ENH make VPN plugin more general

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Nathan Dwarshuis 2021-12-14 00:37:09 -05:00
parent da091fb251
commit 10ddbc7de4
1 changed files with 91 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-- | VPN plugin
-- Use the NetworkManger interface on DBus to check status
-- Use the networkmanager to detect when a VPN interface is added or removed.
-- Specifically, monitor the object tree to detect paths with the interface
-- "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Tun".
module Xmobar.Plugins.VPN
( VPN(..)
@ -9,9 +11,15 @@ module Xmobar.Plugins.VPN
, vpnDep
) where
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as S
import DBus
import DBus.Client
import DBus.Internal
import XMonad.Internal.Dependency
@ -20,32 +28,95 @@ import Xmobar.Plugins.Common
newtype VPN = VPN (String, Colors) deriving (Read, Show)
instance Exec VPN where
alias (VPN _) = vpnAlias
start (VPN (text, colors)) cb =
withDBusClientConnection True cb $ \c -> do
state <- initState c
let display = displayMaybe cb iconFormatter . Just =<< readState state
let signalCallback' f = f state display
vpnAddedListener (signalCallback' addedCallback) c
vpnRemovedListener (signalCallback' removedCallback) c
iconFormatter b = return $ colorText colors b text
-- | VPN State
-- Maintain a set of paths which are the currently active VPNs. Most of the time
-- this will be a null or singleton set, but this setup could handle the edge
-- case of multiple VPNs being active at once without puking.
type VPNState = S.Set ObjectPath
type MutableVPNState = MVar VPNState
initState :: Client -> IO MutableVPNState
initState client = do
ot <- getVPNObjectTree client
newMVar $ findTunnels ot
readState :: MutableVPNState -> IO Bool
readState = fmap (not . null) . readMVar
updateState :: (ObjectPath -> VPNState -> VPNState) -> MutableVPNState
-> ObjectPath -> IO ()
updateState f state op = modifyMVar_ state $ return . f op
-- | Tunnel Device Detection
getVPNObjectTree :: Client -> IO ObjectTree
getVPNObjectTree client = callGetManagedObjects client vpnBus vpnPath
findTunnels :: ObjectTree -> VPNState
findTunnels = S.fromList . M.keys . M.filter (elem vpnDeviceTun . M.keys)
vpnAddedListener :: SignalCallback -> Client -> IO ()
vpnAddedListener = fmap void . addInterfaceAddedListener vpnBus vpnPath
vpnRemovedListener :: SignalCallback -> Client -> IO ()
vpnRemovedListener = fmap void . addInterfaceRemovedListener vpnBus vpnPath
addedCallback :: MutableVPNState -> IO () -> SignalCallback
addedCallback state display [device, added] = update >> display
added' = fromVariant added :: Maybe (M.Map String (M.Map String Variant))
is = M.keys $ fromMaybe M.empty added'
update = updateDevice S.insert state device is
addedCallback _ _ _ = return ()
removedCallback :: MutableVPNState -> IO () -> SignalCallback
removedCallback state display [device, interfaces] = update >> display
is = fromMaybe [] $ fromVariant interfaces :: [String]
update = updateDevice S.delete state device is
removedCallback _ _ _ = return ()
updateDevice :: (ObjectPath -> VPNState -> VPNState) -> MutableVPNState
-> Variant -> [String] -> IO ()
updateDevice f state device interfaces = when (vpnDeviceTun `elem` interfaces) $
forM_ d $ updateState f state
d = fromVariant device :: Maybe ObjectPath
-- | DBus Interface
vpnBus :: BusName
vpnBus = busName_ "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"
vpnPath :: ObjectPath
vpnPath = objectPath_ "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager"
vpnPath = objectPath_ "/org/freedesktop"
vpnInterface :: InterfaceName
vpnInterface = interfaceName_ "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"
vpnConnType :: String
vpnConnType = "PrimaryConnectionType"
vpnDeviceTun :: String
vpnDeviceTun = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Tun"
vpnAlias :: String
vpnAlias = "vpn"
vpnDep :: DBusDep
vpnDep = Endpoint vpnBus vpnPath vpnInterface $ Property_ vpnConnType
instance Exec VPN where
alias (VPN _) = vpnAlias
start (VPN (text, colors)) cb =
withDBusClientConnection True cb $ \c -> do
rule <- matchPropertyFull c vpnBus (Just vpnPath)
-- TODO intelligently warn user
forM_ rule $ \r -> startListener r getProp fromSignal chooseColor' cb c
getProp = callPropertyGet vpnBus vpnPath vpnInterface $ memberName_ vpnConnType
fromSignal = matchPropertyChanged vpnInterface vpnConnType
chooseColor' = return . (\s -> colorText colors s text) . ("vpn" ==)
vpnDep = Endpoint vpnBus vpnPath omInterface $ Method_ getManagedObjects