REF wrap everything in simpleapp

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2023-02-22 22:44:44 -05:00
parent 05ecda045e
commit c3fc38d785
8 changed files with 310 additions and 257 deletions

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@ -10,17 +10,17 @@ import Bitwarden.Internal
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TI
import Data.Yaml
import RIO
import RIO.Directory
import qualified RIO.List as L
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath.Posix
import System.Posix.Process
import UnliftIO.Environment
main :: IO ()
main = do
main = runSimpleApp $ do
hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
TI.putStrLn "OK Pleased to meet you"
logInfo "OK Pleased to meet you"
pinentryLoop =<< readPinConf
newtype PinConf = PinConf {pcBwName :: T.Text} deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -29,25 +29,27 @@ instance FromJSON PinConf where
parseJSON (Object o) = PinConf <$> o .:? "bitwarden-name" .!= "gnupg"
parseJSON _ = fail "pinentry yaml parse error"
readPinConf :: IO PinConf
readPinConf :: RIO SimpleApp PinConf
readPinConf = do
c <- decodeFileEither =<< pinConfDir
c <- liftIO . decodeFileEither =<< pinConfDir
case c of
Left e -> TI.putStrLn (T.pack $ show e) >> exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
Left e -> do
logError $ displayShow e
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
Right r -> return r
pinConfDir :: IO FilePath
pinConfDir :: RIO SimpleApp FilePath
pinConfDir = maybe defHome (return . (</> confname)) =<< lookupEnv "GNUPGHOME"
defHome = (</> ".gnupg" </> confname) <$> getHomeDirectory
confname = "pinentry-rofi.yml"
pinentryLoop :: PinConf -> IO ()
pinentryLoop :: PinConf -> RIO SimpleApp ()
pinentryLoop p = do
processLine p . T.words =<< TI.getLine
processLine p . T.words =<< liftIO TI.getLine
pinentryLoop p
processLine :: PinConf -> [T.Text] -> IO ()
processLine :: PinConf -> [T.Text] -> RIO SimpleApp ()
processLine _ [] = noop
processLine _ ["BYE"] = exitSuccess
processLine p ["GETPIN"] = getPin p
@ -66,33 +68,36 @@ processLine _ ["CONFIRM"] = noop
processLine _ ["CONFIRM", "--one-button", _] = noop
processLine _ ss = unknownCommand $ T.unwords ss
unknownCommand :: T.Text -> IO ()
unknownCommand c = TI.putStrLn $ T.append "ERR 275 Unknown command " c
unknownCommand :: T.Text -> RIO SimpleApp ()
unknownCommand c = putStrLnT $ T.append "ERR 275 Unknown command " c
getPin :: PinConf -> IO ()
getPin :: PinConf -> RIO SimpleApp ()
getPin p = do
its <- getItems
let w = (password . login) =<< L.find (\i -> pcBwName p == name i) its
maybe err send w
err = TI.putStrLn "ERR 83886179 Operation canceled <rofi>"
err = putStrLnT "ERR 83886179 Operation canceled <rofi>"
-- these are the only supported options for GETINFO; anything else is an error
processGetInfo :: T.Text -> IO ()
processGetInfo "pid" = send . T.pack . show =<< getProcessID
processGetInfo :: T.Text -> RIO SimpleApp ()
processGetInfo "pid" = send . T.pack . show =<< liftIO getProcessID
processGetInfo "version" = noop
processGetInfo "flavor" = noop
processGetInfo "ttyinfo" = noop
processGetInfo _ = TI.putStrLn "ERR 83886360 IPC parameter error <rofi>"
processGetInfo _ = putStrLnT "ERR 83886360 IPC parameter error <rofi>"
processOption :: T.Text -> IO ()
processOption :: T.Text -> RIO SimpleApp ()
processOption _ = noop
send :: T.Text -> IO ()
send s = TI.putStrLn (T.append "D " s) >> ok
send :: T.Text -> RIO SimpleApp ()
send s = putStrLnT (T.append "D " s) >> ok
noop :: IO ()
noop :: RIO SimpleApp ()
noop = ok
ok :: IO ()
ok = TI.putStrLn "OK"
ok :: RIO SimpleApp ()
ok = putStrLnT "OK"
putStrLnT :: MonadIO m => T.Text -> m ()
putStrLnT = liftIO . TI.putStrLn

View File

@ -5,29 +5,27 @@
module Main (main) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TI
import RIO
import RIO.Directory
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import Rofi.Command
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath.Posix
import System.Process
import UnliftIO.Environment
main :: IO ()
main = runChecks >> getArgs >>= runPrompt
main = runSimpleApp $ do
getArgs >>= runPrompt
-- TOOD not DRY
runChecks :: IO ()
runChecks :: (MonadReader c m, HasLogFunc c, MonadIO m) => m ()
runChecks = checkExe "autorandr" >> checkExe "rofi"
checkExe :: String -> IO ()
checkExe :: (MonadReader c m, HasLogFunc c, MonadIO m) => String -> m ()
checkExe cmd = do
res <- findExecutable cmd
unless (isJust res) $ do
TI.putStrLn $ T.append "Could not find executable: " $ T.pack cmd
logError $ displayBytesUtf8 $ encodeUtf8 $ T.append "Could not find executable: " $ T.pack cmd
exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
newtype ARClientConf = ARClientConf [T.Text]
@ -35,7 +33,7 @@ newtype ARClientConf = ARClientConf [T.Text]
instance HasRofiConf ARClientConf where
defArgs (ARClientConf a) = a
runPrompt :: [String] -> IO ()
runPrompt :: MonadIO m => [String] -> m ()
runPrompt a = do
let c = ARClientConf $ fmap T.pack a
staticProfs <- getAutoRandrProfiles
@ -54,13 +52,13 @@ virtProfs :: [T.Text]
virtProfs = ["off", "common", "clone-largest", "horizontal", "vertical"]
-- TODO filter profiles based on which xrandr outputs are actually connected
getAutoRandrProfiles :: IO [T.Text]
getAutoRandrProfiles :: MonadIO m => m [T.Text]
getAutoRandrProfiles = do
dir <- getAutoRandrDir
contents <- listDirectory dir
(fmap T.pack) <$> filterM (doesDirectoryExist . (dir </>)) contents
getAutoRandrDir :: IO FilePath
getAutoRandrDir :: MonadIO m => m FilePath
getAutoRandrDir = do
c <- getXdgDirectory XdgConfig "autorandr"
e <- doesDirectoryExist c
@ -69,6 +67,7 @@ getAutoRandrDir = do
appendToHome p = (</> p) <$> getHomeDirectory
selectProfile :: T.Text -> RIO ARClientConf ()
selectProfile name = liftIO $ do
TI.putStrLn name
void $ spawnProcess "autorandr" ["--change", T.unpack name]
selectProfile name =
liftIO $
void $
spawnProcess "autorandr" ["--change", T.unpack name]

View File

@ -8,46 +8,53 @@ import DBus
import DBus.Client
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TI
import RIO
import qualified RIO.List as L
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import Rofi.Command
import System.Environment
import UnliftIO.Environment
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= runPrompt
main = runSimpleApp $ getArgs >>= runPrompt
data RofiBTConf = RofiBTConf [T.Text] ObjectPath
data RofiBTConf = RofiBTConf
{ btArgs :: ![T.Text]
, btAdapter :: !ObjectPath
, btEnv :: !SimpleApp
instance HasRofiConf RofiBTConf where
defArgs (RofiBTConf as _) = as
defArgs = btArgs
instance HasLogFunc RofiBTConf where
logFuncL = lens btEnv (\x y -> x {btEnv = y}) . logFuncL
type BTAction = RofiAction RofiBTConf
runPrompt :: [String] -> IO ()
runPrompt :: [String] -> RIO SimpleApp ()
runPrompt args = do
c <- getClient
maybe (TI.putStrLn "could not get DBus client") run c
maybe (logError "could not get DBus client") run c
run client = do
paths <- M.keys <$> getObjectTree client
maybe (TI.putStrLn "could not get DBus adapter") (actions client paths) $
getAdapter paths
actions client paths adapter = do
ras <- getRofiActions client paths
runRofi (RofiBTConf (fmap T.pack args) adapter) $
{ groups = [untitledGroup $ toRofiActions ras]
, prompt = Just "Select Device"
case getAdapter paths of
Nothing -> logError "could not get DBus adapter"
Just adapter -> do
ras <- getRofiActions client paths
mapRIO (RofiBTConf (fmap T.pack args) adapter) $
selectAction $
{ groups = [untitledGroup $ toRofiActions ras]
, prompt = Just "Select Device"
getRofiActions :: Client -> [ObjectPath] -> IO [BTAction]
getRofiActions :: MonadIO m => Client -> [ObjectPath] -> m [BTAction]
getRofiActions client os = do
devs <- getDevices client os
catMaybes <$> mapM (deviceToRofiAction client) devs
deviceToRofiAction :: Client -> ObjectPath -> IO (Maybe BTAction)
deviceToRofiAction :: MonadIO m => Client -> ObjectPath -> m (Maybe BTAction)
deviceToRofiAction client dev = do
c <- getDeviceConnected client dev
n <- getDeviceName client dev
@ -64,11 +71,11 @@ deviceToRofiAction client dev = do
powerAdapterMaybe :: Client -> RIO RofiBTConf ()
powerAdapterMaybe client = do
(RofiBTConf _ adapter) <- ask
adapter <- asks btAdapter
let mc = btMethodCall adapter i m
let powerOnMaybe = flip unless $ void $ setProperty client mc value
powered <- io $ getBTProperty client adapter i m
io $ maybe (TI.putStrLn "could not get adapter powered status") powerOnMaybe powered
let powerOnMaybe = flip unless $ void $ liftIO $ setProperty client mc value
powered <- getBTProperty client adapter i m
maybe (logError "could not get adapter powered status") powerOnMaybe powered
i = interfaceName_ "org.bluez.Adapter1"
m = memberName_ "Powered"
@ -85,12 +92,12 @@ formatDeviceEntry connected name = T.unwords [prefix connected, name]
getAdapter :: [ObjectPath] -> Maybe ObjectPath
getAdapter = L.find pathIsAdaptor
getDevices :: Client -> [ObjectPath] -> IO [ObjectPath]
getDevices :: MonadIO m => Client -> [ObjectPath] -> m [ObjectPath]
getDevices client = filterM (getDevicePaired client) . filter pathIsDevice
type ObjectTree = M.Map ObjectPath (M.Map T.Text (M.Map T.Text Variant))
getObjectTree :: Client -> IO ObjectTree
getObjectTree :: MonadIO m => Client -> m ObjectTree
getObjectTree client =
fromMaybe M.empty . eitherMaybe from <$> callBTMethod client o i m
@ -99,19 +106,19 @@ getObjectTree client =
m = memberName_ "GetManagedObjects"
from = fromVariant <=< listToMaybe . methodReturnBody
getDeviceConnected :: Client -> ObjectPath -> IO (Maybe Bool)
getDeviceConnected :: MonadIO m => Client -> ObjectPath -> m (Maybe Bool)
getDeviceConnected = getDevProperty "Connected"
getDeviceName :: Client -> ObjectPath -> IO (Maybe T.Text)
getDeviceName :: MonadIO m => Client -> ObjectPath -> m (Maybe T.Text)
getDeviceName = getDevProperty "Name"
getDevicePaired :: Client -> ObjectPath -> IO Bool
getDevicePaired :: MonadIO m => Client -> ObjectPath -> m Bool
getDevicePaired c = fmap (fromMaybe False) . getDevProperty "Paired" c
callDeviceConnect :: Client -> ObjectPath -> IO ()
callDeviceConnect :: MonadIO m => Client -> ObjectPath -> m ()
callDeviceConnect = callDevMethod "Connect"
callDeviceDisconnect :: Client -> ObjectPath -> IO ()
callDeviceDisconnect :: MonadIO m => Client -> ObjectPath -> m ()
callDeviceDisconnect = callDevMethod "Disconnect"
pathIsAdaptor :: ObjectPath -> Bool
@ -130,39 +137,42 @@ pathIsAdaptorPrefix a b c = a == "org" && b == "bluez" && "hci" `T.isPrefixOf` c
splitPath :: ObjectPath -> [T.Text]
splitPath = T.split (== '/') . T.dropWhile (== '/') . T.pack . formatObjectPath
getClient :: IO (Maybe Client)
getClient = either warn (return . Just) =<< try connectSystem
getClient :: (MonadReader c m, HasLogFunc c, MonadUnliftIO m) => m (Maybe Client)
getClient = either warn (return . Just) =<< try (liftIO connectSystem)
warn e = TI.putStrLn (T.pack $ clientErrorMessage e) >> return Nothing
warn e = do
logWarn $ displayBytesUtf8 $ encodeUtf8 $ (T.pack $ clientErrorMessage e)
return Nothing
callDevMethod :: T.Text -> Client -> ObjectPath -> IO ()
callDevMethod :: MonadIO m => T.Text -> Client -> ObjectPath -> m ()
callDevMethod mem client dev =
void $ callBTMethod client dev btDevInterface $ memberName_ $ T.unpack mem
getDevProperty :: IsVariant a => T.Text -> Client -> ObjectPath -> IO (Maybe a)
getDevProperty :: (MonadIO m, IsVariant a) => T.Text -> Client -> ObjectPath -> m (Maybe a)
getDevProperty mem client dev =
getBTProperty client dev btDevInterface $ memberName_ $ T.unpack mem
:: Client
:: MonadIO m
=> Client
-> ObjectPath
-> InterfaceName
-> MemberName
-> IO (Either MethodError MethodReturn)
callBTMethod client o i m = call client (btMethodCall o i m)
-> m (Either MethodError MethodReturn)
callBTMethod client o i m = liftIO $ call client (btMethodCall o i m)
-- eitherMaybe (fromVariant <=< listToMaybe . methodReturnBody)
-- <$> call client (btMethodCall o i m)
:: IsVariant a
:: (MonadIO m, IsVariant a)
=> Client
-> ObjectPath
-> InterfaceName
-> MemberName
-> IO (Maybe a)
-> m (Maybe a)
getBTProperty client o i m =
eitherMaybe fromVariant <$> getProperty client (btMethodCall o i m)
eitherMaybe fromVariant <$> (liftIO $ getProperty client (btMethodCall o i m))
btMethodCall :: ObjectPath -> InterfaceName -> MemberName -> MethodCall
btMethodCall o i m = (methodCall o i m) {methodCallDestination = Just btBus}

View File

@ -17,36 +17,37 @@
module Main (main) where
import Bitwarden.Internal
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TI
import RIO
import RIO.Directory
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import Rofi.Command
import System.Environment
import UnliftIO.Environment
main :: IO ()
main = runChecks >> getArgs >>= parse
main = runSimpleApp $ runChecks >> getArgs >>= parse
-- TODO check if daemon is running when running client
parse :: [String] -> IO ()
parse :: HasLogFunc c => [String] -> RIO c ()
parse ["-d", t] = case readMaybe t of Just t' -> runDaemon t'; _ -> usage
parse ("-c" : args) = runClient $ fmap T.pack args
parse _ = usage
usage :: IO ()
usage :: (HasLogFunc c, MonadReader c m, MonadUnliftIO m) => m ()
usage =
TI.putStrLn $
[ "daemon mode: rofi-bw -d TIMEOUT"
, "client mode: rofi-bw -c [ROFI-ARGS]"
logInfo $
displayBytesUtf8 $
encodeUtf8 $
[ "daemon mode: rofi-bw -d TIMEOUT"
, "client mode: rofi-bw -c [ROFI-ARGS]"
runChecks :: IO ()
runChecks :: (HasLogFunc c, MonadReader c m, MonadUnliftIO m) => m ()
runChecks = checkExe "bw" >> checkExe "rofi"
checkExe :: String -> IO ()
-- TODO not DRY
checkExe :: (HasLogFunc c, MonadReader c m, MonadUnliftIO m) => String -> m ()
checkExe cmd = do
res <- findExecutable cmd
unless (isJust res) $ do
TI.putStrLn $ T.append "Could not find executable: " $ T.pack cmd
logError $ displayBytesUtf8 $ encodeUtf8 $ T.append "Could not find executable: " $ T.pack cmd
exitWith $ ExitFailure 1

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
module Main (main) where
import Bitwarden.Internal
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TI
import Dhall hiding (maybe, sequence, void)
import Dhall.TH
import RIO
@ -23,10 +22,10 @@ import qualified RIO.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import Rofi.Command
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath.Posix
import System.Posix.User (getEffectiveUserName)
import System.Process
import UnliftIO.Environment
-- Static device configuration (dhall)
@ -51,12 +50,17 @@ makeHaskellTypesWith
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= parse
main = runSimpleApp $ getArgs >>= parse
parse :: [String] -> IO ()
parse :: [String] -> RIO SimpleApp ()
parse args = case getOpt Permute options args of
(o, n, []) -> runMounts $ L.foldl (flip id) (defaultOpts (fmap T.pack n)) o
(_, _, errs) -> TI.putStrLn $ T.pack $ concat errs ++ usageInfo h options
(_, _, errs) ->
logError $
displayBytesUtf8 $
encodeUtf8 $
T.pack $
concat errs ++ usageInfo h options
h = "Usage: rofi-dev [OPTIONS] [-- ROFI-OPTIONS]"
defaultOpts r =
@ -101,29 +105,35 @@ data Opts = Opts
-- mounts grouped by device type (eg removable, sshfs, cifs, etc). I like
-- pretty things, so ensure the entries are aligned properly as well
runMounts :: Opts -> IO ()
runMounts :: Opts -> RIO SimpleApp ()
runMounts opts = do
static <- join <$> traverse parseStaticConfig (optsConfig opts)
defaultTmpPath <- ("/tmp/media" </>) <$> getEffectiveUserName
defaultTmpPath <- ("/tmp/media" </>) <$> liftIO getEffectiveUserName
let tmpPath = fromMaybe defaultTmpPath $ (fmap T.unpack . scTmpPath) =<< static
let staticDevs = maybe M.empty (M.fromList . fmap (\(TreeMap k v) -> (k, v)) . scDevices) static
let verbose = fromMaybe False $ scVerbose =<< static
let mountconf =
let mountconf e =
{ mountconfVolatilePath = tmpPath
, mountconfRofiArgs = optsRofiArgs opts
, mountconfStaticDevs = staticDevs
, mountconfVerbose = verbose
, mountconfEnv = e
let byAlias = mountByAlias $ optsUnmount opts
let byPrompt = runPrompt =<< getGroups
runRIO mountconf $ maybe byPrompt byAlias $ optsAlias opts
mapRIO mountconf $ maybe byPrompt byAlias $ optsAlias opts
parseStaticConfig :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe StaticConfig)
:: (HasLogFunc c, MonadReader c m, MonadUnliftIO m)
=> FilePath
-> m (Maybe StaticConfig)
parseStaticConfig p = do
res <- tryIO $ inputFile auto p
res <- tryIO $ liftIO $ inputFile auto p
case res of
Left e -> TI.putStrLn (T.pack $ show e) >> return Nothing
Left e -> do
logError $ displayBytesUtf8 $ encodeUtf8 $ T.pack $ show e
return Nothing
Right c -> return $ Just c
runPrompt :: HasRofiConf c => [RofiGroup c] -> RIO c ()
@ -134,7 +144,7 @@ runPrompt gs =
, prompt = Just "Select Device"
getGroups :: RofiMountIO [RofiGroup MountConf]
getGroups :: MIO [RofiGroup MountConf]
getGroups = do
actions <- sequence [getStaticActions, getRemovableActions, getMTPActions]
return $
@ -147,17 +157,17 @@ getGroups = do
titledGroup "Meta Actions" $
toRofiActions [(" Dismount All", dismountAll)]
dismountAll :: RofiMountIO ()
dismountAll :: MIO ()
dismountAll = do
umount =<< asks (configToTree' . mountconfStaticDevs)
umount =<< getRemovableDevices
umount =<< getMTPDevices
return ()
umount :: Mountable a => [a] -> RofiMountIO ()
umount :: Mountable a => [a] -> MIO ()
umount = mapM_ (`mountMaybe` True)
mountByAlias :: Bool -> T.Text -> RofiMountIO ()
mountByAlias :: Bool -> T.Text -> MIO ()
mountByAlias unmountFlag alias = do
static <- asks mountconfStaticDevs
mapM_ (`mountMaybe` unmountFlag) $ configToTree static <$> M.lookup alias static
@ -170,7 +180,7 @@ mkGroup as = titledGroup h $ toRofiActions $ NE.toList $ alignEntries $ snd <$>
alignSep :: T.Text
alignSep = " | "
alignEntries :: NE.NonEmpty (ProtoAction) -> NE.NonEmpty (T.Text, RofiMountIO ())
alignEntries :: NE.NonEmpty (ProtoAction) -> NE.NonEmpty (T.Text, MIO ())
alignEntries ps = (align es) as
(es, as) = NE.unzip $ fmap (\(ProtoAction e a) -> (e, a)) ps
@ -195,6 +205,7 @@ data MountConf = MountConf
, mountconfRofiArgs :: [T.Text]
, mountconfStaticDevs :: M.Map T.Text TreeConfig
, mountconfVerbose :: Bool
, mountconfEnv :: !SimpleApp
-- deriving (Show)
@ -202,6 +213,9 @@ data MountConf = MountConf
instance HasRofiConf MountConf where
defArgs MountConf {mountconfRofiArgs = a} = a
instance HasLogFunc MountConf where
logFuncL = lens mountconfEnv (\x y -> x {mountconfEnv = y}) . logFuncL
-- Mountable typeclass
@ -215,9 +229,9 @@ mountedState _ = False
class Mountable a where
-- | Mount the given type (or dismount if False is passed)
mount :: a -> Bool -> RofiMountIO MountResult
mount :: a -> Bool -> MIO MountResult
mountMaybe :: a -> Bool -> RofiMountIO ()
mountMaybe :: a -> Bool -> MIO ()
mountMaybe dev mountFlag = do
let lab = getLabel dev
mounted <- isMounted dev
@ -232,16 +246,16 @@ class Mountable a where
return ()
-- | Check if the mounting utilities are present
allInstalled :: a -> RofiMountIO Bool
allInstalled :: a -> MIO Bool
-- | Return a string representing the label of the device
getLabel :: a -> T.Text
-- | Determine if the given type is mounted or not
isMounted :: a -> RofiMountIO Bool
isMounted :: a -> MIO Bool
isMounted dev = mountedState <$> mountState dev
mountState :: a -> RofiMountIO MountState
mountState :: a -> MIO MountState
-- Actionable typeclass
@ -261,7 +275,7 @@ class Mountable a => Actionable a where
-- | Given a mountable type, return a rofi action (string to go in the
-- Rofi prompt and an action to perform when it is selected)
mkAction :: a -> RofiMountIO (Header, ProtoAction)
mkAction :: a -> MIO (Header, ProtoAction)
mkAction dev = do
m <- mountState dev
i <- allInstalled dev
@ -278,11 +292,11 @@ class Mountable a => Actionable a where
:: Actionable a
=> RofiMountIO [a]
-> RofiMountIO [(Header, ProtoAction)]
=> MIO [a]
-> MIO [(Header, ProtoAction)]
mountableToAction ms = mapM mkAction =<< ms
type RofiMountIO a = RIO MountConf a
type MIO a = RIO MountConf a
-- headers appear in the order listed here (per Enum)
data Header
@ -303,7 +317,7 @@ instance Show Header where
suffix = (++ " Devices")
data ProtoAction = ProtoAction (NE.NonEmpty T.Text) (RofiMountIO ())
data ProtoAction = ProtoAction (NE.NonEmpty T.Text) (MIO ())
-- Static devices trees
@ -367,26 +381,25 @@ instance Mountable DeviceConfig where
mount DeviceConfig {deviceMount = m, deviceData = devData} False = do
m' <- getAbsMountpoint m
withTmpMountDir m' $
io $
case devData of
SSHFSConfig (SSHFSData {sshfsRemote = r, sshfsPassword = p}) ->
mountSSHFS m' p r
( CIFSData
{ cifsRemote = r
, cifsSudo = s
, cifsPassword = p
, cifsOpts = o
) ->
mountCIFS s r m' o p
( VeracryptData
{ vcPassword = p
, vcVolume = v
) ->
mountVeracrypt m' p v
case devData of
SSHFSConfig (SSHFSData {sshfsRemote = r, sshfsPassword = p}) ->
mountSSHFS m' p r
( CIFSData
{ cifsRemote = r
, cifsSudo = s
, cifsPassword = p
, cifsOpts = o
) ->
mountCIFS s r m' o p
( VeracryptData
{ vcPassword = p
, vcVolume = v
) ->
mountVeracrypt m' p v
mount DeviceConfig {deviceMount = m, deviceData = d} True = do
m' <- getAbsMountpoint m
runAndRemoveDir m' $ io $ case d of
@ -416,19 +429,25 @@ instance Mountable DeviceConfig where
{ deviceMount = MountConfig {mpPath = p, mpLabel = l}
} = fromMaybe (T.pack $ takeFileName $ T.unpack p) l
mountSSHFS :: FilePath -> Maybe PasswordConfig -> T.Text -> IO MountResult
:: (HasLogFunc c, MonadReader c m, MonadUnliftIO m)
=> FilePath
-> Maybe PasswordConfig
-> T.Text
-> m MountResult
mountSSHFS mountpoint pwdConfig remote =
withPasswordGetter pwdConfig (run ["-o", "password_stdin"]) $ run [] ""
run other = runMount "sshfs" (other ++ [remote, T.pack mountpoint])
:: Bool
:: (HasLogFunc c, MonadReader c m, MonadUnliftIO m)
=> Bool
-> T.Text
-> FilePath
-> Maybe CIFSOpts
-> Maybe PasswordConfig
-> IO MountResult
-> m MountResult
mountCIFS useSudo remote mountpoint opts pwdConfig =
withPasswordGetter pwdConfig runPwd run
@ -448,7 +467,12 @@ fromCIFSOpts o = T.intercalate "," $ mapMaybe concatMaybe fs
concatMaybe (k, f) = (\v -> T.concat [k, "=", v]) <$> f o
mountVeracrypt :: FilePath -> Maybe PasswordConfig -> T.Text -> IO MountResult
:: (HasLogFunc c, MonadReader c m, MonadUnliftIO m)
=> FilePath
-> Maybe PasswordConfig
-> T.Text
-> m MountResult
mountVeracrypt mountpoint pwdConfig volume =
withPasswordGetter pwdConfig (runVeraCrypt (args ++ ["--stdin"])) $
runVeraCrypt args ""
@ -457,12 +481,12 @@ mountVeracrypt mountpoint pwdConfig volume =
-- NOTE: the user is assumed to have added themselves to the sudoers file so
-- that this command will work
runVeraCrypt :: [T.Text] -> T.Text -> IO MountResult
runVeraCrypt :: MonadIO m => [T.Text] -> T.Text -> m MountResult
runVeraCrypt args = runMount "sudo" (defaultArgs ++ args)
defaultArgs = ["/usr/bin/veracrypt", "--text", "--non-interactive"]
veracryptMountState :: MountConfig -> RofiMountIO MountState
veracryptMountState :: MountConfig -> MIO MountState
veracryptMountState mc = do
mp <- getAbsMountpoint mc
primary <- io $ lookupSpec mp
@ -479,29 +503,29 @@ veracryptMountState mc = do
Just (i, _) -> if i `elem` ['0' .. '9'] then Just i else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
getAbsMountpoint :: MountConfig -> RofiMountIO FilePath
getAbsMountpoint :: MountConfig -> MIO FilePath
getAbsMountpoint MountConfig {mpPath = m} =
asks $ flip appendRoot (T.unpack m) . mountconfVolatilePath
getStaticActions :: RofiMountIO [(Header, ProtoAction)]
getStaticActions :: MIO [(Header, ProtoAction)]
getStaticActions = mountableToAction $ asks $ configToTree' . mountconfStaticDevs
-- Password-getting functions for static devices
type PasswordGetter = IO (Maybe T.Text)
type PasswordGetter m = m (Maybe T.Text)
runSecret :: M.Map T.Text T.Text -> PasswordGetter
runSecret :: MonadUnliftIO m => M.Map T.Text T.Text -> PasswordGetter m
runSecret kvs = readCmdSuccess "secret-tool" ("lookup" : kvs') ""
kvs' = concatMap (\(k, v) -> [k, v]) $ M.toList kvs
runBitwarden :: T.Text -> PasswordGetter
runBitwarden :: (HasLogFunc c, MonadReader c m, MonadUnliftIO m) => T.Text -> PasswordGetter m
runBitwarden pname =
((password . login) <=< L.find (\i -> name i == pname))
<$> getItems
runPromptLoop :: Natural -> PasswordGetter -> PasswordGetter
runPromptLoop :: MonadUnliftIO m => Natural -> PasswordGetter m -> PasswordGetter m
runPromptLoop n pwd = do
res <- pwd
if isNothing res
@ -523,17 +547,18 @@ runPromptLoop n pwd = do
-- getPrompt = maybe (return Nothing) (flip runPromptLoop readPassword . promptTries)
-- runMaybe x y = (\r -> if isNothing r then y else return r) =<< x
configToPwd :: PasswordConfig -> PasswordGetter
configToPwd :: (HasLogFunc c, MonadReader c m, MonadUnliftIO m) => PasswordConfig -> PasswordGetter m
configToPwd (PwdBW (BitwardenConfig {bwKey = k, bwTries = n})) =
runPromptLoop n $ runBitwarden k
configToPwd (PwdLS s) = runSecret $ M.fromList $ fmap (\(SecretMap k v) -> (k, v)) $ secretAttributes s
configToPwd (PwdPr p) = flip runPromptLoop readPassword $ promptTries p
:: Maybe PasswordConfig
-> (T.Text -> IO MountResult)
-> IO MountResult
-> IO MountResult
:: (HasLogFunc c, MonadReader c m, MonadUnliftIO m)
=> Maybe PasswordConfig
-> (T.Text -> m MountResult)
-> m MountResult
-> m MountResult
withPasswordGetter (Just pwdConfig) runPwd _ =
maybe (return $ MountError "Password could not be obtained") runPwd
=<< configToPwd pwdConfig
@ -590,7 +615,7 @@ getRemovableDevices =
_ -> Nothing
mk d l = Just $ Removable {removablePath = d, removableLabel = l}
getRemovableActions :: RofiMountIO [(Header, ProtoAction)]
getRemovableActions :: MIO [(Header, ProtoAction)]
getRemovableActions = mountableToAction getRemovableDevices
@ -625,7 +650,7 @@ instance Mountable MTPFS where
getLabel = mtpfsDescription
-- | Return list of all available MTP devices
getMTPDevices :: RofiMountIO [MTPFS]
getMTPDevices :: MIO [MTPFS]
getMTPDevices = do
i <- io mtpExeInstalled
if i then go else return []
@ -656,7 +681,7 @@ getMTPDevices = do
| c == ' ' = Just '-'
| otherwise = Just c
getMTPActions :: RofiMountIO [(Header, ProtoAction)]
getMTPActions :: MIO [(Header, ProtoAction)]
getMTPActions = mountableToAction getMTPDevices
mtpExeInstalled :: IO Bool
@ -697,19 +722,19 @@ notify icon summary body =
data MountResult = MountSuccess | MountError T.Text deriving (Show, Eq)
runMount :: T.Text -> [T.Text] -> T.Text -> IO MountResult
runMount :: MonadIO m => T.Text -> [T.Text] -> T.Text -> m MountResult
runMount cmd args stdin_ = eitherToMountResult <$> readCmdEither cmd args stdin_
runMount' :: T.Text -> [T.Text] -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, T.Text)] -> IO MountResult
runMount' :: MonadIO m => T.Text -> [T.Text] -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, T.Text)] -> m MountResult
runMount' cmd args stdin_ environ =
<$> readCmdEither' cmd args stdin_ environ
runMountSudoMaybe :: Bool -> T.Text -> [T.Text] -> IO MountResult
runMountSudoMaybe :: MonadIO m => Bool -> T.Text -> [T.Text] -> m MountResult
runMountSudoMaybe useSudo cmd args =
runMountSudoMaybe' useSudo cmd args []
runMountSudoMaybe' :: Bool -> T.Text -> [T.Text] -> [(T.Text, T.Text)] -> IO MountResult
runMountSudoMaybe' :: MonadIO m => Bool -> T.Text -> [T.Text] -> [(T.Text, T.Text)] -> m MountResult
runMountSudoMaybe' useSudo cmd args environ =
(runMount' cmd args "" environ)
@ -720,7 +745,7 @@ runMountSudoMaybe' useSudo cmd args environ =
-- runSudoMount :: T.Text -> T.Text -> [T.Text] -> T.Text -> IO MountResult
-- runSudoMount rootpass cmd args stdin = runSudoMount' rootpass cmd args stdin []
runSudoMount' :: T.Text -> T.Text -> [T.Text] -> [(T.Text, T.Text)] -> IO MountResult
runSudoMount' :: MonadIO m => T.Text -> T.Text -> [T.Text] -> [(T.Text, T.Text)] -> m MountResult
runSudoMount' rootpass cmd args environ = runMount "sudo" args' rootpass
args' = ["-S"] ++ environ' ++ [cmd] ++ args
@ -758,7 +783,7 @@ lookupSpec mountpoint = M.lookup mountpoint <$> mountMap
-- base path in /tmp, so all this is saying is that umounting everything will
-- leave /tmp/media/USER without removing all the way down to /tmp)
rmDirOnMountError :: FilePath -> RofiMountIO MountResult -> RofiMountIO MountResult
rmDirOnMountError :: FilePath -> MIO MountResult -> MIO MountResult
rmDirOnMountError d f = do
res <- f
unless (res == MountSuccess) $ rmDirMaybe d
@ -766,22 +791,22 @@ rmDirOnMountError d f = do
-- | Run a mount command and create the mountpoint if it does not exist, and
-- remove the mountpoint if a mount error occurs
withTmpMountDir :: FilePath -> RofiMountIO MountResult -> RofiMountIO MountResult
withTmpMountDir :: FilePath -> MIO MountResult -> MIO MountResult
withTmpMountDir m =
rmDirOnMountError m
. bracketOnError_ (mkDirMaybe m) (rmDirMaybe m)
-- | Run an unmount command and remove the mountpoint if no errors occur
runAndRemoveDir :: FilePath -> RofiMountIO MountResult -> RofiMountIO MountResult
runAndRemoveDir :: FilePath -> MIO MountResult -> MIO MountResult
runAndRemoveDir m f = do
res <- catch f (return . MountError . (T.pack . displayException :: SomeException -> T.Text))
when (res == MountSuccess) $ rmDirMaybe m
return res
mkDirMaybe :: FilePath -> RofiMountIO ()
mkDirMaybe :: FilePath -> MIO ()
mkDirMaybe fp = whenInMountDir fp $ io $ createDirectoryIfMissing True fp
rmDirMaybe :: FilePath -> RofiMountIO ()
rmDirMaybe :: FilePath -> MIO ()
rmDirMaybe fp =
whenInMountDir fp $
unlessMountpoint fp $
@ -791,7 +816,7 @@ rmDirMaybe fp =
removePathForcibly cur
rmUntil (takeDirectory cur) target
whenInMountDir :: FilePath -> RofiMountIO () -> RofiMountIO ()
whenInMountDir :: FilePath -> MIO () -> MIO ()
whenInMountDir fp f = do
mDir <- asks mountconfVolatilePath
when (mDir `L.isPrefixOf` fp) f

View File

@ -4,17 +4,16 @@
module Main (main) where
import Data.Maybe
import RIO
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import Rofi.Command
import System.Environment
import System.Process
import UnliftIO.Environment
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= runPrompt
main = runSimpleApp $ getArgs >>= runPrompt
runPrompt :: [String] -> IO ()
runPrompt :: [String] -> RIO SimpleApp ()
runPrompt args = do
servers <- getServers
maybe (return ()) run servers
@ -42,19 +41,19 @@ type VPNServer = (T.Text, T.Text)
data VPNStatus = VPNStatus (Maybe T.Text) [VPNServer] deriving (Show)
getServers :: IO (Maybe VPNStatus)
getServers :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe VPNStatus)
getServers = do
running <- daemonIsRunning
if running
then Just <$> getStatus
else notify IconError "ExpressVPN daemon not running" >> return Nothing
getStatus :: IO VPNStatus
getStatus :: MonadIO m => m VPNStatus
getStatus = do
connected <- getConnectedServer
VPNStatus connected <$> getAvailableServers
getConnectedServer :: IO (Maybe T.Text)
getConnectedServer :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe T.Text)
getConnectedServer = (procStatus =<<) <$> readCmdSuccess eVPN ["status"] ""
procStatus = listToMaybe . mapMaybe procLine . T.lines
@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ getConnectedServer = (procStatus =<<) <$> readCmdSuccess eVPN ["status"] ""
("\ESC[1;32;49mConnected" : "to" : server) -> Just $ T.unwords server
_ -> Nothing
getAvailableServers :: IO [VPNServer]
getAvailableServers :: MonadIO m => m [VPNServer]
getAvailableServers = procOut =<< readCmdSuccess eVPN ["ls"] ""
procOut Nothing = do
@ -91,7 +90,7 @@ getAvailableServers = procOut =<< readCmdSuccess eVPN ["ls"] ""
matchLine [i, _, _, _, l] = Just (i, l)
matchLine _ = Nothing
daemonIsRunning :: IO Bool
daemonIsRunning :: MonadIO m => m Bool
daemonIsRunning = isJust <$> readCmdSuccess "pgrep" [eVPND] ""
getDisconnectAction :: T.Text -> VPNAction
@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ eVPN = "expressvpn"
eVPND :: T.Text
eVPND = "expressvpnd"
connect :: VPNServer -> IO ()
connect :: MonadIO m => VPNServer -> m ()
connect (sid, sname) = do
res <- readCmdSuccess' eVPN ["connect", sid]
@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ connect (sid, sname) = do
(T.append "connected to " sname)
(T.append "failed to connect to " sname)
disconnect :: T.Text -> IO Bool
disconnect :: MonadIO m => T.Text -> m Bool
disconnect server = do
res <- readCmdSuccess' eVPN ["disconnect"]
@ -136,7 +135,7 @@ disconnect server = do
(T.append "failed to disconnect from " server)
return res
readCmdSuccess' :: T.Text -> [T.Text] -> IO Bool
readCmdSuccess' :: MonadIO m => T.Text -> [T.Text] -> m Bool
readCmdSuccess' cmd args = isJust <$> readCmdSuccess cmd args ""
-- TODO not DRY
@ -146,12 +145,12 @@ instance Show NotifyIcon where
show IconError = "dialog-error-symbolic"
show IconInfo = "dialog-information-symbolic"
notifyIf :: Bool -> T.Text -> T.Text -> IO ()
notifyIf :: MonadIO m => Bool -> T.Text -> T.Text -> m ()
notifyIf True s _ = notify IconInfo s
notifyIf False _ s = notify IconError s
notify :: NotifyIcon -> T.Text -> IO ()
notify icon body = void $ spawnProcess "notify-send" $ args ++ [T.unpack body]
notify :: MonadIO m => NotifyIcon -> T.Text -> m ()
notify icon body = liftIO $ void $ spawnProcess "notify-send" $ args ++ [T.unpack body]
args = ["-i", show icon, summary]
summary = "ExpressVPN"

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ where
import DBus
import DBus.Client
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TI
import Data.UnixTime
import GHC.Generics
import RIO hiding (timeout)
@ -37,23 +36,23 @@ newtype BWServerConf = BWServerConf
-- TODO add a cache so the browse list will load faster
data CurrentSession = CurrentSession
{ timestamp :: UnixTime
, hash :: T.Text
{ timestamp :: !UnixTime
, hash :: !T.Text
type Session = MVar (Maybe CurrentSession)
runDaemon :: Int -> IO ()
runDaemon :: (HasLogFunc c, MonadReader c m, MonadUnliftIO m) => Int -> m ()
runDaemon t = do
ses <- newMVar Nothing
let c = BWServerConf {timeout = UnixDiffTime (fromIntegral t) 0}
startService c ses
forever $ threadDelay 1000000
lockSession :: Session -> IO ()
lockSession :: MonadIO m => Session -> m ()
lockSession ses = void $ swapMVar ses Nothing
syncSession :: BWServerConf -> Session -> IO ()
syncSession :: MonadUnliftIO m => BWServerConf -> Session -> m ()
syncSession conf ses = notify =<< fmap join . mapM cmd =<< getSession' conf ses
cmd h = readCmdSuccess "bw" ["sync", "--session", h] ""
@ -61,9 +60,9 @@ syncSession conf ses = notify =<< fmap join . mapM cmd =<< getSession' conf ses
let j = isJust res
in notifyStatus j $ if j then "sync succeeded" else "sync failed"
getSession' :: BWServerConf -> Session -> IO (Maybe T.Text)
getSession' :: MonadUnliftIO m => BWServerConf -> Session -> m (Maybe T.Text)
getSession' BWServerConf {timeout = t} ses = do
ut <- getUnixTime
ut <- liftIO $ getUnixTime
modifyMVar ses $ \s -> case s of
Just CurrentSession {timestamp = ts, hash = h} ->
if diffUnixTime ut ts > t then getNewSession else return (s, Just h)
@ -74,18 +73,18 @@ getSession' BWServerConf {timeout = t} ses = do
newHash <- join <$> mapM readSession pwd
(,newHash) <$> mapM newSession newHash
newSession h = do
ut <- getUnixTime
ut <- liftIO $ getUnixTime
return CurrentSession {timestamp = ut, hash = h}
getSession :: BWServerConf -> Session -> IO T.Text
getSession :: MonadUnliftIO m => BWServerConf -> Session -> m T.Text
getSession conf ses = fromMaybe "" <$> getSession' conf ses
readSession :: T.Text -> IO (Maybe T.Text)
readSession :: MonadIO m => T.Text -> m (Maybe T.Text)
readSession pwd = readCmdSuccess "bw" ["unlock", pwd, "--raw"] ""
notifyStatus :: Bool -> T.Text -> IO ()
notifyStatus :: MonadIO m => Bool -> T.Text -> m ()
notifyStatus succeeded msg =
void $ spawnProcess "notify-send" ["-i", i, T.unpack msg]
void $ liftIO $ spawnProcess "notify-send" ["-i", i, T.unpack msg]
i =
if succeeded
@ -108,35 +107,41 @@ notifyStatus succeeded msg =
-- - username (if applicable) -> copy to clipboard
-- - password (if applicable) -> copy to clipboard
-- - anything else (notes and such) -> copy to clipboard
newtype BWClientConf = BWClientConf [T.Text]
data BWClientConf c = BWClientConf
{ bwArgs :: ![T.Text]
, bwEnv :: !c
instance HasRofiConf BWClientConf where
defArgs (BWClientConf a) = a
instance HasRofiConf (BWClientConf c) where
defArgs = bwArgs
runClient :: [T.Text] -> IO ()
runClient a = do
let c = BWClientConf a
runRofi c $
{ groups = [untitledGroup $ toRofiActions ras]
, prompt = Just "Action"
instance HasLogFunc c => HasLogFunc (BWClientConf c) where
logFuncL = lens bwEnv (\x y -> x {bwEnv = y}) . logFuncL
runClient :: HasLogFunc c => [T.Text] -> RIO c ()
runClient a =
mapRIO (BWClientConf a) $
selectAction $
{ groups = [untitledGroup $ toRofiActions ras]
, prompt = Just "Action"
ras =
[ ("Browse Logins", browseLogins)
, ("Sync Session", io callSyncSession)
, ("Lock Session", io callLockSession)
, ("Sync Session", callSyncSession)
, ("Lock Session", callLockSession)
browseLogins :: HasRofiConf c => RIO c ()
browseLogins = io getItems >>= selectItem
browseLogins :: (HasLogFunc c, HasRofiConf c) => RIO c ()
browseLogins = getItems >>= selectItem
getItems :: IO [Item]
getItems :: (HasLogFunc c, MonadReader c m, MonadUnliftIO m) => m [Item]
getItems = maybe (return []) getItems' =<< callGetSession
getItems' :: T.Text -> IO [Item]
getItems' :: MonadIO m => T.Text -> m [Item]
getItems' session = do
items <- io $ readProcess "bw" ["list", "items", "--session", T.unpack session] ""
items <- liftIO $ readProcess "bw" ["list", "items", "--session", T.unpack session] ""
return $ filter notEmpty $ fromMaybe [] $ decode $ fromString items
notEmpty Item {login = Login {username = Nothing, password = Nothing}} =
@ -166,7 +171,7 @@ instance FromJSON Login
-- TODO make menu buttons here to go back and to copy without leaving
-- the current menu
selectItem :: HasRofiConf c => [Item] -> RIO c ()
selectItem :: (HasLogFunc c, HasRofiConf c) => [Item] -> RIO c ()
selectItem items =
selectAction $
@ -174,10 +179,10 @@ selectItem items =
, prompt = Just "Login"
itemsToRofiActions :: HasRofiConf c => [Item] -> RofiActions c
itemsToRofiActions :: (HasLogFunc c, HasRofiConf c) => [Item] -> RofiActions c
itemsToRofiActions = toRofiActions . fmap (\i -> (name i, selectCopy $ login i))
selectCopy :: HasRofiConf c => Login -> RIO c ()
selectCopy :: (HasLogFunc c, HasRofiConf c) => Login -> RIO c ()
selectCopy l =
selectAction $
@ -213,17 +218,18 @@ loginToRofiActions Login {username = u, password = p} a =
user = copyIfJust fmtUsername u
pwd = copyIfJust fmtPassword p
getItemPassword' :: BWServerConf -> Session -> T.Text -> IO (Maybe T.Text)
getItemPassword' :: MonadUnliftIO m => BWServerConf -> Session -> T.Text -> m (Maybe T.Text)
getItemPassword' conf session item = mapM getPwd =<< getSession' conf session
getPwd s =
<$> readProcess
getPwd = fmap T.pack . pr
pr s =
liftIO $
["get", "password", T.unpack item, "--session", T.unpack s]
getItemPassword :: BWServerConf -> Session -> T.Text -> IO T.Text
getItemPassword :: MonadUnliftIO m => BWServerConf -> Session -> T.Text -> m T.Text
getItemPassword conf session item =
fromMaybe ""
<$> getItemPassword' conf session item
@ -231,24 +237,25 @@ getItemPassword conf session item =
-- | DBus
startService :: BWServerConf -> Session -> IO ()
startService :: (HasLogFunc c, MonadReader c m, MonadUnliftIO m) => BWServerConf -> Session -> m ()
startService c ses = do
client <- connectSession
client <- liftIO $ connectSession
let flags = [nameAllowReplacement, nameReplaceExisting]
_ <- requestName client busname flags
TI.putStrLn "Started rofi bitwarden dbus client"
{ interfaceName = interface
, interfaceMethods =
[ autoMethod memGetSession $ getSession c ses
, autoMethod memLockSession $ lockSession ses
, autoMethod memSyncSession $ syncSession c ses
, autoMethod memGetPassword $ getItemPassword c ses
_ <- liftIO $ requestName client busname flags
logInfo "Started rofi bitwarden dbus client"
withRunInIO $ \runIO ->
{ interfaceName = interface
, interfaceMethods =
[ autoMethod memGetSession $ runIO $ getSession c ses
, autoMethod memLockSession $ runIO $ lockSession ses
, autoMethod memSyncSession $ runIO $ syncSession c ses
, autoMethod memGetPassword $ runIO . getItemPassword c ses
busname :: BusName
busname = "org.rofi.bitwarden"
@ -271,20 +278,25 @@ memSyncSession = "SyncSession"
memGetPassword :: MemberName
memGetPassword = "GetPassword"
callMember :: MemberName -> IO [Variant]
callMember :: (HasLogFunc c, MonadReader c m, MonadUnliftIO m) => MemberName -> m [Variant]
callMember m = do
reply <- callMethod $ methodCall path interface m
case reply of
Left err -> TI.putStrLn (T.pack (methodErrorMessage err)) >> return []
Left err -> do
logError $
displayBytesUtf8 $
encodeUtf8 $
(T.pack (methodErrorMessage err))
return []
Right body -> return body
callLockSession :: IO ()
callLockSession :: (HasLogFunc c, MonadReader c m, MonadUnliftIO m) => m ()
callLockSession = void $ callMember memLockSession
callSyncSession :: IO ()
callSyncSession :: (HasLogFunc c, MonadReader c m, MonadUnliftIO m) => m ()
callSyncSession = void $ callMember memSyncSession
callGetSession :: IO (Maybe T.Text)
callGetSession :: (HasLogFunc c, MonadReader c m, MonadUnliftIO m) => m (Maybe T.Text)
callGetSession = getBodyString <$> callMember memGetSession
-- TODO maybe will need to add a caller for getItemPassword
@ -295,8 +307,8 @@ getBodyString [b] = case fromVariant b :: Maybe T.Text of
s -> s
getBodyString _ = Nothing
callMethod :: MethodCall -> IO (Either MethodError [Variant])
callMethod mc = do
callMethod :: MonadIO m => MethodCall -> m (Either MethodError [Variant])
callMethod mc = liftIO $ do
client <- connectSession
reply <- call client mc {methodCallDestination = Just busname}
disconnect client

View File

@ -149,27 +149,29 @@ readRofi uargs input = do
dargs <- asks defArgs
io $ readCmdEither "rofi" (dmenuArgs ++ dargs ++ uargs) input
readCmdSuccess :: T.Text -> [T.Text] -> T.Text -> IO (Maybe T.Text)
readCmdSuccess :: MonadIO m => T.Text -> [T.Text] -> T.Text -> m (Maybe T.Text)
readCmdSuccess cmd args input =
either (const Nothing) Just
<$> readCmdEither cmd args input
:: T.Text
:: MonadIO m
=> T.Text
-> [T.Text]
-> T.Text
-> IO (Either (Int, T.Text, T.Text) T.Text)
-> m (Either (Int, T.Text, T.Text) T.Text)
readCmdEither cmd args input = readCmdEither' cmd args input []
:: T.Text
:: MonadIO m
=> T.Text
-> [T.Text]
-> T.Text
-> [(T.Text, T.Text)]
-> IO (Either (Int, T.Text, T.Text) T.Text)
-> m (Either (Int, T.Text, T.Text) T.Text)
readCmdEither' cmd args input environ =
<$> readCreateProcessWithExitCode p (T.unpack input)
<$> (liftIO $ readCreateProcessWithExitCode p (T.unpack input))
e = case environ of
[] -> Nothing
@ -187,10 +189,10 @@ resultToEither (ExitFailure n, out, err) =
joinNewline :: [T.Text] -> T.Text
joinNewline = T.intercalate "\n"
readPassword :: IO (Maybe T.Text)
readPassword :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe T.Text)
readPassword = readPassword' "Password"
readPassword' :: T.Text -> IO (Maybe T.Text)
readPassword' :: MonadIO m => T.Text -> m (Maybe T.Text)
readPassword' p = readCmdSuccess "rofi" args ""
args = dmenuArgs ++ ["-p", p, "-password"]