module Bitwarden.Internal ( Item (..) , Login (..) , Session , runDaemon , runClient , getItems , callGetSession ) where import DBus import DBus.Client import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.Text.IO as TI import Data.UnixTime import GHC.Generics import RIO hiding (timeout) import qualified RIO.Text as T import Rofi.Command import System.Clipboard import System.Process -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Daemon -- -- Daemon will export an interface on DBus with two methods: -- * get current session id - if no session is active, launch Rofi to prompt -- for a password; return session id or null if password is invalid -- * lock session - destroy the current session id if active -- -- The session ID will be valid only as long as TIMEOUT newtype BWServerConf = BWServerConf { timeout :: UnixDiffTime } -- TODO add a cache so the browse list will load faster data CurrentSession = CurrentSession { timestamp :: UnixTime , hash :: T.Text } type Session = MVar (Maybe CurrentSession) runDaemon :: Int -> IO () runDaemon t = do ses <- newMVar Nothing let c = BWServerConf {timeout = UnixDiffTime (fromIntegral t) 0} startService c ses forever $ threadDelay 1000000 lockSession :: Session -> IO () lockSession ses = void $ swapMVar ses Nothing syncSession :: BWServerConf -> Session -> IO () syncSession conf ses = notify =<< fmap join . mapM cmd =<< getSession' conf ses where cmd h = readCmdSuccess "bw" ["sync", "--session", h] "" notify res = let j = isJust res in notifyStatus j $ if j then "sync succeeded" else "sync failed" getSession' :: BWServerConf -> Session -> IO (Maybe T.Text) getSession' BWServerConf {timeout = t} ses = do ut <- getUnixTime modifyMVar ses $ \s -> case s of Just CurrentSession {timestamp = ts, hash = h} -> if diffUnixTime ut ts > t then getNewSession else return (s, Just h) Nothing -> getNewSession where getNewSession = do pwd <- readPassword' "Bitwarden Password" newHash <- join <$> mapM readSession pwd (,newHash) <$> mapM newSession newHash newSession h = do ut <- getUnixTime return CurrentSession {timestamp = ut, hash = h} getSession :: BWServerConf -> Session -> IO T.Text getSession conf ses = fromMaybe "" <$> getSession' conf ses readSession :: T.Text -> IO (Maybe T.Text) readSession pwd = readCmdSuccess "bw" ["unlock", pwd, "--raw"] "" notifyStatus :: Bool -> T.Text -> IO () notifyStatus succeeded msg = void $ spawnProcess "notify-send" ["-i", i, T.unpack msg] where i = if succeeded then "dialog-information-symbolic" else "dialog-error-symbolic" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Client -- -- The client will get the current session from the daemon (if it can) and then -- go through a decision-tree like selection process to retrieve information as -- needed. This will be in the form of the following menus: -- -- Main menus -- - Lock Session -> lock the session -- - Browse logins -> show new menu of all logins -- - select an entry -> show new menu with entry contents -- - All -> copy all to clipboard -- - username (if applicable) -> copy to clipboard -- - password (if applicable) -> copy to clipboard -- - anything else (notes and such) -> copy to clipboard newtype BWClientConf = BWClientConf [T.Text] instance HasRofiConf BWClientConf where defArgs (BWClientConf a) = a runClient :: [T.Text] -> IO () runClient a = do let c = BWClientConf a runRofi c $ emptyMenu { groups = [untitledGroup $ toRofiActions ras] , prompt = Just "Action" } where ras = [ ("Browse Logins", browseLogins) , ("Sync Session", io callSyncSession) , ("Lock Session", io callLockSession) ] browseLogins :: HasRofiConf c => RIO c () browseLogins = io getItems >>= selectItem getItems :: IO [Item] getItems = maybe (return []) getItems' =<< callGetSession getItems' :: T.Text -> IO [Item] getItems' session = do items <- io $ readProcess "bw" ["list", "items", "--session", T.unpack session] "" return $ filter notEmpty $ fromMaybe [] $ decode $ fromString items where notEmpty Item {login = Login {username = Nothing, password = Nothing}} = False notEmpty _ = True data Item = Item { name :: T.Text , login :: Login } deriving (Show) instance FromJSON Item where parseJSON (Object o) = Item <$> o .: "name" <*> o .:? "login" .!= Login {username = Nothing, password = Nothing} parseJSON _ = mzero data Login = Login { username :: Maybe T.Text , password :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show, Generic) instance FromJSON Login -- TODO make menu buttons here to go back and to copy without leaving -- the current menu selectItem :: HasRofiConf c => [Item] -> RIO c () selectItem items = selectAction $ emptyMenu { groups = [untitledGroup $ itemsToRofiActions items] , prompt = Just "Login" } itemsToRofiActions :: HasRofiConf c => [Item] -> RofiActions c itemsToRofiActions = toRofiActions . fmap (\i -> (name i, selectCopy $ login i)) selectCopy :: HasRofiConf c => Login -> RIO c () selectCopy l = selectAction $ emptyMenu { groups = [untitledGroup $ loginToRofiActions l copy] , prompt = Just "Copy" , hotkeys = [copyHotkey, backHotkey] } where copy = io . setClipboardString . T.unpack copyRepeat s = copy s >> selectCopy l copyHotkey = Hotkey { keyCombo = "Alt+c" , keyIndex = 1 , keyDescription = "Copy One" , keyActions = loginToRofiActions l copyRepeat } backHotkey = Hotkey { keyCombo = "Alt+q" , keyIndex = 2 , keyDescription = "Back" , -- TODO this is overly complicated, all entries do the same thing -- TODO this is slow, we can cache the logins somehow... keyActions = loginToRofiActions l (const browseLogins) } loginToRofiActions :: Login -> (T.Text -> RIO c ()) -> RofiActions c loginToRofiActions Login {username = u, password = p} a = toRofiActions $ catMaybes [user, pwd] where copyIfJust f = fmap $ liftM2 (,) f a fmtUsername s = T.concat ["Username (", s, ")"] fmtPassword s = T.concat ["Password (", T.take 32 (T.replicate (T.length s) "*"), ")"] user = copyIfJust fmtUsername u pwd = copyIfJust fmtPassword p getItemPassword' :: BWServerConf -> Session -> T.Text -> IO (Maybe T.Text) getItemPassword' conf session item = mapM getPwd =<< getSession' conf session where getPwd s = T.pack <$> readProcess "bw" ["get", "password", T.unpack item, "--session", T.unpack s] "" getItemPassword :: BWServerConf -> Session -> T.Text -> IO T.Text getItemPassword conf session item = fromMaybe "" <$> getItemPassword' conf session item -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | DBus startService :: BWServerConf -> Session -> IO () startService c ses = do client <- connectSession let flags = [nameAllowReplacement, nameReplaceExisting] _ <- requestName client busname flags TI.putStrLn "Started rofi bitwarden dbus client" export client path defaultInterface { interfaceName = interface , interfaceMethods = [ autoMethod memGetSession $ getSession c ses , autoMethod memLockSession $ lockSession ses , autoMethod memSyncSession $ syncSession c ses , autoMethod memGetPassword $ getItemPassword c ses ] } busname :: BusName busname = "org.rofi.bitwarden" path :: ObjectPath path = "/bitwarden" interface :: InterfaceName interface = "org.rofi.bitwarden.session" memGetSession :: MemberName memGetSession = "GetSession" memLockSession :: MemberName memLockSession = "LockSession" memSyncSession :: MemberName memSyncSession = "SyncSession" memGetPassword :: MemberName memGetPassword = "GetPassword" callMember :: MemberName -> IO [Variant] callMember m = do reply <- callMethod $ methodCall path interface m case reply of Left err -> TI.putStrLn (T.pack (methodErrorMessage err)) >> return [] Right body -> return body callLockSession :: IO () callLockSession = void $ callMember memLockSession callSyncSession :: IO () callSyncSession = void $ callMember memSyncSession callGetSession :: IO (Maybe T.Text) callGetSession = getBodyString <$> callMember memGetSession -- TODO maybe will need to add a caller for getItemPassword getBodyString :: [Variant] -> Maybe T.Text getBodyString [b] = case fromVariant b :: Maybe T.Text of Just "" -> Nothing s -> s getBodyString _ = Nothing callMethod :: MethodCall -> IO (Either MethodError [Variant]) callMethod mc = do client <- connectSession reply <- call client mc {methodCallDestination = Just busname} disconnect client return $ methodReturnBody <$> reply