ADD systemd mount unit thing support

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2021-02-14 19:33:10 -05:00
parent 335c5b74c9
commit 7234cb3799
1 changed files with 70 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- | rofi-dev - a rofi prompt for mountable devices
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ import Text.Wrap
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import System.FilePath.Posix
import System.Posix.User (getEffectiveUserName)
import System.Process
@ -170,17 +172,29 @@ runPrompt gs = selectAction $ emptyMenu
getGroups :: RofiIO MountConf [RofiGroup MountConf]
getGroups = do
fstab <- readFSTab
sysd <- io getSystemdDevices
[ mkGroup "SSHFS Devices" $ sshfsDevices fstab
[ mkGroup2 "SSHFS Devices" (filterSysd SystemdSSHFS sysd) $ sshfsDevices fstab
, mkGroup "CIFS Devices" $ cifsDevices fstab
, mkGroup "Veracrypt Devices" =<< getVeracryptDevices
, mkGroup2 "Veracrypt Devices" (filterSysd SystemdVeracrypt sysd) =<< getVeracryptDevices
, mkGroup "Removable Devices" =<< getRemovableDevices
, mkGroup "MTP Devices" =<< getMTPDevices
filterSysd t = filter (\s -> sysdType s == t)
mkGroup :: Mountable d => String -> [d] -> RofiIO MountConf (RofiGroup MountConf)
mkGroup header devs = titledGroup header . alignEntries . toRofiActions
<$> mapM mkAction devs
mkGroup header devs = sortGroup header <$> mapM mkAction devs
mkGroup2 :: (Mountable d, Mountable e) => String
-> [d] -> [e] -> RofiIO MountConf (RofiGroup MountConf)
mkGroup2 header devs1 devs2 = do
r1 <- mapM mkAction devs1
r2 <- mapM mkAction devs2
return $ sortGroup header (r1 ++ r2)
sortGroup :: String -> [(String, RofiIO MountConf ())] -> RofiGroup MountConf
sortGroup header = titledGroup header . alignEntries . toRofiActions
alignSep :: String
alignSep = " | "
@ -424,6 +438,57 @@ getMTPDevices = do
| c == ' ' = Just '-'
| otherwise = Just c
-- | Systemd typeclass
data SystemdMountType = SystemdVeracrypt | SystemdSSHFS deriving (Eq, Show)
data Systemd = Systemd
{ sysdType :: SystemdMountType
, sysdInstance :: String
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Mountable Systemd where
mount s@Systemd { sysdInstance = i } m = let
unit = fmtSysdInstanceName s
op = if m then "stop" else "start" in
io $ runMountNotify "systemctl" ["--user", op, unit] i m
allInstalled Systemd { sysdType = SystemdVeracrypt } =
io $ isJust <$> findExecutable "veracrypt"
allInstalled Systemd { sysdType = SystemdSSHFS } =
io $ isJust <$> findExecutable "sshfs"
isMounted s = let
unit = fmtSysdInstanceName s
args = ["--user", "is-active", "--quiet", unit] in
io $ (\(ec, _, _) -> ec == ExitSuccess)
<$> readProcessWithExitCode "systemctl" args ""
fmtEntry Systemd { sysdInstance = i } = i ++ alignSepPre ++ "Systemd"
fmtSysdInstanceName :: Systemd -> String
fmtSysdInstanceName Systemd { sysdType = SystemdVeracrypt, sysdInstance = i } =
"mount-veracrypt@" ++ i ++ ".service"
fmtSysdInstanceName Systemd { sysdType = SystemdSSHFS, sysdInstance = i } =
"mount-sshfs@" ++ i ++ ".service"
getSystemdDevices :: IO [Systemd]
getSystemdDevices = do
systemdHome <- io $ getXdgDirectory XdgConfig "systemd/user"
io $ mapMaybe toDev
<$> (filterM (doesDirectoryExist . (systemdHome </>))
=<< listDirectory systemdHome)
toDev (splitInstance "mount-veracrypt@" -> Just s) =
Just $ Systemd { sysdType = SystemdVeracrypt , sysdInstance = s }
toDev (splitInstance "mount-sshfs@" -> Just s) =
Just $ Systemd { sysdType = SystemdSSHFS , sysdInstance = s }
toDev _ = Nothing
splitInstance p = fmap (takeWhile (not . (==) '.')) . stripPrefix p
-- | Mountable typeclass