import logging, os, sys, stat, time from threading import Event from exceptionThreading import ExceptionThread from evdev import InputDevice, ecodes from select import select from auxilary import waitForPath from watchdog.observers import Observer from import FileSystemEventHandler import stateMachine logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) inotifyLogger = logging.getLogger('watchdog.observers.inotify_buffer') inotifyLogger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) class KeypadListener(ExceptionThread): def __init__(self, stateMachine, callbackDisarm, callbackArm, soundLib, passwd): ctrlKeys = { 69: 'NUML', 98: '/', 14: 'BS', 96: 'ENTER'} volKeys = { 55: '*', 74: '-', 78: '+'} numKeys = { 71: '7', 72: '8', 73: '9', 75: '4', 76: '5', 77: '6', 79: '1', 80: '2', 81: '3', 82: '0', 83: '.' } devPath = '/dev/input/by-id/usb-04d9_1203-event-kbd' waitForPath(devPath, logger) self._dev = InputDevice(devPath) self._dev.grab() numKeySound = soundLib.soundEffects['numKey'] ctrlKeySound = soundLib.soundEffects['ctrlKey'] wrongPassSound = soundLib.soundEffects['wrongPass'] backspaceSound = soundLib.soundEffects['backspace'] self.resetBuffer() def getInput(): while 1: r, w, x = select([self._dev], [], []) for event in if event.type == 1 and event.value == 1: # numeral input if event.code in numKeys: if stateMachine.currentState != stateMachine.states.disarmed: self._buf = self._buf + numKeys[event.code] # ctrl input elif event.code in ctrlKeys: val = ctrlKeys[event.code] # disarm if correct passwd if val=='ENTER': if stateMachine.currentState == stateMachine.states.disarmed: else: if self._buf == '': elif self._buf == passwd: callbackDisarm() else: self.resetBuffer() # arm elif val == 'NUML': callbackArm() # delete last char in buffer elif val == 'BS': self._buf = self._buf[:-1] # reset buffer elif val == '/': self.resetBuffer() # volume input elif event.code in volKeys: val = volKeys[event.code] if val == '+': soundLib.changeVolume(10) elif val == '-': soundLib.changeVolume(-10) elif val == '*': soundLib.mute() self._dev.set_led(ecodes.LED_NUML, 0 if soundLib.volume > 0 else 1) super().__init__(target=getInput, daemon=True) self.start() logger.debug('Started keypad device') # TODO: make timer to clear buffer if user doesn't clear it def resetBuffer(self): self._buf = '' def __del__(self): try: self._dev.ungrab() logger.debug('Released keypad device') except IOError: logger.error('Failed to release keypad device') except AttributeError: pass class ActionHandler(FileSystemEventHandler): def __init__(self, action): self._action = action def on_any_event(self, event): self._action() class PipeListener(ExceptionThread): _rootDir = '/tmp' _pipePermissions = 0o0777 def __init__(self, callback, path): self._path = os.path.join(self._rootDir, path) self._stopper = Event() def listen(): while not self._stopper.isSet(): try: fd =, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK) msg =, 1024).decode().rstrip() if msg != '': callback(msg, logger) os.close(fd) except BlockingIOError: pass except FileNotFoundError: pass finally: time.sleep(0.1) self._observer = Observer() self._handler = ActionHandler(self._makeFIFO) self._observer.schedule(self._handler, path=os.path.dirname(self._path), recursive=False) self._makeFIFO() self._observer.start() super().__init__(target=listen, daemon=False) self.start() logger.debug('Started pipe listener at path %s', self._path) def _makeFIFO(self): try: st = os.stat(self._path) if not stat.S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode): logger.warn('%s exists but is not a pipe. Deleting and replacing', self._path) os.remove(self._path) os.mkfifo(self._path) os.chmod(self._path, self._pipePermissions) elif st.st_mode % 0o10000 != self._pipePermissions: logger.warn('%s is a valid pipe but has incorrect permissions. Changing to %s', self._path, self._pipePermissions) os.chmod(self._path, self._pipePermissions) except FileNotFoundError: pipeDir = os.path.dirname(self._path) if not os.path.exists(pipeDir): logger.warn('%s does not exist. Creating', pipeDir) os.makedirs(pipeDir) logger.warn('%s does not exist. Creating', self._path) os.mkfifo(self._path) os.chmod(self._path, self._pipePermissions) def __del__(self): self._stopper.set() if os.path.exists(self._path): os.remove(self._path) logger.debug('Cleaned up pipe listener at path %s', self._path)