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{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-- | Functions for handling dependencies
module XMonad.Internal.Dependency
( AlwaysX
, AlwaysIO
, Always(..)
, SometimesX
, SometimesIO
, Sometimes
, executeSometimes_
, executeSometimes
, executeAlways_
, executeAlways
, evalAlways
, evalSometimes
, Subfeature(..)
, LogLevel(..)
, Action(..)
-- feature construction
, sometimes1
, sometimesIO
, sometimesDBus
, sometimesExe
, sometimesExeArgs
, sometimesEndpoint
-- Dependency tree
, ActionTree(..)
, Tree(..)
, IODependency(..)
, DBusDependency(..)
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, DBusMember(..)
, UnitType(..)
, listToAnds
, toAnd
, pathR
, pathRW
, pathW
) where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
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import Control.Monad.Identity
-- import Data.Aeson
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Either
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe
-- import qualified Data.Text as T
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import DBus
import DBus.Client
import DBus.Internal
import qualified DBus.Introspection as I
import System.Directory (findExecutable, readable, writable)
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import XMonad.Core (X, io)
import XMonad.Internal.IO
import XMonad.Internal.Process
import XMonad.Internal.Shell
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-- | Features
-- data AlwaysAny = AX AlwaysX | AIO AlwaysIO
type AlwaysX = Always (X ())
type AlwaysIO = Always (IO ())
type SometimesX = Sometimes (X ())
type SometimesIO = Sometimes (IO ())
data Always a = Option (Subfeature a Tree) (Always a) | Always a
type Sometimes a = [Subfeature a Tree]
data TestedAlways a p =
Primary (Finished a p) [FailedFeature a p] (Always a)
| Fallback a [FailedFeature a p]
data TestedSometimes a p = TestedSometimes
{ tsSuccess :: Maybe (Finished a p)
, tsFailed :: [FailedFeature a p]
, tsUntested :: [Subfeature a Tree]
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type FailedFeature a p = Either (Subfeature a Tree, String)
(Subfeature a ResultTree, [String])
data Finished a p = Finished
{ finData :: Subfeature a ResultTree
, finAction :: a
, finWarnings :: [String]
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data FeatureResult a p = Untestable (Subfeature a Tree) String |
FailedFtr (Subfeature a ResultTree) [String] |
SuccessfulFtr (Finished a p)
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type ActionTreeMaybe a p = Either (ActionTree a Tree, String)
(ActionTree a ResultTree, Maybe a, [String])
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sometimes1_ :: LogLevel -> String -> ActionTree a Tree -> Sometimes a
sometimes1_ l n t = [Subfeature{ sfTree = t, sfName = n, sfLevel = l }]
always1_ :: LogLevel -> String -> ActionTree a Tree -> a -> Always a
always1_ l n t x =
Option (Subfeature{ sfTree = t, sfName = n, sfLevel = l }) (Always x)
sometimes1 :: String -> ActionTree a Tree -> Sometimes a
sometimes1 = sometimes1_ Error
sometimesIO :: String -> Tree (IODependency a p) p -> a -> Sometimes a
sometimesIO n t x = sometimes1 n $ IOTree (Standalone x) t
sometimesDBus :: Maybe Client -> String -> Tree (DBusDependency a p) p
-> (Client -> a) -> Sometimes a
sometimesDBus c n t x = sometimes1 n $ DBusTree (Standalone x) c t
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-- | Feature Data
data Subfeature a t = Subfeature
{ sfTree :: ActionTree a t
, sfName :: String
, sfLevel :: LogLevel
data LogLevel = Silent | Error | Warn | Debug deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
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data Msg = Msg LogLevel String String
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-- | Action Tree
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data ActionTree a t =
forall p. IOTree (Action a p) (t (IODependency a p) p)
| forall p. DBusTree (Action (Client -> a) p) (Maybe Client) (t (DBusDependency a p) p)
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data Action a p = Standalone a | Consumer (p -> a)
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-- | Dependency Tree
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data Tree d p =
And (p -> p -> p) (Tree d p) (Tree d p)
| Or (p -> p) (p -> p) (Tree d p) (Tree d p)
| Only d
listToAnds :: d -> [d] -> Tree d (Maybe x)
listToAnds i = foldr (And (const . const Nothing) . Only) (Only i)
toAnd :: d -> d -> Tree d (Maybe x)
toAnd a b = And (const . const Nothing) (Only a) (Only b)
-- | Result Tree
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-- | how to interpret ResultTree combinations:
-- First (LeafSuccess a) (Tree a) -> Or that succeeded on left
-- First (LeafFail a) (Tree a) -> And that failed on left
-- Both (LeafFail a) (Fail a) -> Or that failed
-- Both (LeafSuccess a) (LeafSuccess a) -> And that succeeded
-- Both (LeafFail a) (LeafSuccess a) -> Or that failed first and succeeded second
-- Both (LeafSuccess a) (LeafFail a) -> And that failed on the right
data ResultTree d p =
First (ResultTree d p) (Tree d p)
| Both (ResultTree d p) (ResultTree d p)
| LeafSuccess d [String]
| LeafFail d [String]
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type Payload p = (Maybe p, [String])
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type Summary p = Either [String] (Payload p)
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smryNil :: q -> Summary p
smryNil = const $ Right (Nothing, [])
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smryFail :: String -> Either [String] a
smryFail msg = Left [msg]
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smryInit :: Summary p
smryInit = Right (Nothing, [])
foldResultTreeMsgs :: ResultTree d p -> ([String], [String])
foldResultTreeMsgs = undefined
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-- | Result
type Result p = Either [String] (Maybe p)
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resultNil :: p -> Result q
resultNil = const $ Right Nothing
-- | IO Dependency
data IODependency a p = Executable Bool FilePath
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| AccessiblePath FilePath Bool Bool
| IOTest String (IO (Maybe String))
| IORead String (IO (Either String (Maybe p)))
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| Systemd UnitType String
| NestedAlways (Always a) (a -> p)
| NestedSometimes (Sometimes a) (a -> p)
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data UnitType = SystemUnit | UserUnit deriving (Eq, Show)
sometimesExe :: MonadIO m => String -> Bool -> FilePath -> Sometimes (m ())
sometimesExe n sys path = sometimesExeArgs n sys path []
sometimesExeArgs :: MonadIO m => String -> Bool -> FilePath -> [String] -> Sometimes (m ())
sometimesExeArgs n sys path args =
sometimesIO n (Only (Executable sys path)) $ spawnCmd path args
pathR :: String -> IODependency a p
pathR n = AccessiblePath n True False
pathW :: String -> IODependency a p
pathW n = AccessiblePath n False True
pathRW :: String -> IODependency a p
pathRW n = AccessiblePath n True True
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-- | DBus Dependency Result
data DBusDependency a p =
Bus BusName
| Endpoint BusName ObjectPath InterfaceName DBusMember
| DBusIO (IODependency a p)
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data DBusMember = Method_ MemberName
| Signal_ MemberName
| Property_ String
deriving (Eq, Show)
introspectInterface :: InterfaceName
introspectInterface = interfaceName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable"
introspectMethod :: MemberName
introspectMethod = memberName_ "Introspect"
sometimesEndpoint :: MonadIO m => String -> BusName -> ObjectPath -> InterfaceName
-> MemberName -> Maybe Client -> Sometimes (m ())
sometimesEndpoint name busname path iface mem client =
sometimesDBus client name deps cmd
deps = Only $ Endpoint busname path iface $ Method_ mem
cmd c = io $ void $ callMethod c busname path iface mem
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-- | Feature evaluation
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-- Here we attempt to build and return the monadic actions encoded by each
-- feature.
executeSometimes_ :: MonadIO m => Sometimes (m a) -> m ()
executeSometimes_ = void . executeSometimes
executeSometimes :: MonadIO m => Sometimes (m a) -> m (Maybe a)
executeSometimes a = maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just) =<< evalSometimes a
-- TODO actually print things
evalSometimes :: MonadIO m => Sometimes a -> m (Maybe a)
evalSometimes x = either (const Nothing) (Just . fst) <$> evalSometimesMsg x
-- TODO actually collect error messages here
-- TODO add feature name to errors
evalSometimesMsg :: MonadIO m => Sometimes a -> m (Either [String] (a, [String]))
evalSometimesMsg x = io $ do
TestedSometimes { tsSuccess = s, tsFailed = _ } <- testSometimes x
return $ maybe (Left []) (\Finished { finAction = a } -> Right (a, [])) s
executeAlways_ :: MonadIO m => Always (m a) -> m ()
executeAlways_ = void . executeAlways
executeAlways :: MonadIO m => Always (m a) -> m a
executeAlways = join . evalAlways
-- TODO actually print things
evalAlways :: MonadIO m => Always a -> m a
evalAlways a = fst <$> evalAlwaysMsg a
evalAlwaysMsg :: MonadIO m => Always a -> m (a, [String])
evalAlwaysMsg a = io $ do
r <- testAlways a
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return $ case r of
(Primary (Finished { finAction = act }) _ _) -> (act, [])
(Fallback act _) -> (act, [])
-- | Dependency Testing
-- Here we test all dependencies and keep the tree structure so we can print it
-- for diagnostic purposes. This obviously has overlap with feature evaluation
-- since we need to resolve dependencies to build each feature.
testAlways :: Always a -> IO (TestedAlways a p)
testAlways = go []
go failed (Option fd next) = do
r <- testSubfeature fd
case r of
(Untestable fd' err) -> go (Left (fd' ,err):failed) next
(FailedFtr fd' errs) -> go (Right (fd' ,errs):failed) next
(SuccessfulFtr s) -> return $ Primary s failed next
go failed (Always a) = return $ Fallback a failed
testSometimes :: Sometimes a -> IO (TestedSometimes a p)
testSometimes = go (TestedSometimes Nothing [] [])
go ts [] = return ts
go ts (x:xs) = do
r <- testSubfeature x
case r of
(Untestable fd' err) -> go (addFail ts (Left (fd' ,err))) xs
(FailedFtr fd' errs) -> go (addFail ts (Right (fd' ,errs))) xs
(SuccessfulFtr s) -> return $ ts { tsSuccess = Just s }
addFail ts@(TestedSometimes { tsFailed = f }) new
= ts { tsFailed = new:f }
testSubfeature :: Subfeature a Tree -> IO (FeatureResult a p)
testSubfeature fd@(Subfeature { sfTree = t }) = do
atm <- testActionTree t
return $ either untestable checkAction atm
untestable (t', err) = Untestable (fd { sfTree = t' }) err
checkAction (t', Just a, ms) = SuccessfulFtr
$ Finished { finData = fd { sfTree = t' }
, finAction = a
, finWarnings = ms
checkAction (t', Nothing, ms) = FailedFtr (fd { sfTree = t' }) ms
testActionTree :: ActionTree a Tree -> IO (ActionTreeMaybe a p)
testActionTree t = do
case t of
(IOTree a d) -> do
(t', a', msgs) <- doTest testIOTree d a
return $ Right (IOTree a t', a', msgs)
(DBusTree a (Just cl) d) -> do
(t', a', msgs) <- doTest (testDBusTree cl) d a
return $ Right (DBusTree a (Just cl) t', fmap (\f -> f cl) a', msgs)
_ -> return $ Left (t, "client not available")
doTest testFun d a = do
(t', r) <- testFun d
-- TODO actually recover the proper error messages
let (a', msgs) = maybe (Nothing, []) (\p -> (fmap (apply a) p, [])) r
return (t', a', msgs)
apply (Standalone a) _ = a
apply (Consumer a) p = a p
testIOTree :: Tree (IODependency a p) p
-> IO (ResultTree (IODependency a p) p, Maybe (Maybe p))
testIOTree = testTree testIODependency
testDBusTree :: Client -> Tree (DBusDependency a p) p
-> IO (ResultTree (DBusDependency a p) p, Maybe (Maybe p))
testDBusTree client = testTree (testDBusDependency client)
testTree :: Monad m => (d -> m (Summary p)) -> Tree d p
-> m (ResultTree d p, Maybe (Maybe p))
testTree test = go
go (And f a b) = do
(ra, pa) <- go a
let combine = maybe (const Nothing) (\pa' -> Just . f pa')
let pass p = test2nd (combine p) ra b
let fail_ = return (First ra b, Nothing)
maybe fail_ pass pa
go (Or fa fb a b) = do
(ra, pa) <- go a
let pass p = return (First ra b, Just $ fa <$> p)
let fail_ = test2nd (Just . fb) ra b
maybe fail_ pass pa
go (Only a) =
either (\es -> (LeafFail a es, Nothing)) (\(p, ws) -> (LeafSuccess a ws, Just p))
<$> test a
test2nd f ra b = do
(rb, pb) <- go b
return (Both ra rb, fmap (f =<<) pb)
testIODependency :: IODependency a p -> IO (Summary p)
testIODependency (Executable _ bin) = maybe err smryNil <$> findExecutable bin
err = Left ["executable '" ++ bin ++ "' not found"]
testIODependency (IOTest _ t) = maybe (Right (Nothing, [])) (Left . (:[])) <$> t
testIODependency (IORead _ t) = bimap (:[]) (, []) <$> t
testIODependency (Systemd t n) = do
(rc, _, _) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode' (shell cmd) ""
return $ case rc of
ExitSuccess -> Right (Nothing, [])
_ -> Left ["systemd " ++ unitType t ++ " unit '" ++ n ++ "' not found"]
cmd = fmtCmd "systemctl" $ ["--user" | t == UserUnit] ++ ["status", n]
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unitType SystemUnit = "system"
unitType UserUnit = "user"
testIODependency (AccessiblePath p r w) = do
res <- getPermissionsSafe p
let msg = permMsg res
return msg
testPerm False _ _ = Nothing
testPerm True f res = Just $ f res
permMsg NotFoundError = smryFail "file not found"
permMsg PermError = smryFail "could not get permissions"
permMsg (PermResult res) =
case (testPerm r readable res, testPerm w writable res) of
(Just False, Just False) -> smryFail "file not readable or writable"
(Just False, _) -> smryFail "file not readable"
(_, Just False) -> smryFail "file not writable"
_ -> Right (Nothing, [])
-- TODO actually collect errors here
testIODependency (NestedAlways a f) = do
r <- testAlways a
return $ Right $ case r of
(Primary (Finished { finAction = act }) _ _) -> (Just $ f act, [])
(Fallback act _) -> (Just $ f act, [])
testIODependency (NestedSometimes x f) = do
TestedSometimes { tsSuccess = s, tsFailed = _ } <- testSometimes x
return $ maybe (Left []) (\Finished { finAction = a } -> Right (Just $ f a, [])) s
testDBusDependency :: Client -> DBusDependency a p -> IO (Summary p)
testDBusDependency client (Bus bus) = do
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ret <- callMethod client queryBus queryPath queryIface queryMem
return $ case ret of
Left e -> smryFail e
Right b -> let ns = bodyGetNames b in
if bus' `elem` ns then Right (Nothing, [])
else smryFail $ unwords ["name", singleQuote bus', "not found on dbus"]
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bus' = formatBusName bus
queryBus = busName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus"
queryIface = interfaceName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus"
queryPath = objectPath_ "/"
queryMem = memberName_ "ListNames"
bodyGetNames [v] = fromMaybe [] $ fromVariant v :: [String]
bodyGetNames _ = []
testDBusDependency client (Endpoint busname objpath iface mem) = do
ret <- callMethod client busname objpath introspectInterface introspectMethod
return $ case ret of
Left e -> smryFail e
Right body -> procBody body
procBody body = let res = findMem =<< I.parseXML objpath =<< fromVariant
=<< listToMaybe body in
case res of
Just True -> Right (Nothing, [])
_ -> smryFail $ fmtMsg' mem
findMem = fmap (matchMem mem)
. find (\i -> I.interfaceName i == iface)
. I.objectInterfaces
matchMem (Method_ n) = elemMember n I.methodName I.interfaceMethods
matchMem (Signal_ n) = elemMember n I.signalName I.interfaceSignals
matchMem (Property_ n) = elemMember n I.propertyName I.interfaceProperties
elemMember n fname fmember = elem n . fmap fname . fmember
fmtMem (Method_ n) = "method " ++ singleQuote (formatMemberName n)
fmtMem (Signal_ n) = "signal " ++ singleQuote (formatMemberName n)
fmtMem (Property_ n) = "property " ++ singleQuote n
fmtMsg' m = unwords
[ "could not find"
, fmtMem m
, "on interface"
, singleQuote $ formatInterfaceName iface
, "on bus"
, formatBusName busname
testDBusDependency _ (DBusIO d) = testIODependency d
-- | Printing
printMsgs :: LogLevel -> [Msg] -> IO ()
printMsgs lvl ms = do
pn <- getProgName
mapM_ (printMsg pn lvl) ms
printMsg :: String -> LogLevel -> Msg -> IO ()
printMsg pname lvl (Msg ml mn msg)
| lvl > ml = putStrLn $ unwords [bracket pname, bracket mn, msg]
| otherwise = skip
bracket s = "[" ++ s ++ "]"