ENH warn user if deps are missing

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2021-06-19 15:32:43 -04:00
parent 461fc783c7
commit a04150657e
2 changed files with 19 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -74,10 +74,11 @@ main = do
, childPIDs = [p]
, childHandles = [h]
ekbs <- evalExternal $ externalBindings ts
(ekbs, missing) <- fmap filterExternal $ evalExternal $ externalBindings ts
mapM_ warnMissing missing
$ ewmh
$ addKeymap (filterExternal ekbs)
$ addKeymap ekbs
$ def { terminal = myTerm
, modMask = myModMask
, layoutHook = myLayouts
@ -463,13 +464,15 @@ evalExternal = mapM go
evalKeyBinding :: Monad m => KeyBinding (m a) -> m (KeyBinding a)
evalKeyBinding k@KeyBinding { kbAction = a } = (\b -> k { kbAction = b }) <$> a
filterExternal :: [KeyGroup MaybeX] -> [KeyGroup (X ())]
filterExternal = fmap go
filterExternal :: [KeyGroup MaybeX] -> ([KeyGroup (X ())], [Dependency])
filterExternal kgs = let kgs' = fmap go kgs in (fst <$> kgs', concatMap snd kgs')
go k@KeyGroup { kgBindings = bs } =
k { kgBindings = mapMaybe go' bs }
go' k@KeyBinding { kbAction = Installed x _ } = Just $ k { kbAction = x }
go' _ = Nothing
go k@KeyGroup { kgBindings = bs } = let bs' = go' <$> bs in
(k { kgBindings = mapMaybe fst bs' }, concatMap snd bs')
go' k@KeyBinding { kbAction = a } = case a of
Installed x ds -> (Just $ k { kbAction = x }, fmap Optional ds)
Missing ds -> (Nothing, ds)
Ignore -> (Nothing, [])
externalBindings :: ThreadState -> [KeyGroup (IO MaybeX)]
externalBindings ts =

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module XMonad.Internal.Shell
, MaybeX
, IOMaybeX
, runIfInstalled
, warnMissing
, whenInstalled
, spawnIfInstalled
, spawnCmdIfInstalled
@ -45,6 +46,13 @@ type MaybeX = MaybeExe X
type IOMaybeX = IO MaybeX
warnMissing :: Dependency -> IO ()
warnMissing d = case d of
Required d' -> warn "required" d'
Optional d' -> warn "optional" d'
warn t n = putStrLn $ "WARNING: " ++ t ++ " executable not found: " ++ n
exeInstalled :: String -> IO Bool
exeInstalled x = isJust <$> findExecutable x