ADD bluetooth launcher

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Nathan Dwarshuis 2021-11-29 00:44:37 -05:00
parent 3a3c5eb004
commit 3d21688a83
2 changed files with 183 additions and 0 deletions

app/rofi-bt.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
-- | rofi-bt - a prompt to dicsonnect/connect devices
module Main (main) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import DBus
import DBus.Client
import Rofi.Command
main :: IO ()
main = runPrompt
-- dummy type with nothing in it since there is nothing to configure for this
-- (yet)
newtype RofiBTConf = RofiBTConf ObjectPath
instance RofiConf RofiBTConf where
defArgs (RofiBTConf _) = []
type BTAction = RofiAction RofiBTConf
runPrompt :: IO ()
runPrompt = do
c <- getClient
maybe (putStrLn "could not get DBus client") run c
run client = do
paths <- M.keys <$> getObjectTree client
maybe (putStrLn "could not get DBus adapter") (actions client paths)
$ getAdapter paths
actions client paths adapter = do
ras <- getRofiActions client paths
runRofiIO (RofiBTConf adapter) $ selectAction $ emptyMenu
{ groups = [untitledGroup $ toRofiActions ras]
, prompt = Just "Select Device"
getRofiActions :: Client -> [ObjectPath] -> IO [BTAction]
getRofiActions client os = do
devs <- getDevices client os
catMaybes <$> mapM (deviceToRofiAction client) devs
deviceToRofiAction :: Client -> ObjectPath -> IO (Maybe BTAction)
deviceToRofiAction client dev = do
c <- getDeviceConnected client dev
n <- getDeviceName client dev
return $ case (c, n) of
(Just c', Just n') -> Just ( formatDeviceEntry c' n'
, powerAdapterMaybe client >> io (mkAction c')
_ -> Nothing
mkAction True = callDeviceDisconnect client dev
mkAction False = callDeviceConnect client dev
powerAdapterMaybe :: Client -> RofiIO RofiBTConf ()
powerAdapterMaybe client = do
(RofiBTConf adapter) <- ask
let mc = btMethodCall adapter i m
let powerOnMaybe = flip unless $ void $ setProperty client mc value
powered <- io $ getBTProperty client adapter i m
io $ maybe (putStrLn "could not get adapter powered status") powerOnMaybe powered
i = interfaceName_ "org.bluez.Adapter1"
m = memberName_ "Powered"
-- apparently this needs to be double-variant'd to match the signature of
-- the 'Set' method
value = toVariant $ toVariant True
formatDeviceEntry :: Bool -> String -> String
formatDeviceEntry connected name = unwords [prefix connected, name]
prefix True = "#"
prefix False = " "
getAdapter :: [ObjectPath] -> Maybe ObjectPath
getAdapter = find pathIsAdaptor
getDevices :: Client -> [ObjectPath] -> IO [ObjectPath]
getDevices client = filterM (getDevicePaired client) . filter pathIsDevice
type ObjectTree = M.Map ObjectPath (M.Map String (M.Map String Variant))
getObjectTree :: Client -> IO ObjectTree
getObjectTree client =
fromMaybe M.empty . eitherMaybe from <$> callBTMethod client o i m
o = objectPath_ "/"
i = interfaceName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager"
m = memberName_ "GetManagedObjects"
from = fromVariant <=< listToMaybe . methodReturnBody
getDeviceConnected :: Client -> ObjectPath -> IO (Maybe Bool)
getDeviceConnected = getDevProperty "Connected"
getDeviceName :: Client -> ObjectPath -> IO (Maybe String)
getDeviceName = getDevProperty "Name"
getDevicePaired :: Client -> ObjectPath -> IO Bool
getDevicePaired c = fmap (fromMaybe False) . getDevProperty "Paired" c
callDeviceConnect :: Client -> ObjectPath -> IO ()
callDeviceConnect = callDevMethod "Connect"
callDeviceDisconnect :: Client -> ObjectPath -> IO ()
callDeviceDisconnect = callDevMethod "Disconnect"
pathIsAdaptor :: ObjectPath -> Bool
pathIsAdaptor o = case splitPath o of
[a, b, c] -> pathIsAdaptorPrefix a b c
_ -> False
pathIsDevice :: ObjectPath -> Bool
pathIsDevice o = case splitPath o of
[a, b, c, _] -> pathIsAdaptorPrefix a b c
_ -> False
pathIsAdaptorPrefix :: String -> String -> String -> Bool
pathIsAdaptorPrefix a b c = a == "org" && b == "bluez" && "hci" `isPrefixOf` c
splitPath :: ObjectPath -> [String]
splitPath =splitOn "/" . dropWhile (=='/') . formatObjectPath
getClient :: IO (Maybe Client)
getClient = either warn (return . Just) =<< try connectSystem
warn e = putStrLn (clientErrorMessage e) >> return Nothing
callDevMethod :: String -> Client -> ObjectPath -> IO ()
callDevMethod mem client dev =
void $ callBTMethod client dev btDevInterface $ memberName_ mem
getDevProperty :: IsVariant a => String -> Client -> ObjectPath -> IO (Maybe a)
getDevProperty mem client dev =
getBTProperty client dev btDevInterface $ memberName_ mem
callBTMethod :: Client -> ObjectPath -> InterfaceName
-> MemberName -> IO (Either MethodError MethodReturn)
callBTMethod client o i m = call client (btMethodCall o i m)
-- eitherMaybe (fromVariant <=< listToMaybe . methodReturnBody)
-- <$> call client (btMethodCall o i m)
getBTProperty :: IsVariant a => Client -> ObjectPath
-> InterfaceName -> MemberName -> IO (Maybe a)
getBTProperty client o i m =
eitherMaybe fromVariant <$> getProperty client (btMethodCall o i m)
btMethodCall :: ObjectPath -> InterfaceName -> MemberName -> MethodCall
btMethodCall o i m = (methodCall o i m) { methodCallDestination = Just btBus }
eitherMaybe :: (b -> Maybe c) -> Either a b -> Maybe c
eitherMaybe = either (const Nothing)
btBus :: BusName
btBus = busName_ "org.bluez"
btDevInterface :: InterfaceName
btDevInterface = interfaceName_ "org.bluez.Device1"

View File

@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ executables:
- -threaded
- rofi-extras
main: rofi-autorandr.hs
source-dirs: app
@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ executables:
- -threaded
- rofi-extras
main: rofi-bw.hs
source-dirs: app
@ -78,6 +80,17 @@ executables:
- -threaded
- rofi-extras
main: rofi-bt.hs
source-dirs: app
- -Wall
- -Werror
- -threaded
- rofi-extras
main: rofi-dev.hs
source-dirs: app
@ -87,6 +100,7 @@ executables:
- -threaded
- rofi-extras
main: current-output.hs
source-dirs: app