import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import logging, time from functools import partial from auxilary import CountdownTimer logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # this should never be higher than INFO or motion will never be logged logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # delay GPIO init to avoid false positive during powerup INIT_DELAY = 60 def lowPassFilter(pin, targetVal, period=0.001): divisions = 10 sleepTime = period/divisions for i in range(0, divisions): time.sleep(sleepTime) if GPIO.input(pin) != targetVal: return False return GPIO.input(pin) == targetVal def setupGPIO(name, pin, GPIOEvent, callback):'setting up \"%s\" on pin %s', name, pin) GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) GPIO.add_event_detect(pin, GPIOEvent, callback=callback, bouncetime=500) def setupMotionSensor(pin, location, action): name = 'MotionSensor@' + location def trip(channel): if lowPassFilter(pin, 1):'detected motion: ' + location) action() logger.debug('waiting %s for %s to power on', INIT_DELAY, name) CountdownTimer(INIT_DELAY, partial(setupGPIO, name, pin, GPIO.RISING, trip)) def setupDoorSensor(pin, action, sound=None): def trip(channel): nonlocal closed val = GPIO.input(pin) if val != closed: if lowPassFilter(pin, val): closed = val if closed:'door closed') if sound: else:'door opened') if sound: action() setupGPIO('DoorSensor', pin, GPIO.BOTH, trip) closed = GPIO.input(pin)