ENH use tree for static devices

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Nathan Dwarshuis 2021-03-23 01:09:43 -04:00
parent 0fcf836d1d
commit 8ae0637978
1 changed files with 54 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- import qualified Data.Map.Ordered as O
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
@ -292,8 +291,8 @@ getGroups = do
removableActions <- mapM mkAction =<< getRemovableDevices
mtpActions <- mapM mkAction =<< getMTPDevices
return $ mapMaybe mkGroup
$ groupBy (\(hx, _, _) (hy, _, _) -> hx == hy)
$ sortBy (\(hx, _, _) (hy, _, _) -> compare hx hy)
$ groupBy (\(hx, _) (hy, _) -> hx == hy)
$ sortBy (\(hx, _) (hy, _) -> compare hx hy)
$ staticActions ++ removableActions ++ mtpActions
mountByAlias :: Bool -> String -> RofiIO MountConf ()
@ -301,32 +300,29 @@ mountByAlias unmountFlag alias = do
static <- asks mountconfStaticDevs
mapM_ (`mount` unmountFlag) $ configToTree static <$> M.lookup alias static
mkGroup :: [(Header, String, RofiIO MountConf ())] -> Maybe (RofiGroup MountConf)
mkGroup :: [(Header, ProtoAction [String])] -> Maybe (RofiGroup MountConf)
mkGroup [] = Nothing
mkGroup as = let ((Header title _, _, _):_) = as in
-- Just $ titledGroup title $ alignEntries $ toRofiActions $ fmap (\(_, e, a) -> (e, a)) as
Just $ titledGroup title $ toRofiActions $ fmap (\(_, e, a) -> (e, a)) as
mkGroup as = let ((Header title _, _):_) = as in
Just $ titledGroup title $ toRofiActions $ alignEntries $ fmap snd as
-- alignSep :: String
-- alignSep = " | "
alignSep :: String
alignSep = " | "
alignSepPre :: String
alignSepPre = "@@@"
-- alignEntries :: RofiActions c -> RofiActions c
-- alignEntries = O.fromList . withKeys . O.assocs
-- where
-- withKeys as = let (ks, vs) = unzip as in zip (align ks) vs
-- align = fmap (intercalate alignSep)
-- . transpose
-- . mapToLast pad
-- . transpose
alignEntries :: [ProtoAction [String]] -> [(String, RofiIO MountConf ())]
alignEntries = withEntries
withEntries as = let entries = fmap (\(ProtoAction e _) -> e) as in
zipWith (\e (ProtoAction _ a) -> (e, a)) (align entries) as
align = fmap (intercalate alignSep)
. transpose
. mapToLast pad
. transpose
-- . fmap (splitOn alignSepPre)
-- pad xs = let m = getMax xs in fmap (\x -> take m (x ++ repeat ' ')) xs
-- getMax = maximum . fmap length
-- mapToLast _ [] = []
-- mapToLast _ [x] = [x]
-- mapToLast f (x:xs) = f x : mapToLast f xs
pad xs = let m = getMax xs in fmap (\x -> take m (x ++ repeat ' ')) xs
getMax = maximum . fmap length
mapToLast _ [] = []
mapToLast _ [x] = [x]
mapToLast f (x:xs) = f x : mapToLast f xs
-- | Removable devices
@ -353,7 +349,7 @@ instance Mountable Removable where
getLabel Removable { label = l } = l
instance Actionable Removable where
fmtEntry Removable { deviceSpec = d, label = l } = l ++ alignSepPre ++ d
fmtEntry Removable { deviceSpec = d, label = l } = [l, d]
groupHeader _ = Header "Removable Devices" 3
@ -419,10 +415,10 @@ instance Mountable MTPFS where
isMounted MTPFS { mountpoint = dir } = io $ isDirMounted dir
getLabel = fmtEntry
getLabel MTPFS { description = d } = d
instance Actionable MTPFS where
fmtEntry MTPFS { description = d } = d
fmtEntry d = [getLabel d]
groupHeader _ = Header "MTP Devices" 5
@ -463,7 +459,11 @@ data Tree a = Tree a [Tree a] deriving (Eq, Show)
type StaticConfigTree = Tree DeviceConfig
instance Actionable (Tree DeviceConfig) where
fmtEntry (Tree p _) = getLabel p
fmtEntry (Tree p@DeviceConfig{ _deviceData = d } _) = [getLabel p, target d]
target CIFSConfig{ _cifsRemote = r } = r
target SSHFSConfig{ _sshfsRemote = r } = r
target VeracryptConfig{ _veracryptVolume = v } = v
groupHeader (Tree DeviceConfig{ _deviceData = d } _) =
case d of
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ configToTree devMap TreeConfig{ _treeParent = p, _treeChildren = c } =
go ds = configToTree devMap <$> mapMaybe (`M.lookup` devMap) ds
instance Mountable a => Mountable (Tree a) where
mount (Tree p cs) False = mapM_ (`mount` False) cs >> mount p False
mount (Tree p cs) False = mapM_ (`mountMaybe` False) cs >> mount p False
mount (Tree p _) True = mount p True
isMounted (Tree p _) = isMounted p
@ -496,12 +496,11 @@ instance Mountable DeviceConfig where
mount c@DeviceConfig{ _deviceMount = MountConfig { _mountMountPoint = m }
, _deviceData = devData
} False = do
mountRoot <- asks mountconfVolatilePath
let m' = appendRoot mountRoot m
m' <- getAbsMountpoint m
bracketOnError_ (mkDirMaybe m') (rmDirMaybe m') $ mount' m'
mount' mountpoint = io $ case devData of
SSHFSConfig{ _sshfsRemote = r } ->
SSHFSConfig{ _sshfsRemote = r } -> do
runMountNotify "sshfs" [r, mountpoint] (getLabel c) False
CIFSConfig{ _cifsPassword = p } -> do
res <- case p of
@ -521,13 +520,13 @@ instance Mountable DeviceConfig where
printf "Failed to get volume password for %s" l
mount c@DeviceConfig{ _deviceMount = MountConfig{ _mountMountPoint = m }
, _deviceData = VeracryptConfig{}
} True = io $ do
res <- runVeraCrypt "" ["-d", m]
notifyMounted (isRight res) True (getLabel c)
, _deviceData = VeracryptConfig{} } True = do
m' <- getAbsMountpoint m
res <- io $ runVeraCrypt "" ["-d", m']
io $ notifyMounted (isRight res) True (getLabel c)
mount c@DeviceConfig{ _deviceMount = MountConfig { _mountMountPoint = m }} True =
umountNotify (getLabel c) m
umountNotify (getLabel c) =<< getAbsMountpoint m
allInstalled DeviceConfig{ _deviceData = devData } = io $ isJust
<$> findExecutable (exe devData)
@ -536,10 +535,14 @@ instance Mountable DeviceConfig where
exe CIFSConfig{} = "mount.cifs"
exe VeracryptConfig{} = "veracrypt"
isMounted DeviceConfig{ _deviceMount = MountConfig{ _mountMountPoint = m }} = io $ isDirMounted m
isMounted DeviceConfig{ _deviceMount = MountConfig{ _mountMountPoint = m }} =
(io . isDirMounted) =<< getAbsMountpoint m
getLabel DeviceConfig{ _deviceMount = MountConfig{ _mountMountPoint = p, _mountLabel = l }} =
fromMaybe (takeBaseName p) l
fromMaybe (takeFileName p) l
getAbsMountpoint :: FilePath -> RofiIO MountConf FilePath
getAbsMountpoint p = asks $ flip appendRoot p . mountconfVolatilePath
-- | Mountable typeclass
@ -572,26 +575,30 @@ class Mountable a where
data Header = Header String Integer deriving (Show, Eq)
data ProtoAction a = ProtoAction a (RofiIO MountConf ())
instance Ord Header where
compare (Header _ x) (Header _ y) = compare x y
class Mountable a => Actionable a where
-- | Return a string to go in the Rofi menu for the given type
fmtEntry :: a -> String
fmtEntry = getLabel
fmtEntry :: a -> [String]
fmtEntry d = [getLabel d]
groupHeader :: a -> Header
-- | Given a mountable type, return a rofi action (string to go in the
-- Rofi prompt and an action to perform when it is selected)
mkAction :: a -> RofiIO MountConf (Header, String, RofiIO MountConf ())
mkAction :: a -> RofiIO MountConf (Header, ProtoAction [String])
mkAction dev = do
m <- isMounted dev
i <- allInstalled dev
let h = groupHeader dev
let a = when i $ mountMaybe dev m
let s = mountedPrefix m i ++ fmtEntry dev
return (h, s, a)
let action = when i $ mountMaybe dev m
let entry = case fmtEntry dev of
(e:es) -> (mountedPrefix m i ++ e):es
_ -> []
return (h, ProtoAction entry action)
mountedPrefix False True = " "
mountedPrefix True True = "* "