""" this entire module is lovingly based on the gst-launch tool kindly provided by the gstreamer wizards themselves...with unecessary crap cut out we make the following assumptions here and optimize as such - all streams are "live" - will not need EOS (no mp4s) - will not require SIGINT (this entire program won't understand them anyways) - no tags or TOCs """ from auxilary import async, waitForPath from threading import Thread import gi, time, logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0') gi.require_version('GObject', '2.0') from gi.repository import Gst, GObject class GstException(Exception): pass def gstPrintMsg(pName, frmt, *args, level=logging.DEBUG, sName=None): if sName: logger.log(level, '[{}] [{}] '.format(pName, sName) + frmt.format(*args)) else: logger.log(level, '[{}] '.format(pName) + frmt.format(*args)) def processErrorMessage(pName, sName, msg, level=logging.DEBUG): error, debug = msg.parse_error() if debug: gstPrintMsg(pName, '{} - Additional debug info: {}', error.message, debug, level=level, sName=sName) else: gstPrintMsg(pName, error.message, level=level, sName=sName) raise GstException(error) def linkElements(e1, e2, caps=None): if caps: if not e1.link_filtered(e2, caps): raise GstException('cannot link \"{}\" to \"{}\" with caps {}'.format(e1.get_name(), e2.get_name(), caps.to_string())) else: if not e1.link(e2): raise GstException('cannot link \"{}\" to \"{}\"'.format(e1.get_name(), e2.get_name())) def linkTee(tee, *args): i = 0 for e in args: teePad = tee.get_request_pad('src_{}'.format(i)) ePad = e.get_static_pad('sink') teePad.link(ePad) i += 1 # TODO: make it clearer which pipeline everything comes from def eventLoop(pipeline, block=True, doProgress=False, targetState=Gst.State.PLAYING): buffering = False inProgress = False prerolled = targetState != Gst.State.PAUSED pName = pipeline.get_name() bus = pipeline.get_bus() while 1: msg = bus.timed_pop(1e18 if block else 0) if not msg: return msgSrc = msg.src msgSrcName = msgSrc.get_name() msgType = msg.type msgTypeName = Gst.MessageType.get_name(msgType) # messages that involve manipulating the pipeline if msgType == Gst.MessageType.REQUEST_STATE: state = msg.parse_request_state() logger.info('Setting state to %s as requested by %s', Gst.Element.get_state_name(state), msgSrcName) pipeline.set_state(state) elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.CLOCK_LOST: logger.debug('Clock lost. Getting new one.') pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PAUSED) pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING) elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.LATENCY: gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Redistributing latency', sName=msgSrcName) pipeline.recalculate_latency() # messages that do not require pipeline manipulation elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.BUFFERING: gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Buffering: {}', msg.parse_buffering(), sName=msgSrcName) elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.NEW_CLOCK: clock = msg.parse_new_clock() clock = clock.get_name() if clock else 'NULL' gstPrintMsg(pName, 'New clock: {}', clock) elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.INFO: error, debug = msg.parse_info() if debug: gstPrintMsg(pName, debug, level=logging.INFO, sName=msgSrcName) elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.WARNING: error, debug = msg.parse_warning() if debug: gstPrintMsg(pName, '{} - Additional debug info: {}', error.message, debug, level=logging.INFO, sName=msgSrcName) else: gstPrintMsg(pName, error.message, level=logging.INFO, sName=msgSrcName) elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.ERROR: processErrorMessage(pName, msgSrcName, msg, logging.ERROR) elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.STATE_CHANGED: # we only care about pipeline level state changes if msgSrc == pipeline: old, new, pending = msg.parse_state_changed() # we only care if we reach the final target state if targetState == Gst.State.PAUSED and new == Gst.State.PAUSED: prerolled = True if buffering: gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Prerolled, waiting for buffering to finish', level=logging.INFO) continue if inProgress: gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Prerolled, waiting for progress to finish', level=logging.INFO) continue return elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.PROGRESS: progressType, code, text = msg.parse_progress() if (progressType == Gst.ProgressType.START or progressType == Gst.ProgressType.CONTINUE): if doProgress: inProgress = True block = True elif (progressType == Gst.ProgressType.COMPLETE or progressType == Gst.ProgressType.CANCELLED or progressType == Gst.ProgressType.ERROR): inProgress = False gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Progress: ({}) {}', code, text, sName=msgSrcName) if doProgress and not inProgress and not buffering and prerolled: return elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.HAVE_CONTEXT: context = msg.parse_have_context() gstPrintMsg( pName, 'Got context: {}={}', context.get_context_type(), context.get_structure().to_string(), sName = msgSrcName ) elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.PROPERTY_NOTIFY: obj, propName, val = msg.parse_property_notify() valStr = '(no value)' if val: if GObject.type_check_value_holds(val, GObject.TYPE_STRING): valStr = val.dup_string() elif val.g_type.is_a(Gst.Caps.__gtype__): valStr = val.get_boxed().to_string() else: valStr = Gst.value_serialize(val) gstPrintMsg(pName, '{}: {} = {}', obj.get_name(), propName, valStr, sName=msgSrcName) # these are things I might not need... elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.STREAM_START: if msgSrc == pipeline: gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Started stream', level=logging.INFO) elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.QOS: frmt, processed, dropped = msg.parse_qos_stats() jitter, proportion, quality = msg.parse_qos_values() gstPrintMsg( pName, 'QOS stats: jitter={} dropped={}', jitter, '-' if frmt == Gst.Format.UNDEFINED else dropped, sName = msgSrcName ) elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.ELEMENT: gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Unknown message ELEMENT', sName=msgSrcName) elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.UNKNOWN: gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Unknown message', sName=msgSrcname) @async(daemon=True) def startPipeline(pipeline, play=True): pName = pipeline.get_name() stateChange = pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PAUSED) gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Setting to PAUSED', level=logging.INFO) if stateChange == Gst.StateChangeReturn.FAILURE: gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Cannot set to PAUSE', level=logging.INFO) eventLoop(pipeline, block=False, doProgress=False, targetState=Gst.State.VOID_PENDING) # we should always end up here because live elif stateChange == Gst.StateChangeReturn.NO_PREROLL: gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Live and does not need preroll') elif stateChange == Gst.StateChangeReturn.ASYNC: gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Prerolling') try: eventLoop(pipeline, block=True, doProgress=True, targetState=Gst.State.PAUSED) except GstException: gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Does not want to preroll', level=logging.ERROR) # some cleanup here? raise elif stateChange == Gst.StateChangeReturn.SUCCESS: gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Is prerolled') # this should always succeed... try: eventLoop(pipeline, block=False, doProgress=True, targetState=Gst.State.PLAYING) except GstException: gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Does not want to preroll', level=logging.ERROR) # some cleanup here? raise # ...and end up here else: if play: gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Setting to PLAYING', level=logging.INFO) # and since this will ALWAYS be successful (maybe)... if pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING) == Gst.StateChangeReturn.FAILURE: gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Cannot set to PLAYING', level=logging.ERROR) err = pipeline.get_bus().pop_filtered(Gst.MessageType.Error) processErrorMessage(pName, msgSrcName, err, logging.ERROR) # ...we and end up here and loop until Tool releases their next album try: eventLoop(pipeline, block=True, doProgress=False, targetState=Gst.State.PLAYING) except: # cleanup or recover raise def initCamera(video=True, audio=True): pipeline = Gst.Pipeline.new("camera") vPath = '/dev/video0' if video: vSource = Gst.ElementFactory.make("v4l2src", "videoSource") vConvert = Gst.ElementFactory.make("videoconvert", "videoConvert") vScale = Gst.ElementFactory.make("videoscale", "videoScale") vClock = Gst.ElementFactory.make("clockoverlay", "videoClock") vEncode = Gst.ElementFactory.make("omxh264enc", "videoEncoder") vRTPPay = Gst.ElementFactory.make("rtph264pay", "videoRTPPayload") vRTPSink = Gst.ElementFactory.make("multiudpsink", "videoRTPSink") vSource.set_property('device', vPath) vRTPPay.set_property('config-interval', 1) vRTPPay.set_property('pt', 96) vRTPSink.set_property('clients', ',') vCaps = Gst.Caps.from_string('video/x-raw,width=640,height=480,framerate=30/1') pipeline.add(vSource, vConvert, vScale, vClock, vEncode, vRTPPay, vRTPSink) linkElements(vSource, vConvert) linkElements(vConvert, vScale) linkElements(vScale, vClock, vCaps) linkElements(vClock, vEncode) linkElements(vEncode, vRTPPay) linkElements(vRTPPay, vRTPSink) if audio: aSource = Gst.ElementFactory.make("alsasrc", "audioSource") aConvert = Gst.ElementFactory.make("audioconvert", "audioConvert") aScale = Gst.ElementFactory.make("audioresample", "audioResample") aEncode = Gst.ElementFactory.make("opusenc", "audioEncode") aRTPPay = Gst.ElementFactory.make("rtpopuspay", "audioRTPPayload") aRTPSink = Gst.ElementFactory.make("multiudpsink", "audioRTPSink") aSource.set_property('device', 'hw:1,0') aRTPSink.set_property('clients', ',') aCaps = Gst.Caps.from_string('audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=1') pipeline.add(aSource, aConvert, aScale, aEncode, aRTPPay, aRTPSink) linkElements(aSource, aConvert) linkElements(aConvert, aScale) linkElements(aScale, aEncode, aCaps) linkElements(aEncode, aRTPPay) linkElements(aRTPPay, aRTPSink) waitForPath(vPath) # video is on usb, so wait until it comes back after we hard reset the bus startPipeline(pipeline) class FileDump: def __init__(self): self.pipeline = Gst.Pipeline.new('filedump') aSource = Gst.ElementFactory.make('udpsrc', 'audioSource') aParse = Gst.ElementFactory.make('opusparse', 'audioParse') aQueue = Gst.ElementFactory.make('queue', 'audioQueue') vSource = Gst.ElementFactory.make('udpsrc', 'videoSource') vParse = Gst.ElementFactory.make('h264parse', 'videoParse') vQueue = Gst.ElementFactory.make('queue', 'videoQueue') mux = Gst.ElementFactory.make('matroskamux', 'mux') self.sink = Gst.ElementFactory.make('filesink', 'sink') self.sink.set_property('location', '/dev/null') aSource.set_property('port', 8000) vSource.set_property('port', 9000) self.pipeline.add(aSource, aParse, aQueue, vSource, vParse, vQueue, mux, self.sink) linkElements(vSource, vParse) linkElements(vParse, vQueue) linkElements(vQueue, mux) linkElements(aSource, aParse) linkElements(aParse, aQueue) linkElements(aQueue, mux) linkElements(mux, self.sink) startPipeline(self.pipeline, play=False) def setPath(self, path): self.sink.set_property('location', path) def play(self): self.pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING) def pause(self): self.pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PAUSED) Gst.init(None) # this works for file dump # gst-launch-1.0 -v udpsrc port=8001 ! application/x-rtp,encoding-name=OPUS,payload=96 ! # rtpjitterbuffer ! rtpopusdepay ! queue ! matroskamux name=mux ! filesink location=testicle.mkv \ # udpsrc port=9001 ! application/x-rtp,encoding-name=H264,payload=96 ! rtpjitterbuffer ! \ # rtph264depay ! h264parse ! queue ! mux.