ENH throw useful error message when veracrypt password is not obtained correctly

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2021-01-01 13:12:51 -05:00
parent 3c716b5d2b
commit fe73296860
1 changed files with 20 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ options =
-- to '/tmp/media/USER'
-- - any arguments to be passed to the rofi command
type Password = IO (Maybe String)
type PasswordGetter = IO (Maybe String)
type MountpointPasswords = M.Map String Password
type MountpointPasswords = M.Map String PasswordGetter
type VeracryptMount = (FilePath, FilePath)
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ addSecret pwds c = case splitPrefix c of
(dir, ":", r) -> M.insert dir (runSecret $ fromCommaSepString' r) pwds
_ -> pwds
runSecret :: [(String, String)] -> Password
runSecret :: [(String, String)] -> PasswordGetter
runSecret kvs = readCmdSuccess "secret-tool" ("lookup":kvs') ""
kvs' = concatMap (\(k, v) -> [k, v]) kvs
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ addBitwarden pwds c = case splitPrefix c of
(dir, ":", name) -> M.insert dir (runBitwarden name) pwds
_ -> pwds
runBitwarden :: String -> Password
runBitwarden :: String -> PasswordGetter
runBitwarden pname = ((password . login) <=< find (\i -> name i == pname))
<$> getItems
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ getRemovableDevices = fromLines toDev . lines
-- This wraps the Removable device (since it is removable) and also adds its
-- own mount options and passwords for authentication.
data CIFS = CIFS Removable FilePath (Maybe Password)
data CIFS = CIFS Removable FilePath (Maybe PasswordGetter)
instance Mountable CIFS where
mount (CIFS Removable{ label = l } m getPwd) False =
@ -325,17 +325,18 @@ fstabToSSHFS FSTabEntry{ fstabSpec = s, fstabDir = d } = return $ SSHFS r d
-- | VeraCrypt Devices
data VeraCrypt = VeraCrypt Removable FilePath (Maybe Password)
data VeraCrypt = VeraCrypt Removable FilePath (Maybe PasswordGetter)
instance Mountable VeraCrypt where
mount (VeraCrypt Removable{ deviceSpec = s, label = l } m getPwd) False =
(mkDirMaybe m)
(rmDirMaybe m)
$ io $ (\res -> notifyMounted (isRight res) False l)
=<< runVeraCrypt
=<< ([s, m] ++) . maybe [] (\p -> ["-p", p]) . join
<$> sequence getPwd
bracketOnError_ (mkDirMaybe m) (rmDirMaybe m) mountMaybe
mountMaybe = io $ maybe (runVeraCryptWith []) (runVeraCryptWithPwd =<<) getPwd
runVeraCryptWithPwd = maybe notifyFail (\p -> runVeraCryptWith ["-p", p])
runVeraCryptWith args = (\res -> notifyMounted (isRight res) False l)
=<< runVeraCrypt ([s, m] ++ args)
notifyFail = notify "dialog-error-symbolic" $
printf "Failed to get volume password for %s" l
mount (VeraCrypt Removable{ label = l } m _) True = io $ do
res <- runVeraCrypt ["-d", m]
@ -576,14 +577,16 @@ umountNotify = umountNotify' "umount"
-- | Send a notification indicating the mount succeeded
notifyMounted :: Bool -> Bool -> String -> IO ()
notifyMounted succeeded mounted label =
void $ spawnProcess "notify-send" ["-i", i, msg]
notifyMounted succeeded mounted label = notify icon body
(f, i) = if succeeded
(format, icon) = if succeeded
then ("Successfully %sed %s", "dialog-information-symbolic")
else ("Failed to %s %s", "dialog-error-symbolic")
m = if mounted then "unmount" else "mount" :: String
msg = printf f m label
body = printf format m label
notify :: String -> String -> IO ()
notify icon body = void $ spawnProcess "notify-send" ["-i", icon, body]
-- | Other functions