import logging, os, hashlib, queue, threading, time, psutil from pygame import mixer from subprocess import call from collections import OrderedDict from auxilary import async from queue import Queue logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # TODO: figure out why we have buffer underruns # TODO: why does the mixer segfault? (at least I think that's the cuprit) class SoundEffect(mixer.Sound): def __init__(self, path, volume=None, loops=0): super().__init__(path) self.path = path self.volume = volume if volume: self.set_volume(volume) self.loops = loops def play(self, loops=None): loops = loops if loops else self.loops, loops=loops) def set_volume(self, volume, force=False): # Note: force only intended to be used by fader if not self.volume or force: mixer.Sound.set_volume(self, volume) class TTSSound(SoundEffect): def __init__(self, path): super().__init__(path, volume=1.0, loops=0) self.size = os.path.getsize(path) def __del__(self): if os.path.exists(self.path): os.remove(self.path) class TTSCache(OrderedDict): def __init__(self, memLimit): super().__init__() self._memLimit = memLimit self._memUsed = 0 def __setitem__(self, key, value): if type(value) != TTSSound: raise TypeError OrderedDict.__setitem__(self, key, value) self._memUsed += value.size self._maintainMemLimit() def __delitem__(self, key): self._memUsed -= self[key].size OrderedDict.__delitem__(self, key) def clear(self): logger.debug('Clearing TTS Cache') OrderedDict.clear(self) self._memUsed = 0 def _maintainMemLimit(self): while self._memUsed > self._memLimit: OrderedDict.popitem(self, last=False) class SoundLib: _sentinel = None def __init__(self): mixer.pre_init(frequency=44100, size=-16, channels=2, buffer=1024) mixer.init() self.soundEffects = { 'disarmedCountdown': SoundEffect(path='soundfx/smb_coin.wav'), 'disarmed': SoundEffect(path='soundfx/smb_pause.wav'), 'armed': SoundEffect(path='soundfx/smb_powerup.wav'), 'armedCountdown': SoundEffect(path='soundfx/smb_jump-small.wav'), 'triggered': SoundEffect(path='soundfx/alarms/burgler_alarm.ogg', volume=1.0, loops=-1), 'door': SoundEffect(path='soundfx/smb_pipe.wav'), 'numKey': SoundEffect(path='soundfx/smb_bump.wav'), 'ctrlKey': SoundEffect(path='soundfx/smb_fireball.wav'), 'wrongPass': SoundEffect(path='soundfx/smb_fireworks.wav'), 'backspace': SoundEffect(path='soundfx/smb_breakblock.wav'), } self._ttsSounds = TTSCache(psutil.virtual_memory().total * 0.001) self.volume = 100 self._applyVolumesToSounds(self.volume) self._ttsQueue = Queue() self._stop = threading.Event() self._startMonitor() def changeVolume(self, volumeDelta): newVolume = self.volume + volumeDelta if newVolume >= 0 and newVolume <= 100: self._applyVolumesToSounds(newVolume) def mute(self): self._applyVolumesToSounds(0) def speak(self, text): self._ttsQueue.put_nowait(text) @async(daemon=False) def _fader(self, lowerVolume, totalDuration, fadeDuration=0.2, stepSize=5): alarm = self.soundEffects['triggered'] alarmVolume = alarm.volume alarmVolumeDelta = alarmVolume - lowerVolume masterVolume = self.volume masterVolumeDelta = self.volume - lowerVolume sleepFadeTime = fadeDuration / stepSize for i in range(0, stepSize): if alarmVolumeDelta > 0: alarm.set_volume(alarmVolume - alarmVolumeDelta * i / stepSize, force=True) if masterVolumeDelta > 0: self._applyVolumesToSounds(masterVolume - masterVolumeDelta * i / stepSize) time.sleep(sleepFadeTime) time.sleep(totalDuration - 2 * fadeDuration) for i in range(stepSize - 1, -1, -1): if alarmVolumeDelta > 0: alarm.set_volume(alarmVolume - alarmVolumeDelta * i / stepSize, force=True) if masterVolumeDelta > 0: self._applyVolumesToSounds(masterVolume - masterVolumeDelta * i / stepSize) time.sleep(sleepFadeTime) # will not change sounds that have preset volume def _applyVolumesToSounds(self, volume): self.volume = volume v = volume/100 s = self.soundEffects for name, sound in s.items(): sound.set_volume(v) # TODO: maybe could simply now that we are not using MP for TTS def _ttsMonitor(self): q = self._ttsQueue has_task_done = hasattr(q, 'task_done') while not self._stop.isSet(): try: text = self._ttsQueue.get(True) if text is self._sentinel: break self._playSpeech(text) if has_task_done: q.task_done() except queue.Empty: pass # There might still be records in the queue. while 1: try: text = self._ttsQueue.get(False) if text is self._sentinel: break self._playSpeech(text) if has_task_done: q.task_done() except queue.Empty: break def _playSpeech(self, text): basename = hashlib.md5(text.encode()).hexdigest() if basename in self._ttsSounds: self._ttsSounds.move_to_end(basename) else: path = '/tmp/' + basename call(['espeak', '-a180', '-g8', '-p75', '-w', path, text]) self._ttsSounds[basename] = TTSSound(path) self._fader( lowerVolume=0.1, totalDuration=self._ttsSounds[basename].get_length() ) self._ttsSounds[basename].play() logger.debug('TTS engine received "%s"', text) def _startMonitor(self): self._thread = t = threading.Thread(target=self._ttsMonitor, daemon=True) t.start() logger.debug('Starting TTS Queue Monitor') def _stopMonitor(self): self._stop.set() self._ttsQueue.put_nowait(self._sentinel) self._thread.join() self._thread = None logger.debug('Stopping TTS Queue Monitor') def __del__(self): mixer.quit() self._stopMonitor() self._ttsSounds.clear()