ENH use busname when matching signal

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2021-11-27 13:24:13 -05:00
parent b9ede93e98
commit 9e4589cc98
10 changed files with 158 additions and 108 deletions

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@ -4,10 +4,11 @@
module DBus.Internal
( addMatchCallback
, getDBusClient
, fromDBusClient
, withDBusClient
, withDBusClient_
, matchProperty
, matchProperty'
, matchPropertyFull
, matchPropertyChanged
, SignalMatch(..)
, SignalCallback
@ -16,12 +17,15 @@ module DBus.Internal
, callPropertyGet
, callMethod
, callMethod'
, methodCallBus
, callGetManagedObjects
, ObjectTree
, getManagedObjects
, omInterface
, addInterfaceAddedListener
, addInterfaceRemovedListener
, fromSingletonVariant
, bodyToMaybe
) where
import Control.Exception
@ -44,9 +48,33 @@ callMethod' cl = fmap (bimap methodErrorMessage methodReturnBody) . call cl
callMethod :: Client -> BusName -> ObjectPath -> InterfaceName -> MemberName
-> IO MethodBody
callMethod client bus path iface mem =
callMethod' client (methodCall path iface mem)
{ methodCallDestination = Just bus }
callMethod client bus path iface = callMethod' client . methodCallBus bus path iface
methodCallBus :: BusName -> ObjectPath -> InterfaceName -> MemberName -> MethodCall
methodCallBus b p i m = (methodCall p i m)
{ methodCallDestination = Just b }
-- | Bus names
dbusInterface :: InterfaceName
dbusInterface = interfaceName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus"
callGetNameOwner :: Client -> BusName -> IO (Maybe BusName)
callGetNameOwner client name = bodyToMaybe <$> callMethod' client mc
mc = (methodCallBus dbusName dbusPath dbusInterface mem)
{ methodCallBody = [toVariant name] }
mem = memberName_ "GetNameOwner"
-- | Variant parsing
fromSingletonVariant :: IsVariant a => [Variant] -> Maybe a
fromSingletonVariant = fromVariant <=< listToMaybe
bodyToMaybe :: IsVariant a => MethodBody -> Maybe a
bodyToMaybe = either (const Nothing) fromSingletonVariant
-- | Signals
@ -56,6 +84,20 @@ type SignalCallback = [Variant] -> IO ()
addMatchCallback :: MatchRule -> SignalCallback -> Client -> IO SignalHandler
addMatchCallback rule cb client = addMatch client rule $ cb . signalBody
matchSignal :: Maybe BusName -> Maybe ObjectPath -> Maybe InterfaceName
-> Maybe MemberName -> MatchRule
matchSignal b p i m = matchAny
{ matchPath = p
, matchSender = b
, matchInterface = i
, matchMember = m
matchSignalFull :: Client -> BusName -> Maybe ObjectPath -> Maybe InterfaceName
-> Maybe MemberName -> IO (Maybe MatchRule)
matchSignalFull client b p i m =
fmap (\o -> matchSignal (Just o) p i m) <$> callGetNameOwner client b
-- | Properties
@ -65,26 +107,18 @@ propertyInterface = interfaceName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"
propertySignal :: MemberName
propertySignal = memberName_ "PropertiesChanged"
callPropertyGet :: BusName -> ObjectPath -> InterfaceName -> String -> Client
callPropertyGet :: BusName -> ObjectPath -> InterfaceName -> MemberName -> Client
-> IO [Variant]
callPropertyGet bus path iface property client = either (const []) (:[])
<$> getProperty client (methodCall path iface $ memberName_ property)
{ methodCallDestination = Just bus }
callPropertyGet bus path iface property client = fmap (either (const []) (:[]))
$ getProperty client $ methodCallBus bus path iface property
-- TODO actually get the real busname when using this (will involve IO)
matchProperty' :: Maybe ObjectPath -> MatchRule
matchProperty' p = matchAny
-- NOTE: the sender for signals is usually the unique name (eg :X.Y) not the
-- requested name (eg "org.something.understandable"). If sender is included
-- here, likely nothing will match. Solution is to somehow get the unique
-- name, which I could do, but probably won't
{ matchPath = p
, matchInterface = Just propertyInterface
, matchMember = Just propertySignal
matchProperty :: Maybe BusName -> Maybe ObjectPath -> MatchRule
matchProperty b p =
matchSignal b p (Just propertyInterface) (Just propertySignal)
matchProperty :: ObjectPath -> MatchRule
matchProperty = matchProperty' . Just
matchPropertyFull :: Client -> BusName -> Maybe ObjectPath -> IO (Maybe MatchRule)
matchPropertyFull client b p =
matchSignalFull client b p (Just propertyInterface) (Just propertySignal)
data SignalMatch a = Match a | NoMatch | Failure deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -117,18 +151,19 @@ getDBusClient sys = do
Left e -> putStrLn (clientErrorMessage e) >> return Nothing
Right c -> return $ Just c
withDBusClient :: Bool -> (Client -> a) -> IO (Maybe a)
withDBusClient :: Bool -> (Client -> IO a) -> IO (Maybe a)
withDBusClient sys f = do
client <- getDBusClient sys
let r = f <$> client
mapM_ disconnect client
return r
forM client $ \c -> do
r <- f c
disconnect c
return r
withDBusClient_ :: Bool -> (Client -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withDBusClient_ sys f = do
client <- getDBusClient sys
mapM_ f client
mapM_ disconnect client
withDBusClient_ sys = void . withDBusClient sys
fromDBusClient :: Bool -> (Client -> a) -> IO (Maybe a)
fromDBusClient sys f = withDBusClient sys (return . f)
-- | Object Manager
@ -141,30 +176,29 @@ omInterface = interfaceName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager"
getManagedObjects :: MemberName
getManagedObjects = memberName_ "GetManagedObjects"
callGetManagedObjects :: Client -> BusName -> ObjectPath -> IO ObjectTree
callGetManagedObjects client bus path =
either (const M.empty) (fromMaybe M.empty . (fromVariant <=< listToMaybe))
<$> callMethod client bus path omInterface getManagedObjects
omInterfacesAdded :: MemberName
omInterfacesAdded = memberName_ "InterfacesAdded"
omInterfacesRemoved :: MemberName
omInterfacesRemoved = memberName_ "InterfacesRemoved"
-- TODO add busname back to this (use NameGetOwner on org.freedesktop.DBus)
addInterfaceChangedListener :: MemberName -> ObjectPath -> SignalCallback
-> Client -> IO ()
addInterfaceChangedListener prop path = fmap void . addMatchCallback rule
rule = matchAny
{ matchPath = Just path
, matchInterface = Just omInterface
, matchMember = Just prop
callGetManagedObjects :: Client -> BusName -> ObjectPath -> IO ObjectTree
callGetManagedObjects client bus path =
either (const M.empty) (fromMaybe M.empty . fromSingletonVariant)
<$> callMethod client bus path omInterface getManagedObjects
addInterfaceAddedListener :: ObjectPath -> SignalCallback -> Client -> IO ()
addInterfaceAddedListener = addInterfaceChangedListener omInterfacesAdded
addInterfaceChangedListener :: BusName -> MemberName -> ObjectPath
-> SignalCallback -> Client -> IO (Maybe SignalHandler)
addInterfaceChangedListener bus prop path sc client = do
rule <- matchSignalFull client bus (Just path) (Just omInterface) (Just prop)
forM rule $ \r -> addMatchCallback r sc client
addInterfaceRemovedListener :: ObjectPath -> SignalCallback -> Client -> IO ()
addInterfaceRemovedListener = addInterfaceChangedListener omInterfacesRemoved
addInterfaceAddedListener :: BusName -> ObjectPath -> SignalCallback -> Client
-> IO (Maybe SignalHandler)
addInterfaceAddedListener bus =
addInterfaceChangedListener bus omInterfacesAdded
addInterfaceRemovedListener :: BusName -> ObjectPath -> SignalCallback -> Client
-> IO (Maybe SignalHandler)
addInterfaceRemovedListener bus =
addInterfaceChangedListener bus omInterfacesRemoved

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@ -62,11 +62,10 @@ brightnessControls bc client =
cb = callBacklight client bc
-- TODO not dry
callGetBrightness :: Num c => BrightnessConfig a b -> Client -> IO (Maybe c)
callGetBrightness BrightnessConfig { bcPath = p, bcInterface = i } client = do
reply <- callMethod client xmonadBusName p i memGet
return $ either (const Nothing) bodyGetBrightness reply
callGetBrightness BrightnessConfig { bcPath = p, bcInterface = i } client =
either (const Nothing) bodyGetBrightness
<$> callMethod client xmonadBusName p i memGet
signalDep :: BrightnessConfig a b -> DBusDep
signalDep BrightnessConfig { bcPath = p, bcInterface = i } =
@ -76,6 +75,7 @@ matchSignal :: Num c => BrightnessConfig a b -> (Maybe c -> IO ()) -> Client ->
matchSignal BrightnessConfig { bcPath = p, bcInterface = i } cb =
void . addMatchCallback brMatcher (cb . bodyGetBrightness)
-- TODO add busname to this
brMatcher = matchAny
{ matchPath = Just p
, matchInterface = Just i
@ -128,7 +128,8 @@ emitBrightness BrightnessConfig{ bcPath = p, bcInterface = i } client cur =
sig = signal p i memCur
callBacklight :: Maybe Client -> BrightnessConfig a b -> String -> MemberName -> FeatureIO
callBacklight :: Maybe Client -> BrightnessConfig a b -> String -> MemberName
-> FeatureIO
callBacklight client BrightnessConfig { bcPath = p
, bcInterface = i
, bcName = n } controlName m =

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@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ import DBus.Client
import Xmobar.Plugins.Common
startBacklight :: RealFrac a => ((Maybe a -> IO ()) -> Client -> IO ())
-> (Client -> IO (Maybe a)) -> String -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
-> (Client -> IO (Maybe a)) -> String -> Callback -> IO ()
startBacklight matchSignal callGetBrightness icon cb = do
withDBusClientConnection False cb $ \c -> do
matchSignal (cb . formatBrightness) c
cb . formatBrightness =<< callGetBrightness c
matchSignal display c
display =<< callGetBrightness c
formatBrightness = maybe na $
\b -> icon ++ show (round b :: Integer) ++ "%"
formatBrightness b = return $ icon ++ show (round b :: Integer) ++ "%"
display = displayMaybe cb formatBrightness

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@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ btAlias :: String
btAlias = "bluetooth"
btDep :: DBusDep
btDep = Endpoint btBus btOmPath omInterface $ Method_ getManagedObjects
btDep = Endpoint btBus btOMPath omInterface $ Method_ getManagedObjects
data Bluetooth = Bluetooth Icons Colors deriving (Read, Show)
@ -73,7 +73,8 @@ startAdapter is cs cb cl = do
forM_ (findAdapter ot) $ \adapter -> do
-- set up adapter
initAdapter state adapter cl
addAdaptorListener state display adapter cl
-- TODO this step could fail; at least warn the user...
void $ addAdaptorListener state display adapter cl
-- set up devices on the adapter (and listeners for adding/removing devices)
let devices = findDevices adapter ot
addDeviceAddedListener state display adapter cl
@ -157,24 +158,27 @@ splitPath :: ObjectPath -> [String]
splitPath = splitOn "/" . dropWhile (=='/') . formatObjectPath
getBtObjectTree :: Client -> IO ObjectTree
getBtObjectTree client = callGetManagedObjects client btBus btOmPath
getBtObjectTree client = callGetManagedObjects client btBus btOMPath
btBus :: BusName
btBus = busName_ "org.bluez"
btOmPath :: ObjectPath
btOmPath = objectPath_ "/"
btOMPath :: ObjectPath
btOMPath = objectPath_ "/"
addBtOMListener :: SignalCallback -> Client -> IO ()
addBtOMListener sc = void . addInterfaceAddedListener btBus btOMPath sc
addDeviceAddedListener :: MutableBtState -> IO () -> ObjectPath -> Client -> IO ()
addDeviceAddedListener state display adapter client =
addInterfaceAddedListener btOmPath addDevice client
addBtOMListener addDevice client
addDevice = pathCallback adapter display $ \d ->
addAndInitDevice state display d client
addDeviceRemovedListener :: MutableBtState -> IO () -> ObjectPath -> Client -> IO ()
addDeviceRemovedListener state display adapter client =
addInterfaceRemovedListener btOmPath remDevice client
addBtOMListener remDevice client
remDevice = pathCallback adapter display $ \d -> do
old <- removeDevice state d
@ -193,16 +197,20 @@ initAdapter state adapter client = do
reply <- callGetPowered adapter client
putPowered state $ fromSingletonVariant reply
addAdaptorListener :: MutableBtState -> IO () -> ObjectPath -> Client -> IO ()
addAdaptorListener state display adaptor =
void . addMatchCallback rule (procMatch . matchPowered)
matchBTProperty :: Client -> ObjectPath -> IO (Maybe MatchRule)
matchBTProperty client p = matchPropertyFull client btBus (Just p)
addAdaptorListener :: MutableBtState -> IO () -> ObjectPath -> Client
-> IO (Maybe SignalHandler)
addAdaptorListener state display adaptor client = do
rule <- matchBTProperty client adaptor
forM rule $ \r -> addMatchCallback r (procMatch . matchPowered) client
rule = matchProperty adaptor
procMatch = withSignalMatch $ \b -> putPowered state b >> display
callGetPowered :: ObjectPath -> Client -> IO [Variant]
callGetPowered adapter =
callPropertyGet btBus adapter adapterInterface adaptorPowered
callPropertyGet btBus adapter adapterInterface $ memberName_ adaptorPowered
matchPowered :: [Variant] -> SignalMatch Bool
matchPowered = matchPropertyChanged adapterInterface adaptorPowered
@ -225,7 +233,8 @@ adaptorPowered = "Powered"
addAndInitDevice :: MutableBtState -> IO () -> ObjectPath -> Client -> IO ()
addAndInitDevice state display device client = do
sh <- addDeviceListener state display device client
initDevice state sh device client
-- TODO add some intelligent error messages here
forM_ sh $ \s -> initDevice state s device client
initDevice :: MutableBtState -> SignalHandler -> ObjectPath -> Client -> IO ()
initDevice state sh device client = do
@ -235,18 +244,19 @@ initDevice state sh device client = do
, btDevSigHandler = sh
addDeviceListener :: MutableBtState -> IO () -> ObjectPath -> Client -> IO SignalHandler
addDeviceListener state display device =
addMatchCallback rule (procMatch . matchConnected)
addDeviceListener :: MutableBtState -> IO () -> ObjectPath -> Client
-> IO (Maybe SignalHandler)
addDeviceListener state display device client = do
rule <- matchBTProperty client device
forM rule $ \r -> addMatchCallback r (procMatch . matchConnected) client
rule = matchProperty device
procMatch = withSignalMatch $ \c -> updateDevice state device c >> display
matchConnected :: [Variant] -> SignalMatch Bool
matchConnected = matchPropertyChanged devInterface devConnected
callGetConnected :: ObjectPath -> Client -> IO [Variant]
callGetConnected p = callPropertyGet btBus p devInterface devConnected
callGetConnected p = callPropertyGet btBus p devInterface $ memberName_ devConnected
insertDevice :: MutableBtState -> ObjectPath -> BTDevice -> IO Bool
insertDevice m device dev = modifyMVar m $ \s -> do

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@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ ckAlias = "clevokeyboard"
instance Exec ClevoKeyboard where
alias (ClevoKeyboard _) = ckAlias
start (ClevoKeyboard icon) cb = do
startBacklight matchSignalCK callGetBrightnessCK icon cb
start (ClevoKeyboard icon) =
startBacklight matchSignalCK callGetBrightnessCK icon

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ module Xmobar.Plugins.Common
, fromSingletonVariant
, withDBusClientConnection
, Callback
, displayMaybe
, displayMaybe'
@ -16,8 +18,6 @@ import DBus
import DBus.Client
import DBus.Internal
import Data.Maybe
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog (xmobarColor)
type Callback = String -> IO ()
@ -27,15 +27,13 @@ startListener :: IsVariant a => MatchRule -> (Client -> IO [Variant])
-> Client -> IO ()
startListener rule getProp fromSignal toColor cb client = do
reply <- getProp client
procMatch $ maybe Failure Match $ fromVariant =<< listToMaybe reply
displayMaybe cb toColor $ fromSingletonVariant reply
void $ addMatchCallback rule (procMatch . fromSignal) client
procMatch = procSignalMatch cb toColor
procSignalMatch :: (String -> IO ()) -> (a -> IO String) -> SignalMatch a -> IO ()
procSignalMatch callback formatter (Match x) = callback =<< formatter x
procSignalMatch callback _ Failure = callback na
procSignalMatch _ _ NoMatch = return ()
procSignalMatch :: Callback -> (a -> IO String) -> SignalMatch a -> IO ()
procSignalMatch cb f = withSignalMatch (displayMaybe cb f)
chooseColor :: String -> String -> String -> Bool -> String
chooseColor text colorOn colorOff state =
@ -44,8 +42,11 @@ chooseColor text colorOn colorOff state =
na :: String
na = "N/A"
fromSingletonVariant :: IsVariant a => [Variant] -> Maybe a
fromSingletonVariant = fromVariant <=< listToMaybe
displayMaybe :: Callback -> (a -> IO String) -> Maybe a -> IO ()
displayMaybe cb f = cb <=< maybe (return na) f
displayMaybe' :: Callback -> (a -> IO ()) -> Maybe a -> IO ()
displayMaybe' cb = maybe (cb na)
withDBusClientConnection :: Bool -> Callback -> (Client -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withDBusClientConnection sys cb f = maybe (cb na) f =<< getDBusClient sys
withDBusClientConnection sys cb f = displayMaybe' cb f =<< getDBusClient sys

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ module Xmobar.Plugins.Device
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Word
import DBus
@ -46,16 +45,15 @@ devDep :: DBusDep
devDep = Endpoint nmBus nmPath nmInterface $ Method_ getByIP
getDevice :: Client -> String -> IO (Maybe ObjectPath)
getDevice client iface = either (const Nothing) (fromVariant <=< listToMaybe)
<$> callMethod' client mc
getDevice client iface = bodyToMaybe <$> callMethod' client mc
mc = (methodCall nmPath nmInterface getByIP)
mc = (methodCallBus nmBus nmPath nmInterface getByIP)
{ methodCallBody = [toVariant iface]
, methodCallDestination = Just nmBus
getDeviceConnected :: ObjectPath -> Client -> IO [Variant]
getDeviceConnected path = callPropertyGet nmBus path nmDeviceInterface devSignal
getDeviceConnected path = callPropertyGet nmBus path nmDeviceInterface
$ memberName_ devSignal
matchStatus :: [Variant] -> SignalMatch Word32
matchStatus = matchPropertyChanged nmDeviceInterface devSignal
@ -63,10 +61,13 @@ matchStatus = matchPropertyChanged nmDeviceInterface devSignal
instance Exec Device where
alias (Device (iface, _, _, _)) = iface
start (Device (iface, text, colorOn, colorOff)) cb = do
withDBusClientConnection True cb $ \c -> do
path <- getDevice c iface
maybe (cb na) (listener c) path
withDBusClientConnection True cb $ \client -> do
path <- getDevice client iface
displayMaybe' cb (listener client) path
listener client path = startListener (matchProperty path)
(getDeviceConnected path) matchStatus chooseColor' cb client
listener client path = do
rule <- matchPropertyFull client nmBus (Just path)
-- TODO warn the user here rather than silently drop the listener
forM_ rule $ \r ->
startListener r (getDeviceConnected path) matchStatus chooseColor' cb client
chooseColor' = return . chooseColor text colorOn colorOff . (> 1)

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@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ blAlias = "intelbacklight"
instance Exec IntelBacklight where
alias (IntelBacklight _) = blAlias
start (IntelBacklight icon) cb =
startBacklight matchSignalIB callGetBrightnessIB icon cb
start (IntelBacklight icon) =
startBacklight matchSignalIB callGetBrightnessIB icon

View File

@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ instance Exec Screensaver where
alias (Screensaver _) = ssAlias
start (Screensaver (text, colorOn, colorOff)) cb = do
withDBusClientConnection False cb $ \c -> do
matchSignal (cb . fmtState) c
cb . fmtState =<< callQuery c
matchSignal display c
display =<< callQuery c
fmtState = maybe na $ chooseColor text colorOn colorOff
display = displayMaybe cb $ return . chooseColor text colorOn colorOff

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@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ module Xmobar.Plugins.VPN
, vpnDep
) where
import Control.Monad
import DBus
import DBus.Internal
@ -39,10 +41,11 @@ vpnDep = Endpoint vpnBus vpnPath vpnInterface $ Property_ vpnConnType
instance Exec VPN where
alias (VPN _) = vpnAlias
start (VPN (text, colorOn, colorOff)) cb =
withDBusClientConnection True cb
$ startListener rule getProp fromSignal chooseColor' cb
withDBusClientConnection True cb $ \c -> do
rule <- matchPropertyFull c vpnBus (Just vpnPath)
-- TODO intelligently warn user
forM_ rule $ \r -> startListener r getProp fromSignal chooseColor' cb c
rule = matchProperty vpnPath
getProp = callPropertyGet vpnBus vpnPath vpnInterface vpnConnType
getProp = callPropertyGet vpnBus vpnPath vpnInterface $ memberName_ vpnConnType
fromSignal = matchPropertyChanged vpnInterface vpnConnType
chooseColor' = return . chooseColor text colorOn colorOff . ("vpn" ==)