ENH use logging in dbus connect

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2022-12-31 20:19:09 -05:00
parent c94d83f41e
commit 7821140dc2
4 changed files with 19 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Atom
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Display
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Event
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types
import RIO hiding (Display)
import XMonad.Internal.IO
-- Data structure for the ClientMessage
@ -64,13 +63,6 @@ splitXMsg (x : xs) = (xtype, tag)
xtype = toEnum $ fromIntegral x
tag = chr . fromIntegral <$> takeWhile (/= 0) xs
withOpenDisplay :: (Display -> IO a) -> IO a
withOpenDisplay = bracket (openDisplay "") cleanup
cleanup dpy = do
flush dpy
closeDisplay dpy
-- | Emit a ClientMessage event to the X server with the given type and payloud
sendXMsg :: XMsgType -> String -> IO ()
sendXMsg xtype tag = withOpenDisplay $ \dpy -> do

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@ -96,9 +96,6 @@ data WConf = WConf
type W a = RIO WConf ()
withOpenDisplay :: (Display -> IO a) -> IO a
withOpenDisplay = bracket (openDisplay "") closeDisplay
runWorkspaceMon :: [DynWorkspace] -> IO ()
runWorkspaceMon dws = withOpenDisplay $ \dpy -> do
root <- rootWindow dpy $ defaultScreen dpy

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@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ import qualified DBus.Introspection as I
import Data.Internal.DBus
import Data.Internal.Dependency
import Graphics.X11.XScreenSaver
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Display
import RIO
import XMonad.Internal.DBus.Common
import XMonad.Internal.IO
import XMonad.Internal.Shell
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ type SSState = Bool -- true is enabled
ssExecutable :: FilePath
ssExecutable = "xset"
toggle :: IO SSState
toggle :: MonadUnliftIO m => m SSState
toggle = do
st <- query
let args = if st then ["off", "-dpms"] else ["on", "+dpms"]
@ -40,12 +40,9 @@ toggle = do
rc <- runProcess (proc ssExecutable $ "s" : args)
return $ if rc == ExitSuccess then not st else st
query :: IO SSState
query :: MonadUnliftIO m => m SSState
query = do
-- TODO bracket the display
dpy <- openDisplay ""
xssi <- xScreenSaverQueryInfo dpy
closeDisplay dpy
xssi <- withOpenDisplay (liftIO . xScreenSaverQueryInfo)
return $ case xssi of
Just XScreenSaverInfo {xssi_state = ScreenSaverDisabled} -> False
Just XScreenSaverInfo {xssi_state = _} -> True
@ -101,7 +98,7 @@ exportScreensaver ses =
cmd cl =
let cl' = toClient cl
in liftIO $
in withRunInIO $ \run ->
@ -109,7 +106,7 @@ exportScreensaver ses =
{ interfaceName = interface
, interfaceMethods =
[ autoMethod memToggle $ emitState cl' =<< toggle
, autoMethod memQuery query
, autoMethod memQuery (run query)
, interfaceSignals = [sig]

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@ -22,11 +22,15 @@ module XMonad.Internal.IO
, PermResult (..)
, getPermissionsSafe
, waitUntilExit
, withOpenDisplay
import Data.Char
import RIO
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Display
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Event
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types
import RIO hiding (Display)
import RIO.Directory
import RIO.FilePath
import qualified RIO.Text as T
@ -168,3 +172,10 @@ waitUntilExit pid = do
when res $ do
threadDelay 100000
waitUntilExit pid
withOpenDisplay :: MonadUnliftIO m => (Display -> m a) -> m a
withOpenDisplay = bracket (liftIO $ openDisplay "") cleanup
cleanup dpy = liftIO $ do
flush dpy
closeDisplay dpy