ENH use exporter/unexporter pairs

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2023-01-01 12:43:54 -05:00
parent 4afaf9af10
commit 43345f8ce0
6 changed files with 89 additions and 73 deletions

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@ -114,7 +114,8 @@ run = do
hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
withDBusX_ $ \db -> do
let fs = features $ dbSysClient db
startDBusInterfaces db fs
-- startDBusInterfaces db fs
withDBusInterfaces db $ \_ -> do
withXmobar $ \xmobarP -> do
withChildDaemons fs $ \ds -> do
let ts = ThreadState ds (Just xmobarP)
@ -157,10 +158,8 @@ runXMonad conf = do
dirs <- getCreateDirectories
launch conf dirs
startDBusInterfaces :: DBusState -> FeatureSet -> FIO ()
startDBusInterfaces db fs =
mapM_ (\f -> executeSometimes $ f $ dbSesClient db) $
fsDBusExporters fs
-- startDBusInterfaces :: DBusState -> [Maybe SesClient -> SometimesIO] -> FIO ()
-- startDBusInterfaces db = mapM_ (\f -> executeSometimes $ f $ dbSesClient db)
getCreateDirectories :: IO Directories
getCreateDirectories = do
@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ getCreateDirectories = do
data FeatureSet = FeatureSet
{ fsKeys :: X () -> DBusState -> [KeyGroup FeatureX]
, fsDBusExporters :: [Maybe SesClient -> SometimesIO]
, fsDBusExporters :: [Maybe SesClient -> Sometimes (IO (), IO ())]
, fsPowerMon :: SometimesIO
, fsRemovableMon :: Maybe SysClient -> SometimesIO
, fsDaemons :: [Sometimes (FIO (Process () () ()))]
@ -246,16 +245,21 @@ stopChildDaemons ps = do
printDeps :: FIO ()
printDeps = withDBus_ $ \db -> do
(i, f, d) <- allFeatures db
(u, i, f, d) <- allFeatures db
-- TODO might be better to use glog for this?
mapM_ logInfo $
fmap showFulfillment $
sort $
nub $
concat $
fmap dumpFeature f ++ fmap dumpSometimes i ++ fmap dumpSometimes d
fmap dumpSometimes u
++ fmap dumpFeature f
++ fmap dumpSometimes i
++ fmap dumpSometimes d
allFeatures :: DBusState -> FIO ([SometimesIO], [FeatureX], [Sometimes DynWorkspace])
:: DBusState
-> FIO ([Sometimes (IO (), IO ())], [SometimesIO], [FeatureX], [Sometimes DynWorkspace])
allFeatures db = withRunInIO $ \runIO -> do
let cleanup = runCleanup runIO ts db
let bfs =
@ -263,7 +267,7 @@ allFeatures db = withRunInIO $ \runIO -> do
externalBindings cleanup db
let dbus = fmap (\f -> f $ dbSesClient db) dbusExporters
let others = [runRemovableMon $ dbSysClient db, runPowermon]
return (dbus ++ others, Left runScreenLock : bfs, allDWs')
return (dbus, others, Left runScreenLock : bfs, allDWs')
ts = ThreadState {tsChildPIDs = [], tsXmobar = Nothing}

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@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ brightnessFileDep = pathR brightnessFile [Package AUR "tuxedo-keyboard"]
clevoKeyboardSignalDep :: DBusDependency_ SesClient
clevoKeyboardSignalDep = signalDep clevoKeyboardConfig
exportClevoKeyboard :: Maybe SesClient -> SometimesIO
exportClevoKeyboard :: MonadUnliftIO m => Maybe SesClient -> Sometimes (m (), m ())
exportClevoKeyboard =

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@ -101,25 +101,27 @@ matchSignal BrightnessConfig {bcPath = p, bcInterface = i} cb =
-- Internal DBus Crap
:: RealFrac b
:: (MonadUnliftIO m, RealFrac b)
=> XPQuery
-> [Fulfillment]
-> [IODependency_]
-> BrightnessConfig a b
-> Maybe SesClient
-> SometimesIO
-> Sometimes (m (), m ())
brightnessExporter q ful deps bc@BrightnessConfig {bcName = n} cl =
Sometimes (T.append n " DBus Interface") q [Subfeature root "exporter"]
root = DBusRoot_ (exportBrightnessControls' bc) tree cl
root = DBusRoot_ (exportBrightnessControlsInner bc) tree cl
tree = listToAnds (Bus ful xmonadBusName) $ fmap DBusIO deps
:: (MonadUnliftIO m, RealFrac b)
=> BrightnessConfig a b
-> SesClient
-> m ()
exportBrightnessControls' bc cl = io $ do
-> (m (), m ())
exportBrightnessControlsInner bc cl = (up, down)
up = liftIO $ do
let ses = toClient cl
maxval <- bcGetMax bc -- assume the max value will never change
let bounds = (bcMinRaw bc, maxval)
@ -139,7 +141,7 @@ exportBrightnessControls' bc cl = io $ do
, interfaceSignals = [sig]
down = liftIO $ unexport (toClient cl) (bcPath bc)
sig =
{ I.signalName = memCur

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@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ maxFileDep = pathR maxFile []
intelBacklightSignalDep :: DBusDependency_ SesClient
intelBacklightSignalDep = signalDep intelBacklightConfig
exportIntelBacklight :: Maybe SesClient -> SometimesIO
exportIntelBacklight :: MonadUnliftIO m => Maybe SesClient -> Sometimes (m (), m ())
exportIntelBacklight =

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
module XMonad.Internal.DBus.Control
( Client
, DBusState (..)
, withDBusInterfaces
, withDBusX
, withDBusX_
, withDBus
@ -99,8 +100,16 @@ disconnectDBusX db = do
forM_ (dbSesClient db) releaseXMonadName
disconnectDBus db
withDBusInterfaces :: DBusState -> ([FIO ()] -> FIO a) -> FIO a
withDBusInterfaces db = bracket up sequence
up = do
pairs <- catMaybes <$> mapM (\f -> evalSometimes $ f $ dbSesClient db) dbusExporters
mapM_ fst pairs
return $ snd <$> pairs
-- | All exporter features to be assigned to the DBus
dbusExporters :: [Maybe SesClient -> SometimesIO]
dbusExporters :: MonadUnliftIO m => [Maybe SesClient -> Sometimes (m (), m ())]
dbusExporters = [exportScreensaver, exportIntelBacklight, exportClevoKeyboard]

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@ -93,13 +93,13 @@ bodyGetCurrentState _ = Nothing
-- Exported haskell API
exportScreensaver :: Maybe SesClient -> SometimesIO
exportScreensaver :: MonadUnliftIO m => Maybe SesClient -> Sometimes (m (), m ())
exportScreensaver ses =
sometimesDBus ses "screensaver toggle" "xset" (toAnd_ bus ssx) cmd
sometimesDBus ses "screensaver toggle" "xset" (toAnd_ bus ssx) $ \cl -> (up cl, down cl)
cmd cl =
up cl =
let cl' = toClient cl
in withRunInIO $ \run ->
in liftIO $ withRunInIO $ \run ->
@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ exportScreensaver ses =
, interfaceSignals = [sig]
down cl = liftIO $ unexport (toClient cl) ssPath
sig =
{ I.signalName = memState