
109 lines
2.7 KiB

let MountConfig = { mpPath : Text, mpLabel : Optional Text }
let BitwardenConfig =
{ Type = { bwKey : Text, bwTries : Natural }, default.bwTries = 3 }
let SecretMap = { sKey : Text, sVal : Text }
let SecretConfig = { secretAttributes : List SecretMap }
let PromptConfig = { Type = { promptTries : Natural }, default.promptTries = 3 }
let PasswordConfig =
< PwdBW : BitwardenConfig.Type
| PwdLS : SecretConfig
| PwdPr : PromptConfig.Type
let SSHFSData =
{ Type = { sshfsRemote : Text, sshfsPassword : Optional PasswordConfig }
, default.sshfsPassword = None PasswordConfig
let CIFSOpts =
{ Type =
{ cifsoptsUsername : Optional Text
, cifsoptsWorkgroup : Optional Text
, cifsoptsUID : Optional Natural
, cifsoptsGID : Optional Natural
, cifsoptsIocharset : Optional Text
, default =
{ cifsoptsUsername = None Text
, cifsoptsWorkgroup = None Text
, cifsoptsUID = None Natural
, cifsoptsGID = None Natural
, cifsoptsIocharset = None Text
let CIFSData =
{ Type =
{ cifsRemote : Text
, cifsSudo : Bool
, cifsPassword : Optional PasswordConfig
, cifsOpts : Optional CIFSOpts.Type
, default =
{ cifsSudo = False
, cifsPassword = None PasswordConfig
, cifsOpts = Some CIFSOpts::{=}
let VeracryptData =
{ Type =
{ vcVolume : Text
, vcPassword
{- TODO this shouldn't be optional -}
: Optional PasswordConfig
, default.vcPassword = None PasswordConfig
let DataConfig =
< VeracryptConfig : VeracryptData.Type
| SSHFSConfig : SSHFSData.Type
| CIFSConfig : CIFSData.Type
let DeviceConfig = { deviceMount : MountConfig, deviceData : DataConfig }
let TreeConfig =
{ Type = { tcParent : DeviceConfig, tcChildren : List Text }
, default.tcChildren = [] : List Text
let TreeMap = { tKey : Text, tVal : TreeConfig.Type }
let StaticConfig =
{ Type =
{ scTmpPath : Optional Text
, scVerbose : Optional Bool
, scDevices : List TreeMap
, default =
{ scTmpPath =
{- defaults to /tmp/media/{username} -}
None Text
, scVerbose = Some False
in { StaticConfig
, TreeConfig
, DeviceConfig
, DataConfig
, VeracryptData
, CIFSData
, CIFSOpts
, PasswordConfig
, SecretConfig
, MountConfig
, BitwardenConfig
, PromptConfig
, TreeMap
, SecretMap