ENH pass timeout to xcape

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Nathan Dwarshuis 2020-04-01 16:47:10 -04:00
parent 4ef3f2d654
commit c4a7104469
1 changed files with 37 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -62,22 +62,25 @@ instance Applicative XMan where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
newtype XMState = XMState { xcapeProcess :: Maybe ProcessHandle }
newtype XMState = XMState { xcapeHandle :: Maybe ProcessHandle }
data XMConf = XMConf
{ display :: Display
, theRoot :: Window
, netActiveWindow :: Atom
, regexps :: Patterns
, xcapeKeys :: Bindings
, xcapeProcess :: CreateProcess
-- | regular expression patterns
type Patterns = [String]
-- | timeout for xcape
type Timeout = Maybe String
-- | bindings for xcape
type Bindings = String
-- | regular expression patterns
type Patterns = [String]
-- | window app name
type AppName = String
@ -88,18 +91,26 @@ main = getArgs >>= parse
-- | Given a list of arguments, either start the program or print the usage
parse :: [String] -> IO ()
parse [_] = usage
parse (x:rs) = initXMan x rs
parse _ = usage
parse [_] = usage
parse ("-t":t:b:rs) = initXMan rs $ mkXcapeProcess (Just t) b
parse (b:rs) = initXMan rs $ mkXcapeProcess Nothing b
parse _ = usage
-- | Given a timeout and bindings for xcape, return a process record. This will
-- run xcape in debug mode (which will make it run as a foreground process,
-- otherwise it will fork unnecessarily).
mkXcapeProcess :: Timeout -> Bindings -> CreateProcess
mkXcapeProcess (Just t) b = proc "xcape" $ ["-t", t, "-d", "-e"] ++ [b]
mkXcapeProcess Nothing b = proc "xcape" $ ["-d", "-e"] ++ [b]
-- | Print the usage and exit
usage :: IO ()
usage = putStrLn "xman BINDINGS REGEXP [[REGEXP] ...]"
usage = putStrLn "xman [-t TIMEOUT] BINDINGS REGEXP [[REGEXP] ...]"
-- | Given xcape bindings and regular expression patterns to match the window
-- titles we care about, initialize the XMan monad and run the main event loop
initXMan :: Bindings -> Patterns -> IO ()
initXMan x r = do
initXMan :: Patterns -> CreateProcess -> IO ()
initXMan rs cp = do
-- ignore SIGCHLD so we don't produce zombie processes
void $ installHandler sigCHLD Ignore Nothing
dpy <- openDisplay ""
@ -109,10 +120,10 @@ initXMan x r = do
{ display = dpy
, theRoot = root
, netActiveWindow = naw
, regexps = r
, xcapeKeys = x
, regexps = rs
, xcapeProcess = cp
st = XMState { xcapeProcess = Nothing }
st = XMState { xcapeHandle = Nothing }
-- listen only for PropertyNotify events on the root window
allocaSetWindowAttributes $ \a -> do
set_event_mask a propertyChangeMask
@ -122,6 +133,7 @@ initXMan x r = do
updateXCape -- set the initial state before entering main loop
forever $ handle =<< io (nextEvent dpy e >> getEvent e)
-- | Lift an IO monad into the XMan context
io :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
io = liftIO
@ -183,34 +195,30 @@ startOrKillXCape name = do
-- | Start xcape if it is not already running
startXCape :: XMan ()
startXCape = do
pID <- gets xcapeProcess
pID <- gets xcapeHandle
unless (isJust pID) $ do
x <- asks xcapeKeys
h <- io $ runXcape x
modify $ \s -> s { xcapeProcess = Just h }
cp <- asks xcapeProcess
h <- io $ createProcessNull cp
modify $ \s -> s { xcapeHandle = Just h }
io $ print "started xcape"
-- | Stop xcape if it is running
stopXCape :: XMan ()
stopXCape = do
pID <- gets xcapeProcess
pID <- gets xcapeHandle
forM_ pID $ \p -> do
io $ terminateProcess p
modify $ \s -> s { xcapeProcess = Nothing }
modify $ \s -> s { xcapeHandle = Nothing }
io $ print "stopped xcape"
-- | Given xcape bindings, run xcape with the bindings argument and return the
-- process handle. Run xcape in debug mode (this will make it run as a
-- foreground process, otherwise it will fork unnecessarily) and pipe the output
-- and error streams to the null device
-- | Given a createProcess record, start the process with stderr and stdout
-- redirected to the null device
-- NOTE: use the process module here rather than the unix module. The latter has
-- the 'forkProcess' function which may fail if multiple instances of xcape are
-- started and killed in quick succession (Resource unavailable error).
runXcape :: Bindings -> IO ProcessHandle
runXcape keys = do
dn <- fmap UseHandle $ fdToHandle
=<< openFd "/dev/null" ReadOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags
-- TODO pass more arguments here? this hardcodes the timeout
let cp = proc "xcape" $ ["-d", "-t", "500", "-e"] ++ [keys]
createProcessNull :: CreateProcess -> IO ProcessHandle
createProcessNull cp = do
fd <- openFd "/dev/null" ReadOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags
dn <- UseHandle <$> fdToHandle fd
(_, _, _, h) <- createProcess $ cp { std_err = dn, std_out = dn }
return h