ENH use cleaner type interface

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2021-11-22 23:02:23 -05:00
parent e3a7191ed9
commit 010b612b93
7 changed files with 71 additions and 72 deletions

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@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ vpnPresent = do
rightPlugins :: Maybe Client -> Maybe Client -> IO [MaybeAction CmdSpec]
rightPlugins sysClient sesClient = mapM evalFeature
[ getWireless
, getEthernet
, getEthernet sysClient
, getVPN sysClient
, getBt sysClient
, getAlsa
@ -283,27 +283,23 @@ rightPlugins sysClient sesClient = mapM evalFeature
getWireless :: BarFeature
getWireless = Feature
{ ftrAction = Chain wirelessCmd $ readInterface isWireless
{ ftrAction = GenTree (Double wirelessCmd $ readInterface isWireless) []
, ftrName = "wireless status indicator"
, ftrWarning = Default
-- TODO this needs a dbus interface
getEthernet :: BarFeature
getEthernet = Feature
{ ftrAction = Chain ethernetCmd (readInterface isEthernet)
getEthernet :: Maybe Client -> BarFeature
getEthernet client = Feature
{ ftrAction = DBusTree (Double (\i _ -> ethernetCmd i) (readInterface isEthernet)) client [dep] []
, ftrName = "ethernet status indicator"
, ftrWarning = Default
-- i <- readInterface isEthernet
-- evalFeature $ maybe BlankFeature (featureDefault "ethernet status indicator" [dep] . ethernetCmd) i
-- where
-- dep = dbusDep True devBus devPath devInterface $ Method_ devGetByIP
dep = Endpoint devBus devPath devInterface $ Method_ devGetByIP
getBattery :: BarFeature
getBattery = Feature
{ ftrAction = Parent batteryCmd [IOTest hasBattery]
{ ftrAction = GenTree (Single batteryCmd) [IOTest hasBattery]
, ftrName = "battery level indicator"
, ftrWarning = Default
@ -312,7 +308,7 @@ type BarFeature = Feature CmdSpec
getVPN :: Maybe Client -> BarFeature
getVPN client = Feature
{ ftrAction = DBusEndpoint (const vpnCmd) client [ep] [dp]
{ ftrAction = DBusTree (Single (const vpnCmd)) client [ep] [dp]
, ftrName = "VPN status indicator"
, ftrWarning = Default
@ -322,7 +318,7 @@ getVPN client = Feature
getBt :: Maybe Client -> BarFeature
getBt client = Feature
{ ftrAction = DBusEndpoint (const btCmd) client [ep] []
{ ftrAction = DBusTree (Single (const btCmd)) client [ep] []
, ftrName = "bluetooth status indicator"
, ftrWarning = Default
@ -331,28 +327,28 @@ getBt client = Feature
getAlsa :: BarFeature
getAlsa = Feature
{ ftrAction = Parent alsaCmd [Executable "alsactl"]
{ ftrAction = GenTree (Single alsaCmd) [Executable "alsactl"]
, ftrName = "volume level indicator"
, ftrWarning = Default
getBl :: Maybe Client -> BarFeature
getBl client = Feature
{ ftrAction = DBusEndpoint (const blCmd) client [intelBacklightSignalDep] []
{ ftrAction = DBusTree (Single (const blCmd)) client [intelBacklightSignalDep] []
, ftrName = "Intel backlight indicator"
, ftrWarning = Default
getCk :: Maybe Client -> BarFeature
getCk client = Feature
{ ftrAction = DBusEndpoint (const ckCmd) client [clevoKeyboardSignalDep] []
{ ftrAction = DBusTree (Single (const ckCmd)) client [clevoKeyboardSignalDep] []
, ftrName = "Clevo keyboard indicator"
, ftrWarning = Default
getSs :: Maybe Client -> BarFeature
getSs client = Feature
{ ftrAction = DBusEndpoint (const ssCmd) client [ssSignalDep] []
{ ftrAction = DBusTree (Single (const ssCmd)) client [ssSignalDep] []
, ftrName = "screensaver indicator"
, ftrWarning = Default

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@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ memAdded = memberName_ "InterfacesAdded"
memRemoved :: MemberName
memRemoved = memberName_ "InterfacesRemoved"
dbusDep :: MemberName -> Endpoint
dbusDep :: MemberName -> DBusDep
dbusDep m = Endpoint bus path interface $ Signal_ m
addedDep :: Endpoint
addedDep :: DBusDep
addedDep = dbusDep memAdded
removedDep :: Endpoint
removedDep :: DBusDep
removedDep = dbusDep memRemoved
driveInsertedSound :: FilePath
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ listenDevices = do
runRemovableMon :: Maybe Client -> FeatureIO
runRemovableMon client = Feature
{ ftrAction = DBusEndpoint (const listenDevices) client [addedDep, removedDep] []
{ ftrAction = DBusTree (Single (const listenDevices)) client [addedDep, removedDep] []
, ftrName = "removeable device monitor"
, ftrWarning = Default

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@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ stateFileDep = pathRW stateFile
brightnessFileDep :: Dependency
brightnessFileDep = pathR brightnessFile
clevoKeyboardSignalDep :: Endpoint
clevoKeyboardSignalDep :: DBusDep
clevoKeyboardSignalDep = signalDep clevoKeyboardConfig
exportClevoKeyboard :: Maybe Client -> FeatureIO

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@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ callGetBrightness BrightnessConfig { bcPath = p, bcInterface = i } client = do
reply <- callMethod client xmonadBusName p i memGet
return $ either (const Nothing) bodyGetBrightness reply
signalDep :: BrightnessConfig a b -> Endpoint
signalDep :: BrightnessConfig a b -> DBusDep
signalDep BrightnessConfig { bcPath = p, bcInterface = i } =
Endpoint xmonadBusName p i $ Signal_ memCur
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ matchSignal BrightnessConfig { bcPath = p, bcInterface = i } cb = do
brightnessExporter :: RealFrac b => [Dependency] -> BrightnessConfig a b
-> Maybe Client -> FeatureIO
brightnessExporter deps bc@BrightnessConfig { bcName = n } client = Feature
{ ftrAction = DBusBus (exportBrightnessControls' bc) xmonadBusName client deps
{ ftrAction = DBusTree (Single (exportBrightnessControls' bc)) client [Bus xmonadBusName] deps
, ftrName = n ++ " exporter"
, ftrWarning = Default

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@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ curFileDep = pathRW curFile
maxFileDep :: Dependency
maxFileDep = pathR maxFile
intelBacklightSignalDep :: Endpoint
intelBacklightSignalDep :: DBusDep
intelBacklightSignalDep = signalDep intelBacklightConfig
exportIntelBacklight :: Maybe Client -> FeatureIO

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@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ bodyGetCurrentState _ = Nothing
exportScreensaver :: Maybe Client -> FeatureIO
exportScreensaver client = Feature
{ ftrAction = DBusBus cmd xmonadBusName client [Executable ssExecutable]
{ ftrAction = DBusTree (Single cmd) client [Bus xmonadBusName] [Executable ssExecutable]
, ftrName = "screensaver interface"
, ftrWarning = Default
@ -132,5 +132,5 @@ callQuery client = do
matchSignal :: (Maybe SSState -> IO ()) -> IO SignalHandler
matchSignal cb = addMatchCallback ruleCurrentState $ cb . bodyGetCurrentState
ssSignalDep :: Endpoint
ssSignalDep :: DBusDep
ssSignalDep = Endpoint xmonadBusName ssPath interface $ Signal_ memState

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@ -7,14 +7,15 @@
module XMonad.Internal.Dependency
( MaybeAction
, MaybeX
, DepTree(..)
, Action(..)
, DBusDep(..)
, FeatureX
, FeatureIO
, Feature(..)
, Warning(..)
, Dependency(..)
, UnitType(..)
, Endpoint(..)
, DBusMember(..)
, ioFeature
, evalFeature
@ -37,10 +38,10 @@ module XMonad.Internal.Dependency
, callMethod
) where
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, first, second)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, first)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
@ -71,22 +72,24 @@ import XMonad.Internal.Shell
-- robust anyways, at the cost of being a bit slower.
data Feature a = Feature
{ ftrAction :: Action a
{ ftrAction :: DepTree a
, ftrName :: String
, ftrWarning :: Warning
| ConstFeature a
data Action a = Parent a [Dependency]
| forall b. Chain (b -> a) (IO (Either [String] b))
| DBusEndpoint (Client -> a) (Maybe Client) [Endpoint] [Dependency]
| DBusBus (Client -> a) BusName (Maybe Client) [Dependency]
data DepTree a = GenTree (Action a) [Dependency]
| DBusTree (Action (Client -> a)) (Maybe Client) [DBusDep] [Dependency]
data Action a = Single a | forall b. Double (b -> a) (IO (Either [String] b))
instance Functor Action where
fmap f (Parent a ds) = Parent (f a) ds
fmap f (Chain a b) = Chain (f . a) b
fmap f (DBusEndpoint a c es ds) = DBusEndpoint (f . a) c es ds
fmap f (DBusBus a b c eps) = DBusBus (f . a) b c eps
fmap f (Single a) = Single (f a)
fmap f (Double a b) = Double (f . a) b
instance Functor DepTree where
fmap f (GenTree a ds) = GenTree (f <$> a) ds
fmap f (DBusTree a c es ds) = DBusTree (fmap (fmap f) a) c es ds
-- TODO this is silly as is, and could be made more useful by representing
-- loglevels
@ -106,7 +109,7 @@ ioFeature Feature {..} =
featureDefault :: String -> [Dependency] -> a -> Feature a
featureDefault n ds x = Feature
{ ftrAction = Parent x ds
{ ftrAction = GenTree (Single x) ds
, ftrName = n
, ftrWarning = Default
@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ featureExeArgs n cmd args =
featureEndpoint :: BusName -> ObjectPath -> InterfaceName -> MemberName
-> Maybe Client -> FeatureIO
featureEndpoint busname path iface mem client = Feature
{ ftrAction = DBusEndpoint cmd client deps []
{ ftrAction = DBusTree (Single cmd) client deps []
, ftrName = "screensaver toggle"
, ftrWarning = Default
@ -140,31 +143,33 @@ type MaybeAction a = Either [String] a
type MaybeX = MaybeAction (X ())
evalAction :: Action a -> IO (MaybeAction a)
evalTree :: DepTree a -> IO (MaybeAction a)
evalAction (Parent a ds) = do
evalTree (GenTree action ds) = do
es <- catMaybes <$> mapM evalDependency ds
return $ case es of
[] -> Right a
es' -> Left es'
case es of
[] -> do
action' <- evalAction action
return $ case action' of
Right f -> Right f
Left es' -> Left es'
es' -> return $ Left es'
evalAction (Chain a b) = second a <$> b
evalAction (DBusEndpoint _ Nothing _ _) = return $ Left ["client not available"]
evalAction (DBusEndpoint action (Just client) es ds) = do
eperrors <- mapM (endpointSatisfied client) es
evalTree (DBusTree _ Nothing _ _) = return $ Left ["client not available"]
evalTree (DBusTree action (Just client) es ds) = do
eperrors <- mapM (dbusDepSatisfied client) es
dperrors <- mapM evalDependency ds
return $ case catMaybes (eperrors ++ dperrors) of
[] -> Right $ action client
es' -> Left es'
case catMaybes (eperrors ++ dperrors) of
[] -> do
action' <- evalAction action
return $ case action' of
Right f -> Right $ f client
Left es' -> Left es'
es' -> return $ Left es'
evalAction (DBusBus _ _ Nothing _) = return $ Left ["client not available"]
evalAction (DBusBus action busname (Just client) deps) = do
res <- busSatisfied client busname
es <- catMaybes . (res:) <$> mapM evalDependency deps
return $ case es of
[] -> Right $ action client
es' -> Left es'
evalAction :: Action a -> IO (Either [String] a)
evalAction (Single a) = return $ Right a
evalAction (Double a b) = fmap a <$> b
evalFeature :: Feature a -> IO (MaybeAction a)
evalFeature (ConstFeature x) = return $ Right x
@ -174,7 +179,7 @@ evalFeature Feature
, ftrWarning = w
} = do
procName <- getProgName
res <- evalAction a
res <- evalTree a
return $ first (fmtWarnings procName) res
fmtWarnings procName es = case w of
@ -217,7 +222,10 @@ data DBusMember = Method_ MemberName
| Property_ String
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Endpoint = Endpoint BusName ObjectPath InterfaceName DBusMember deriving (Eq, Show)
data DBusDep =
Bus BusName
| Endpoint BusName ObjectPath InterfaceName DBusMember
deriving (Eq, Show)
pathR :: String -> Dependency
pathR n = AccessiblePath n True False
@ -295,11 +303,9 @@ callMethod client bus path iface mem = do
{ methodCallDestination = Just bus }
return $ bimap methodErrorMessage methodReturnBody reply
busSatisfied :: Client -> BusName -> IO (Maybe String)
busSatisfied client bus = do
-- client <- if usesystem then connectSystem else connectSession
dbusDepSatisfied :: Client -> DBusDep -> IO (Maybe String)
dbusDepSatisfied client (Bus bus) = do
ret <- callMethod client queryBus queryPath queryIface queryMem
-- disconnect client
return $ case ret of
Left e -> Just e
Right b -> let ns = bodyGetNames b in
@ -314,11 +320,8 @@ busSatisfied client bus = do
bodyGetNames [v] = fromMaybe [] $ fromVariant v :: [String]
bodyGetNames _ = []
endpointSatisfied :: Client -> Endpoint -> IO (Maybe String)
endpointSatisfied client (Endpoint busname objpath iface mem) = do
-- client <- if u then connectSystem else connectSession
dbusDepSatisfied client (Endpoint busname objpath iface mem) = do
ret <- callMethod client busname objpath introspectInterface introspectMethod
-- disconnect client
return $ case ret of
Left e -> Just e
Right body -> procBody body