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-- | Clevo Keyboard plugin
-- Use the custom DBus interface exported by the XMonad process so I can react
-- to signals spawned by commands
module Xmobar.Plugins.ClevoKeyboard
( ClevoKeyboard(..)
, ckAlias
) where
import Data.Char
import Data.Text (unpack)
import Data.Text.IO as T (readFile)
import Xmobar
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog (xmobarColor)
-- import XMonad.Internal.DBus.IntelBacklight
data ClevoKeyboard = ClevoKeyboard (String, String, String) Int
deriving (Read, Show)
ckAlias :: String
ckAlias = "clevokeyboard"
brightnessFile :: FilePath
brightnessFile = "/sys/devices/platform/tuxedo_keyboard/brightness"
stateFile :: FilePath
stateFile = "/sys/devices/platform/tuxedo_keyboard/state"
readBrightness :: FilePath -> IO Integer
readBrightness file = read . takeWhile isDigit . unpack <$> T.readFile file
readState :: FilePath -> IO Bool
readState file = (==1) <$> readBrightness file
instance Exec ClevoKeyboard where
alias (ClevoKeyboard _ _) = ckAlias
rate (ClevoKeyboard _ r) = r
run (ClevoKeyboard (icon, colorOn, colorOff) _) = do
b <- readBrightness brightnessFile
s <- readState stateFile
return $ formatBrightness s (fromIntegral b :: Double)
formatBrightness s b =
let iconColor = if s then colorOn else colorOff
n = show (round $ b / 255 * 100 :: Integer) ++ "%"
in xmobarColor iconColor "" icon ++ n