
222 lines
6.1 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitPrelude #-}
module Main (main) where
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.IO.Rerunnable
import Control.Monad.Logger
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TI
import Database.Persist.Monad
import Dhall hiding (double, record)
import Internal.Budget
import Internal.Database
import Internal.History
import Internal.Types.Main
import Internal.Utils
import Options.Applicative
import RIO
import RIO.FilePath
import qualified RIO.Text as T
main :: IO ()
main = parse =<< execParser o
o =
(options <**> helper)
( fullDesc
<> progDesc "Pwn your budget"
<> header "pwncash - your budget, your life"
data Options = Options FilePath Mode
data Mode
= Reset
| DumpCurrencies
| DumpAccounts
| DumpAccountKeys
| Sync
configFile :: Parser FilePath
configFile =
( long "config"
<> short 'c'
<> metavar "CONFIG"
<> value "main.dhall"
<> help "config file to use"
options :: Parser Options
options =
getConf reset
<|> getConf dumpCurrencies
<|> getConf dumpAccounts
<|> getConf dumpAccountKeys
<|> getConf sync
getConf m = Options <$> configFile <*> m
reset :: Parser Mode
reset =
( long "reset"
<> short 'R'
<> help "Reset the database"
dumpCurrencies :: Parser Mode
dumpCurrencies =
( long "currencies"
<> short 'C'
<> help "Dump all currencies in the configuration"
dumpAccounts :: Parser Mode
dumpAccounts =
( long "accounts"
<> short 'A'
<> help "Dump all accounts in the configuration"
-- TODO 'alias' is a better name for these
dumpAccountKeys :: Parser Mode
dumpAccountKeys =
( long "account_keys"
<> short 'K'
<> help "Dump all account keys/aliases"
sync :: Parser Mode
sync =
( long "sync"
<> short 'S'
<> help "Sync config to database"
parse :: Options -> IO ()
parse (Options c Reset) = do
config <- readConfig c
runDB (sqlConfig config) nukeTables
parse (Options c DumpAccounts) = runDumpAccounts c
parse (Options c DumpAccountKeys) = runDumpAccountKeys c
parse (Options c DumpCurrencies) = runDumpCurrencies c
parse (Options c Sync) = runSync c
runDumpCurrencies :: MonadUnliftIO m => FilePath -> m ()
runDumpCurrencies c = do
cs <- currencies <$> readConfig c
liftIO $ putStrLn $ T.unpack $ T.unlines $ fmap fmt cs
fmt Currency {curSymbol = s, curFullname = f} =
T.concat [s, ": ", f]
runDumpAccounts :: MonadUnliftIO m => FilePath -> m ()
runDumpAccounts c = do
ar <- accounts <$> readConfig c
mapM_ (\(h, f) -> printTree h $ f ar) ps
ps =
[ ("Assets", arAssets)
, ("Equity", arEquity)
, ("Expenses", arExpenses)
, ("Income", arIncome)
, ("Liabilities", arLiabilities)
printTree h ts = do
liftIO $ putStrLn h
mapM (go 1) ts
go i (Placeholder d n cs) = do
printAcnt i d n
mapM_ (go (i + 1)) cs
go i (Account d n) = printAcnt i d n
printAcnt i d n = do
let ind = T.replicate (i * 2) " "
liftIO $ putStrLn $ T.unpack $ T.concat [ind, n, ": ", d]
runDumpAccountKeys :: MonadUnliftIO m => FilePath -> m ()
runDumpAccountKeys c = do
ar <- accounts <$> readConfig c
let ks =
paths2IDs $
fmap (double . fst) $
concatMap (t3 . uncurry tree2Records) $
flattenAcntRoot ar
mapM_ (uncurry printPair) ks
printPair i p = do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ T.unpack $ T.concat [acntPath2Text p, ": ", i]
t3 (_, _, x) = x
double x = (x, x)
runSync :: FilePath -> IO ()
runSync c = do
config <- readConfig c
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ mkPool $ sqlConfig config
handle err $ do
-- _ <- askLoggerIO
-- Get the current DB state.
(state, updates) <- runSqlQueryT pool $ do
runMigration migrateAll
liftIOExceptT $ getDBState config
-- Read raw transactions according to state. If a transaction is already in
-- the database, don't read it but record the commit so we can update it.
(rus, is) <-
flip runReaderT state $ do
let (hTs, hSs) = splitHistory $ statements config
hSs' <- mapErrorsIO (readHistStmt root) hSs
-- lift $ print $ length $ lefts hSs'
-- lift $ print $ length $ rights hSs'
hTs' <- liftIOExceptT $ mapErrors readHistTransfer hTs
-- lift $ print $ length $ lefts hTs'
bTs <- liftIOExceptT $ mapErrors readBudget $ budget config
-- lift $ print $ length $ lefts bTs
return $ second concat $ partitionEithers $ hSs' ++ hTs' ++ bTs
-- print $ length $ kmNewCommits state
-- print $ length $ duOldCommits updates
-- print $ length $ duNewTagIds updates
-- print $ length $ duNewAcntPaths updates
-- print $ length $ duNewAcntIds updates
-- print $ length $ duNewCurrencyIds updates
-- Update the DB.
runSqlQueryT pool $ withTransaction $ flip runReaderT state $ do
-- NOTE this must come first (unless we defer foreign keys)
updateDBState updates
-- TODO skip this entire section if the database won't change (eg length
-- of 'is' is zero and there are no commits to delete)
res <- runExceptT $ do
-- TODO taking out the hash is dumb
(rs, ues) <- readUpdates $ fmap commitRHash rus
-- rerunnableIO $ print ues
-- rerunnableIO $ print $ length rs
let ebs = fmap ToUpdate ues ++ fmap ToRead rs ++ fmap ToInsert is
insertAll ebs
-- NOTE this rerunnable thing is a bit misleading; fromEither will throw
-- whatever error is encountered above in an IO context, but the first
-- thrown error should be caught despite possibly needing to be rerun
rerunnableIO $ fromEither res
root = takeDirectory c
err (InsertException es) = do
liftIO $ mapM_ TI.putStrLn $ concatMap showError es
-- showBalances
readConfig :: MonadUnliftIO m => FilePath -> m Config
readConfig confpath = liftIO $ unfix <$> Dhall.inputFile confpath