import logging, os, sys, stat from threading import Thread from evdev import InputDevice, ecodes from select import select from auxilary import waitForPath import stateMachine logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class KeypadListener(Thread): def __init__(self, stateMachine, callbackDisarm, callbackArm, soundLib, passwd): ctrlKeys = { 69: 'NUML', 98: '/', 14: 'BS', 96: 'ENTER'} volKeys = { 55: '*', 74: '-', 78: '+'} numKeys = { 71: '7', 72: '8', 73: '9', 75: '4', 76: '5', 77: '6', 79: '1', 80: '2', 81: '3', 82: '0', 83: '.' } devPath = '/dev/input/by-id/usb-04d9_1203-event-kbd' waitForPath(devPath, logger) self._dev = InputDevice(devPath) self._dev.grab() numKeySound = soundLib.soundEffects['numKey'] ctrlKeySound = soundLib.soundEffects['ctrlKey'] wrongPassSound = soundLib.soundEffects['wrongPass'] backspaceSound = soundLib.soundEffects['backspace'] self.resetBuffer() def getInput(): while 1: r, w, x = select([self._dev], [], []) for event in if event.type == 1 and event.value == 1: # numeral input if event.code in numKeys: if stateMachine.currentState != stateMachine.states.disarmed: self._buf = self._buf + numKeys[event.code] # ctrl input elif event.code in ctrlKeys: val = ctrlKeys[event.code] # disarm if correct passwd if val=='ENTER': if stateMachine.currentState == stateMachine.states.disarmed: else: if self._buf == '': elif self._buf == passwd: callbackDisarm() else: self.resetBuffer() # arm elif val == 'NUML': callbackArm() # delete last char in buffer elif val == 'BS': self._buf = self._buf[:-1] # reset buffer elif val == '/': self.resetBuffer() # volume input elif event.code in volKeys: val = volKeys[event.code] if val == '+': soundLib.changeVolume(10) elif val == '-': soundLib.changeVolume(-10) elif val == '*': soundLib.mute() self._dev.set_led(ecodes.LED_NUML, 0 if soundLib.volume > 0 else 1) super().__init__(target=getInput, daemon=True) self.start() logger.debug('Started keypad device') # TODO: make timer to clear buffer if user doesn't clear it def resetBuffer(self): self._buf = '' def __del__(self): try: self._dev.ungrab() logger.debug('Released keypad device') except IOError: logger.error('Failed to release keypad device') except AttributeError: pass # TODO: these are not threadsafe # TODO: this code gets really confused if the pipe is deleted class PipeListener(Thread): def __init__(self, callback, path): self._path = path if os.path.exists(self._path): if not stat.S_ISFIFO(os.stat(self._path)[0]): os.remove(self._path) os.mkfifo(self._path) else: os.mkfifo(self._path) os.chmod(self._path, 0o0777) def listenForSecret(): while 1: with open(self._path, 'r') as f: msg = f.readline()[:-1] callback(msg, logger) super().__init__(target=listenForSecret, daemon=True) self.start() logger.debug('Started pipe listener at path %s', self._path) def __del__(self): if os.path.exists(self._path): os.remove(self._path) logger.debug('Cleaned up pipe listener at path %s', self._path)