ENH kill xmobar on restart

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2020-02-08 18:38:33 -05:00
parent 96f2079c52
commit 2ae975c655
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ myKeys c =
, ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>", addName "volume down" $ spawn "amixer -q sset Master 2%-") , ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>", addName "volume down" $ spawn "amixer -q sset Master 2%-")
, ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>", addName "volume up" $ spawn "amixer -q sset Master 2%+") , ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>", addName "volume up" $ spawn "amixer -q sset Master 2%+")
, ("<XF86AudioMute>", addName "volume mute" $ spawn "amixer set Master toggle") , ("<XF86AudioMute>", addName "volume mute" $ spawn "amixer set Master toggle")
, ("M-<F2>", addName "restart xmonad" $ spawn "xmonad --restart") , ("M-<F2>", addName "restart xmonad" $ spawn "killall xmobar; xmonad --restart")
, ("M-S-<F2>", addName "recompile xmonad" $ spawn "xmonad --recompile && xmonad --restart") , ("M-S-<F2>", addName "recompile xmonad" $ spawn "killall xmobar; xmonad --recompile && xmonad --restart")
-- , ("M-<Home>", addName "quit xmonad" $ -- , ("M-<Home>", addName "quit xmonad" $
-- confirmPrompt hotPromptTheme "Quit XMonad?" $ -- confirmPrompt hotPromptTheme "Quit XMonad?" $
-- io (exitWith ExitSuccess)) -- io (exitWith ExitSuccess))