# rofi-extras These are some personal programs that use the [rofi](https://github.com/davatorium/rofi) interface. ## Installation Clone this repo and run the following in the repo root. Install packages needed for building: ``` pacman -S --needed - < make_pkgs ``` Build and install (choose individual targets as needed): ``` stack install ``` See individual sections for other dependencies to install. ## Putting Rofi on the correct screen (rofi) This is a total hack...actually it isn't because it's written in Haskell and not bash. The problem is that when used with xmonad, rofi doesn't place itself on the "current" workspace since the concept of a "workspace" is weird and specific to xmonad. The solution is to use this program to query `_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT` (which my xmonad config sets) and use this determine the name of the active workspace which can then be fed to rofi using the `-m` flag. See comments of this binary for details. ### Dependencies - X11 ## Bitwarden (rofi-bw) [Bitwarden](https://bitwarden.com/) is an open-source password management server and this program functions as a client. Unlike many other similar clients, this only presents a simple lookup interface for usernames and passwords in the vault; editing and creating entries is not in the intendend scope. ### Usage This operates in a client/daemon fashion (locally, not with respect to the bitwarden server). The daemon holds the session key and the client presents the interface for username/password lookup. Make sure `bw-cli` is properly configured to contact your bitwarden server using `bw config server url.of.your.server`. Start the daemon in `xinitrc` or similar. This will start the deamon with a 60 second timeout for the session key (after which you would need to enter a new password): ``` sh rofi-bw -d 60 ``` Then launch the client to browse through the vault. ``` sh rofi-bw -c ``` Any options after `-c` will be passed to rofi. ### Dependencies - [bitwarden-cli](https://github.com/bitwarden/cli) - libnotify: desktop notifications ## Device Mounting (rofi-dev) This is a manual mounting helper for removable drives, MTP devices, and fstab entries. It will transparently handle mountpoint creation/destruction. ### Usage Launch the device manager: ``` sh rofi-dev ``` Any options after `--` will be passed to rofi. Select a device to mount/unmount it. Asterisks indicate that the device is mounted and that selecting it will unmount it. Removable devices will be mounted at the default for `usdisksctl` (usually `/run/media/USER`) and everything else will be mounted in `/media/USER` unless the `-d` option is specified (see `rofi-dev -h`). In the latter case the directory should be owned by the user. Fstab entries should specify the `users` mount option (not `user`) to enable non-root users to mount and unmount. The mountpoint should either be in `/media/USER` (or whatever is specified by `-d`) or already exist. ### Credentials For fstab entries, `rofi-dev` will attempt to obtain a password if no options are supplied in the mount options (eg keyfiles for sshfs or credential files for cifs). To specifify that `/media/USER/foo` should use `secret-tool` to find its password, specify the `-s` option. This would lookup a password for the entry whose `username` is `bar` and `hostname` is `example.com`: ### Veracrypt This tool can mount veracrypt vaults...with some hacky effort. Since veracrypt works at the block device level, it needs root permissions to mount a volume (which actually involves mounting several devices). The easiest way to make sure this works is to give veracrypt sudo access like so: ``` ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/veracrypt,/usr/bin/uptime ``` No idea why `uptime` is also needed for this. ``` sh rofi-dev -s '/media/USER/foo:username=bar,hostname=example.com' ``` To simply prompt for a password, use the `-p` option: ``` sh rofi-dev -p '/media/USER/foo' ``` ### Dependencies - udisks2: removable drive mounting - sshfs: mounting network devices in fstab over ssh - cifs-utils: mounting network devices in fstab using CIFS/Samba - veracrypt: to mount veracrypt vaults - [jmtpfs](https://github.com/JasonFerrara/jmtpfs): mounting MTP devices - libnotify: desktop notifications - libsecret: password lookup with `secret-tool` ## Autorandr (rofi-autorandr) This allows selection of the [autorandr](https://github.com/phillipberndt/autorandr) configuration via a rofi menu. ### Dependencies - autorandr ## Bluetooth (rofi-bw) This presents a nice menu to select the current bluetooth device. ### Dependencies - bluez (which should provide the dbus interface for this to work) ## ExpressVPN (rofi-evpn) This presents a menu to select the current ExpressVPN gateway. ### Dependencies - expressvpn (from AUR) - libnotify ## Pinentry (pinentry-rofi) Analogous to the default [pinentry](https://github.com/gpg/pinentry) prompts, this presents a rofi prompt for a password with the GPG keyring is unlocked. Requires the following in `gpg-agent.conf`: ``` pinentry-program /path/to/pinentry-rofi ``` Unlike the other pinentry programs, this one can integrate with bitwarden (via the above client) by retrieving the password for the gpg keyring if it is stored in bitwarden. This requires a yaml configuration in the gpg home directoring as such: ``` bitwarden-name: ``` ### Dependencies - rofi-bw (see above): bitwarden integration