ADD password prompt to sshfs and FIX password prompt since it never actually worked

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2022-02-03 00:32:52 -05:00
parent ded4f4a0b4
commit e3ecbad62d
1 changed files with 68 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | rofi-dev - a rofi prompt for mountable devices
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ import Data.List
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Yaml
import Rofi.Command
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ defaultTries = 2
data MountConfig = MountConfig
{ mountMountpoint :: FilePath
, mountLabel :: Maybe String
, mountLabel :: Maybe String
} deriving Show
instance FromJSON MountConfig where
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ instance FromJSON MountConfig where
<*> o .:? "label"
data BitwardenConfig = BitwardenConfig
{ bitwardenKey :: String
{ bitwardenKey :: String
, bitwardenTries :: Integer }
deriving Show
@ -290,27 +290,27 @@ newtype PromptConfig = PromptConfig
deriving Show
instance FromJSON PromptConfig where
parseJSON = withObject "libsecret" $ \o -> PromptConfig
<$> o .: "tries" .!= defaultTries
parseJSON = withObject "prompt" $ \o -> PromptConfig
<$> o .:? "tries" .!= defaultTries
data PasswordConfig = PasswordConfig
{ passwordBitwarden :: Maybe BitwardenConfig
, passwordLibSecret :: Maybe LibSecretConfig
, passwordPrompt :: Maybe PromptConfig
data PasswordConfig = PwdBW BitwardenConfig
| PwdLS LibSecretConfig
| PwdPr PromptConfig
deriving Show
instance FromJSON PasswordConfig where
parseJSON = withObject "password" $ \o -> PasswordConfig
<$> o .:? "bitwarden"
<*> o .:? "libsecret"
<*> o .:? "prompt"
parseJSON = withObject "password" $ \o -> do
br <- fmap PwdBW <$> o .:? "bitwarden"
ls <- maybe (fmap PwdLS <$> o .:? "libsecret") (return . Just) br
-- TODO this is silly because I need to pass 'prompt: {}' instead of
-- just 'prompt:' if I just want the defaults
maybe (PwdPr <$> o .: "prompt") return ls
data CIFSOptsConfig = CIFSOptsConfig
{ cifsoptsUsername :: Maybe String
, cifsoptsWorkgroup :: Maybe String
, cifsoptsUID :: Maybe Integer
, cifsoptsGID :: Maybe Integer
{ cifsoptsUsername :: Maybe String
, cifsoptsWorkgroup :: Maybe String
, cifsoptsUID :: Maybe Integer
, cifsoptsGID :: Maybe Integer
, cifsoptsIocharset :: Maybe String
} deriving Show
@ -326,12 +326,13 @@ data DataConfig = VeracryptConfig
{ veracryptVolume :: String
, veracryptPassword :: Maybe PasswordConfig
} | SSHFSConfig
{ sshfsRemote :: String
{ sshfsRemote :: String
, sshfsPassword :: Maybe PasswordConfig
} | CIFSConfig
{ cifsRemote :: String
, cifsSudo :: Bool
, cifsPassword :: Maybe PasswordConfig
, cifsOpts :: Maybe CIFSOptsConfig
{ cifsRemote :: String
, cifsSudo :: Bool
, cifsPassword :: Maybe PasswordConfig
, cifsOpts :: Maybe CIFSOptsConfig
} deriving Show
data DeviceConfig = DeviceConfig
@ -357,6 +358,7 @@ instance FromJSON TreeConfig where
<*> o .:? "options"
"sshfs" -> SSHFSConfig
<$> o .: "remote"
<*> o .:? "password"
"veracrypt" -> VeracryptConfig
<$> o .: "volume"
<*> o .:? "password"
@ -398,7 +400,7 @@ type StaticConfigTree = Tree DeviceConfig
instance Mountable a => Mountable (Tree a) where
mount (Tree p cs) False = mapM_ (`mountMaybe` False) cs >> mount p False
mount (Tree p _) True = mount p True
mount (Tree p _) True = mount p True
isMounted (Tree p _) = isMounted p
@ -409,16 +411,16 @@ instance Mountable a => Mountable (Tree a) where
getLabel (Tree p _) = getLabel p
instance Actionable (Tree DeviceConfig) where
fmtEntry (Tree p@DeviceConfig{ deviceData = d } _) = [getLabel p, target d]
fmtEntry (Tree p@DeviceConfig{ deviceData = d } _) = [getLabel p, target d]
target CIFSConfig{ cifsRemote = r } = r
target SSHFSConfig{ sshfsRemote = r } = r
target CIFSConfig{ cifsRemote = r } = r
target SSHFSConfig{ sshfsRemote = r } = r
target VeracryptConfig{ veracryptVolume = v } = v
groupHeader (Tree DeviceConfig{ deviceData = d } _) =
case d of
CIFSConfig{} -> CIFSHeader
SSHFSConfig{} -> SSHFSHeader
CIFSConfig{} -> CIFSHeader
SSHFSConfig{} -> SSHFSHeader
VeracryptConfig{} -> VeracryptHeader
configToTree' :: M.Map String TreeConfig -> [StaticConfigTree]
@ -446,7 +448,7 @@ instance Mountable DeviceConfig where
withTmpMountDir m'
$ io
$ case devData of
SSHFSConfig{ sshfsRemote = r } -> mountSSHFS m' r
SSHFSConfig{ sshfsRemote = r, sshfsPassword = p } -> mountSSHFS m' p r
{ cifsRemote = r
, cifsSudo = s
@ -459,15 +461,15 @@ instance Mountable DeviceConfig where
mount DeviceConfig{ deviceMount = m, deviceData = d } True = do
m' <- getAbsMountpoint m
runAndRemoveDir m' $ io $ case d of
CIFSConfig{ cifsSudo = s } -> runMountSudoMaybe s "umount" [m']
CIFSConfig{ cifsSudo = s } -> runMountSudoMaybe s "umount" [m']
VeracryptConfig{} -> runVeraCrypt ["-d", m'] ""
_ -> runMount "umount" [m'] ""
allInstalled DeviceConfig{ deviceData = devData } = io $ isJust
<$> findExecutable (exe devData)
exe SSHFSConfig{} = "sshfs"
exe CIFSConfig{} = "mount.cifs"
exe SSHFSConfig{} = "sshfs"
exe CIFSConfig{} = "mount.cifs"
exe VeracryptConfig{} = "veracrypt"
isMounted DeviceConfig{ deviceMount = m } =
@ -477,10 +479,13 @@ instance Mountable DeviceConfig where
{ deviceMount = MountConfig { mountMountpoint = p, mountLabel = l }
} = fromMaybe (takeFileName p) l
mountSSHFS :: FilePath -> String -> IO MountResult
mountSSHFS mountpoint remote = runMount "sshfs" [remote, mountpoint] ""
mountSSHFS :: FilePath -> Maybe PasswordConfig -> String -> IO MountResult
mountSSHFS mountpoint pwdConfig remote =
withPasswordGetter pwdConfig (run ["-o", "password_stdin"]) $ run [] ""
run other = runMount "sshfs" (other ++ [remote, mountpoint])
mountCIFS :: Bool -> String -> FilePath -> Maybe CIFSOptsConfig
mountCIFS :: Bool -> String -> FilePath -> Maybe CIFSOptsConfig
-> Maybe PasswordConfig -> IO MountResult
mountCIFS useSudo remote mountpoint opts pwdConfig =
withPasswordGetter pwdConfig runPwd run
@ -501,7 +506,7 @@ fromCIFSOpts o = intercalate "," $ mapMaybe concatMaybe fs
concatMaybe (k, f) = (\v -> k ++ "=" ++ v) <$> f o
mountVeracrypt :: FilePath -> Maybe PasswordConfig -> String -> IO MountResult
mountVeracrypt mountpoint pwdConfig volume =
mountVeracrypt mountpoint pwdConfig volume =
withPasswordGetter pwdConfig (runVeraCrypt (args ++ ["--stdin"]))
$ runVeraCrypt args ""
@ -519,7 +524,7 @@ getAbsMountpoint MountConfig{ mountMountpoint = m } =
asks $ flip appendRoot m . mountconfVolatilePath
getStaticActions :: RofiMountIO [(Header, ProtoAction [String])]
getStaticActions = mountableToAction $ asks $ configToTree' . mountconfStaticDevs
getStaticActions = mountableToAction $ asks $ configToTree' . mountconfStaticDevs
-- | Password-getting functions for static devices
@ -529,7 +534,7 @@ type PasswordGetter = IO (Maybe String)
runSecret :: M.Map String String -> PasswordGetter
runSecret kvs = readCmdSuccess "secret-tool" ("lookup":kvs') ""
kvs' = concatMap (\(k, v) -> [k, v]) $ M.toList kvs
kvs' = concatMap (\(k, v) -> [k, v]) $ M.toList kvs
runBitwarden :: String -> PasswordGetter
runBitwarden pname = ((password . login) <=< find (\i -> name i == pname))
@ -542,20 +547,26 @@ runPromptLoop n pwd = do
if n <= 0 then return Nothing else runPromptLoop (n-1) pwd
else return res
-- configToPwd :: PasswordConfig -> PasswordGetter
-- configToPwd PasswordConfig
-- { passwordBitwarden = b
-- , passwordLibSecret = s
-- , passwordPrompt = p
-- } =
-- getBW b `runMaybe` getLS s `runMaybe` getPrompt p
-- where
-- getBW (Just BitwardenConfig{ bitwardenKey = k, bitwardenTries = n }) =
-- runPromptLoop n $ runBitwarden k
-- getBW _ = return Nothing
-- getLS = maybe (return Nothing) (runSecret . libsecretAttributes)
-- getPrompt = maybe (return Nothing) (flip runPromptLoop readPassword . promptTries)
-- runMaybe x y = (\r -> if isNothing r then y else return r) =<< x
configToPwd :: PasswordConfig -> PasswordGetter
configToPwd PasswordConfig
{ passwordBitwarden = b
, passwordLibSecret = s
, passwordPrompt = p
} =
getBW b `runMaybe` getLS s `runMaybe` getPrompt p
getBW (Just BitwardenConfig{ bitwardenKey = k, bitwardenTries = n }) =
runPromptLoop n $ runBitwarden k
getBW _ = return Nothing
getLS = maybe (return Nothing) (runSecret . libsecretAttributes)
getPrompt = maybe (return Nothing) (flip runPromptLoop readPassword . promptTries)
runMaybe x y = (\r -> if isNothing r then y else return r) =<< x
configToPwd (PwdBW (BitwardenConfig { bitwardenKey = k, bitwardenTries = n })) =
runPromptLoop n $ runBitwarden k
configToPwd (PwdLS s) = runSecret $ libsecretAttributes s
configToPwd (PwdPr p) = flip runPromptLoop readPassword $ promptTries p
withPasswordGetter :: Maybe PasswordConfig -> (String -> IO MountResult)
-> IO MountResult -> IO MountResult
@ -683,7 +694,7 @@ data NotifyIcon = IconError | IconInfo
instance Show NotifyIcon where
show IconError = "dialog-error-symbolic"
show IconInfo = "dialog-information-symbolic"
show IconInfo = "dialog-information-symbolic"
notifyMountResult :: Bool -> String -> MountResult -> IO ()
notifyMountResult mounted label result = case result of
@ -731,8 +742,8 @@ runSudoMount' rootpass cmd args environ = runMount "sudo" args' rootpass
environ' = fmap (\(k, v) -> k ++ "=" ++ v) environ
eitherToMountResult :: Either (Int, String, String) String -> MountResult
eitherToMountResult (Right _) = MountSuccess
eitherToMountResult (Left (_, _, e)) = MountError e
eitherToMountResult (Right _) = MountSuccess
eitherToMountResult (Left (_, _, e)) = MountError e
-- | Low-level mount functions