ENH use rio process for vbox command

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2022-12-27 00:14:58 -05:00
parent 7e8cc295f6
commit af5877a402
2 changed files with 34 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
@ -17,63 +18,63 @@
module Main (main) where
import Control.Exception
import Data.List
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as BU
import RIO
import RIO.Process
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import Text.Read
import Text.XML.Light
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import XMonad.Internal.Concurrent.VirtualBox
import XMonad.Internal.Process
import XMonad.Internal.Process (waitUntilExit)
main :: IO ()
main = runAndWait =<< getArgs
main = do
args <- getArgs
runSimpleApp $
runAndWait args
runAndWait :: [String] -> IO ()
runAndWait [n] = either (putStrLn . T.unpack) runConfig =<< vmInstanceConfig (T.pack n)
runAndWait :: [String] -> RIO SimpleApp ()
runAndWait [n] = do
c <- liftIO $ vmInstanceConfig (T.pack n)
either (logError . displayBytesUtf8 . encodeUtf8) runConfig c
runConfig c = maybe err runID =<< vmMachineID c
runID i = do
vmLaunch i
p <- vmPID i
waitUntilExit p
err = putStrLn "Could not get machine ID"
liftIO $ waitUntilExit p
err = logError "Could not get machine ID"
runAndWait _ = putStrLn "Usage: vbox-start VBOXNAME"
runAndWait _ = liftIO $ putStrLn "Usage: vbox-start VBOXNAME"
vmLaunch :: String -> IO ()
vmLaunch :: T.Text -> RIO SimpleApp ()
vmLaunch i = do
(rc, _, _) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode' cmd ""
rc <- proc "VBoxManage" ["startvm", T.unpack i] runProcess
case rc of
ExitSuccess -> return ()
_ -> putStrLn $ "Failed to start VM: " ++ i
cmd = proc "VBoxManage" ["startvm", i]
_ -> logError $ "Failed to start VM: "
<> displayBytesUtf8 (encodeUtf8 i)
vmPID :: String -> IO (Maybe Int)
vmPID :: T.Text -> RIO SimpleApp (Maybe Int)
vmPID vid = do
(rc, out, _) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode' cmd ""
(rc, out) <- proc "pgrep" ["-f", "VirtualBoxVM.*" ++ T.unpack vid] readProcessStdout
return $ case rc of
ExitSuccess -> readMaybe $ T.unpack out
ExitSuccess -> readMaybe $ BU.toString out
_ -> Nothing
cmd = proc "pgrep" ["-f", "VirtualBoxVM.*" ++ vid]
vmMachineID :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe String)
vmMachineID :: FilePath -> RIO SimpleApp (Maybe T.Text)
vmMachineID iPath = do
(s :: Either IOException String) <- try $ readFile iPath
return $ case s of
(Left _) -> Nothing
(Right x) -> findMachineID =<< parseXMLDoc x
res <- tryAny $ readFileUtf8 iPath
case res of
Right contents -> return $ findMachineID contents
Left e -> logError (displayShow e) >> return Nothing
findMachineID e = stripPrefix "{"
=<< (fmap reverse . stripPrefix "}" . reverse)
=<< findAttr (blank_name { qName = "uuid" })
=<< findChild (qual e "Machine") e
findMachineID c = T.stripSuffix "}"
=<< T.stripPrefix "{"
=<< (fmap T.pack . findAttr (blank_name { qName = "uuid" }))
=<< (\e -> findChild (qual e "Machine") e)
=<< parseXMLDoc c

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@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ dependencies:
- hashable >=
- xml >= 1.3.14
- lifted-base >=
- utf8-string >= 1.0.2
source-dirs: lib/