FIX return codes from keys

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2023-02-16 22:40:24 -05:00
parent 57b4c2d805
commit 6acd60187e
3 changed files with 41 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -28,21 +28,23 @@ import Graphics.X11.Xlib
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
import Graphics.X11.Xrandr
import RIO hiding (Display)
import RIO.Process
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import System.Environment
import System.Process
import UnliftIO.Environment
main :: IO ()
main = do
main = runSimpleApp $ do
r <- getMonitorName
let pre = maybe [] (\n -> ["-m", n]) r
args <- getArgs
callProcess "/usr/bin/rofi" $ (fmap T.unpack pre) ++ args
let allArgs = maybe [] (\n -> ["-m", T.unpack n] ++ args) r
c <- proc "/usr/bin/rofi" allArgs runProcess
exitWith c
data Coord = Coord Int Int deriving (Eq, Show)
getMonitorName :: IO (Maybe T.Text)
getMonitorName = do
-- TODO bracket this
getMonitorName :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe T.Text)
getMonitorName = liftIO $ do
dpy <- openDisplay ""
root <- rootWindow dpy $ defaultScreen dpy
index <- getCurrentDesktopIndex dpy root

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@ -191,14 +191,12 @@ selectCopy l =
copyHotkey =
{ keyCombo = "Alt+c"
, keyIndex = 1
, keyDescription = "Copy One"
, keyActions = loginToRofiActions l copyRepeat
backHotkey =
{ keyCombo = "Alt+q"
, keyIndex = 2
, keyDescription = "Back"
, -- TODO this is overly complicated, all entries do the same thing
-- TODO this is slow, we can cache the logins somehow...

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@ -23,10 +23,11 @@ module Rofi.Command
import qualified Data.Map.Ordered as M
import qualified Data.Map.Ordered as OM
import RIO
import qualified RIO.List as L
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import qualified RIO.Vector.Boxed as V
import System.Process
class HasRofiConf c where
@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ class HasRofiConf c where
type RofiAction c = (T.Text, RIO c ())
type RofiActions c = M.OMap T.Text (RIO c ())
type RofiActions c = OM.OMap T.Text (RIO c ())
data RofiGroup c = RofiGroup
{ actions :: RofiActions c
@ -49,16 +50,14 @@ titledGroup t a = (untitledGroup a) {title = Just t}
data Hotkey c = Hotkey
{ keyCombo :: !T.Text
, -- only 1-10 are valid
keyIndex :: !Int
, keyDescription :: !T.Text
, keyActions :: RofiActions c
hotkeyBinding :: Hotkey c -> [T.Text]
hotkeyBinding Hotkey {keyIndex = e, keyCombo = c} = [k, c]
hotkeyBinding :: Int -> Hotkey c -> [T.Text]
hotkeyBinding i Hotkey {keyCombo = c} = [k, c]
k = T.append "-kb-custom-" $ T.pack $ show e
k = T.append "-kb-custom-" $ T.pack $ show i
hotkeyMsg1 :: Hotkey c -> T.Text
hotkeyMsg1 Hotkey {keyCombo = c, keyDescription = d} =
@ -69,12 +68,14 @@ hotkeyMsg [] = []
hotkeyMsg hs = ["-mesg", T.intercalate " | " $ fmap hotkeyMsg1 hs]
hotkeyArgs :: [Hotkey c] -> [T.Text]
hotkeyArgs hks = hotkeyMsg hks ++ concatMap hotkeyBinding hks
hotkeyArgs hks =
(hotkeyMsg hks)
++ (concatMap (uncurry hotkeyBinding) $ take 19 $ zip [1 ..] hks)
data RofiMenu c = RofiMenu
{ groups :: [RofiGroup c]
, prompt :: Maybe T.Text
, hotkeys :: [Hotkey c]
{ groups :: ![RofiGroup c]
, prompt :: !(Maybe T.Text)
, hotkeys :: ![Hotkey c]
emptyMenu :: RofiMenu c
@ -82,20 +83,22 @@ emptyMenu =
{ groups = []
, prompt = Nothing
, hotkeys = []
, hotkeys = mempty
io :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
io = liftIO
toRofiActions :: [(T.Text, RIO c ())] -> RofiActions c
toRofiActions = M.fromList
toRofiActions = OM.fromList
rofiActionKeys :: RofiActions c -> T.Text
rofiActionKeys = joinNewline . map fst . M.assocs
rofiActionKeys = joinNewline . map fst . OM.assocs
lookupRofiAction :: T.Text -> RofiActions c -> RIO c ()
lookupRofiAction key ras = fromMaybe (return ()) $ M.lookup key ras
lookupRofiAction key = fromMaybe err . OM.lookup key
err = error $ T.unpack $ T.concat ["could not lookup key: '", key, "'"]
groupEntries :: RofiGroup c -> T.Text
groupEntries RofiGroup {actions = a, title = t}
@ -105,7 +108,7 @@ groupEntries RofiGroup {actions = a, title = t}
title' = maybe "" (`T.append` "\n") t
menuActions :: RofiMenu c -> RofiActions c
menuActions = L.foldr (M.<>|) M.empty . fmap actions . groups
menuActions = L.foldr (OM.<>|) OM.empty . fmap actions . groups
menuEntries :: RofiMenu c -> T.Text
menuEntries = T.intercalate "\n\n" . filter (not . T.null) . fmap groupEntries . groups
@ -117,10 +120,16 @@ selectAction rm = do
res <- readRofi (p ++ hArgs) $ menuEntries rm
case res of
Right key -> lookupRofiAction key $ menuActions rm
Left (n, key, _) ->
mapM_ (lookupRofiAction key . keyActions) $
L.find ((==) n . (+ 9) . keyIndex) $
hotkeys rm
Left (1, _, _) -> exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
Left (n, key, _) -> do
(error $ T.unpack $ T.append "could not find key index: " $ T.pack $ show n)
(lookupRofiAction key . keyActions)
-- this sketchy assumption has to do with the fact that the custom
-- keybindings are labeled 1-19 and thus need to be explicitly
-- indexed, and the program itself tells the world which key was
-- pressed via return code (any possible integer)
((V.fromList $ hotkeys rm) V.!? (n - 10))
runRofi :: (MonadIO m, HasRofiConf c) => c -> RofiMenu c -> m ()
runRofi c = runRIO c . selectAction
@ -167,12 +176,13 @@ readCmdEither' cmd args input environ =
es -> Just $ fmap (bimap T.unpack T.unpack) es
p = (proc (T.unpack cmd) (fmap T.unpack args)) {env = e}
-- TODO why strip whitespace?
:: (ExitCode, String, String)
-> Either (Int, T.Text, T.Text) T.Text
resultToEither (ExitSuccess, out, _) = Right $ T.strip $ T.pack out
resultToEither (ExitSuccess, out, _) = Right $ T.stripEnd $ T.pack out
resultToEither (ExitFailure n, out, err) =
Left (n, T.strip $ T.pack out, T.strip $ T.pack err)
Left (n, T.stripEnd $ T.pack out, T.stripEnd $ T.pack err)
joinNewline :: [T.Text] -> T.Text
joinNewline = T.intercalate "\n"