{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Main (main) where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad import Data.Aeson import Data.Maybe import Data.String import Data.UnixTime import DBus import DBus.Client import GHC.Generics import Rofi.Command import Text.Read import System.Clipboard import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.Process main :: IO () main = runChecks >> getArgs >>= parse parse :: [String] -> IO () parse ["-d", t] = case readMaybe t of { Just t' -> runDaemon t'; _ -> usage } parse ("-c":args) = runClient args parse _ = usage usage :: IO () usage = putStrLn $ joinNewline [ "daemon mode: rofi-bw -d TIMEOUT" , "client mode: rofi-bw -c [ROFI-ARGS]" ] runChecks :: IO () runChecks = checkExe "bw" >> checkExe "rofi" checkExe :: String -> IO () checkExe cmd = do res <- findExecutable cmd unless (isJust res) $ do putStrLn $ "Could not find executable: " ++ cmd exitWith $ ExitFailure 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Daemon -- -- Daemon will export an interface on DBus with two methods: -- * get current session id - if no session is active, launch Rofi to prompt -- for a password; return session id or null if password is invalid -- * lock session - destroy the current session id if active -- -- The session ID will be valid only as long as TIMEOUT newtype BWServerConf = BWServerConf { timeout :: UnixDiffTime } data CurrentSession = CurrentSession { timestamp :: UnixTime , hash :: String } type Session = MVar (Maybe CurrentSession) runDaemon :: Int -> IO () runDaemon t = do ses <- newMVar Nothing let c = BWServerConf { timeout = UnixDiffTime (fromIntegral t) 0 } startService c ses forever $ threadDelay 1000000 lockSession :: Session -> IO () lockSession ses = void $ swapMVar ses Nothing getSession :: BWServerConf -> Session -> IO String getSession BWServerConf { timeout = t } ses = do ut <- getUnixTime modifyMVar ses $ \s -> case s of Just CurrentSession { timestamp = ts, hash = h } -> if diffUnixTime ut ts > t then getNewSession else return (s, h) Nothing -> getNewSession where getNewSession = do pwd <- readPassword newHash <- join <$> mapM readSession pwd (, fromMaybe "" newHash) <$> mapM newSession newHash newSession h = do ut <- getUnixTime return CurrentSession { timestamp = ut, hash = h } readSession :: String -> IO (Maybe String) readSession pwd = readCmdSuccess "bw" ["unlock", pwd, "--raw"] "" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Client -- -- The client will get the current session from the daemon (if it can) and then -- go through a decision-tree like selection process to retrieve information as -- needed. This will be in the form of the following menus: -- -- Main menus -- - Lock Session -> lock the session -- - Browse logins -> show new menu of all logins -- - select an entry -> show new menu with entry contents -- - All -> copy all to clipboard -- - username (if applicable) -> copy to clipboard -- - password (if applicable) -> copy to clipboard -- - anything else (notes and such) -> copy to clipboard newtype BWClientConf = BWClientConf [String] instance RofiConf BWClientConf where defArgs (BWClientConf a) = a runClient :: [String] -> IO () runClient a = do let c = BWClientConf a runRofiIO c $ selectAction $ emptyMenu { groups = [untitledGroup $ toRofiActions ras] , prompt = Just "Action" } where ras = [ ("Browse Logins", browseLogins) , ("Lock Session", io callLockSession) ] browseLogins :: RofiConf c => RofiIO c () browseLogins = do session <- io callGetSession forM_ session $ getItems >=> selectItem getItems :: RofiConf c => String -> RofiIO c [Item] getItems session = do items <- io $ readProcess "bw" ["list", "items", "--session", session] "" return $ filter notEmpty $ fromMaybe [] $ decode $ fromString items where notEmpty Item { login = Login { username = Nothing, password = Nothing } } = False notEmpty _ = True data Item = Item { name :: String , login :: Login } deriving (Show) instance FromJSON Item where parseJSON (Object o) = Item <$> o .: "name" <*> o .:? "login" .!= Login { username = Nothing, password = Nothing } parseJSON _ = mzero data Login = Login { username :: Maybe String , password :: Maybe String } deriving (Show, Generic) instance FromJSON Login -- TODO make menu buttons here to go back and to copy without leaving -- the current menu selectItem :: RofiConf c => [Item] -> RofiIO c () selectItem items = selectAction $ emptyMenu { groups = [untitledGroup $ itemsToRofiActions items] , prompt = Just "Login" } itemsToRofiActions :: RofiConf c => [Item] -> RofiActions c itemsToRofiActions = toRofiActions . fmap (\i -> (name i, selectCopy $ login i)) selectCopy :: RofiConf c => Login -> RofiIO c () selectCopy l = selectAction $ emptyMenu { groups = [untitledGroup $ loginToRofiActions l copy] , prompt = Just "Copy" , hotkeys = [copyHotkey, backHotkey] } where copy = io . setClipboardString copyRepeat s = copy s >> selectCopy l copyHotkey = Hotkey { keyCombo = "Alt+c" , keyIndex = 1 , keyDescription = "Copy One" , keyActions = loginToRofiActions l copyRepeat } backHotkey = Hotkey { keyCombo = "Alt+q" , keyIndex = 2 , keyDescription = "Back" -- TODO this is overly complicated, all entries do the same thing -- TODO this is slow, we can cache the logins somehow... , keyActions = loginToRofiActions l (const browseLogins) } loginToRofiActions :: RofiConf c => Login -> (String -> RofiIO c ()) -> RofiActions c loginToRofiActions Login { username = u, password = p } a = toRofiActions $ catMaybes [user, pwd] where copyIfJust f = fmap $ liftM2 (,) f a fmtUsername s = "Username (" ++ s ++ ")" fmtPassword s = "Password (" ++ take 32 (replicate (length s) '*') ++ ")" user = copyIfJust fmtUsername u pwd = copyIfJust fmtPassword p -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | DBus busname :: BusName busname = "org.rofi.bitwarden" path :: ObjectPath path = "/bitwarden" interface :: InterfaceName interface = "org.rofi.bitwarden.session" memGetSession :: MemberName memGetSession = "GetSession" memLockSession :: MemberName memLockSession = "LockSession" startService :: BWServerConf -> Session -> IO () startService c ses = do client <- connectSession let flags = [nameAllowReplacement, nameReplaceExisting] _ <- requestName client busname flags putStrLn "Started rofi bitwarden dbus client" export client path defaultInterface { interfaceName = interface , interfaceMethods = [ autoMethod memGetSession $ getSession c ses , autoMethod memLockSession $ lockSession ses ] } callLockSession :: IO () callLockSession = do reply <- callMethod $ methodCall path interface memLockSession case reply of Left err -> putStrLn $ methodErrorMessage err Right _ -> return () callGetSession :: IO (Maybe String) callGetSession = do reply <- callMethod $ methodCall path interface memGetSession case reply of Left err -> putStrLn (methodErrorMessage err) >> return Nothing Right body -> return $ getBodySession body getBodySession :: [Variant] -> Maybe String getBodySession [b] = case ses of { Just "" -> Nothing; _ -> ses } where ses = fromVariant b :: Maybe String getBodySession _ = Nothing callMethod :: MethodCall -> IO (Either MethodError [Variant]) callMethod mc = do client <- connectSession reply <- call client mc { methodCallDestination = Just busname } disconnect client return $ methodReturnBody <$> reply