ENH generalize RofiIO monad

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2020-05-01 21:29:54 -04:00
parent 49c4f4cf1c
commit 7c1d899be6
4 changed files with 364 additions and 308 deletions

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@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ checkExe cmd = do
-- The session ID will be valid only as long as TIMEOUT
newtype BWConf = BWConf
newtype BWServerConf = BWServerConf
{ timeout :: UnixDiffTime
@ -75,15 +75,15 @@ type Session = MVar (Maybe CurrentSession)
runDaemon :: Int -> IO ()
runDaemon t = do
ses <- newMVar Nothing
let c = BWConf { timeout = UnixDiffTime (fromIntegral t) 0 }
let c = BWServerConf { timeout = UnixDiffTime (fromIntegral t) 0 }
startService c ses
forever $ threadDelay 1000000
lockSession :: Session -> IO ()
lockSession ses = void $ swapMVar ses Nothing
getSession :: BWConf -> Session -> IO String
getSession BWConf { timeout = t } ses = do
getSession :: BWServerConf -> Session -> IO String
getSession BWServerConf { timeout = t } ses = do
ut <- getUnixTime
modifyMVar ses $ \s -> case s of
Just CurrentSession { timestamp = ts, hash = h } ->
@ -98,11 +98,6 @@ getSession BWConf { timeout = t } ses = do
ut <- getUnixTime
return CurrentSession { timestamp = ut, hash = h }
readPassword :: IO (Maybe String)
readPassword = readCmdSuccess "rofi" args ""
args = dmenuArgs ++ ["-p", "Password", "-password"]
readSession :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
readSession pwd = readCmdSuccess "bw" ["unlock", pwd, "--raw"] ""
@ -122,10 +117,15 @@ readSession pwd = readCmdSuccess "bw" ["unlock", pwd, "--raw"] ""
-- - password (if applicable) -> copy to clipboard
-- - anything else (notes and such) -> copy to clipboard
newtype BWClientConf = BWClientConf [String]
instance RofiConf BWClientConf where
defArgs (BWClientConf a) = a
runClient :: [String] -> IO ()
runClient a = do
let c = RofiConf { defArgs = a }
runRofiPrompt c $ selectAction $ emptyMenu
let c = BWClientConf a
runRofiIO c $ selectAction $ emptyMenu
{ groups = [untitledGroup $ toRofiActions ras]
, prompt = Just "Action"
@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ runClient a = do
, ("Lock Session", io callLockSession)
browseLogins :: RofiPrompt ()
browseLogins :: RofiConf c => RofiIO c ()
browseLogins = do
session <- io callGetSession
forM_ session $ getItems >=> selectItem
getItems :: String -> RofiPrompt [Item]
getItems :: RofiConf c => String -> RofiIO c [Item]
getItems session = do
items <- io $ readProcess "bw" ["list", "items", "--session", session] ""
return $ filter notEmpty $ fromMaybe [] $ decode $ fromString items
@ -170,16 +170,16 @@ instance FromJSON Login
-- TODO make menu buttons here to go back and to copy without leaving
-- the current menu
selectItem :: [Item] -> RofiPrompt ()
selectItem :: RofiConf c => [Item] -> RofiIO c ()
selectItem items = selectAction $ emptyMenu
{ groups = [untitledGroup $ itemsToRofiActions items]
, prompt = Just "Login"
itemsToRofiActions :: [Item] -> RofiActions
itemsToRofiActions :: RofiConf c => [Item] -> RofiActions c
itemsToRofiActions = toRofiActions . fmap (\i -> (name i, selectCopy $ login i))
selectCopy :: Login -> RofiPrompt ()
selectCopy :: RofiConf c => Login -> RofiIO c ()
selectCopy l = selectAction $ emptyMenu
{ groups = [untitledGroup $ loginToRofiActions l copy]
, prompt = Just "Copy"
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ selectCopy l = selectAction $ emptyMenu
, keyActions = loginToRofiActions l (const browseLogins)
loginToRofiActions :: Login -> (String -> RofiPrompt ()) -> RofiActions
loginToRofiActions :: RofiConf c => Login -> (String -> RofiIO c ()) -> RofiActions c
loginToRofiActions Login { username = u, password = p } a =
toRofiActions $ catMaybes [user, pwd]
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ memGetSession = "GetSession"
memLockSession :: MemberName
memLockSession = "LockSession"
startService :: BWConf -> Session -> IO ()
startService :: BWServerConf -> Session -> IO ()
startService c ses = do
client <- connectSession
let flags = [nameAllowReplacement, nameReplaceExisting]

View File

@ -1,63 +1,145 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Main (main) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import Data.Char
import Data.Csv hiding (lookup)
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Map.Ordered as O
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Vector (Vector, toList)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Rofi.Command
import Text.Printf
import Text.Regex.TDFA
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath.Posix
import System.Posix.User (getEffectiveUserName)
import System.Process
import UnliftIO.Exception
main :: IO ()
main = check >> getArgs >>= parse
type Password = IO (Maybe String)
data MountConf = MountConf
{ credentials :: M.Map String Password
, mountDir :: FilePath
, rofiArgs :: [String]
instance RofiConf MountConf where
defArgs MountConf { rofiArgs = a } = a
type DevicePasswords = M.Map String Password
initMountConf :: [String] -> IO MountConf
initMountConf a = conf <$> getEffectiveUserName
conf u = MountConf
{ credentials = M.empty
, mountDir = "/media" </> u
, rofiArgs = a
options :: [OptDescr (MountConf -> MountConf)]
options =
-- TODO clean up massive text blocks here with textwrap
[ Option ['s'] ["secret"]
(ReqArg (\s m -> m { credentials = addGetSecret (credentials m) s } ) "SECRET")
("Use libsecret to retrieve password for DIR using ATTR/VAL pairs.\n" ++
"The pairs will be supplied to a 'secret-tool lookup' call.\n" ++
"Argument is formatted like 'DIR:ATTR1=VAL1,ATTR2=VAL2...'")
, Option ['d'] ["directory"]
(ReqArg (\s m -> m { mountDir = s } ) "DIR")
("The directory in which new mountpoints will be created. This is\n" ++
"assumed to be writable to the current user, and will be used for\n" ++
"fuse entries as well as user mounts in fstab. For the latter, it is\n" ++
"assumed that all user mounts contain this directory if a mountpoint\n" ++
"does not already exist for them. If not diven this will default to\n" ++
, Option ['p'] ["password"]
(ReqArg (\s m -> m { credentials = addGetPrompt (credentials m) s } ) "DIR")
"Prompt for password when mounting DIR."
parse :: [String] -> IO ()
parse = runMounts
parse args = case getOpt Permute options args of
(o, n, []) -> do
i <- initMountConf n
runMounts $ foldl (flip id) i o
-- TODO make this a real error
(_, _, errs) -> putStrLn $ concat errs ++ usageInfo "header" options
addGetSecret :: DevicePasswords -> String -> DevicePasswords
addGetSecret pwds c = case splitPrefix c of
(dir, ":", r) -> addPasswordGetter pwds dir $ runGetSecret
$ mapMaybe (toCell . splitEq) $ splitBy ',' r
_ -> pwds
splitPrefix s = s =~ (":" :: String) :: (String, String, String)
splitEq e = e =~ ("=" :: String) :: (String, String, String)
toCell (k, "=", v) = Just (k, v)
toCell _ = Nothing
runGetSecret :: [(String, String)] -> Password
runGetSecret kvs = readCmdSuccess "secret-tool" ("lookup":kvs') ""
kvs' = concatMap (\(k, v) -> [k, v]) kvs
addGetPrompt :: DevicePasswords -> String -> DevicePasswords
addGetPrompt pwds dir = addPasswordGetter pwds dir readPassword
addPasswordGetter :: DevicePasswords -> String -> IO (Maybe String) -> DevicePasswords
addPasswordGetter pwds key f = M.insert key f pwds
-- runGetBwPwd :: [(String, String)] -> IO (Maybe String)
-- runGetBwPwd = undefined
-- getPassword :: Credentials -> IO (Maybe String)
-- getPassword NoCredentials = return Nothing
-- getPassword (Secret kvs) = do
-- let kvs' = concat [[a, b] | (a, b) <- M.toList kvs]
-- readCmdSuccess "secret-tool" ("lookup":kvs') ""
check :: IO ()
check = return ()
runMounts :: [String] -> IO ()
runMounts a = do
let c = RofiConf { defArgs = a }
runRofiPrompt c runPrompt
runMounts :: MountConf -> IO ()
runMounts c = runRofiIO c $ runPrompt =<< getGroups
runPrompt :: RofiPrompt ()
runPrompt = do
net <- titledGroup "Network Devices" <$> io getNetActions
rmv <- titledGroup "Removable Devices" <$> io getRemovableActions
mtp <- titledGroup "MTP Devices" <$> io getMTPActions
selectAction $ emptyMenu
{ groups = [net, rmv, mtp]
runPrompt :: RofiConf c => [RofiGroup c] -> RofiIO c ()
runPrompt gs = selectAction $ emptyMenu
{ groups = gs
, prompt = Just "Select Device"
getNetActions :: IO RofiActions
getNetActions = alignEntries . toRofiActions . catMaybes
<$> (mapM csvToAction =<< getCSV)
getGroups :: RofiIO MountConf [RofiGroup MountConf]
getGroups = do
fstab <- readFSTab
[ mkGroup "SSHFS Devices" $ sshfsDevices fstab
, mkGroup "CIFS Devices" $ cifsDevices fstab
, mkGroup "Removable Devices" =<< getRemovableDevices
, mkGroup "MTP Devices" =<< getMTPDevices
mkGroup :: Mountable d => String -> [d] -> RofiIO MountConf (RofiGroup MountConf)
mkGroup header devs = titledGroup header . alignEntries . toRofiActions
<$> mapM mkAction devs
alignSep :: String
alignSep = " | "
@ -65,7 +147,7 @@ alignSep = " | "
alignSepPre :: String
alignSepPre = "@@@"
alignEntries :: RofiActions -> RofiActions
alignEntries :: RofiActions c -> RofiActions c
alignEntries = O.fromList . withKeys . O.assocs
withKeys as = let (ks, vs) = unzip as in zip (align ks) vs
@ -83,24 +165,24 @@ alignEntries = O.fromList . withKeys . O.assocs
-- | Class and methods for type representing mountable devices
class Mountable a where
-- | Mount the given type (or dismount if False is passed)
mount :: a -> Bool -> IO ()
mount :: a -> Bool -> RofiIO MountConf ()
-- | Check if the mounting utilities are present
allInstalled :: a -> IO Bool
allInstalled :: a -> RofiIO MountConf Bool
-- | Return a string to go in the Rofi menu for the given type
fmtEntry :: a -> String
-- | Determine if the given type is mounted or not
isMounted :: a -> IO Bool
isMounted :: a -> RofiIO MountConf Bool
-- | Given a mountable type, return a rofi action (string to go in the
-- Rofi prompt and an action to perform when it is selected)
mkAction :: a -> IO (String, RofiPrompt ())
mkAction :: a -> RofiIO MountConf (String, RofiIO MountConf ())
mkAction dev = do
m <- isMounted dev
i <- allInstalled dev
let a = when i $ io $ mount dev m
let a = when i $ mount dev m
let s = mountedPrefix m i ++ fmtEntry dev
return (s, a)
@ -121,99 +203,62 @@ parseMountOptions s = M.fromList $ toCell . splitEq <$> splitBy ',' s
toCell (k, "=", v) = (k, Just v)
toCell (k, _, _) = (k, Nothing)
-- | Given a mount options map, return a string of comma separated items
fmtMountOptions :: MountOptions -> String
fmtMountOptions = intercalate "," . fmap fromCell . M.toList
fromCell (k, Just v) = k ++ "=" ++ v
fromCell (k, Nothing) = k
-- | Various credentials to be used with a given mountable type.
-- Secret: represents a lookup using 'secret-tool' where the map represents
-- the attribute/value pairs to pass.
-- NoCredentials: self explanatory
data Credentials = Secret (M.Map String String)
| NoCredentials
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Given a string, return a credentials type. The type of credentials is
-- determined by the prefix (which is followed by a colon) and is followed by
-- a comma-separated list of 'key=val' pairs
parseCredentials :: String -> Credentials
parseCredentials c = case splitPrefix c of
("secret", ":", r) -> Secret $ M.fromList $ mapMaybe (toCell . splitEq) $ splitBy ',' r
-- TODO fetch from bitwarden
-- add more here...
_ -> NoCredentials
splitPrefix s = s =~ (":" :: String) :: (String, String, String)
splitEq e = e =~ ("=" :: String) :: (String, String, String)
toCell (k, "=", v) = Just (k, v)
toCell _ = Nothing
-- -- | Given a mount options map, return a string of comma separated items
-- fmtMountOptions :: MountOptions -> String
-- fmtMountOptions = intercalate "," . fmap fromCell . M.toList
-- where
-- fromCell (k, Just v) = k ++ "=" ++ v
-- fromCell (k, Nothing) = k
-- | Removable devices
-- A device which can be removed (which is all the devices we care about)
-- This can be minimally described by a device PATH and LABEL. If MOUNTPOINT is
-- Nothing, this represents the device being mounted at a default location.
-- This can be minimally described by a device DEVICESPEC and LABEL.
data Removable = Removable
{ path :: String
{ deviceSpec :: String
, label :: String
, mountpoint :: Maybe String
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Mountable Removable where
-- | (Un)mount the device using udiskctl
mount Removable { path = p, label = l } m = do
res <- readCmdEither "udisksctl" [cmd, "-b", p] ""
mount Removable { deviceSpec = d, label = l } m = io $ do
res <- readCmdEither "udisksctl" [cmd, "-b", d] ""
notifyMounted (isRight res) m l
cmd = if m then "unmount" else "mount"
-- | Need udisksctl to mount and umount
allInstalled _ = isJust <$> findExecutable "udisksctl"
allInstalled _ = fmap isJust $ io $ findExecutable "udisksctl"
-- | Check if the device is mounted using /proc/mount
isMounted Removable { path = p, mountpoint = m } = do
cur <- curMountpoints
return $ case m of
Just m' -> (p, m') `elem` cur
Nothing -> p `elem` fmap fst cur
isMounted Removable { deviceSpec = d } = elem d <$> io curDeviceSpecs
-- | Format the Rofi entry like 'LABEL - PATH' and add a star in the front
-- if the device is mounted
fmtEntry Removable { path = p, label = l } = l ++ alignSepPre ++ p
fmtEntry Removable { deviceSpec = d, label = l } = l ++ alignSepPre ++ d
-- | Return list of possible rofi actions for removable devices
-- A 'removable device' is defined as a hotplugged device with a filesystem as
-- reported by 'lsblk'. If the LABEL does not exist on the filesystem, the
-- label shown on the prompt will be 'SIZE Volume' where size is the size of
-- the device
getRemovableDevices :: IO [Removable]
getRemovableDevices :: RofiConf c => RofiIO c [Removable]
getRemovableDevices = mapMaybe toDev
. lines
. stripWS
<$> readProcess "lsblk" ["-n", "-r", "-o", columns] ""
<$> io (readProcess "lsblk" ["-n", "-r", "-o", columns] "")
-- can't use 'words' here since it will drop spaces in the front
toDev line = case splitBy ' ' line of
("":_) -> Nothing
[_, "1", p, "", s] -> mk p $ s ++ " Volume"
[_, "1", p, l, _] -> mk p l
[_, "1", d, "", s] -> mk d $ s ++ " Volume"
[_, "1", d, l, _] -> mk d l
_ -> Nothing
mk p l = Just $ Removable { path = p
, label = l
, mountpoint = Nothing
getRemovableActions :: IO RofiActions
getRemovableActions = alignEntries . toRofiActions
<$> (mapM mkAction =<< getRemovableDevices)
mk d l = Just $ Removable { deviceSpec = d, label = l }
-- | CIFS Devices
@ -221,34 +266,46 @@ getRemovableActions = alignEntries . toRofiActions
-- This wraps the Removable device (since it is removable) and also adds its
-- own mount options and credentials for authentication.
data CIFS = CIFS Removable MountOptions Credentials
data CIFS = CIFS Removable FilePath (Maybe Password)
instance Mountable CIFS where
-- | Mount using udevil
mount (CIFS Removable{..} opts creds) False = do
pwd <- getPassword creds
let opts' = fmtOpts $ addPwd pwd opts
res <- readCmdEither "udevil" (["mount"] ++ opts' ++ ["-t", "cifs", path]) ""
notifyMounted (isRight res) False label
mount (CIFS Removable{ label = l } m getPwd) False =
(mkDirMaybe m)
(rmDirMaybe m)
$ io $ do
res <- case getPwd of
Just pwd -> do
p <- maybe [] (\p -> [("PASSWD", p)]) <$> pwd
readCmdEither' "mount" [m] "" p
Nothing -> readCmdEither "mount" [m] ""
notifyMounted (isRight res) False l
mount (CIFS Removable{ label = l } m _) True = umountNotify l m
allInstalled _ = io $ isJust <$> findExecutable "mount.cifs"
isMounted (CIFS _ dir _) = io $ isDirMounted dir
fmtEntry (CIFS r _ _) = fmtEntry r
-- TODO this smells like something that should be in a typeclass
fstabToCIFS :: FSTabEntry -> RofiIO MountConf CIFS
fstabToCIFS FSTabEntry{ fstabSpec = s, fstabDir = d, fstabOptions = o } = do
-- This is a hack. If the options specify "guest" don't require a
-- password. Else try to find a means to get the password from the
-- command line options provided for the this mountpoint. If nothing is
-- found, create a dummy function that returns "" as the password, which
-- will be passed to the env variable PASSWD when mounting this cifs
-- directory and cause it to fail. Setting the env variable is necessary
-- the cifs mount call will prompt for a password and hang otherwise.
pwd <- if M.member "guest" o
then return Nothing
else Just . M.findWithDefault (return $ Just "") d <$> asks credentials
let r = Removable { deviceSpec = smartSlashPrefix s, label = takeFileName d }
return $ CIFS r d pwd
addPwd (Just pwd) o = M.insert "password" (Just pwd) o
addPwd Nothing o = o
fmtOpts o = if null o then [] else ["-o", fmtMountOptions o]
-- | Unmount using udevil
mount (CIFS Removable{..} _ _) True = do
res <- readCmdEither "udevil" ["unmount", path] ""
notifyMounted (isRight res) True label
-- | Need udevil and mount.cifs
allInstalled _ = all isJust <$> mapM findExecutable ["udevil", "mount.cifs"]
-- | Return True if mounted. Only checks the removable type wrapped within
isMounted (CIFS r _ _) = isMounted r
-- | Format the Rofi entry like 'LABEL - (CIFS) - PATH' and prefix with a star
-- if mounted
fmtEntry (CIFS r _ _) = fmtNetEntry r "CIFS"
smartSlashPrefix a = if "//" `isPrefixOf` a then a else "//" ++ a
-- | SSHFS Devices
@ -258,42 +315,29 @@ instance Mountable CIFS where
-- config that specifies the port, hostname, user, and identity file, these
-- need to be passed as mount options.
data SSHFS = SSHFS Removable MountOptions
data SSHFS = SSHFS Removable FilePath
instance Mountable SSHFS where
-- | Mount using sshfs
mount (SSHFS Removable{..} opts) False =
case mountpoint of
Just m -> cmd m
-- TODO only destroy mountpoint if it is not already another mountpoint
Nothing -> bracketOnError (makeFuseMount label)
(const $ destroyFuseMount label) (const $ cmd $ fmtFusePath label)
mount (SSHFS Removable{ label = l } m) False =
(mkDirMaybe m)
(rmDirMaybe m)
$ io $ do
res <- readCmdEither "mount" [m] ""
notifyMounted (isRight res) False l
mount (SSHFS Removable{ label = l } m) True = umountNotify l m
allInstalled _ = fmap isJust $ io $ findExecutable "sshfs"
isMounted (SSHFS _ dir) = io $ isDirMounted dir
fmtEntry (SSHFS r _) = fmtEntry r
fstabToSSHFS :: FSTabEntry -> RofiIO MountConf SSHFS
fstabToSSHFS FSTabEntry{ fstabSpec = s, fstabDir = d } = return $ SSHFS r d
-- TODO add auto-dismount to options
opts' = if null opts then [] else ["-o", fmtMountOptions opts]
cmd m' = do
res <- readCmdEither "sshfs" ([path, m'] ++ opts') ""
notifyMounted (isRight res) False label
-- | Umount using fusermount
mount (SSHFS r _) True = fuseUnmount r
-- | Need sshfs (assume fuse is also installed)
allInstalled _ = isJust <$> findExecutable "sshfs"
-- | Return True if mounted. Only checks the removable type wrapped within
isMounted (SSHFS r _) = isMounted r
-- | Format the Rofi entry like 'LABEL - (SSHFS) - PATH' and prefix with a
-- star if mounted
fmtEntry (SSHFS r _) = fmtNetEntry r "SSHFS"
-- | Given a removable device, type string, and boolean for if the device is
-- mounted, return a string like 'LABEL - (TYPESTRING) - PATH' and prefix with a
-- star if mounted
fmtNetEntry :: Removable -> String -> String
fmtNetEntry Removable { label = l, path = p } t =
intercalate alignSepPre [l, t, p]
r = Removable { deviceSpec = s, label = takeFileName d }
-- | MTP devices
@ -301,47 +345,47 @@ fmtNetEntry Removable { label = l, path = p } t =
{ bus :: String
, device :: String
, mountpointMTP :: String
, mountpoint :: FilePath
, description :: String
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Mountable MTPFS where
-- | Mount using sshfs
mount MTPFS {..} False = do
-- TODO add autodismount to options
let dev = "-device=" ++ bus ++ "," ++ device
bracketOnError (createDirectoryIfMissing False mountpointMTP)
(const $ removePathForcibly mountpointMTP) $ \_ -> do
res <- readCmdEither "jmtpfs" [dev, mountpointMTP] ""
(mkDirMaybe mountpoint)
(rmDirMaybe mountpoint)
$ io $ do
res <- readCmdEither "jmtpfs" [dev, mountpoint] ""
notifyMounted (isRight res) False description
-- | Umount using fusermount
mount MTPFS { mountpointMTP = m, description = d } True =
finally (fuseUnmount' d m) $ removePathForcibly m
mount MTPFS { mountpoint = m, description = d } True = umountNotify d m
-- | Need jmtpfs (assume fuse is also installed)
allInstalled _ = isJust <$> findExecutable "jmtpfs"
-- | return True always since the list won't even show without jmtpfs
allInstalled _ = return True
-- | Return True if mounted. Only checks the mountpoint path
isMounted MTPFS { mountpointMTP = m } = elem m . fmap snd <$> curMountpoints
isMounted MTPFS { mountpoint = dir } = io $ isDirMounted dir
-- | Format the Rofi entry like 'LABEL - (SSHFS) - PATH'
fmtEntry MTPFS { description = d } = d
getMTPDevices :: IO [MTPFS]
getMTPDevices = mapMaybe toDev . toDevList <$> readProcess "jmtpfs" ["-l"] ""
getMTPDevices :: RofiIO MountConf [MTPFS]
getMTPDevices = do
dir <- asks mountDir
res <- io $ readProcess "jmtpfs" ["-l"] ""
return $ mapMaybe (toDev dir) $ toDevList res
toDevList = reverse
. takeWhile (not . isPrefixOf "Available devices")
. reverse
. lines
toDev s = case splitOn ", " s of
toDev dir s = case splitOn ", " s of
[busNum, devNum, _, _, desc, vendor] -> let d = unwords [vendor, desc]
in Just $ MTPFS
{ bus = busNum
, device = devNum
, mountpointMTP = fuseMount ++ canonicalize d
, mountpoint = dir </> canonicalize d
, description = d
_ -> Nothing
@ -351,108 +395,91 @@ getMTPDevices = mapMaybe toDev . toDevList <$> readProcess "jmtpfs" ["-l"] ""
| c == ' ' = Just '-'
| otherwise = Just c
getMTPActions :: IO RofiActions
getMTPActions = toRofiActions <$> (mapM mkAction =<< getMTPDevices)
-- TODO add truecrypt volumes (see tcplay, will need root)
-- | Csv device parsing
-- These devices are stored in a CSV file which needs to be parsed into the
-- appropriate devices types
-- | Fstab devices
-- | Represents one parsable line in the network device config .tsv file
data CsvDev = CsvDev
{ csvLabel :: String
, csvType :: String
, csvPath :: String
, csvMountpoint :: Maybe String
, csvMountOptions :: Maybe String
, csvCredentials :: Maybe String
data FSTab = FSTab
{ sshfsDevices :: [SSHFS]
, cifsDevices :: [CIFS]
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance FromRecord CsvDev
data FSTabEntry = FSTabEntry
{ fstabSpec :: String
, fstabDir :: FilePath
, fstabType :: String
, fstabOptions :: MountOptions
-- | Return a list of all Csv lines from the network config file
getCSV :: IO [CsvDev]
getCSV = do
xdgConf <- getEnv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME"
-- TODO this shouldn't be hardcoded
contents <- B.readFile $ xdgConf ++ "/rofi/devices.tsv"
let opts = defaultDecodeOptions { decDelimiter = fromIntegral (ord '\t') }
case decodeWith opts HasHeader contents of
Left s -> putStrLn s >> return []
Right v -> return $ toList (v :: Vector CsvDev)
-- TODO split this into each device type so they can be separated in the prompt
-- | Given a parsed csv line from the network config file, return a
-- (ENTRY, ACTION) where ENTRY is a string to appear on the Rofi prompt and
-- ACTION is an action to perform on the device in the csv line when selected
csvToAction :: CsvDev -> IO (Maybe (String, RofiPrompt ()))
csvToAction CsvDev {..}
| csvType == "cifs" = Just <$> mkAction (CIFS r' opts creds)
| csvType == "sshfs" = Just <$> mkAction (SSHFS r opts)
| otherwise = return Nothing
readFSTab :: RofiIO MountConf FSTab
readFSTab = do
let i = FSTab { sshfsDevices = [], cifsDevices = [] }
fstab <- io $ readFile "/etc/fstab"
foldM addFstabDevice i $ mapMaybe toEntry $ lines fstab
r = Removable { label = csvLabel
, path = csvPath
, mountpoint = csvMountpoint
toEntry line = case words $ stripWS line of
(('#':_):_) -> Nothing
[spec, dir, fsType, opts, _, _] -> Just $ FSTabEntry
{ fstabSpec = spec
, fstabDir = dir
, fstabType = fsType
, fstabOptions = parseMountOptions opts
opts = maybe M.empty parseMountOptions csvMountOptions
creds = maybe NoCredentials parseCredentials csvCredentials
-- CIFS prefixes the path with two slashes
r' = r { path = smartSlashPrefix csvPath }
smartSlashPrefix s = if "//" `isPrefixOf` s then s else "//" ++ s
_ -> Nothing
addFstabDevice :: FSTab -> FSTabEntry -> RofiIO MountConf FSTab
addFstabDevice f@FSTab{..} e@FSTabEntry{..}
| M.notMember "users" fstabOptions = return f
| fstabType == "cifs" =
(\d -> f { cifsDevices = cifsDevices ++ [d] }) <$> fstabToCIFS e
| fstabType == "fuse.sshfs" =
(\d -> f { sshfsDevices = sshfsDevices ++ [d] }) <$> fstabToSSHFS e
| otherwise = return f
-- | Low-level mount functions
-- | Return a list of mountpoints like (PATH, MOUNTPOINT) from /proc/mount
curMountpoints :: IO [(String, String)]
curMountpoints = do
m <- readFile "/proc/mounts"
-- ASSUME this will never fail because the format of this file is fixed
return $ (\(path:mntpnt:_) -> (path, mntpnt)) . words <$> lines m
-- ASSUME these will never fail because the format of this file is fixed
-- | Given a path, return its mountpoint if it exists
lookupMountpoint :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
lookupMountpoint path = lookup path <$> curMountpoints
curMountField :: Int -> IO [String]
curMountField i = fmap ((!! i) . words) . lines <$> readFile "/proc/mounts"
-- | Given a removable device, unmount it using fuse
fuseUnmount :: Removable -> IO ()
fuseUnmount Removable { path = p, mountpoint = m, label = l } =
maybe umountDef umount m
curDeviceSpecs :: IO [String]
curDeviceSpecs = curMountField 0
curMountpoints :: IO [String]
curMountpoints = curMountField 1
mkDirMaybe :: FilePath -> RofiIO MountConf ()
mkDirMaybe fp = whenInMountDir fp $ io $ createDirectoryIfMissing True fp
rmDirMaybe :: FilePath -> RofiIO MountConf ()
rmDirMaybe fp = whenInMountDir fp $ unlessMountpoint fp
$ asks mountDir >>= io . rmUntil fp
umount = fuseUnmount' l
umountDef = lookupMountpoint p >>=
mapM_ (liftM2 finally umount removePathForcibly)
rmUntil cur target = unless (target == cur) $ do
removePathForcibly cur
rmUntil (takeDirectory cur) target
fuseUnmount' :: String -> String -> IO ()
fuseUnmount' label path = do
res <- readCmdEither "fusermount" ["-u", path] ""
whenInMountDir :: FilePath -> RofiIO MountConf () -> RofiIO MountConf ()
whenInMountDir fp f = do
mDir <- asks mountDir
when (mDir `isPrefixOf` fp) f
unlessMountpoint :: FilePath -> RofiIO MountConf () -> RofiIO MountConf ()
unlessMountpoint fp f = do
mounted <- io $ isDirMounted fp
unless mounted f
umountNotify :: String -> FilePath -> RofiIO MountConf ()
umountNotify label dir = finally cmd $ rmDirMaybe dir
cmd = io $ do
res <- readCmdEither "umount" [dir] ""
notifyMounted (isRight res) True label
-- | Given credentials, return a password
getPassword :: Credentials -> IO (Maybe String)
getPassword NoCredentials = return Nothing
getPassword (Secret kvs) = do
let kvs' = concat [[a, b] | (a, b) <- M.toList kvs]
readCmdSuccess "secret-tool" ("lookup":kvs') ""
-- TODO this shouldn't be hardcoded
fuseMount :: FilePath
fuseMount = "/media/ndwar-fuse/"
-- TODO what if there is no trailing slash?
fmtFusePath :: String -> String
fmtFusePath label = fuseMount ++ label
makeFuseMount :: String -> IO ()
makeFuseMount label = createDirectoryIfMissing False $ fmtFusePath label
destroyFuseMount :: String -> IO ()
destroyFuseMount label = removePathForcibly $ fmtFusePath label
isDirMounted :: FilePath -> IO Bool
isDirMounted fp = elem fp <$> curMountpoints
-- | Other functions

View File

@ -5,23 +5,27 @@ module Rofi.Command
, RofiMenu(..)
, RofiAction
, RofiActions
, RofiPrompt
, RofiIO
, RofiGroup
, Hotkey(..)
, io
, emptyMenu
, runRofiPrompt
, runRofiIO
, toRofiActions
, rofiActionKeys
, untitledGroup
, titledGroup
, selectAction
, readPassword
, readCmdSuccess
, readCmdEither
, readCmdEither'
, dmenuArgs
, joinNewline
, stripWS
) where
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Char
@ -32,99 +36,97 @@ import Data.Maybe
import System.Exit
import System.Process
newtype RofiConf = RofiConf
{ defArgs :: [String]
deriving (Eq, Show)
class RofiConf c where
defArgs :: c -> [String]
type RofiAction = (String, RofiPrompt ())
type RofiAction c = (String, RofiIO c ())
type RofiActions = M.OMap String (RofiPrompt ())
type RofiActions c = M.OMap String (RofiIO c ())
data RofiGroup = RofiGroup
{ actions :: RofiActions
data RofiGroup c = RofiGroup
{ actions :: RofiActions c
, title :: Maybe String
untitledGroup :: RofiActions -> RofiGroup
untitledGroup :: RofiActions c -> RofiGroup c
untitledGroup a = RofiGroup { actions = a, title = Nothing }
titledGroup :: String -> RofiActions -> RofiGroup
titledGroup :: String -> RofiActions c -> RofiGroup c
titledGroup t a = (untitledGroup a) { title = Just t }
data Hotkey = Hotkey
data Hotkey c = Hotkey
{ keyCombo :: String
-- only 1-10 are valid
, keyIndex :: Int
, keyDescription :: String
, keyActions :: RofiActions
, keyActions :: RofiActions c
hotkeyBinding :: Hotkey -> [String]
hotkeyBinding :: Hotkey c -> [String]
hotkeyBinding Hotkey { keyIndex = e, keyCombo = c } = [k, c]
k = "-kb-custom-" ++ show e
hotkeyMsg1 :: Hotkey -> String
hotkeyMsg1 :: Hotkey c -> String
hotkeyMsg1 Hotkey { keyCombo = c, keyDescription = d } =
c ++ ": <i>" ++ d ++ "</i>"
hotkeyMsg :: [Hotkey] -> [String]
hotkeyMsg :: [Hotkey c] -> [String]
hotkeyMsg [] = []
hotkeyMsg hs = ["-mesg", intercalate " | " $ fmap hotkeyMsg1 hs]
hotkeyArgs :: [Hotkey] -> [String]
hotkeyArgs :: [Hotkey c] -> [String]
hotkeyArgs hks = hotkeyMsg hks ++ concatMap hotkeyBinding hks
data RofiMenu = RofiMenu
{ groups :: [RofiGroup]
data RofiMenu c = RofiMenu
{ groups :: [RofiGroup c]
, prompt :: Maybe String
, hotkeys :: [Hotkey]
, hotkeys :: [Hotkey c]
emptyMenu :: RofiMenu
emptyMenu :: RofiMenu c
emptyMenu = RofiMenu
{ groups = []
, prompt = Nothing
, hotkeys = []
newtype RofiPrompt a = RofiPrompt (ReaderT RofiConf IO a)
deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadReader RofiConf)
newtype RofiIO c a = RofiIO (ReaderT c IO a)
deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadReader c, MonadUnliftIO)
instance Applicative RofiPrompt where
instance Applicative (RofiIO c) where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
io :: IO a -> RofiPrompt a
io :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
io = liftIO
runRofiPrompt :: RofiConf -> RofiPrompt a -> IO a
runRofiPrompt c (RofiPrompt a) = runReaderT a c
runRofiIO :: c -> RofiIO c a -> IO a
runRofiIO c (RofiIO r) = runReaderT r c
toRofiActions :: [(String, RofiPrompt ())] -> RofiActions
toRofiActions :: [(String, RofiIO c ())] -> RofiActions c
toRofiActions = M.fromList
rofiActionKeys :: RofiActions -> String
rofiActionKeys :: RofiActions c -> String
rofiActionKeys = joinNewline . map fst . M.assocs
lookupRofiAction :: String -> RofiActions -> RofiPrompt ()
lookupRofiAction :: String -> RofiActions c -> RofiIO c ()
lookupRofiAction key ras = fromMaybe (return ()) $ M.lookup key ras
groupEntries :: RofiGroup -> String
groupEntries :: RofiGroup c -> String
groupEntries RofiGroup { actions = a, title = t }
| null a = ""
| otherwise = title' ++ rofiActionKeys a
title' = maybe "" (++ "\n") t
menuActions :: RofiMenu -> RofiActions
menuActions :: RofiMenu c -> RofiActions c
menuActions = foldr1 (M.<>|) . fmap actions . groups
menuEntries :: RofiMenu -> String
menuEntries :: RofiMenu c -> String
menuEntries = intercalate "\n\n" . fmap groupEntries . groups
selectAction :: RofiMenu -> RofiPrompt ()
selectAction :: RofiConf c => RofiMenu c -> RofiIO c ()
selectAction rm = do
let p = maybeOption "-p" $ prompt rm
let hArgs = hotkeyArgs $ hotkeys rm
@ -141,7 +143,9 @@ maybeOption switch = maybe [] (\o -> [switch, o])
dmenuArgs :: [String]
dmenuArgs = ["-dmenu"]
readRofi :: [String] -> String -> RofiPrompt (Either (Int, String, String) String)
readRofi :: RofiConf c => [String]
-> String
-> RofiIO c (Either (Int, String, String) String)
readRofi uargs input = do
dargs <- asks defArgs
io $ readCmdEither "rofi" (dmenuArgs ++ dargs ++ uargs) input
@ -150,15 +154,35 @@ readCmdSuccess :: String -> [String] -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
readCmdSuccess cmd args input = either (const Nothing) Just
<$> readCmdEither cmd args input
readCmdEither :: String -> [String] -> String -> IO (Either (Int, String, String) String)
readCmdEither cmd args input = do
(ec, out, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode cmd args input
return $ case ec of
ExitSuccess -> Right $ stripWS out
ExitFailure n -> Left (n, stripWS out, stripWS err)
readCmdEither :: String
-> [String]
-> String
-> IO (Either (Int, String, String) String)
readCmdEither cmd args input = resultToEither
<$> readProcessWithExitCode cmd args input
readCmdEither' :: String
-> [String]
-> String
-> [(String, String)]
-> IO (Either (Int, String, String) String)
readCmdEither' cmd args input environ = resultToEither
<$> readCreateProcessWithExitCode p input
p = (proc cmd args) { env = Just environ }
resultToEither :: (ExitCode, String, String)
-> Either (Int, String, String) String
resultToEither (ExitSuccess, out, _) = Right $ stripWS out
resultToEither (ExitFailure n, out, err) = Left (n, stripWS out, stripWS err)
stripWS :: String -> String
stripWS = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse
joinNewline :: [String] -> String
joinNewline = intercalate "\n"
readPassword :: IO (Maybe String)
readPassword = readCmdSuccess "rofi" args ""
args = dmenuArgs ++ ["-p", "Password", "-password"]

View File

@ -23,16 +23,21 @@ dependencies:
- process >=
- aeson >=
- unix-time >= 0.4.7
- unix >=
- dbus >= 1.2.7
- ordered-containers >= 0.2.2
- Clipboard >=
- mtl >= 2.2.2
- directory >=
- cassava >=
- bytestring >=
- vector >=
- regex-tdfa >=
- split >=
- split >=
- containers >=
- filepath >=
- unliftio >= 0.2.12
- unliftio-core >=
# - cassava >=
# - vector >=
source-dirs: lib/