
371 lines
12 KiB

this entire module is lovingly based on the gst-launch tool kindly provided
by the gstreamer wizards themselves...with unecessary crap cut out
we make the following assumptions here and optimize as such
- all streams are "live"
- will not need EOS (no mp4s)
- will not require SIGINT (this entire program won't understand them anyways)
- no tags or TOCs
From a logging an error handling standpoint, all 'errors' here are logged as
'critical' which will shut down the entire program and send an email.
from auxilary import async, waitForPath
from threading import Thread
import gi, time, logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')
gi.require_version('GObject', '2.0')
from gi.repository import Gst, GObject
class GstException(Exception):
def gstPrintMsg(pName, frmt, *args, level=logging.DEBUG, sName=None):
if sName:
logger.log(level, '[{}] [{}] '.format(pName, sName) + frmt.format(*args))
logger.log(level, '[{}] '.format(pName) + frmt.format(*args))
if level == logging.ERROR:
raise GstException
def processErrorMessage(pName, sName, msg):
error, debug = msg.parse_error()
if debug:
gstPrintMsg(pName, '{} - Additional debug info: {}', error.message, debug,
level=logging.ERROR, sName=sName)
gstPrintMsg(pName, error.message, level=logging.ERROR, sName=sName)
def linkElements(e1, e2, caps=None):
if caps:
if not e1.link_filtered(e2, caps):
logger.error('cannot link \"%s\" to \"%s\" with caps %s',
e1.get_name(), e2.get_name(), caps.to_string())
raise SystemExit
if not
logger.error('cannot link \%s\" to \"%s\"', e1.get_name(), e2.get_name())
raise SystemExit
def linkTee(tee, *args):
i = 0
for e in args:
teePad = tee.get_request_pad('src_{}'.format(i))
ePad = e.get_static_pad('sink')
i += 1
# TODO: make it clearer which pipeline everything comes from
def eventLoop(pipeline, block=True, doProgress=False, targetState=Gst.State.PLAYING):
buffering = False
inProgress = False
prerolled = targetState != Gst.State.PAUSED
pName = pipeline.get_name()
bus = pipeline.get_bus()
while 1:
msg = bus.timed_pop(1e18 if block else 0)
if not msg:
msgSrc = msg.src
msgSrcName = msgSrc.get_name()
msgType = msg.type
msgTypeName = Gst.MessageType.get_name(msgType)
# messages that involve manipulating the pipeline
if msgType == Gst.MessageType.REQUEST_STATE:
state = msg.parse_request_state()'Setting state to %s as requested by %s',
Gst.Element.get_state_name(state), msgSrcName)
elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.CLOCK_LOST:
logger.debug('Clock lost. Getting new one.')
elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.LATENCY:
gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Redistributing latency', sName=msgSrcName)
# messages that do not require pipeline manipulation
elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.BUFFERING:
gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Buffering: {}', msg.parse_buffering(), sName=msgSrcName)
elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.NEW_CLOCK:
clock = msg.parse_new_clock()
clock = clock.get_name() if clock else 'NULL'
gstPrintMsg(pName, 'New clock: {}', clock)
elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.INFO:
error, debug = msg.parse_info()
if debug:
gstPrintMsg(pName, debug, level=logging.INFO, sName=msgSrcName)
elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.WARNING:
error, debug = msg.parse_warning()
if debug:
gstPrintMsg(pName, '{} - Additional debug info: {}', error.message,
debug, level=logging.WARNING, sName=msgSrcName)
gstPrintMsg(pName, error.message, level=logging.WARNING, sName=msgSrcName)
elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.ERROR:
processErrorMessage(pName, msgSrcName, msg)
elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.STATE_CHANGED:
# we only care about pipeline level state changes
if msgSrc == pipeline:
old, new, pending = msg.parse_state_changed()
# we only care if we reach the final target state
if targetState == Gst.State.PAUSED and new == Gst.State.PAUSED:
prerolled = True
if buffering:
gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Prerolled, waiting for buffering to finish',
if inProgress:
gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Prerolled, waiting for progress to finish',
elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.PROGRESS:
progressType, code, text = msg.parse_progress()
if (progressType == Gst.ProgressType.START or
progressType == Gst.ProgressType.CONTINUE):
if doProgress:
inProgress = True
block = True
elif (progressType == Gst.ProgressType.COMPLETE or
progressType == Gst.ProgressType.CANCELLED or
progressType == Gst.ProgressType.ERROR):
inProgress = False
gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Progress: ({}) {}', code, text, sName=msgSrcName)
if doProgress and not inProgress and not buffering and prerolled:
elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.HAVE_CONTEXT:
context = msg.parse_have_context()
'Got context: {}={}',
sName = msgSrcName
elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.PROPERTY_NOTIFY:
obj, propName, val = msg.parse_property_notify()
valStr = '(no value)'
if val:
if GObject.type_check_value_holds(val, GObject.TYPE_STRING):
valStr = val.dup_string()
elif val.g_type.is_a(Gst.Caps.__gtype__):
valStr = val.get_boxed().to_string()
valStr = Gst.value_serialize(val)
gstPrintMsg(pName, '{}: {} = {}', obj.get_name(), propName, valStr, sName=msgSrcName)
# these are things I might not need...
elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.STREAM_START:
if msgSrc == pipeline:
gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Started stream', level=logging.INFO)
elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.QOS:
frmt, processed, dropped = msg.parse_qos_stats()
jitter, proportion, quality = msg.parse_qos_values()
'QOS stats: jitter={} dropped={}',
'-' if frmt == Gst.Format.UNDEFINED else dropped,
sName = msgSrcName
elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.ELEMENT:
gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Unknown message ELEMENT', sName=msgSrcName)
elif msgType == Gst.MessageType.UNKNOWN:
gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Unknown message', sName=msgSrcname)
def startPipeline(pipeline, play=True):
pName = pipeline.get_name()
stateChange = pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PAUSED)
gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Setting to PAUSED', level=logging.INFO)
if stateChange == Gst.StateChangeReturn.FAILURE:
gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Cannot set to PAUSE', level=logging.INFO)
eventLoop(pipeline, block=False, doProgress=False, targetState=Gst.State.VOID_PENDING)
# we should always end up here because live
elif stateChange == Gst.StateChangeReturn.NO_PREROLL:
gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Live and does not need preroll')
elif stateChange == Gst.StateChangeReturn.ASYNC:
gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Prerolling')
eventLoop(pipeline, block=True, doProgress=True, targetState=Gst.State.PAUSED)
except GstException:
gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Does not want to preroll', level=logging.ERROR)
raise SystemExit
elif stateChange == Gst.StateChangeReturn.SUCCESS:
gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Is prerolled')
# this should always succeed...
eventLoop(pipeline, block=False, doProgress=True, targetState=Gst.State.PLAYING)
except GstException:
gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Does not want to preroll', level=logging.ERROR)
raise SystemExit
# ...and end up here
if play:
gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Setting to PLAYING', level=logging.INFO)
# ...and since this will ALWAYS be successful...
if pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING) == Gst.StateChangeReturn.FAILURE:
gstPrintMsg(pName, 'Cannot set to PLAYING', level=logging.ERROR)
err = pipeline.get_bus().pop_filtered(Gst.MessageType.Error)
processErrorMessage(pName, msgSrcName, err)
# ...we end up here and loop until Tool releases their next album
eventLoop(pipeline, block=True, doProgress=False, targetState=Gst.State.PLAYING)
raise GstException
def initCamera(video=True, audio=True):
pipeline ="camera")
vPath = '/dev/video0'
if video:
vSource = Gst.ElementFactory.make("v4l2src", "videoSource")
vConvert = Gst.ElementFactory.make("videoconvert", "videoConvert")
vScale = Gst.ElementFactory.make("videoscale", "videoScale")
vClock = Gst.ElementFactory.make("clockoverlay", "videoClock")
vEncode = Gst.ElementFactory.make("omxh264enc", "videoEncoder")
vRTPPay = Gst.ElementFactory.make("rtph264pay", "videoRTPPayload")
vRTPSink = Gst.ElementFactory.make("multiudpsink", "videoRTPSink")
vSource.set_property('device', vPath)
vRTPPay.set_property('config-interval', 1)
vRTPPay.set_property('pt', 96)
vRTPSink.set_property('clients', ',')
vCaps = Gst.Caps.from_string('video/x-raw,width=640,height=480,framerate=30/1')
pipeline.add(vSource, vConvert, vScale, vClock, vEncode, vRTPPay, vRTPSink)
linkElements(vSource, vConvert)
linkElements(vConvert, vScale)
linkElements(vScale, vClock, vCaps)
linkElements(vClock, vEncode)
linkElements(vEncode, vRTPPay)
linkElements(vRTPPay, vRTPSink)
if audio:
aSource = Gst.ElementFactory.make("alsasrc", "audioSource")
aConvert = Gst.ElementFactory.make("audioconvert", "audioConvert")
aScale = Gst.ElementFactory.make("audioresample", "audioResample")
aEncode = Gst.ElementFactory.make("opusenc", "audioEncode")
aRTPPay = Gst.ElementFactory.make("rtpopuspay", "audioRTPPayload")
aRTPSink = Gst.ElementFactory.make("multiudpsink", "audioRTPSink")
aSource.set_property('device', 'hw:1,0')
aRTPSink.set_property('clients', ',')
aCaps = Gst.Caps.from_string('audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=1')
pipeline.add(aSource, aConvert, aScale, aEncode, aRTPPay, aRTPSink)
linkElements(aSource, aConvert)
linkElements(aConvert, aScale)
linkElements(aScale, aEncode, aCaps)
linkElements(aEncode, aRTPPay)
linkElements(aRTPPay, aRTPSink)
waitForPath(vPath) # video is on usb, so wait until it comes back after we hard reset the bus
class FileDump:
def __init__(self):
self.pipeline ='filedump')
aSource = Gst.ElementFactory.make('udpsrc', 'audioSource')
aParse = Gst.ElementFactory.make('opusparse', 'audioParse')
aQueue = Gst.ElementFactory.make('queue', 'audioQueue')
vSource = Gst.ElementFactory.make('udpsrc', 'videoSource')
vParse = Gst.ElementFactory.make('h264parse', 'videoParse')
vQueue = Gst.ElementFactory.make('queue', 'videoQueue')
mux = Gst.ElementFactory.make('matroskamux', 'mux')
self.sink = Gst.ElementFactory.make('filesink', 'sink')
self.sink.set_property('location', '/dev/null')
aSource.set_property('port', 8000)
vSource.set_property('port', 9000)
self.pipeline.add(aSource, aParse, aQueue, vSource, vParse, vQueue, mux, self.sink)
linkElements(vSource, vParse)
linkElements(vParse, vQueue)
linkElements(vQueue, mux)
linkElements(aSource, aParse)
linkElements(aParse, aQueue)
linkElements(aQueue, mux)
linkElements(mux, self.sink)
startPipeline(self.pipeline, play=False)
def setPath(self, path):
self.sink.set_property('location', path)
def play(self):
def pause(self):
# this works for file dump
# gst-launch-1.0 -v udpsrc port=8001 ! application/x-rtp,encoding-name=OPUS,payload=96 !
# rtpjitterbuffer ! rtpopusdepay ! queue ! matroskamux name=mux ! filesink location=testicle.mkv \
# udpsrc port=9001 ! application/x-rtp,encoding-name=H264,payload=96 ! rtpjitterbuffer ! \
# rtph264depay ! h264parse ! queue ! mux.