecord
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type Bounds = (Day, Day)
type Bounds = (Day, Natural)
type MaybeBounds = (Maybe Day, Maybe Day)
-- type MaybeBounds = (Maybe Day, Maybe Day)
data Keyed a = Keyed
{ kKey :: !Int64
@ -576,6 +576,8 @@ data AllocationSuberr
| TooManyBlanks
deriving (Show)
data PatternSuberr = ZeroLength | ZeroRepeats deriving (Show)
data InsertError
= RegexError !T.Text
| MatchValPrecisionError !Natural !Natural
@ -585,6 +587,8 @@ data InsertError
| LookupError !LookupSuberr !T.Text
| BalanceError !BalanceType !CurID ![RawSplit]
| IncomeError !DatePat
| PatternError !Natural !Natural !(Maybe Natural) !PatternSuberr
| BoundsError !Gregorian !(Maybe Gregorian)
| StatementError ![TxRecord] ![MatchRe]
deriving (Show)

View File

@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
module Internal.Utils
( compareDate
, intervalMaybeBounds
-- , intervalMaybeBounds
, inBounds
, expandBounds
, fmtRational
, matches
, fromGregorian'
@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ module Internal.Utils
, unlessLefts_
, unlessLeft
, unlessLefts
, inMaybeBounds
-- , inMaybeBounds
, acntPath2Text
, showT
, lookupErr
@ -119,29 +121,26 @@ compareDate (In md offset) x = do
| otherwise = if (start + fromIntegral offset - 1) < z then GT else EQ
toMonth year month = (year * 12) + fromIntegral month
-- boundsFromGregorian :: (Gregorian, Gregorian) -> Bounds
-- boundsFromGregorian (a, b) = (fromGregorian' a, fromGregorian' b)
fromGregorian' :: Gregorian -> Day
fromGregorian' = uncurry3 fromGregorian . gregTup
-- inBounds :: Bounds -> Day -> Bool
-- inBounds (d0, d1) x = d0 <= x && x <= d1
-- TODO misleading name
inBounds :: (Day, Day) -> Day -> Bool
inBounds (d0, d1) x = d0 <= x && x < d1
inMaybeBounds :: MaybeBounds -> Day -> Bool
inMaybeBounds (d0, d1) x = maybe True (x >=) d0 && maybe True (x <=) d1
intervalMaybeBounds :: Interval -> MaybeBounds
intervalMaybeBounds Interval {intStart = s, intEnd = e} =
(fmap fromGregorian' s, fmap fromGregorian' e)
resolveBounds :: MonadUnliftIO m => MaybeBounds -> m Bounds
resolveBounds (s, e) = do
s' <- maybe getDay return s
e' <- maybe (addGregorianYearsClip 50 <$> getDay) return e
return (s', e')
resolveBounds :: Interval -> EitherErr Bounds
resolveBounds Interval {intStart = s, intEnd = e} =
case fromGregorian' <$> e of
Nothing -> Right $ toBounds $ fromGregorian' $ s {gYear = gYear s + 50}
Just e_
| s_ < e_ -> Right $ toBounds e_
| otherwise -> Left $ BoundsError s e
getDay = utctDay <$> getCurrentTime
s_ = fromGregorian' s
toBounds end = (s_, fromIntegral $ diffDays end s_ - 1)
expandBounds :: Bounds -> (Day, Day)
expandBounds (d, n) = (d, addDays (fromIntegral n + 1) d)
-- matching
@ -319,6 +318,25 @@ acntPath2Text (AcntPath t cs) = T.intercalate "/" (atName t : cs)
showError :: InsertError -> [T.Text]
showError (StatementError ts ms) = (showTx <$> ts) ++ (showMatch <$> ms)
showError other = (: []) $ case other of
(BoundsError a b) ->
T.unwords ["Could not create bounds from", showGregorian_ a, "and", showGreg b]
showGreg (Just g) = showGregorian_ g
showGreg Nothing = "Inf"
(PatternError s b r p) -> T.unwords [msg, "in pattern: ", pat]
pat =
keyVals $
[ (k, v)
| (k, Just v) <-
[ ("start", Just $ showT s)
, ("by", Just $ showT b)
, ("repeats", showT <$> r)
msg = case p of
ZeroLength -> "Zero repeat length"
ZeroRepeats -> "Zero repeats"
(RegexError re) -> T.append "could not make regex from pattern: " re
(ConversionError x) -> T.append "Could not convert to rational number: " x
(InsertIOError msg) -> T.append "IO Error: " msg
@ -353,6 +371,9 @@ showError other = (: []) $ case other of
NotOneBlank -> "Exactly one split must be blank"
splits = T.intercalate ", " $ fmap (singleQuote . showSplit) rss
showGregorian_ :: Gregorian -> T.Text
showGregorian_ Gregorian {..} = T.intercalate "-" $ showT <$> [gYear, gMonth, gDay]
showTx :: TxRecord -> T.Text
showTx TxRecord {trDate = d, trAmount = v, trDesc = e, trFile = f} =
T.append "Unmatched transaction: " $