ENH make install dep script actually useful

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2022-07-09 23:45:59 -04:00
parent 45ce4e2417
commit 7ed8b28636
1 changed files with 33 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -2,9 +2,37 @@
## Install all pkgs required for xmonad to run at full capacity ## Install all pkgs required for xmonad to run at full capacity
xmonad_pkgs=(autorandr feh xorg-server xorg-xset libpulse flameshot # these are extra packages that pertain to processes outside xmonad but are
playerctl acpid ttf-symbola-free ttf-symbola-free # still required/desired to make it work correctly
ttf-dejavu numlockx picom i3lock-color xmonad_pkgs=(autorandr picom)
xorg-xrandr xss-lock)
yay --needed --noconfirm --norebuild --removemake -S "${xmonad_pkgs[@]}" query='.[].success |
objects |
.root.tree |
..|.left?.data, ..|.right?.data, .data? |
select(. != null) |
.fulfillment |
select(. != null) |
add | select(. != null)'
raw=$(xmonad --deps | jq "$query")
jq_type () {
echo "$1" | jq --raw-output "select(.type==\"$2\") | .name" | sort | uniq
mapfile -t official < <(jq_type "$raw" "Official")
mapfile -t local < <(jq_type "$raw" "AUR")
if ! pacman -Si "${official[@]}" > /dev/null; then
echo "At least one official package doesn't exist."
exit 1
if ! yay -Si "${local[@]}"; then
echo "At least one local package doesn't exist."
exit 1
sudo pacman --noconfirm -S "${xmonad_pkgs[@]}" "${official[@]}"
yay --needed --noconfirm --norebuild --removemake -S "${local[@]}"