ADD dismount all option

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2023-01-24 09:22:19 -05:00
parent 7094dac44e
commit cfe0607e2e
1 changed files with 342 additions and 270 deletions

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | rofi-dev - a rofi prompt for mountable devices
-- rofi-dev - a rofi prompt for mountable devices
-- Like all "mount helpers" this is basically a wrapper for low-level utilities
-- the mount things from the command line. It also creates/destroys mountpoint
@ -14,11 +14,9 @@
module Main (main) where
import Bitwarden.Internal
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -26,21 +24,16 @@ import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Dhall hiding (maybe, sequence, void)
import qualified Dhall.Map as DM
import Rofi.Command
import Text.Printf
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath.Posix
import System.Posix.User (getEffectiveUserName)
import System.Process
import Text.Printf
import UnliftIO.Exception
main :: IO ()
@ -52,7 +45,8 @@ parse args = case getOpt Permute options args of
(_, _, errs) -> ioError $ userError $ concat errs ++ usageInfo h options
h = "Usage: rofi-dev [OPTIONS] [-- ROFI-OPTIONS]"
defaultOpts r = Opts
defaultOpts r =
{ optsConfig = Nothing
, optsAlias = Nothing
, optsUnmount = False
@ -61,13 +55,20 @@ parse args = case getOpt Permute options args of
options :: [OptDescr (Opts -> Opts)]
options =
[ Option ['c'] ["config"]
[ Option
(ReqArg (\s m -> m {optsConfig = Just s}) "CONF")
"The path to the config file"
, Option ['m'] ["mount"]
, Option
(ReqArg (\s m -> m {optsAlias = Just s}) "ALIAS")
"Mount the device specified by ALIAS directly"
, Option ['u'] ["unmount"] (NoArg (\m -> m { optsUnmount = True } ))
, Option
(NoArg (\m -> m {optsUnmount = True}))
"Unmount the device specified by ALIAS instead of mounting it."
@ -76,10 +77,11 @@ data Opts = Opts
, optsAlias :: Maybe String
, optsUnmount :: Bool
, optsRofiArgs :: [String]
} deriving Show
deriving (Show)
-- | Main prompt
-- Main prompt
-- This command will have one Rofi prompt and will display all available
-- mounts grouped by device type (eg removable, sshfs, cifs, etc). I like
@ -92,7 +94,8 @@ runMounts opts = do
let tmpPath = fromMaybe defaultTmpPath $ scTmpPath =<< static
let staticDevs = maybe M.empty scDevices static
let verbose = fromMaybe False $ scVerbose =<< static
let mountconf = MountConf
let mountconf =
{ mountconfVolatilePath = tmpPath
, mountconfRofiArgs = optsRofiArgs opts
, mountconfStaticDevs = staticDevs
@ -110,7 +113,9 @@ parseStaticConfig p = do
Right c -> return $ Just (c :: StaticConfig)
es = over substitutions (DM.union vars) defaultEvaluateSettings
vars = DM.fromList $ catMaybes
vars =
DM.fromList $
[ toVar (auto :: Decoder TreeConfig)
, toVar (auto :: Decoder DeviceConfig)
, toVar (auto :: Decoder DataConfig)
@ -124,11 +129,17 @@ parseStaticConfig p = do
, toVar (auto :: Decoder BitwardenConfig)
, toVar (auto :: Decoder MountConfig)
toVar a = fmap (\n -> (T.pack $ show n, maximum $ expected a))
$ listToMaybe $ snd $ splitTyConApp $ typeOf a
toVar a =
fmap (\n -> (T.pack $ show n, maximum $ expected a)) $
listToMaybe $
snd $
splitTyConApp $
typeOf a
runPrompt :: RofiConf c => [RofiGroup c] -> RofiIO c ()
runPrompt gs = selectAction $ emptyMenu
runPrompt gs =
selectAction $
{ groups = gs
, prompt = Just "Select Device"
@ -136,10 +147,26 @@ runPrompt gs = selectAction $ emptyMenu
getGroups :: RofiMountIO [RofiGroup MountConf]
getGroups = do
actions <- sequence [getStaticActions, getRemovableActions, getMTPActions]
return $ mapMaybe mkGroup
$ groupBy (\(hx, _) (hy, _) -> hx == hy)
$ sortBy (\(hx, _) (hy, _) -> compare hx hy)
$ concat actions
return $
(++ [metaActions]) $
mapMaybe mkGroup $
groupBy (\(hx, _) (hy, _) -> hx == hy) $
sortBy (\(hx, _) (hy, _) -> compare hx hy) $
concat actions
metaActions =
titledGroup "Meta Actions" $
toRofiActions [(" Dismount All", dismountAll)]
dismountAll :: RofiMountIO ()
dismountAll = do
umount =<< asks (configToTree' . mountconfStaticDevs)
umount =<< getRemovableDevices
umount =<< getMTPDevices
return ()
umount :: Mountable a => [a] -> RofiMountIO ()
umount = mapM_ (`mountMaybe` True)
mountByAlias :: Bool -> String -> RofiMountIO ()
mountByAlias unmountFlag alias = do
@ -148,8 +175,9 @@ mountByAlias unmountFlag alias = do
mkGroup :: [(Header, ProtoAction [String])] -> Maybe (RofiGroup MountConf)
mkGroup [] = Nothing
mkGroup as = let ((h, _):_) = as in
Just $ titledGroup (show h) $ toRofiActions $ alignEntries $ fmap snd as
mkGroup as =
let ((h, _) : _) = as
in Just $ titledGroup (show h) $ toRofiActions $ alignEntries $ fmap snd as
alignSep :: String
alignSep = " | "
@ -158,7 +186,8 @@ alignEntries :: [ProtoAction [String]] -> [(String, RofiMountIO ())]
alignEntries ps = zip (align es) as
(es, as) = unzip $ fmap (\(ProtoAction e a) -> (e, a)) ps
align = fmap (intercalate alignSep)
align =
fmap (intercalate alignSep)
. transpose
. mapToLast pad
. transpose
@ -169,20 +198,21 @@ alignEntries ps = zip (align es) as
mapToLast f (x : xs) = f x : mapToLast f xs
-- | Global config used in the reader monad stack
-- Global config used in the reader monad stack
data MountConf = MountConf
{ mountconfVolatilePath :: FilePath
, mountconfRofiArgs :: [String]
, mountconfStaticDevs :: M.Map String TreeConfig
, mountconfVerbose :: Bool
} deriving Show
deriving (Show)
instance RofiConf MountConf where
defArgs MountConf {mountconfRofiArgs = a} = a
-- | Mountable typeclass
-- Mountable typeclass
-- Class to provide common interface for anything that can be mounted.
@ -219,7 +249,7 @@ class Mountable a where
mountState :: a -> RofiMountIO MountState
-- | Actionable typeclass
-- Actionable typeclass
-- Class to provide common interface for anything that can be presented in the
-- Rofi menu as an action. Note that this must be separate from the Mountable
@ -252,13 +282,17 @@ class Mountable a => Actionable a where
mountedPrefix Mounted True = "* "
mountedPrefix Partial True = "- "
mountableToAction :: Actionable a => RofiMountIO [a] -> RofiMountIO [(Header, ProtoAction [String])]
:: Actionable a
=> RofiMountIO [a]
-> RofiMountIO [(Header, ProtoAction [String])]
mountableToAction ms = mapM mkAction =<< ms
type RofiMountIO a = RofiIO MountConf a
-- headers appear in the order listed here (per Enum)
data Header = CIFSHeader
data Header
= CIFSHeader
| SSHFSHeader
| VeracryptHeader
| RemovableHeader
@ -281,16 +315,18 @@ instance Ord Header where
data ProtoAction a = ProtoAction a (RofiMountIO ())
-- | Static device configuration (dhall)
-- Static device configuration (dhall)
data MountConfig = MountConfig
{ mpPath :: FilePath
, mpLabel :: Maybe String
} deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
data BitwardenConfig = BitwardenConfig
{ bwKey :: String
, bwTries :: Integer }
, bwTries :: Integer
deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
newtype SecretConfig = SecretConfig
@ -301,7 +337,8 @@ newtype PromptConfig = PromptConfig
{promptTries :: Integer}
deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
data PasswordConfig = PwdBW BitwardenConfig
data PasswordConfig
= PwdBW BitwardenConfig
| PwdLS SecretConfig
| PwdPr PromptConfig
deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
@ -312,9 +349,11 @@ data CIFSOpts = CIFSOpts
, cifsoptsUID :: Maybe Integer
, cifsoptsGID :: Maybe Integer
, cifsoptsIocharset :: Maybe String
} deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
data DataConfig = VeracryptConfig VeracryptData
data DataConfig
= VeracryptConfig VeracryptData
| CIFSConfig CIFSData
deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
@ -322,39 +361,45 @@ data DataConfig = VeracryptConfig VeracryptData
data VeracryptData = VeracryptData
{ vcVolume :: String
, vcPassword :: Maybe PasswordConfig
} deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
data SSHFSData = SSHFSData
{ sshfsRemote :: String
, sshfsPassword :: Maybe PasswordConfig
} deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
data CIFSData = CIFSData
{ cifsRemote :: String
, cifsSudo :: Bool
, cifsPassword :: Maybe PasswordConfig
, cifsOpts :: Maybe CIFSOpts
} deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
data DeviceConfig = DeviceConfig
{ deviceMount :: MountConfig
, deviceData :: DataConfig
} deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
data TreeConfig = TreeConfig
{ tcParent :: DeviceConfig
, tcChildren :: V.Vector String
} deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
data StaticConfig = StaticConfig
{ scTmpPath :: Maybe String
, scVerbose :: Maybe Bool
, scDevices :: M.Map String TreeConfig
} deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
deriving (Show, Generic, FromDhall)
-- | Static devices trees
-- Static devices trees
-- Static devices as defined in the config file may declare dependencies on
-- other static devices, and thus are best represented as a tree. Note that the
-- tree is both Actionable and Mountable, where each node in the tree is only
@ -400,7 +445,7 @@ configToTree devMap TreeConfig{ tcParent = p, tcChildren = c } =
go ds = configToTree devMap <$> mapMaybe (`M.lookup` devMap) ds
-- | Static devices
-- Static devices
-- This is complex because there may be multiple classes of static devices
-- in the config file, and each device may depend on another device that is
@ -412,24 +457,27 @@ configToTree devMap TreeConfig{ tcParent = p, tcChildren = c } =
instance Mountable DeviceConfig where
mount DeviceConfig {deviceMount = m, deviceData = devData} False = do
m' <- getAbsMountpoint m
withTmpMountDir m'
$ io
$ case devData of
withTmpMountDir m' $
io $
case devData of
SSHFSConfig (SSHFSData {sshfsRemote = r, sshfsPassword = p}) ->
mountSSHFS m' p r
CIFSConfig (CIFSData
( CIFSData
{ cifsRemote = r
, cifsSudo = s
, cifsPassword = p
, cifsOpts = o
}) ->
) ->
mountCIFS s r m' o p
VeracryptConfig (VeracryptData
( VeracryptData
{ vcPassword = p
, vcVolume = v
}) ->
) ->
mountVeracrypt m' p v
mount DeviceConfig {deviceMount = m, deviceData = d} True = do
m' <- getAbsMountpoint m
runAndRemoveDir m' $ io $ case d of
@ -437,7 +485,9 @@ instance Mountable DeviceConfig where
VeracryptConfig _ -> runVeraCrypt ["-d", m'] ""
_ -> runMount "umount" [m'] ""
allInstalled DeviceConfig{ deviceData = devData } = io $ isJust
allInstalled DeviceConfig {deviceData = devData} =
io $
<$> findExecutable (exe devData)
exe SSHFSConfig {} = "sshfs"
@ -452,7 +502,8 @@ instance Mountable DeviceConfig where
b <- (io . isDirMounted) =<< getAbsMountpoint m
return $ if b then Mounted else Unmounted
getLabel DeviceConfig
{ deviceMount = MountConfig {mpPath = p, mpLabel = l}
} = fromMaybe (takeFileName p) l
@ -462,8 +513,13 @@ mountSSHFS mountpoint pwdConfig remote =
run other = runMount "sshfs" (other ++ [remote, mountpoint])
mountCIFS :: Bool -> String -> FilePath -> Maybe CIFSOpts
-> Maybe PasswordConfig -> IO MountResult
:: Bool
-> String
-> FilePath
-> Maybe CIFSOpts
-> Maybe PasswordConfig
-> IO MountResult
mountCIFS useSudo remote mountpoint opts pwdConfig =
withPasswordGetter pwdConfig runPwd run
@ -474,7 +530,8 @@ mountCIFS useSudo remote mountpoint opts pwdConfig =
fromCIFSOpts :: CIFSOpts -> String
fromCIFSOpts o = intercalate "," $ mapMaybe concatMaybe fs
fs = [ ("username", cifsoptsUsername)
fs =
[ ("username", cifsoptsUsername)
, ("workgroup", cifsoptsWorkgroup)
, ("uid", fmap show . cifsoptsUID)
, ("gid", fmap show . cifsoptsGID)
@ -484,8 +541,8 @@ fromCIFSOpts o = intercalate "," $ mapMaybe concatMaybe fs
mountVeracrypt :: FilePath -> Maybe PasswordConfig -> String -> IO MountResult
mountVeracrypt mountpoint pwdConfig volume =
withPasswordGetter pwdConfig (runVeraCrypt (args ++ ["--stdin"]))
$ runVeraCrypt args ""
withPasswordGetter pwdConfig (runVeraCrypt (args ++ ["--stdin"])) $
runVeraCrypt args ""
args = [volume, mountpoint]
@ -521,7 +578,7 @@ getStaticActions :: RofiMountIO [(Header, ProtoAction [String])]
getStaticActions = mountableToAction $ asks $ configToTree' . mountconfStaticDevs
-- | Password-getting functions for static devices
-- Password-getting functions for static devices
type PasswordGetter = IO (Maybe String)
@ -531,14 +588,15 @@ runSecret kvs = readCmdSuccess "secret-tool" ("lookup":kvs') ""
kvs' = concatMap (\(k, v) -> [k, v]) $ M.toList kvs
runBitwarden :: String -> PasswordGetter
runBitwarden pname = ((password . login) <=< find (\i -> name i == pname))
runBitwarden pname =
((password . login) <=< find (\i -> name i == pname))
<$> getItems
runPromptLoop :: Integer -> PasswordGetter -> PasswordGetter
runPromptLoop n pwd = do
res <- pwd
if isNothing res then
if n <= 0 then return Nothing else runPromptLoop (n-1) pwd
if isNothing res
then if n <= 0 then return Nothing else runPromptLoop (n - 1) pwd
else return res
-- configToPwd :: PasswordConfig -> PasswordGetter
@ -562,15 +620,18 @@ configToPwd (PwdBW (BitwardenConfig { bwKey = k, bwTries = n })) =
configToPwd (PwdLS s) = runSecret $ secretAttributes s
configToPwd (PwdPr p) = flip runPromptLoop readPassword $ promptTries p
withPasswordGetter :: Maybe PasswordConfig -> (String -> IO MountResult)
-> IO MountResult -> IO MountResult
:: Maybe PasswordConfig
-> (String -> IO MountResult)
-> IO MountResult
-> IO MountResult
withPasswordGetter (Just pwdConfig) runPwd _ =
maybe (return $ MountError "Password could not be obtained") runPwd
=<< configToPwd pwdConfig
withPasswordGetter Nothing _ run = run
-- | Removable devices
-- Removable devices
-- A device which can be removed (such as a flash drive). These are distinct
-- from any device in the static configuration in that they only have device
@ -607,7 +668,8 @@ instance Actionable Removable where
-- label shown on the prompt will be 'SIZE Volume' where size is the size of
-- the device
getRemovableDevices :: RofiConf c => RofiIO c [Removable]
getRemovableDevices = fromLines toDev . lines
getRemovableDevices =
fromLines toDev . lines
<$> io (readProcess "lsblk" ["-n", "-r", "-o", columns] "")
@ -623,7 +685,7 @@ getRemovableActions :: RofiMountIO [(Header, ProtoAction [String])]
getRemovableActions = mountableToAction getRemovableDevices
-- | MTP devices
-- MTP devices
mtpExe :: String
mtpExe = "jmtpfs"
@ -641,11 +703,10 @@ instance Mountable MTPFS where
-- TODO add autodismount to options
let dev = "-device=" ++ b ++ "," ++ n
withTmpMountDir m $ io $ runMount mtpExe [dev, m] ""
mount MTPFS {mtpfsMountpoint = m} True =
runAndRemoveDir m $ io $ runMount "umount" [m] ""
-- | return True always since the list won't even show without jmtpfs
-- \| return True always since the list won't even show without jmtpfs
allInstalled _ = return True
mountState MTPFS {mtpfsMountpoint = m} = do
@ -664,13 +725,16 @@ getMTPDevices = do
dir <- asks mountconfVolatilePath
res <- io $ readProcess mtpExe ["-l"] ""
return $ fromLines (toDev dir) $ toDevList res
toDevList = reverse
toDevList =
. takeWhile (not . isPrefixOf "Available devices")
. reverse
. lines
toDev dir s = case splitOn ", " s of
[busNum, devNum, _, _, desc, vendor] -> let d = unwords [vendor, desc]
in Just $ MTPFS
[busNum, devNum, _, _, desc, vendor] ->
let d = unwords [vendor, desc]
in Just $
{ mtpfsBus = busNum
, mtpfsDevice = devNum
, mtpfsMountpoint = dir </> canonicalize d
@ -695,7 +759,7 @@ instance Actionable MTPFS where
groupHeader _ = MTPFSHeader
-- | Notifications
-- Notifications
data NotifyIcon = IconError | IconInfo
@ -711,13 +775,15 @@ notifyMountResult mounted label result = case result of
verb = if mounted then "unmount" else "mount" :: String
notify :: NotifyIcon -> String -> Maybe String -> IO ()
notify icon summary body = void $ spawnProcess "notify-send"
$ maybe args (\b -> args ++ [b]) body
notify icon summary body =
void $
spawnProcess "notify-send" $
maybe args (\b -> args ++ [b]) body
args = ["-i", show icon, summary]
-- | Mount commands
-- Mount commands
data MountResult = MountSuccess | MountError String deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -725,7 +791,8 @@ runMount :: String -> [String] -> String -> IO MountResult
runMount cmd args stdin = eitherToMountResult <$> readCmdEither cmd args stdin
runMount' :: String -> [String] -> String -> [(String, String)] -> IO MountResult
runMount' cmd args stdin environ = eitherToMountResult
runMount' cmd args stdin environ =
<$> readCmdEither' cmd args stdin environ
runMountSudoMaybe :: Bool -> String -> [String] -> IO MountResult
@ -733,7 +800,8 @@ runMountSudoMaybe useSudo cmd args =
runMountSudoMaybe' useSudo cmd args []
runMountSudoMaybe' :: Bool -> String -> [String] -> [(String, String)] -> IO MountResult
runMountSudoMaybe' useSudo cmd args environ = maybe
runMountSudoMaybe' useSudo cmd args environ =
(runMount' cmd args "" environ)
(\r -> runSudoMount' r cmd args environ)
=<< if useSudo then readPassword' "Sudo Password" else return Nothing
@ -753,7 +821,7 @@ eitherToMountResult (Right _) = MountSuccess
eitherToMountResult (Left (_, _, e)) = MountError e
-- | Low-level mount functions
-- Low-level mount functions
mountMap :: IO (M.Map FilePath String)
mountMap = do
@ -789,7 +857,8 @@ rmDirOnMountError d f = do
-- | Run a mount command and create the mountpoint if it does not exist, and
-- remove the mountpoint if a mount error occurs
withTmpMountDir :: FilePath -> RofiMountIO MountResult -> RofiMountIO MountResult
withTmpMountDir m = rmDirOnMountError m
withTmpMountDir m =
rmDirOnMountError m
. bracketOnError_ (mkDirMaybe m) (rmDirMaybe m)
-- | Run an unmount command and remove the mountpoint if no errors occur
@ -803,8 +872,10 @@ mkDirMaybe :: FilePath -> RofiMountIO ()
mkDirMaybe fp = whenInMountDir fp $ io $ createDirectoryIfMissing True fp
rmDirMaybe :: FilePath -> RofiMountIO ()
rmDirMaybe fp = whenInMountDir fp $ unlessMountpoint fp
$ asks mountconfVolatilePath >>= io . rmUntil fp
rmDirMaybe fp =
whenInMountDir fp $
unlessMountpoint fp $
asks mountconfVolatilePath >>= io . rmUntil fp
rmUntil cur target = unless (target == cur) $ do
removePathForcibly cur
@ -824,7 +895,7 @@ isDirMounted :: FilePath -> IO Bool
isDirMounted fp = elem fp <$> curMountpoints
-- | Other functions
-- Other functions
fromLines :: (String -> Maybe a) -> [String] -> [a]
fromLines f = mapMaybe (f . stripWS)
@ -834,7 +905,8 @@ splitBy :: Char -> String -> [String]
splitBy delimiter = foldr f [[]]
f _ [] = []
f c l@(x:xs) | c == delimiter = []:l
f c l@(x : xs)
| c == delimiter = [] : l
| otherwise = (c : x) : xs
appendRoot :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath