ENH use font features

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2022-07-02 17:09:21 -04:00
parent 43d5c446bb
commit a796cedcf6
9 changed files with 258 additions and 156 deletions

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@ -52,20 +52,20 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
sysClient <- getDBusClient True
sesClient <- getDBusClient False
ff <- evalFonts
cs <- getAllCommands =<< rightPlugins sysClient sesClient
d <- cfgDir <$> getDirectories
-- this is needed to see any printed messages
hFlush stdout
mapM_ (maybe skip disconnect) [sysClient, sesClient]
xmobar $ config cs d
xmobar $ config ff cs d
config :: BarRegions -> String -> Config
config br confDir = defaultConfig
-- TODO head makes me feel icky
{ font = head allFontStrings
, additionalFonts = drop 1 allFontStrings
, textOffset = head allFontOffsets
, textOffsets = drop 1 allFontOffsets
config :: (BarFont -> BarMetaFont) -> BarRegions -> String -> Config
config ff br confDir = defaultConfig
{ font = fontString ff firstFont
, additionalFonts = fontString ff <$> restFonts
, textOffset = fontOffset ff firstFont
, textOffsets = fontOffset ff <$> restFonts
, bgColor = T.bgColor
, fgColor = T.fgColor
, position = BottomSize C 100 24
@ -255,14 +255,14 @@ readInterface n f = IORead n go
return $ Right $ PostPass x $ fmap ("ignoring extra interface: "++) xs
vpnPresent :: IO (Maybe String)
vpnPresent = do
res <- tryIOError $ readProcessWithExitCode "nmcli" args ""
-- TODO provide some error messages
return $ case res of
(Right (ExitSuccess, out, _)) -> if "vpn" `elem` lines out then Nothing else Just "vpn not found"
_ -> Just "puke"
vpnPresent = go <$> tryIOError (readProcessWithExitCode "nmcli" args "")
args = ["-c", "no", "-t", "-f", "TYPE", "c", "show"]
go (Right (ExitSuccess, out, _)) = if "vpn" `elem` lines out then Nothing
else Just "vpn not found"
go (Right (ExitFailure c, _, err)) = Just $ "vpn search exited with code "
++ show c ++ ": " ++ err
go (Left e) = Just $ show e
xmobarDBus :: String -> DBusDependency_ -> CmdSpec -> Maybe Client -> BarFeature
xmobarDBus n dep cmd cl = sometimesDBus cl n "xmobar dbus interface"
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ getEthernet client = sometimes1 "ethernet status indicator" "sysfs path"
readEth = readInterface "read ethernet interface" isEthernet
getBattery :: BarFeature
getBattery = sometimesIO "battery level indicator" "sysfs path"
getBattery = sometimesIO_ "battery level indicator" "sysfs path"
(Only_ $ sysTest "Test if battery is present" hasBattery)
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ getBt :: Maybe Client -> BarFeature
getBt = xmobarDBus "bluetooth status indicator" btDep btCmd
getAlsa :: BarFeature
getAlsa = sometimesIO "volume level indicator" "alsactl"
getAlsa = sometimesIO_ "volume level indicator" "alsactl"
(Only_ $ sysExe "alsactl") alsaCmd
getBl :: Maybe Client -> BarFeature
@ -341,51 +341,83 @@ getAllCommands right = do
-- | fonts
data Font = Text
data BarFont = Text
| IconSmall
| IconMedium
| IconLarge
| IconXLarge
deriving (Eq, Enum, Bounded, Show)
data BarMetaFont = BarMetaFont
{ bfOffset :: Int
, bfBuilder :: T.FontBuilder
, bfFontData :: T.FontData
-- font data ~ (offset, fontification string)
fontData :: Font -> (Int, String)
fontData Text = (16, barFont)
fontData IconSmall = (16, nerdFont 13)
fontData IconMedium = (17, nerdFont 15)
fontData IconLarge = (17, nerdFont 18)
fontData IconXLarge = (18, nerdFont 20)
fontString :: (BarFont -> BarMetaFont) -> BarFont -> String
fontString f bf = b d
b = bfBuilder $ f bf
d = bfFontData $ f bf
fontString :: Font -> String
fontString = snd . fontData
fontOffset :: (BarFont -> BarMetaFont) -> BarFont -> Int
fontOffset f = bfOffset . f
fontOffset :: Font -> Int
fontOffset = fst . fontData
firstFont :: BarFont
firstFont = minBound
allFonts :: [Font]
allFonts = enumFrom minBound
restFonts :: [BarFont]
restFonts = enumFrom $ succ minBound
allFontOffsets :: [Int]
allFontOffsets = fontOffset <$> allFonts
-- allFonts :: [BarFont]
-- allFonts = enumFrom minBound
allFontStrings :: [String]
allFontStrings = fontString <$> allFonts
-- allFontOffsets :: [Int]
-- allFontOffsets = fontOffset <$> allFonts
barFont :: String
barFont = T.fmtFontXFT T.font
{ T.family = "DejaVu Sans Mono"
, T.size = Just 11
, T.weight = Just T.Bold
-- allFontStrings :: [String]
-- allFontStrings = fontString <$> allFonts
nerdFont :: Int -> String
nerdFont size = T.fmtFontXFT T.font
{ T.family = "Symbols Nerd Font"
, T.size = Nothing
, T.pixelsize = Just size
barFont :: Always T.FontBuilder
barFont = T.fontFeature "XMobar Text Font" "DejaVu Sans Mono"
fontifyText :: Font -> String -> String
nerdFont :: Always T.FontBuilder
nerdFont = T.fontFeature "XMobar Icon Font" "Symbols Nerd Font"
evalFonts :: IO (BarFont -> BarMetaFont)
evalFonts = do
bf <- evalAlways barFont
nf <- evalAlways nerdFont
return $ fontData bf nf
fontData :: T.FontBuilder -> T.FontBuilder -> BarFont -> BarMetaFont
fontData barBuilder nerdBuilder bf = case bf of
Text -> BarMetaFont 16 barBuilder
$ T.defFontData { T.weight = Just T.Bold, T.size = Just 11 }
IconSmall -> nerd 16 13
IconMedium -> nerd 17 15
IconLarge -> nerd 17 18
IconXLarge -> nerd 18 20
nerd o s = BarMetaFont o nerdBuilder
$ T.defFontData { T.pixelsize = Just s, T.size = Nothing }
-- barFont :: Always T.FontBuilder
-- barFont = T.fmtFontXFT T.font
-- { T.family = "DejaVu Sans Mono"
-- , T.size = Just 11
-- , T.weight = Just T.Bold
-- }
-- nerdFont :: Int -> String
-- nerdFont size = T.fmtFontXFT T.font
-- { T.family = "Symbols Nerd Font"
-- , T.size = Nothing
-- , T.pixelsize = Just size
-- }
fontifyText :: BarFont -> String -> String
fontifyText fnt txt = concat ["<fn=", show $ fromEnum fnt, ">", txt, "</fn>"]

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@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ run = do
{ tsChildPIDs = [p]
, tsChildHandles = [h]
fb <- evalAlways T.defFont
ext <- evalExternal $ externalBindings ts db
sk <- evalAlways runShowKeys
ha <- evalAlways runHandleACPI
@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ run = do
$ docks
$ def { terminal = myTerm
, modMask = myModMask
, layoutHook = myLayouts
, layoutHook = myLayouts fb
, manageHook = myManageHook
, handleEventHook = myEventHook ha
, startupHook = myStartupHook
@ -262,12 +263,12 @@ allDWs = [ xsaneDynamicWorkspace
-- | Layout configuration
myLayouts = onWorkspace (dwTag wmDynamicWorkspace) vmLayout
myLayouts fb = onWorkspace (dwTag wmDynamicWorkspace) vmLayout
$ onWorkspace (dwTag gimpDynamicWorkspace) gimpLayout
$ mkToggle (single HIDE)
$ tall ||| fulltab ||| full
addTopBar = noFrillsDeco shrinkText T.tabbedTheme
addTopBar = noFrillsDeco shrinkText $ T.tabbedTheme fb
tall = renamed [Replace "Tall"]
$ avoidStruts
$ addTopBar
@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ myLayouts = onWorkspace (dwTag wmDynamicWorkspace) vmLayout
fulltab = renamed [Replace "Tabbed"]
$ avoidStruts
$ noBorders
$ tabbedAlways shrinkText T.tabbedTheme
$ tabbedAlways shrinkText $ T.tabbedTheme fb
full = renamed [Replace "Full"]
$ noBorders Full
vmLayout = noBorders Full
@ -610,7 +611,7 @@ externalBindings ts db =
, KeyBinding "M-S-M1-," "keyboard min" $ ck bctlMin
, KeyBinding "M-S-M1-." "keyboard max" $ ck bctlMax
, KeyBinding "M-<End>" "power menu" $ Right runPowerPrompt
, KeyBinding "M-<Home>" "quit xmonad" quitf
, KeyBinding "M-<Home>" "quit xmonad" $ Left runQuitPrompt
, KeyBinding "M-<Delete>" "lock screen" $ Left runScreenLock
-- M-<F1> reserved for showing the keymap
, KeyBinding "M-<F2>" "restart xmonad" restartf
@ -630,7 +631,6 @@ externalBindings ts db =
ib = Left . brightessControls intelBacklightControls
ck = Left . brightessControls clevoKeyboardControls
ftrAlways n = Right . Always n . Always_ . FallbackAlone
quitf = ftrAlways "quit function" runQuitPrompt
restartf = ftrAlways "restart function" (runCleanup ts db >> runRestart)
recompilef = ftrAlways "recompile function" runRecompile

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
## Install all pkgs required for xmonad to run at full capacity
xmonad_pkgs=(autorandr feh xorg-server xorg-xset libpulse flameshot
playerctl wireless_tools acpid ttf-symbola-free ttf-symbola-free
ttf-dejavu awesome-terminal-fonts numlockx picom i3lock-color
playerctl acpid ttf-symbola-free ttf-symbola-free
ttf-dejavu numlockx picom i3lock-color
xorg-xrandr xss-lock)
yay --needed --noconfirm --norebuild --removemake -S "${xmonad_pkgs[@]}"

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ myDmenuMatchingArgs = ["-i"] -- case insensitivity
-- | Exported Commands
runDevMenu :: SometimesX
runDevMenu = sometimesIO "device manager" "rofi devices" t x
runDevMenu = sometimesIO_ "device manager" "rofi devices" t x
t = Only_ $ localExe myDmenuDevices
x = do
@ -87,12 +87,12 @@ runBTMenu = sometimesExeArgs "bluetooth selector" "rofi bluetooth" False
myDmenuBluetooth $ "-c":themeArgs "#0044bb"
runBwMenu :: SometimesX
runBwMenu = sometimesIO "password manager" "rofi bitwarden"
runBwMenu = sometimesIO_ "password manager" "rofi bitwarden"
(Only_ $ localExe myDmenuPasswords) $ spawnCmd myDmenuPasswords
$ ["-c"] ++ themeArgs "#bb6600" ++ myDmenuMatchingArgs
runVPNMenu :: SometimesX
runVPNMenu = sometimesIO "VPN selector" "rofi VPN"
runVPNMenu = sometimesIO_ "VPN selector" "rofi VPN"
(Only_ $ localExe myDmenuVPN) $ spawnCmd myDmenuVPN
$ ["-c"] ++ themeArgs "#007766" ++ myDmenuMatchingArgs
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ runAppMenu :: SometimesX
runAppMenu = spawnDmenuCmd "app launcher" ["-show", "drun"]
runClipMenu :: SometimesX
runClipMenu = sometimesIO "clipboard manager" "rofi greenclip" deps act
runClipMenu = sometimesIO_ "clipboard manager" "rofi greenclip" deps act
act = spawnCmd myDmenuCmd args
deps = toAnd (sysExe myDmenuCmd) (sysExe "greenclip")

View File

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ runTerm :: SometimesX
runTerm = sometimesExe "terminal" "urxvt" True myTerm
runTMux :: SometimesX
runTMux = sometimesIO "terminal multiplexer" "tmux" deps act
runTMux = sometimesIO_ "terminal multiplexer" "tmux" deps act
deps = listToAnds (sysExe myTerm) $ fmap sysExe ["tmux", "bash"]
act = spawn
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ runTMux = sometimesIO "terminal multiplexer" "tmux" deps act
msg = "could not connect to tmux session"
runCalc :: SometimesX
runCalc = sometimesIO "calculator" "R" deps act
runCalc = sometimesIO_ "calculator" "R" deps act
deps = toAnd (sysExe myTerm) (sysExe "R")
act = spawnCmd myTerm ["-e", "R"]
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ playSound file = do
featureSound :: String -> FilePath -> X () -> X () -> SometimesX
featureSound n file pre post =
sometimesIO ("volume " ++ n ++ " control") "paplay" (Only_ $ sysExe "paplay")
sometimesIO_ ("volume " ++ n ++ " control") "paplay" (Only_ $ sysExe "paplay")
$ pre >> playSound file >> post
runVolumeDown :: SometimesX
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ runNotificationContext =
runToggleBluetooth :: SometimesX
runToggleBluetooth =
sometimesIO "bluetooth toggle" "bluetoothctl" (Only_ $ sysExe myBluetooth)
sometimesIO_ "bluetooth toggle" "bluetoothctl" (Only_ $ sysExe myBluetooth)
$ spawn
$ myBluetooth ++ " show | grep -q \"Powered: no\""
#!&& "a=on"
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ runToggleBluetooth =
#!&& fmtNotifyCmd defNoteInfo { body = Just $ Text "bluetooth powered $a" }
runToggleEthernet :: SometimesX
runToggleEthernet = sometimesIO "ethernet toggle" "nmcli" (Only_ $ sysExe "nmcli")
runToggleEthernet = sometimesIO_ "ethernet toggle" "nmcli" (Only_ $ sysExe "nmcli")
$ spawn
$ "nmcli -g GENERAL.STATE device show " ++ ethernetIface ++ " | grep -q disconnected"
#!&& "a=connect"
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ runToggleEthernet = sometimesIO "ethernet toggle" "nmcli" (Only_ $ sysExe "nmcli
#!&& fmtNotifyCmd defNoteInfo { body = Just $ Text "ethernet \"$a\"ed" }
runStartISyncTimer :: SometimesX
runStartISyncTimer = sometimesIO "isync timer" "mbsync timer"
runStartISyncTimer = sometimesIO_ "isync timer" "mbsync timer"
(Only_ $ sysdUser "mbsync.timer")
$ spawn
$ "systemctl --user start mbsync.timer"
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ runStartISyncTimer = sometimesIO "isync timer" "mbsync timer"
#!|| fmtNotifyCmd defNoteError { body = Just $ Text "Isync timer failed to start" }
runStartISyncService :: SometimesX
runStartISyncService = sometimesIO "isync" "mbsync service"
runStartISyncService = sometimesIO_ "isync" "mbsync service"
(Only_ $ sysdUser "mbsync.service")
$ spawn
$ "systemctl --user start mbsync.service"
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ getCaptureDir = do
fallback = (</> ".local/share") <$> getHomeDirectory
runFlameshot :: String -> String -> SometimesX
runFlameshot n mode = sometimesIO n "flameshot" (Only_ $ sysExe myCapture)
runFlameshot n mode = sometimesIO_ n "flameshot" (Only_ $ sysExe myCapture)
$ spawnCmd myCapture [mode]
-- TODO this will steal focus from the current window (and puts it
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ runScreenCapture :: SometimesX
runScreenCapture = runFlameshot "screen capture" "screen"
runCaptureBrowser :: SometimesX
runCaptureBrowser = sometimesIO "screen capture browser" "feh"
runCaptureBrowser = sometimesIO_ "screen capture browser" "feh"
(Only_ $ sysExe myImageBrowser) $ do
dir <- io getCaptureDir
spawnCmd myImageBrowser [dir]

View File

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ module XMonad.Internal.Command.Power
, runSuspendPrompt
, runQuitPrompt
, hasBattery
, suspendPrompt
, quitPrompt
, powerPrompt
) where
@ -45,11 +45,14 @@ myScreenlock = "screenlock"
myOptimusManager :: String
myOptimusManager = "optimus-manager"
myPrimeOffload :: String
myPrimeOffload = "prime-offload"
-- | Core commands
runScreenLock :: SometimesX
runScreenLock = sometimesExe "screen locker" "i3lock script" True myScreenlock
runScreenLock = sometimesExe "screen locker" "i3lock script" False myScreenlock
runPowerOff :: X ()
runPowerOff = spawn "systemctl poweroff"
@ -64,14 +67,27 @@ runReboot :: X ()
runReboot = spawn "systemctl reboot"
-- | Confirm prompt wrappers
-- | Confirmation prompts
confirmPrompt' :: String -> X () -> T.FontBuilder -> X ()
confirmPrompt' s x fb = confirmPrompt (T.promptTheme fb) s x
suspendPrompt :: T.FontBuilder -> X ()
suspendPrompt = confirmPrompt' "suspend?" runSuspend
quitPrompt :: T.FontBuilder -> X ()
quitPrompt = confirmPrompt' "quit?" $ io exitSuccess
sometimesPrompt :: String -> (T.FontBuilder -> X ()) -> SometimesX
sometimesPrompt n = sometimesIO n (n ++ " command")
$ Only $ IOAlways T.defFont id
-- TODO doesn't this need to also lock the screen?
runSuspendPrompt :: X ()
runSuspendPrompt = confirmPrompt T.promptTheme "suspend?" runSuspend
runSuspendPrompt :: SometimesX
runSuspendPrompt = sometimesPrompt "suspend prompt" suspendPrompt
runQuitPrompt :: X ()
runQuitPrompt = confirmPrompt T.promptTheme "quit?" $ io exitSuccess
runQuitPrompt :: SometimesX
runQuitPrompt = sometimesPrompt "quit prompt" quitPrompt
-- | Nvidia Optimus
@ -91,21 +107,25 @@ hasBattery = do
readType p = fromRight [] <$> tryIOError (readFile $ syspath </> p </> "type")
syspath = "/sys/class/power_supply"
runOptimusPrompt' :: X ()
runOptimusPrompt' = do
runOptimusPrompt' :: T.FontBuilder -> X ()
runOptimusPrompt' fb = do
nvidiaOn <- io isUsingNvidia
switch $ if nvidiaOn then "integrated" else "nvidia"
switch mode = confirmPrompt T.promptTheme (prompt mode) (cmd mode)
switch mode = confirmPrompt' (prompt mode) (cmd mode) fb
prompt mode = "gpu switch to " ++ mode ++ "?"
cmd mode = spawn $
#!&& unwords [myOptimusManager, "--switch", mode, "--no-confirm"]
#!&& "killall xmonad"
runOptimusPrompt :: SometimesX
runOptimusPrompt = sometimesIO "graphics switcher" "optimus manager"
(Only_ $ localExe myOptimusManager) runOptimusPrompt'
runOptimusPrompt = Sometimes "graphics switcher" [s]
s = Subfeature { sfData = r, sfName = "optimus manager", sfLevel = Error }
r = IORoot runOptimusPrompt' t
t = And1 (Only $ IOAlways T.defFont id)
$ And_ (Only_ $ sysExe myOptimusManager) (Only_ $ sysExe myPrimeOffload)
-- | Universal power prompt
@ -134,18 +154,21 @@ instance XPrompt PowerPrompt where
showXPrompt PowerPrompt = "(P)oweroff (S)uspend (H)ibernate (R)eboot:"
runPowerPrompt :: AlwaysX
runPowerPrompt = always1 "power prompt" "lock-enabled prompt" withLock powerPromptNoLock
runPowerPrompt = Always "power prompt" $ Option sf fallback
withLock = IORoot powerPrompt (Only $ IOSometimes runScreenLock id)
sf = Subfeature withLock "lock-enabled prompt" Error
withLock = IORoot (uncurry powerPrompt) tree
tree = And12 (,) (Only $ IOSometimes runScreenLock id) (Only $ IOAlways T.defFont id)
fallback = Always_ $ FallbackTree powerPromptNoLock $ FallbackBottom T.defFont
powerPromptNoLock :: X ()
powerPromptNoLock :: T.FontBuilder -> X ()
powerPromptNoLock = powerPrompt skip
powerPrompt :: X () -> X ()
powerPrompt lock = mkXPrompt PowerPrompt theme comp executeMaybeAction
powerPrompt :: X () -> T.FontBuilder -> X ()
powerPrompt lock fb = mkXPrompt PowerPrompt theme comp executeMaybeAction
comp = mkComplFunFromList theme []
theme = T.promptTheme { promptKeymap = keymap }
theme = (T.promptTheme fb) { promptKeymap = keymap }
keymap = M.fromList
$ ((controlMask, xK_g), quit) :
map (first $ (,) 0)

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import XMonad.Internal.Command.Power
import XMonad.Internal.Concurrent.ClientMessage
import XMonad.Internal.Dependency
import XMonad.Internal.Shell
import XMonad.Internal.Theme (FontBuilder, defFont)
-- | Data structure to hold the ACPI events I care about
@ -90,17 +91,17 @@ listenACPI = do
acpiPath :: FilePath
acpiPath = "/var/run/acpid.socket"
socketDep :: Tree_ IODependency_
socketDep :: IOTree_
socketDep = Only_ $ pathR acpiPath
-- | Handle ClientMessage event containing and ACPI event (to be used in
-- Xmonad's event hook)
handleACPI :: X () -> String -> X ()
handleACPI lock tag = do
handleACPI :: FontBuilder -> X () -> String -> X ()
handleACPI fb lock tag = do
let acpiTag = toEnum <$> readMaybe tag :: Maybe ACPIEvent
forM_ acpiTag $ \case
Power -> powerPrompt lock
Sleep -> runSuspendPrompt
Power -> powerPrompt lock fb
Sleep -> suspendPrompt fb
LidClose -> do
status <- io isDischarging
-- only run suspend if battery exists and is discharging
@ -113,9 +114,12 @@ handleACPI lock tag = do
-- | Spawn a new thread that will listen for ACPI events on the acpid socket
-- and send ClientMessage events when it receives them
runPowermon :: SometimesIO
runPowermon = sometimesIO "ACPI event monitor" "acpid" socketDep listenACPI
runPowermon = sometimesIO_ "ACPI event monitor" "acpid" socketDep listenACPI
runHandleACPI :: Always (String -> X ())
runHandleACPI = always1 "ACPI event handler" "acpid" withLock $ handleACPI skip
runHandleACPI = Always "ACPI event handler" $ Option sf fallback
withLock = IORoot handleACPI (Only $ IOSometimes runScreenLock id)
sf = Subfeature withLock "acpid prompt" Error
withLock = IORoot (uncurry handleACPI)
$ And12 (,) (Only $ IOAlways defFont id) (Only $ IOSometimes runScreenLock id)
fallback = Always_ $ FallbackTree (`handleACPI` skip) $ FallbackBottom defFont

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@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ module XMonad.Internal.Dependency
, Root(..)
, Tree(..)
, Tree_(..)
, IOTree
, IOTree_
, DBusTree
, DBusTree_
, IODependency(..)
, IODependency_(..)
, SystemDependency(..)
@ -61,6 +65,7 @@ module XMonad.Internal.Dependency
, always1
, sometimes1
, sometimesIO
, sometimesIO_
, sometimesDBus
, sometimesExe
, sometimesExeArgs
@ -69,6 +74,7 @@ module XMonad.Internal.Dependency
-- dependency construction
, sysExe
, localExe
, fontFam
, sysdSystem
, sysdUser
, listToAnds
@ -187,12 +193,14 @@ type Feature a = Either (Sometimes a) (Always a)
data Always a = Always String (Always_ a)
-- | Feature that is guaranteed to work (inner data)
data Always_ a = Option (SubfeatureRoot a) (Always_ a) | Always_ (FallbackRoot a)
data Always_ a = Option (SubfeatureRoot a) (Always_ a)
| Always_ (FallbackRoot a)
-- | Root of a fallback action for an always
-- This may either be a lone action or a function that depends on the results
-- from other Always features.
data FallbackRoot a = FallbackAlone a | forall p. FallbackTree (p -> a) (FallbackStack p)
data FallbackRoot a = FallbackAlone a
| forall p. FallbackTree (p -> a) (FallbackStack p)
-- | Always features that are used as a payload for a fallback action
data FallbackStack p = FallbackBottom (Always p)
@ -225,13 +233,12 @@ data LogLevel = Silent | Error | Warn | Debug deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
-- | An action and its dependencies
-- May be a plain old monad or be DBus-dependent, in which case a client is
-- needed
data Root a = forall p. IORoot (p -> a) (Tree IODependency IODependency_ p)
| IORoot_ a (Tree_ IODependency_)
| forall p. DBusRoot (p -> Client -> a)
(Tree IODependency DBusDependency_ p) (Maybe Client)
| DBusRoot_ (Client -> a) (Tree_ DBusDependency_) (Maybe Client)
data Root a = forall p. IORoot (p -> a) (IOTree p)
| IORoot_ a IOTree_
| forall p. DBusRoot (p -> Client -> a) (DBusTree p) (Maybe Client)
| DBusRoot_ (Client -> a) DBusTree_ (Maybe Client)
-- | The dependency tree with rules to merge results
-- | The dependency tree with rule to merge results when needed
data Tree d d_ p =
forall x y. And12 (x -> y -> p) (Tree d d_ x) (Tree d d_ y)
| And1 (Tree d d_ p) (Tree_ d_)
@ -240,10 +247,13 @@ data Tree d d_ p =
| Only (d p)
-- | A dependency tree without functions to merge results
data Tree_ d =
And_ (Tree_ d) (Tree_ d)
| Or_ (Tree_ d) (Tree_ d)
| Only_ d
data Tree_ d = And_ (Tree_ d) (Tree_ d) | Or_ (Tree_ d) (Tree_ d) | Only_ d
-- | Shorthand tree types for lazy typers
type IOTree p = Tree IODependency IODependency_ p
type DBusTree p = Tree IODependency DBusDependency_ p
type IOTree_ = Tree_ IODependency_
type DBusTree_ = Tree_ DBusDependency_
-- | A dependency that only requires IO to evaluate
data IODependency p = IORead String (IO (Result p))
@ -260,6 +270,7 @@ data IODependency_ = IOSystem_ SystemDependency
| forall a. IOSometimes_ (Sometimes a)
data SystemDependency = Executable Bool FilePath
| FontFamily String
| AccessiblePath FilePath Bool Bool
| IOTest String (IO (Maybe String))
| Systemd UnitType String
@ -434,12 +445,13 @@ testSysDependency (Executable sys bin) = maybe (Just msg) (const Nothing)
msg = unwords [e, "executable", singleQuote bin, "not found"]
e = if sys then "system" else "local"
testSysDependency (Systemd t n) = do
(rc, _, _) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode' (shell cmd) ""
return $ case rc of
ExitSuccess -> Nothing
_ -> Just $ "systemd " ++ unitType t ++ " unit '" ++ n ++ "' not found"
testSysDependency (FontFamily fam) = shellTest cmd msg
msg = unwords ["font family", singleQuote fam, "not found"]
cmd = fmtCmd "fc-list" ["-q", singleQuote fam]
testSysDependency (Systemd t n) = shellTest cmd msg
msg = unwords ["systemd", unitType t, "unit", singleQuote n, "not found"]
cmd = fmtCmd "systemctl" $ ["--user" | t == UserUnit] ++ ["status", n]
testSysDependency (AccessiblePath p r w) = permMsg <$> getPermissionsSafe p
@ -455,6 +467,13 @@ testSysDependency (AccessiblePath p r w) = permMsg <$> getPermissionsSafe p
_ -> Nothing
shellTest :: String -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
shellTest cmd msg = do
(rc, _, _) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode' (shell cmd) ""
return $ case rc of
ExitSuccess -> Nothing
_ -> Just msg
unitType :: UnitType -> String
unitType SystemUnit = "system"
unitType UserUnit = "user"
@ -560,8 +579,11 @@ sometimes1 = sometimes1_ Error
always1 :: String -> String -> Root a -> a -> Always a
always1 = always1_ Error
sometimesIO :: String -> String -> Tree_ IODependency_ -> a -> Sometimes a
sometimesIO fn n t x = sometimes1 fn n $ IORoot_ x t
sometimesIO_ :: String -> String -> IOTree_ -> a -> Sometimes a
sometimesIO_ fn n t x = sometimes1 fn n $ IORoot_ x t
sometimesIO :: String -> String -> IOTree p -> (p -> a) -> Sometimes a
sometimesIO fn n t x = sometimes1 fn n $ IORoot x t
sometimesExe :: MonadIO m => String -> String -> Bool -> FilePath -> Sometimes (m ())
sometimesExe fn n sys path = sometimesExeArgs fn n sys path []
@ -569,7 +591,7 @@ sometimesExe fn n sys path = sometimesExeArgs fn n sys path []
sometimesExeArgs :: MonadIO m => String -> String -> Bool -> FilePath
-> [String] -> Sometimes (m ())
sometimesExeArgs fn n sys path args =
sometimesIO fn n (Only_ (IOSystem_ $ Executable sys path)) $ spawnCmd path args
sometimesIO_ fn n (Only_ (IOSystem_ $ Executable sys path)) $ spawnCmd path args
sometimesDBus :: Maybe Client -> String -> String -> Tree_ DBusDependency_
-> (Client -> a) -> Sometimes a
@ -598,6 +620,9 @@ toAnd a b = And_ (Only_ a) (Only_ b)
exe :: Bool -> String -> IODependency_
exe b = IOSystem_ . Executable b
fontFam :: String -> IODependency_
fontFam = IOSystem_ . FontFamily
sysExe :: String -> IODependency_
sysExe = exe True
@ -723,11 +748,11 @@ dataTree_ f_ = go
go (Only_ d) = uncurry jsonLeafUntested $ f_ d
dataIODependency :: IODependency p -> DependencyData
dataIODependency d = case d of
(IORead n _) -> (Q "ioread", [("desc", JSON_Q $ Q n)])
dataIODependency d = first Q $ case d of
(IORead n _) -> ("ioread", [("desc", JSON_Q $ Q n)])
-- TODO make this actually useful (I actually need to name my features)
(IOSometimes _ _) -> (Q "sometimes", [])
(IOAlways _ _) -> (Q "always", [])
(IOSometimes _ _) -> ("sometimes", [])
(IOAlways _ _) -> ("always", [])
dataIODependency_ :: IODependency_ -> DependencyData
dataIODependency_ d = case d of
@ -735,17 +760,18 @@ dataIODependency_ d = case d of
(IOSometimes_ _) -> (Q "sometimes", [])
dataSysDependency :: SystemDependency -> DependencyData
dataSysDependency d = do
dataSysDependency d = first Q $
case d of
(Executable sys path) -> (Q "executable", [ ("system", JSON_UQ $ jsonBool sys)
(Executable sys path) -> ("executable", [ ("system", JSON_UQ $ jsonBool sys)
, ("path", JSON_Q $ Q path)
(IOTest desc _) -> (Q "iotest", [("desc", JSON_Q $ Q desc)])
(AccessiblePath p r w) -> (Q "path", [ ("path", JSON_Q $ Q p)
(IOTest desc _) -> ("iotest", [("desc", JSON_Q $ Q desc)])
(FontFamily fam) -> ("font", [("family", JSON_Q $ Q fam)])
(AccessiblePath p r w) -> ("path", [ ("path", JSON_Q $ Q p)
, ("readable", JSON_UQ $ jsonBool r)
, ("writable", JSON_UQ $ jsonBool w)
(Systemd t n) -> (Q "systemd", [ ("unittype", JSON_Q $ Q $ unitType t)
(Systemd t n) -> ("systemd", [ ("unittype", JSON_Q $ Q $ unitType t)
, ("unit", JSON_Q $ Q n)])
dataDBusDependency :: DBusDependency_ -> DependencyData

View File

@ -18,9 +18,12 @@ module XMonad.Internal.Theme
, darken'
, Slant(..)
, Weight(..)
, ThemeFont(..)
, fmtFontXFT
, font
, FontData(..)
, FontBuilder
, buildFont
, defFontData
, defFont
, fontFeature
, tabbedTheme
, promptTheme
) where
@ -30,6 +33,7 @@ import Data.Colour
import Data.Colour.SRGB
import Data.List
import XMonad.Internal.Dependency
import qualified XMonad.Layout.Decoration as D
import qualified XMonad.Prompt as P
@ -96,24 +100,25 @@ data Weight = Light
| Black
deriving (Eq, Show)
data ThemeFont = ThemeFont
{ family :: String
, weight :: Maybe Weight
data FontData = FontData
{ weight :: Maybe Weight
, slant :: Maybe Slant
, size :: Maybe Int
, pixelsize :: Maybe Int
, antialias :: Maybe Bool
fmtFontXFT :: ThemeFont -> String
fmtFontXFT ThemeFont
{ family = f
, weight = w
type FontBuilder = FontData -> String
buildFont :: Maybe String -> FontData -> String
buildFont Nothing _ = "fixed"
buildFont (Just fam) FontData { weight = w
, slant = l
, size = s
, pixelsize = p
, antialias = a
} = intercalate ":" $ ["xft", f] ++ elems
= intercalate ":" $ ["xft", fam] ++ elems
elems = [ k ++ "=" ++ v | (k, Just v) <- [ ("weight", showLower w)
, ("slant", showLower l)
@ -125,22 +130,34 @@ fmtFontXFT ThemeFont
showLower :: Show a => Maybe a -> Maybe String
showLower = fmap (fmap toLower . show)
font :: ThemeFont
font = ThemeFont
{ family = "DejaVu Sans"
, size = Just 10
fontFeature :: String -> String -> Always FontBuilder
fontFeature n fam = always1 n sfn root def
sfn = "Font family for " ++ fam
root = IORoot_ (buildFont $ Just fam) $ Only_ $ fontFam fam
def = buildFont Nothing
-- | Default font and data
defFontData :: FontData
defFontData = FontData
{ size = Just 10
, antialias = Just True
, weight = Nothing
, slant = Nothing
, pixelsize = Nothing
defFont :: Always FontBuilder
defFont = fontFeature "Default Font" "DejaVu Sans"
-- | Complete themes
tabbedTheme :: D.Theme
tabbedTheme = D.def
{ D.fontName = fmtFontXFT font { weight = Just Bold }
tabbedTheme :: FontBuilder -> D.Theme
tabbedTheme fb = D.def
{ D.fontName = fb $ defFontData { weight = Just Bold }
, D.activeTextColor = fgColor
, D.activeColor = bgColor
@ -164,9 +181,9 @@ tabbedTheme = D.def
, D.windowTitleIcons = []
promptTheme :: P.XPConfig
promptTheme = P.def
{ P.font = fmtFontXFT font { size = Just 12 }
promptTheme :: FontBuilder -> P.XPConfig
promptTheme fb = P.def
{ P.font = fb $ defFontData { size = Just 12 }
, P.bgColor = bgColor
, P.fgColor = fgColor
, P.fgHLight = selectedFgColor