REF refactor code

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2021-03-23 22:00:25 -04:00
parent a5ef68ffc8
commit 1bd882b57f
1 changed files with 8 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -487,24 +487,19 @@ runPromptLoop n pwd = do
else return res
configToPwd :: PasswordConfig -> PasswordGetter
configToPwd PasswordConfig{ _passwordBitwarden = b
, _passwordLibSecret = s
, _passwordPrompt = p
} =
configToPwd PasswordConfig
{ _passwordBitwarden = b
, _passwordLibSecret = s
, _passwordPrompt = p
} =
getBW b `runMaybe` getLS s `runMaybe` getPrompt p
getBW (Just BitwardenConfig{ _bitwardenKey = k, _bitwardenTries = n }) =
runPromptLoop n $ runBitwarden k
getBW _ = return Nothing
getLS (Just LibSecretConfig{ _libsecretAttributes = a }) =
runSecret $ M.toList a
getLS _ = return Nothing
getPrompt (Just PromptConfig{ _promptTries = n }) =
runPromptLoop n readPassword
getPrompt _ = return Nothing
runMaybe x y = do
res <- x
if isNothing res then y else return res
getLS = maybe (return Nothing) (runSecret . M.toList . _libsecretAttributes)
getPrompt = maybe (return Nothing) (flip runPromptLoop readPassword . _promptTries)
runMaybe x y = (\r -> if isNothing r then y else return r) =<< x
-- | Removable devices