409 lines
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409 lines
13 KiB
module Internal.Budget (readBudget) where
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Decimal hiding (allocate)
import Data.Foldable
import Internal.Database
import Internal.Types.Main
import Internal.Utils
import RIO hiding (to)
import qualified RIO.List as L
import qualified RIO.Map as M
import qualified RIO.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import RIO.Time
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> Budget
-> m (Either CommitR [Tx CommitR])
{ bgtLabel
, bgtIncomes
, bgtTransfers
, bgtShadowTransfers
, bgtPretax
, bgtTax
, bgtPosttax
, bgtInterval
} =
eitherHash CTBudget b return $ \key -> do
spanRes <- getSpan
case spanRes of
Nothing -> return []
Just budgetSpan -> do
(intAllos, _) <- combineError intAlloRes acntRes (,)
let res1 = mapErrors (readIncome key bgtLabel intAllos budgetSpan) bgtIncomes
let res2 = expandTransfers key bgtLabel budgetSpan bgtTransfers
txs <- combineError (concat <$> res1) res2 (++)
shadow <- addShadowTransfers bgtShadowTransfers txs
return $ txs ++ shadow
acntRes = mapErrors isNotIncomeAcnt alloAcnts
intAlloRes = combineError3 pre_ tax_ post_ (,,)
pre_ = sortAllos bgtPretax
tax_ = sortAllos bgtTax
post_ = sortAllos bgtPosttax
sortAllos = liftExcept . mapErrors sortAllo
alloAcnts =
(alloAcnt <$> bgtPretax)
++ (alloAcnt <$> bgtTax)
++ (alloAcnt <$> bgtPosttax)
getSpan = do
globalSpan <- askDBState kmBudgetInterval
case bgtInterval of
Nothing -> return $ Just globalSpan
Just bi -> do
localSpan <- liftExcept $ resolveDaySpan bi
return $ intersectDaySpan globalSpan localSpan
sortAllo :: MultiAllocation v -> InsertExcept (DaySpanAllocation v)
sortAllo a@Allocation {alloAmts = as} = do
bs <- foldSpan [] $ L.sortOn amtWhen as
return $ a {alloAmts = reverse bs}
foldSpan acc [] = return acc
foldSpan acc (x : xs) = do
let start = amtWhen x
res <- case xs of
[] -> resolveDaySpan start
(y : _) -> resolveDaySpan_ (intStart $ amtWhen y) start
foldSpan (x {amtWhen = res} : acc) xs
-- Income
-- TODO this will scan the interval allocations fully each time
-- iteration which is a total waste, but the fix requires turning this
-- loop into a fold which I don't feel like doing now :(
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> CommitR
-> T.Text
-> IntAllocations
-> DaySpan
-> Income
-> m [Tx CommitR]
(intPre, intTax, intPost)
{ incWhen
, incCurrency
, incFrom = TaggedAcnt {taAcnt = srcAcnt, taTags = srcTags}
, incPretax
, incPosttax
, incTaxes
, incToBal = TaggedAcnt {taAcnt = destAcnt, taTags = destTags}
, incGross
, incPayPeriod
, incPriority
} =
(combineError incRes nonIncRes (,))
(combineError cpRes dayRes (,))
$ \_ (cp, days) -> do
let gross = realFracToDecimal (cpPrec cp) incGross
foldDays (allocate cp gross) start days
incRes = isIncomeAcnt srcAcnt
nonIncRes =
mapErrors isNotIncomeAcnt $
: (alloAcnt <$> incPretax)
++ (alloAcnt <$> incTaxes)
++ (alloAcnt <$> incPosttax)
cpRes = lookupCurrency incCurrency
dayRes = liftExcept $ expandDatePat ds incWhen
start = fromGregorian' $ pStart incPayPeriod
pType' = pType incPayPeriod
flatPre = concatMap flattenAllo incPretax
flatTax = concatMap flattenAllo incTaxes
flatPost = concatMap flattenAllo incPosttax
sumAllos = sum . fmap faValue
-- TODO ensure these are all the "correct" accounts
allocate cp gross prevDay day = do
scaler <- liftExcept $ periodScaler pType' prevDay day
let precision = cpPrec cp
let (preDeductions, pre) =
allocatePre precision gross $
flatPre ++ concatMap (selectAllos day) intPre
let tax =
allocateTax precision gross preDeductions scaler $
flatTax ++ concatMap (selectAllos day) intTax
aftertaxGross = gross - sumAllos (tax ++ pre)
let post =
allocatePost precision aftertaxGross $
flatPost ++ concatMap (selectAllos day) intPost
-- TODO double or rational here?
let src =
{ eAcnt = srcAcnt
, eValue = ()
, eComment = ""
, eTags = srcTags
let dest =
{ eAcnt = destAcnt
, eValue = ()
, eComment = "balance after deductions"
, eTags = destTags
let allos = allo2Trans <$> (pre ++ tax ++ post)
let primary =
{ esTotalValue = gross
, esCurrency = cpID cp
, esFrom = HalfEntrySet {hesPrimary = src, hesOther = []}
, esTo = HalfEntrySet {hesPrimary = dest, hesOther = allos}
return $
{ txCommit = key
, txDate = day
, txPrimary = Left primary
, txOther = []
, txDescr = ""
, txBudget = name
, txPriority = incPriority
:: PeriodType
-> Day
-> Day
-> InsertExcept PeriodScaler
periodScaler pt prev cur = return scale
n = workingDays wds prev cur
wds = case pt of
Hourly HourlyPeriod {hpWorkingDays} -> hpWorkingDays
Daily ds -> ds
scale prec x = case pt of
Hourly HourlyPeriod {hpAnnualHours, hpDailyHours} ->
realFracToDecimal prec (x / fromIntegral hpAnnualHours)
* fromIntegral hpDailyHours
* fromIntegral n
Daily _ -> realFracToDecimal prec (x * fromIntegral n / 365.25)
-- ASSUME start < end
workingDays :: [Weekday] -> Day -> Day -> Natural
workingDays wds start end = fromIntegral $ daysFull + daysTail
interval = diffDays end start
(nFull, nPart) = divMod interval 7
daysFull = fromIntegral (length wds') * nFull
daysTail = fromIntegral $ length $ takeWhile (< nPart) wds'
startDay = dayOfWeek start
wds' = L.sort $ (\x -> diff (fromWeekday x) startDay) <$> L.nub wds
diff a b = fromIntegral $ mod (fromEnum a - fromEnum b) 7
-- ASSUME days is a sorted list
:: MonadInsertError m
=> (Day -> Day -> m a)
-> Day
-> [Day]
-> m [a]
foldDays f start days = case NE.nonEmpty days of
Nothing -> return []
Just ds
| any (start >) ds ->
throwError $
InsertException [PeriodError start $ minimum ds]
| otherwise ->
combineErrors $
snd $
L.mapAccumL (\prevDay day -> (day, f prevDay day)) start days
isIncomeAcnt :: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m) => AcntID -> m ()
isIncomeAcnt = checkAcntType IncomeT
isNotIncomeAcnt :: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m) => AcntID -> m ()
isNotIncomeAcnt = checkAcntTypes (AssetT :| [EquityT, ExpenseT, LiabilityT])
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> AcntType
-> AcntID
-> m ()
checkAcntType t = checkAcntTypes (t :| [])
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> NE.NonEmpty AcntType
-> AcntID
-> m ()
checkAcntTypes ts i = void $ go =<< lookupAccountType i
go t
| t `L.elem` ts = return i
| otherwise = throwError $ InsertException [AccountError i ts]
flattenAllo :: SingleAllocation v -> [FlatAllocation v]
flattenAllo Allocation {alloAmts, alloTo} = fmap go alloAmts
go Amount {amtValue, amtDesc} =
{ faTo = alloTo
, faValue = amtValue
, faDesc = amtDesc
-- ASSUME allocations are sorted
selectAllos :: Day -> DaySpanAllocation v -> [FlatAllocation v]
selectAllos day Allocation {alloAmts, alloTo} =
go <$> filter ((`inDaySpan` day) . amtWhen) alloAmts
go Amount {amtValue, amtDesc} =
{ faTo = alloTo
, faValue = amtValue
, faDesc = amtDesc
allo2Trans :: FlatAllocation Decimal -> Entry AcntID LinkDeferred TagID
allo2Trans FlatAllocation {faValue, faTo = TaggedAcnt {taAcnt, taTags}, faDesc} =
{ eValue = LinkDeferred (EntryFixed faValue)
, eComment = faDesc
, eAcnt = taAcnt
, eTags = taTags
:: Precision
-> Decimal
-> [FlatAllocation PretaxValue]
-> (M.Map T.Text Decimal, [FlatAllocation Decimal])
allocatePre precision gross = L.mapAccumR go M.empty
go m f@FlatAllocation {faValue = PretaxValue {preCategory, preValue, prePercent}} =
let v =
if prePercent
then gross *. (preValue / 100)
else realFracToDecimal precision preValue
in (mapAdd_ preCategory v m, f {faValue = v})
:: Precision
-> Decimal
-> M.Map T.Text Decimal
-> PeriodScaler
-> [FlatAllocation TaxValue]
-> [FlatAllocation Decimal]
allocateTax precision gross preDeds f = fmap (fmap go)
go TaxValue {tvCategories, tvMethod} =
let agi = gross - sum (mapMaybe (`M.lookup` preDeds) tvCategories)
in case tvMethod of
TMPercent p -> agi *. p / 100
TMBracket TaxProgression {tpDeductible, tpBrackets} ->
let taxDed = f precision tpDeductible
in foldBracket f precision (agi - taxDed) tpBrackets
-- | Compute effective tax percentage of a bracket
-- The algorithm can be thought of in three phases:
-- 1. Find the highest tax bracket by looping backward until the AGI is less
-- than the bracket limit
-- 2. Computing the tax in the top bracket by subtracting the AGI from the
-- bracket limit and multiplying by the tax percentage.
-- 3. Adding all lower brackets, which are just the limit of the bracket less
-- the amount of the lower bracket times the percentage.
-- In reality, this can all be done with one loop, but it isn't clear these
-- three steps are implemented from this alone.
foldBracket :: PeriodScaler -> Precision -> Decimal -> [TaxBracket] -> Decimal
foldBracket f prec agi bs = fst $ foldr go (0, agi) $ L.sortOn tbLowerLimit bs
go TaxBracket {tbLowerLimit, tbPercent} a@(acc, remain) =
let l = f prec tbLowerLimit
in if remain >= l
then (acc + (remain - l) *. (tbPercent / 100), l)
else a
:: Precision
-> Decimal
-> [FlatAllocation PosttaxValue]
-> [FlatAllocation Decimal]
allocatePost prec aftertax = fmap (fmap go)
go PosttaxValue {postValue, postPercent}
| postPercent = aftertax *. (postValue / 100)
| otherwise = realFracToDecimal prec postValue
-- shadow transfers
-- TODO this is going to be O(n*m), which might be a problem?
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> [ShadowTransfer]
-> [Tx CommitR]
-> m [Tx CommitR]
addShadowTransfers ms = mapErrors go
go tx = do
es <- catMaybes <$> mapErrors (fromShadow tx) ms
return $ tx {txOther = Right <$> es}
:: (MonadInsertError m, MonadFinance m)
=> Tx CommitR
-> ShadowTransfer
-> m (Maybe ShadowEntrySet)
fromShadow tx ShadowTransfer {stFrom, stTo, stDesc, stRatio, stCurrency, stMatch} = do
cp <- lookupCurrency stCurrency
res <- liftExcept $ shadowMatches stMatch tx
let es = entryPair stFrom stTo (cpID cp) stDesc stRatio ()
return $ if not res then Nothing else Just es
shadowMatches :: TransferMatcher -> Tx CommitR -> InsertExcept Bool
shadowMatches TransferMatcher {tmFrom, tmTo, tmDate, tmVal} Tx {txPrimary, txDate} = do
-- NOTE this will only match against the primary entry set since those
-- are what are guaranteed to exist from a transfer
valRes <- case txPrimary of
Left es -> valMatches tmVal $ toRational $ esTotalValue es
Right _ -> return True
return $
memberMaybe fa tmFrom
&& memberMaybe ta tmTo
&& maybe True (`dateMatches` txDate) tmDate
&& valRes
fa = either getAcntFrom getAcntFrom txPrimary
ta = either getAcntTo getAcntTo txPrimary
getAcntFrom = getAcnt esFrom
getAcntTo = getAcnt esTo
getAcnt f = eAcnt . hesPrimary . f
memberMaybe x AcntSet {asList, asInclude} =
(if asInclude then id else not) $ x `elem` asList
-- random
alloAcnt :: Allocation w v -> AcntID
alloAcnt = taAcnt . alloTo
type IntAllocations =
( [DaySpanAllocation PretaxValue]
, [DaySpanAllocation TaxValue]
, [DaySpanAllocation PosttaxValue]
type DaySpanAllocation = Allocation DaySpan
type PeriodScaler = Precision -> Double -> Decimal
data FlatAllocation v = FlatAllocation
{ faValue :: !v
, faDesc :: !T.Text
, faTo :: !TaggedAcnt
deriving (Functor, Show)