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-- | Common internal DBus functions
module DBus.Internal
( addMatchCallback
, getDBusClient
, withDBusClient
, withDBusClient_
, matchProperty
, matchProperty'
, matchPropertyChanged
, SignalMatch(..)
, SignalCallback
, MethodBody
, withSignalMatch
, callPropertyGet
, callMethod
, callMethod'
, callGetManagedObjects
, ObjectTree
, getManagedObjects
, omInterface
, addInterfaceAddedListener
, addInterfaceRemovedListener
) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bifunctor
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import DBus
import DBus.Client
-- | Methods
type MethodBody = Either String [Variant]
callMethod' :: Client -> MethodCall -> IO MethodBody
callMethod' cl = fmap (bimap methodErrorMessage methodReturnBody) . call cl
callMethod :: Client -> BusName -> ObjectPath -> InterfaceName -> MemberName
-> IO MethodBody
callMethod client bus path iface mem =
callMethod' client (methodCall path iface mem)
{ methodCallDestination = Just bus }
-- | Signals
type SignalCallback = [Variant] -> IO ()
addMatchCallback :: MatchRule -> SignalCallback -> Client -> IO SignalHandler
addMatchCallback rule cb client = addMatch client rule $ cb . signalBody
-- | Properties
propertyInterface :: InterfaceName
propertyInterface = interfaceName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"
propertySignal :: MemberName
propertySignal = memberName_ "PropertiesChanged"
callPropertyGet :: BusName -> ObjectPath -> InterfaceName -> String -> Client
-> IO [Variant]
callPropertyGet bus path iface property client = either (const []) (:[])
<$> getProperty client (methodCall path iface $ memberName_ property)
{ methodCallDestination = Just bus }
-- TODO actually get the real busname when using this (will involve IO)
matchProperty' :: Maybe ObjectPath -> MatchRule
matchProperty' p = matchAny
-- NOTE: the sender for signals is usually the unique name (eg :X.Y) not the
-- requested name (eg "org.something.understandable"). If sender is included
-- here, likely nothing will match. Solution is to somehow get the unique
-- name, which I could do, but probably won't
{ matchPath = p
, matchInterface = Just propertyInterface
, matchMember = Just propertySignal
matchProperty :: ObjectPath -> MatchRule
matchProperty = matchProperty' . Just
data SignalMatch a = Match a | NoMatch | Failure deriving (Eq, Show)
withSignalMatch :: (Maybe a -> IO ()) -> SignalMatch a -> IO ()
withSignalMatch f (Match x) = f (Just x)
withSignalMatch f Failure = f Nothing
withSignalMatch _ NoMatch = return ()
matchPropertyChanged :: IsVariant a => InterfaceName -> String -> [Variant]
-> SignalMatch a
matchPropertyChanged iface property [i, body, _] =
let i' = (fromVariant i :: Maybe String)
b = toMap body in
case (i', b) of
(Just i'', Just b') -> if i'' == formatInterfaceName iface then
maybe NoMatch Match $ fromVariant =<< M.lookup property b'
else NoMatch
_ -> Failure
toMap v = fromVariant v :: Maybe (M.Map String Variant)
matchPropertyChanged _ _ _ = Failure
-- | Client requests
getDBusClient :: Bool -> IO (Maybe Client)
getDBusClient sys = do
res <- try $ if sys then connectSystem else connectSession
case res of
Left e -> putStrLn (clientErrorMessage e) >> return Nothing
Right c -> return $ Just c
withDBusClient :: Bool -> (Client -> a) -> IO (Maybe a)
withDBusClient sys f = do
client <- getDBusClient sys
let r = f <$> client
mapM_ disconnect client
return r
withDBusClient_ :: Bool -> (Client -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withDBusClient_ sys f = do
client <- getDBusClient sys
mapM_ f client
mapM_ disconnect client
-- | Object Manager
type ObjectTree = M.Map ObjectPath (M.Map String (M.Map String Variant))
omInterface :: InterfaceName
omInterface = interfaceName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager"
getManagedObjects :: MemberName
getManagedObjects = memberName_ "GetManagedObjects"
callGetManagedObjects :: Client -> BusName -> ObjectPath -> IO ObjectTree
callGetManagedObjects client bus path =
either (const M.empty) (fromMaybe M.empty . (fromVariant <=< listToMaybe))
<$> callMethod client bus path omInterface getManagedObjects
omInterfacesAdded :: MemberName
omInterfacesAdded = memberName_ "InterfacesAdded"
omInterfacesRemoved :: MemberName
omInterfacesRemoved = memberName_ "InterfacesRemoved"
-- TODO add busname back to this (use NameGetOwner on org.freedesktop.DBus)
addInterfaceChangedListener :: MemberName -> ObjectPath -> SignalCallback
-> Client -> IO ()
addInterfaceChangedListener prop path = fmap void . addMatchCallback rule
rule = matchAny
{ matchPath = Just path
, matchInterface = Just omInterface
, matchMember = Just prop
addInterfaceAddedListener :: ObjectPath -> SignalCallback -> Client -> IO ()
addInterfaceAddedListener = addInterfaceChangedListener omInterfacesAdded
addInterfaceRemovedListener :: ObjectPath -> SignalCallback -> Client -> IO ()
addInterfaceRemovedListener = addInterfaceChangedListener omInterfacesRemoved