
65 lines
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-- rofi-autorandr - a rofi prompt to select autorandr profiles
-- Simple wrapper to select an autorandr profile.
module Main (main) where
import RIO
import RIO.Directory
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import Rofi.Command
import Rofi.IO
import System.FilePath.Posix
import System.Process
import UnliftIO.Environment
main :: IO ()
main = runSimpleApp $ do
checkExe "autorandr"
getArgs >>= runPrompt
newtype ARClientConf = ARClientConf [T.Text]
instance HasRofiConf ARClientConf where
defArgs (ARClientConf a) = a
runPrompt :: MonadIO m => [String] -> m ()
runPrompt a = do
let c = ARClientConf $ fmap T.pack a
staticProfs <- getAutoRandrProfiles
runRofi c $
{ groups = [mkGroup "Static" staticProfs, mkGroup "Virtual" virtProfs]
, prompt = Just "Select Profile"
mkGroup header =
titledGroup header
. toRofiActions
. fmap (\s -> (T.append " " s, selectProfile s))
virtProfs :: [T.Text]
virtProfs = ["off", "common", "clone-largest", "horizontal", "vertical"]
-- TODO filter profiles based on which xrandr outputs are actually connected
getAutoRandrProfiles :: MonadIO m => m [T.Text]
getAutoRandrProfiles = do
dir <- getAutoRandrDir
contents <- listDirectory dir
(fmap T.pack) <$> filterM (doesDirectoryExist . (dir </>)) contents
getAutoRandrDir :: MonadIO m => m FilePath
getAutoRandrDir = do
c <- getXdgDirectory XdgConfig "autorandr"
e <- doesDirectoryExist c
if e then return c else appendToHome ".autorandr"
appendToHome p = (</> p) <$> getHomeDirectory
selectProfile :: T.Text -> RIO ARClientConf ()
selectProfile name =
liftIO $
void $
spawnProcess "autorandr" ["--change", T.unpack name]