ENH actually make dependency framework functional

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2022-06-26 19:05:25 -04:00
parent 5326b49ce2
commit ec957c1dbf
14 changed files with 468 additions and 401 deletions

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@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ module Main (main) where
-- * Theme integration with xmonad (shared module imported below)
-- * A custom Locks plugin from my own forked repo
import Control.Monad
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
@ -255,16 +253,15 @@ listInterfaces = fromRight [] <$> tryIOError (listDirectory sysfsNet)
sysfsNet :: FilePath
sysfsNet = "/sys/class/net"
readInterface :: (String -> Bool) -> IO (Either String String)
readInterface f = do
ns <- filter f <$> listInterfaces
case ns of
[] -> return $ Left "no interfaces found"
(x:xs) -> do
unless (null xs) $
-- TODO store this somehow intead of printing
putStrLn $ "WARNING: extra interfaces found, using " ++ x
return $ Right x
readInterface :: String -> (String -> Bool) -> IODependency String
readInterface n f = IORead n go
go = do
ns <- filter f <$> listInterfaces
case ns of
[] -> return $ Left ["no interfaces found"]
(x:xs) -> do
return $ Right $ PostPass x $ fmap ("ignoring extra interface: "++) xs
vpnPresent :: IO (Maybe String)
vpnPresent = do
@ -292,53 +289,48 @@ rightPlugins sysClient sesClient = mapM evalFeature
getWireless :: BarFeature
getWireless = sometimes1 "wireless status indicator"
$ IOTree (Consumer wirelessCmd)
$ Only $ IORead "get wifi interface" $ fmap Just <$> readInterface isWireless
getWireless = sometimes1 "wireless status indicator" $ IORoot wirelessCmd
$ Only $ readInterface "get wifi interface" isWireless
getEthernet :: Maybe Client -> BarFeature
getEthernet client = sometimes1 "ethernet status indicator" $
DBusTree (Consumer act) client deps
DBusRoot (const . ethernetCmd) tree client
act i = const $ ethernetCmd i
deps = And (\_ s -> s) (Only devDep) (Only readEth)
readEth = DBusIO $ IORead "read ethernet interface"
$ fmap Just <$> readInterface isEthernet
tree = And1 id (Only readEth) (Only_ devDep)
readEth = readInterface "read ethernet interface" isEthernet
getBattery :: BarFeature
getBattery = sometimesIO "battery level indicator"
(Only $ IOTest "Test if battery is present" hasBattery)
(Only_ $ sysTest "Test if battery is present" hasBattery)
getVPN :: Maybe Client -> BarFeature
getVPN client = sometimesDBus client "VPN status indicator"
(toAnd vpnDep test) (const vpnCmd)
test = DBusIO $ IOTest "Use nmcli to test if VPN is present" vpnPresent
test = DBusIO $ sysTest "Use nmcli to test if VPN is present" vpnPresent
getBt :: Maybe Client -> BarFeature
getBt client = sometimesDBus client "bluetooth status indicator"
(Only btDep)
(Only_ btDep)
(const btCmd)
getAlsa :: BarFeature
getAlsa = sometimesIO "volume level indicator"
(Only $ Executable True "alsact")
getAlsa = sometimesIO "volume level indicator" (Only_ $ sysExe "alsact") alsaCmd
getBl :: Maybe Client -> BarFeature
getBl client = sometimesDBus client "Intel backlight indicator"
(Only intelBacklightSignalDep)
(Only_ intelBacklightSignalDep)
(const blCmd)
getCk :: Maybe Client -> BarFeature
getCk client = sometimesDBus client "Clevo keyboard indicator"
(Only clevoKeyboardSignalDep)
(Only_ clevoKeyboardSignalDep)
(const ckCmd)
getSs :: Maybe Client -> BarFeature
getSs client = sometimesDBus client "screensaver indicator"
(Only ssSignalDep) $ const ssCmd
(Only_ ssSignalDep) $ const ssCmd
getAllCommands :: [Maybe CmdSpec] -> IO BarRegions
getAllCommands right = do
@ -430,4 +422,3 @@ fmtSpecs = intercalate sep . fmap go
fmtRegions :: BarRegions -> String
fmtRegions BarRegions { brLeft = l, brCenter = c, brRight = r } =
fmtSpecs l ++ [lSep] ++ fmtSpecs c ++ [rSep] ++ fmtSpecs r

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@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ myDmenuMatchingArgs = ["-i"] -- case insensitivity
-- | Exported Commands
runDevMenu :: SometimesX
runDevMenu = sometimesIO "device manager" (Only $ Executable False myDmenuDevices) $ do
runDevMenu = sometimesIO "device manager" (Only_ $ localExe myDmenuDevices) $ do
c <- io $ getXdgDirectory XdgConfig "rofi/devices.yml"
spawnCmd myDmenuDevices
$ ["-c", c]
@ -84,11 +84,11 @@ runBTMenu = sometimesExeArgs "bluetooth selector" False myDmenuBluetooth
$ "-c":themeArgs "#0044bb"
runBwMenu :: SometimesX
runBwMenu = sometimesIO "password manager" (Only $ Executable False myDmenuPasswords) $
runBwMenu = sometimesIO "password manager" (Only_ $ localExe myDmenuPasswords) $
spawnCmd myDmenuPasswords $ ["-c"] ++ themeArgs "#bb6600" ++ myDmenuMatchingArgs
runVPNMenu :: SometimesX
runVPNMenu = sometimesIO "VPN selector" (Only $ Executable False myDmenuVPN) $
runVPNMenu = sometimesIO "VPN selector" (Only_ $ localExe myDmenuVPN) $
spawnCmd myDmenuVPN $ ["-c"] ++ themeArgs "#007766" ++ myDmenuMatchingArgs
-- runShowKeys :: [((KeyMask, KeySym), NamedAction)] -> NamedAction
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ runClipMenu :: SometimesX
runClipMenu = sometimesIO "clipboard manager" deps act
act = spawnCmd myDmenuCmd args
deps = toAnd (Executable True myDmenuCmd) (Executable True "greenclip")
deps = toAnd (sysExe myDmenuCmd) (sysExe "greenclip")
args = [ "-modi", "\"clipboard:greenclip print\""
, "-show", "clipboard"
, "-run-command", "'{cmd}'"

View File

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ runTerm = sometimesExe "terminal" True myTerm
runTMux :: SometimesX
runTMux = sometimesIO "terminal multiplexer" deps act
deps = listToAnds (Executable True myTerm) $ fmap (Executable True) ["tmux", "bash"]
deps = listToAnds (sysExe myTerm) $ fmap sysExe ["tmux", "bash"]
act = spawn
$ "tmux has-session"
#!&& fmtCmd myTerm ["-e", "bash", "-c", singleQuote c]
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ runTMux = sometimesIO "terminal multiplexer" deps act
runCalc :: SometimesX
runCalc = sometimesIO "calculator" deps act
deps = toAnd (Executable True myTerm) (Executable True "R")
deps = toAnd (sysExe myTerm) (sysExe "R")
act = spawnCmd myTerm ["-e", "R"]
runBrowser :: SometimesX
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ playSound file = do
featureSound :: String -> FilePath -> X () -> X () -> SometimesX
featureSound n file pre post =
sometimesIO ("volume " ++ n ++ " control") (Only $ Executable True "paplay")
sometimesIO ("volume " ++ n ++ " control") (Only_ $ sysExe "paplay")
$ pre >> playSound file >> post
runVolumeDown :: SometimesX
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ runNotificationContext =
runToggleBluetooth :: SometimesX
runToggleBluetooth =
sometimesIO "bluetooth toggle" (Only $ Executable True myBluetooth)
sometimesIO "bluetooth toggle" (Only_ $ sysExe myBluetooth)
$ spawn
$ myBluetooth ++ " show | grep -q \"Powered: no\""
#!&& "a=on"
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ runToggleBluetooth =
#!&& fmtNotifyCmd defNoteInfo { body = Just $ Text "bluetooth powered $a" }
runToggleEthernet :: SometimesX
runToggleEthernet = sometimesIO "ethernet toggle" (Only $ Executable True "nmcli")
runToggleEthernet = sometimesIO "ethernet toggle" (Only_ $ sysExe "nmcli")
$ spawn
$ "nmcli -g GENERAL.STATE device show " ++ ethernetIface ++ " | grep -q disconnected"
#!&& "a=connect"
@ -212,14 +212,14 @@ runToggleEthernet = sometimesIO "ethernet toggle" (Only $ Executable True "nmcli
#!&& fmtNotifyCmd defNoteInfo { body = Just $ Text "ethernet \"$a\"ed" }
runStartISyncTimer :: SometimesX
runStartISyncTimer = sometimesIO "isync timer" (Only $ Systemd UserUnit "mbsync.timer")
runStartISyncTimer = sometimesIO "isync timer" (Only_ $ sysdUser "mbsync.timer")
$ spawn
$ "systemctl --user start mbsync.timer"
#!&& fmtNotifyCmd defNoteInfo { body = Just $ Text "Isync timer started" }
#!|| fmtNotifyCmd defNoteError { body = Just $ Text "Isync timer failed to start" }
runStartISyncService :: SometimesX
runStartISyncService = sometimesIO "isync" (Only $ Systemd UserUnit "mbsync.service")
runStartISyncService = sometimesIO "isync" (Only_ $ sysdUser "mbsync.service")
$ spawn
$ "systemctl --user start mbsync.service"
#!&& fmtNotifyCmd defNoteInfo { body = Just $ Text "Isync completed" }
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ getCaptureDir = do
fallback = (</> ".local/share") <$> getHomeDirectory
runFlameshot :: String -> String -> SometimesX
runFlameshot n mode = sometimesIO n (Only $ Executable True myCapture)
runFlameshot n mode = sometimesIO n (Only_ $ sysExe myCapture)
$ spawnCmd myCapture [mode]
-- TODO this will steal focus from the current window (and puts it
@ -282,6 +282,6 @@ runScreenCapture = runFlameshot "screen capture" "screen"
runCaptureBrowser :: SometimesX
runCaptureBrowser =
sometimesIO "screen capture browser" (Only $ Executable True myImageBrowser) $ do
sometimesIO "screen capture browser" (Only_ $ sysExe myImageBrowser) $ do
dir <- io getCaptureDir
spawnCmd myImageBrowser [dir]

View File

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ runOptimusPrompt' = do
#!&& "killall xmonad"
runOptimusPrompt :: SometimesX
runOptimusPrompt = sometimesIO "graphics switcher" (Only $ Executable True myOptimusManager)
runOptimusPrompt = sometimesIO "graphics switcher" (Only_ $ localExe myOptimusManager)

View File

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ acpiPath = "/var/run/acpid.socket"
-- | Spawn a new thread that will listen for ACPI events on the acpid socket
-- and send ClientMessage events when it receives them
runPowermon :: SometimesIO
runPowermon = sometimesIO "ACPI event monitor" (Only $ pathR acpiPath) listenACPI
runPowermon = sometimesIO "ACPI event monitor" (Only_ $ pathR acpiPath) listenACPI
-- | Handle ClientMessage event containing and ACPI event (to be used in
-- Xmonad's event hook)

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@ -107,13 +107,13 @@ clevoKeyboardConfig = BrightnessConfig
-- | Exported haskell API
stateFileDep :: IODependency p
stateFileDep :: IODependency_
stateFileDep = pathRW stateFile
brightnessFileDep :: IODependency p
brightnessFileDep :: IODependency_
brightnessFileDep = pathR brightnessFile
clevoKeyboardSignalDep :: DBusDependency RawBrightness
clevoKeyboardSignalDep :: DBusDependency_
clevoKeyboardSignalDep = signalDep clevoKeyboardConfig
exportClevoKeyboard :: Maybe Client -> SometimesIO

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ callGetBrightness BrightnessConfig { bcPath = p, bcInterface = i } client =
either (const Nothing) bodyGetBrightness
<$> callMethod client xmonadBusName p i memGet
signalDep :: BrightnessConfig a b -> DBusDependency m
signalDep :: BrightnessConfig a b -> DBusDependency_
signalDep BrightnessConfig { bcPath = p, bcInterface = i } =
Endpoint xmonadBusName p i $ Signal_ memCur
@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ matchSignal BrightnessConfig { bcPath = p, bcInterface = i } cb =
-- | Internal DBus Crap
brightnessExporter :: RealFrac b => [IODependency (Maybe x)]
-> BrightnessConfig a b -> Maybe Client -> SometimesIO
brightnessExporter :: RealFrac b => [IODependency_] -> BrightnessConfig a b
-> Maybe Client -> SometimesIO
brightnessExporter deps bc@BrightnessConfig { bcName = n } client =
sometimesDBus client (n ++ " exporter") ds (exportBrightnessControls' bc)

View File

@ -89,13 +89,13 @@ intelBacklightConfig = BrightnessConfig
-- | Exported haskell API
curFileDep :: IODependency p
curFileDep :: IODependency_
curFileDep = pathRW curFile
maxFileDep :: IODependency p
maxFileDep :: IODependency_
maxFileDep = pathR maxFile
intelBacklightSignalDep :: DBusDependency RawBrightness
intelBacklightSignalDep :: DBusDependency_
intelBacklightSignalDep = signalDep intelBacklightConfig
exportIntelBacklight :: Maybe Client -> SometimesIO

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@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ memAdded = memberName_ "InterfacesAdded"
memRemoved :: MemberName
memRemoved = memberName_ "InterfacesRemoved"
dbusDep :: MemberName -> DBusDependency p
dbusDep :: MemberName -> DBusDependency_
dbusDep m = Endpoint bus path interface $ Signal_ m
addedDep :: DBusDependency p
addedDep :: DBusDependency_
addedDep = dbusDep memAdded
removedDep :: DBusDependency p
removedDep :: DBusDependency_
removedDep = dbusDep memRemoved
driveInsertedSound :: FilePath

View File

@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ exportScreensaver client =
bus = Bus xmonadBusName
ssx = DBusIO $ Executable True ssExecutable
ssx = DBusIO $ IOSystem_ $ Executable True ssExecutable
callToggle :: Maybe Client -> SometimesIO
callToggle = sometimesEndpoint "screensaver toggle" xmonadBusName ssPath
@ -132,5 +132,5 @@ matchSignal :: (Maybe SSState -> IO ()) -> Client -> IO ()
matchSignal cb =
fmap void . addMatchCallback ruleCurrentState $ cb . bodyGetCurrentState
ssSignalDep :: DBusDependency p
ssSignalDep :: DBusDependency_
ssSignalDep = Endpoint xmonadBusName ssPath interface $ Signal_ memState

View File

@ -1,30 +1,44 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-- | Functions for handling dependencies
module XMonad.Internal.Dependency
( AlwaysX
, AlwaysIO
, Feature
-- feature types
( Feature
, Always(..)
, TestedSometimes(..)
, Sometimes
, AlwaysX
, AlwaysIO
, SometimesX
, SometimesIO
, Sometimes
, ioSometimes
, ioAlways
, PostPass(..)
, Subfeature(..)
, LogLevel(..)
-- dependency tree types
, Root(..)
, Tree(..)
, Tree_(..)
, IODependency(..)
, IODependency_(..)
, SystemDependency(..)
, DBusDependency_(..)
, DBusMember(..)
, UnitType(..)
, Result
-- testing
, evalFeature
, executeSometimes
, executeAlways
, evalAlways
, evalSometimes
, Subfeature(..)
, LogLevel(..)
, Action(..)
-- lifting
, ioSometimes
, ioAlways
-- feature construction
, sometimes1
@ -34,18 +48,17 @@ module XMonad.Internal.Dependency
, sometimesExeArgs
, sometimesEndpoint
-- Dependency tree
, ActionTree(..)
, Tree(..)
, IODependency(..)
, DBusDependency(..)
, DBusMember(..)
, UnitType(..)
-- dependency construction
, sysExe
, localExe
, sysdSystem
, sysdUser
, listToAnds
, toAnd
, pathR
, pathRW
, pathW
, sysTest
) where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
@ -53,7 +66,6 @@ import Control.Monad.Identity
-- import Data.Aeson
import Data.Bifunctor
-- import Data.Either
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe
-- import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -64,7 +76,7 @@ import DBus.Internal
import qualified DBus.Introspection as I
import System.Directory (findExecutable, readable, writable)
-- import System.Environment
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import XMonad.Core (X, io)
@ -73,9 +85,52 @@ import XMonad.Internal.Process
import XMonad.Internal.Shell
-- | Features
-- | Feature Evaluation
-- Here we attempt to build and return the monadic actions encoded by each
-- feature.
-- data AlwaysAny = AX AlwaysX | AIO AlwaysIO
-- | Execute an Always immediately
executeAlways :: MonadIO m => Always (m a) -> m a
executeAlways = join . evalAlways
-- | Execute a Sometimes immediately (or do nothing if failure)
executeSometimes :: MonadIO m => Sometimes (m a) -> m (Maybe a)
executeSometimes a = maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just) =<< evalSometimes a
-- | Possibly return the action of an Always/Sometimes
evalFeature :: MonadIO m => Feature a -> m (Maybe a)
evalFeature (Right a) = Just <$> evalAlways a
evalFeature (Left s) = evalSometimes s
-- | Possibly return the action of a Sometimes
evalSometimes :: MonadIO m => Sometimes a -> m (Maybe a)
evalSometimes x = io $ either goFail goPass =<< evalSometimesMsg x
goPass (PostPass a ws) = putErrors ws >> return (Just a)
goFail es = putErrors es >> return Nothing
putErrors = mapM_ putStrLn
-- | Return the action of an Always
evalAlways :: MonadIO m => Always a -> m a
evalAlways a = do
(PostPass x ws) <- evalAlwaysMsg a
io $ mapM_ putStrLn ws
return x
-- | Feature status
-- | Dump the status of an Always to stdout
-- dumpAlways :: MonadIO m => Always a -> m ()
-- dumpAlways = undefined
-- | Dump the status of a Sometimes to stdout
-- dumpSometimes :: MonadIO m => Sometimes a -> m ()
-- dumpSometimes = undefined
-- | Wrapper types
type AlwaysX = Always (X ())
@ -87,388 +142,273 @@ type SometimesIO = Sometimes (IO ())
type Feature a = Either (Sometimes a) (Always a)
data Always a = Option (Subfeature a Tree) (Always a) | Always a
type Sometimes a = [Subfeature a Tree]
ioSometimes :: MonadIO m => Sometimes (IO a) -> Sometimes (m a)
ioSometimes = fmap ioSubfeature
ioAlways :: MonadIO m => Always (IO a) -> Always (m a)
ioAlways (Always x) = Always $ io x
ioAlways (Option sf a) = Option (ioSubfeature sf) $ ioAlways a
data TestedAlways a p =
Primary (Finished a p) [FailedFeature a p] (Always a)
| Fallback a [FailedFeature a p]
data TestedSometimes a p = TestedSometimes
{ tsSuccess :: Maybe (Finished a p)
, tsFailed :: [FailedFeature a p]
, tsUntested :: [Subfeature a Tree]
type FailedFeature a p = Either (Subfeature a Tree, String)
(Subfeature a ResultTree, [String])
data Finished a p = Finished
{ finData :: Subfeature a ResultTree
, finAction :: a
, finWarnings :: [String]
data FeatureResult a p = Untestable (Subfeature a Tree) String |
FailedFtr (Subfeature a ResultTree) [String] |
SuccessfulFtr (Finished a p)
type ActionTreeMaybe a p = Either (ActionTree a Tree, String)
(ActionTree a ResultTree, Maybe a, [String])
sometimes1_ :: LogLevel -> String -> ActionTree a Tree -> Sometimes a
sometimes1_ l n t = [Subfeature{ sfTree = t, sfName = n, sfLevel = l }]
-- always1_ :: LogLevel -> String -> ActionTree a Tree -> a -> Always a
-- always1_ l n t x =
-- Option (Subfeature{ sfTree = t, sfName = n, sfLevel = l }) (Always x)
sometimes1 :: String -> ActionTree a Tree -> Sometimes a
sometimes1 = sometimes1_ Error
sometimesIO :: String -> Tree (IODependency p) p -> a -> Sometimes a
sometimesIO n t x = sometimes1 n $ IOTree (Standalone x) t
sometimesDBus :: Maybe Client -> String -> Tree (DBusDependency p) p
-> (Client -> a) -> Sometimes a
sometimesDBus c n t x = sometimes1 n $ DBusTree (Standalone x) c t
-- | Feature Data
-- | Feature declaration
data Subfeature a t = Subfeature
{ sfTree :: ActionTree a t
-- | Feature that is guaranteed to work
-- This is composed of sub-features that are tested in order, and if all fail
-- the fallback is a monadic action (eg a plain haskell function)
data Always a = Option (SubfeatureRoot a) (Always a) | Always a
-- | Feature that might not be present
-- This is like an Always except it doesn't fall back on a guaranteed monadic
-- action
type Sometimes a = [SubfeatureRoot a]
-- | Individually tested sub-feature data for Always/sometimes
-- The polymorphism allows representing tested and untested states. Includes
-- the 'action' itself to be tested and any auxilary data for describing the
-- sub-feature.
data Subfeature f = Subfeature
{ sfData :: f
, sfName :: String
, sfLevel :: LogLevel
type SubfeatureRoot a = Subfeature (Root a)
-- | Loglevel at which feature testing should be reported
-- This is currently not used for anything important
data LogLevel = Silent | Error | Warn | Debug deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
ioSubfeature :: MonadIO m => Subfeature (IO a) t -> Subfeature (m a) t
ioSubfeature sf = sf { sfTree = ioActionTree $ sfTree sf }
-- | An action and its dependencies
-- May be a plain old monad or be DBus-dependent, in which case a client is
-- needed
data Root a = forall p. IORoot (p -> a) (Tree IODependency IODependency_ p)
| IORoot_ a (Tree_ IODependency_)
| forall p. DBusRoot (p -> Client -> a) (Tree IODependency DBusDependency_ p) (Maybe Client)
| DBusRoot_ (Client -> a) (Tree_ DBusDependency_) (Maybe Client)
-- data Msg = Msg LogLevel String String
-- | The dependency tree with rules to merge results
data Tree d d_ p =
And12 (p -> p -> p) (Tree d d_ p) (Tree d d_ p)
| And1 (p -> p) (Tree d d_ p) (Tree_ d_)
| And2 (p -> p) (Tree_ d_) (Tree d d_ p)
| Or (p -> p) (p -> p) (Tree d d_ p) (Tree d d_ p)
| Only (d p)
-- | Action Tree
-- | A dependency tree without functions to merge results
data Tree_ d =
And_ (Tree_ d) (Tree_ d)
| Or_ (Tree_ d) (Tree_ d)
| Only_ d
data ActionTree a t =
forall p. IOTree (Action a p) (t (IODependency p) p)
| forall p. DBusTree (Action (Client -> a) p) (Maybe Client)
(t (DBusDependency p) p)
-- | A dependency that only requires IO to evaluate
data IODependency p = IORead String (IO (Result p))
| forall a. IOAlways (Always a) (a -> p)
| forall a. IOSometimes (Sometimes a) (a -> p)
data Action a p = Standalone a | Consumer (p -> a)
-- | A dependency pertaining to the DBus
-- data DBusDependency p =
-- -- Bus BusName
-- -- | Endpoint BusName ObjectPath InterfaceName DBusMember
-- DBusIO (IODependency p)
ioActionTree :: MonadIO m => ActionTree (IO a) t -> ActionTree (m a) t
ioActionTree (IOTree (Standalone a) t) = IOTree (Standalone $ io a) t
ioActionTree (IOTree (Consumer a) t) = IOTree (Consumer $ io . a) t
ioActionTree (DBusTree (Standalone a) cl t) = DBusTree (Standalone $ io . a) cl t
ioActionTree (DBusTree (Consumer a) cl t) = DBusTree (Consumer (\p c -> io $ a p c)) cl t
-- | A dependency pertaining to the DBus
data DBusDependency_ = Bus BusName
| Endpoint BusName ObjectPath InterfaceName DBusMember
| DBusIO IODependency_
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Dependency Tree
-- | A dependency that only requires IO to evaluate (no payload)
data IODependency_ = IOSystem_ SystemDependency | forall a. IOSometimes_ (Sometimes a)
data Tree d p =
And (p -> p -> p) (Tree d p) (Tree d p)
| Or (p -> p) (p -> p) (Tree d p) (Tree d p)
| Only d
listToAnds :: d -> [d] -> Tree d (Maybe x)
listToAnds i = foldr (And (const . const Nothing) . Only) (Only i)
toAnd :: d -> d -> Tree d (Maybe x)
toAnd a b = And (const . const Nothing) (Only a) (Only b)
-- | Result Tree
-- | how to interpret ResultTree combinations:
-- First (LeafSuccess a) (Tree a) -> Or that succeeded on left
-- First (LeafFail a) (Tree a) -> And that failed on left
-- Both (LeafFail a) (Fail a) -> Or that failed
-- Both (LeafSuccess a) (LeafSuccess a) -> And that succeeded
-- Both (LeafFail a) (LeafSuccess a) -> Or that failed first and succeeded second
-- Both (LeafSuccess a) (LeafFail a) -> And that failed on the right
data ResultTree d p =
First (ResultTree d p) (Tree d p)
| Both (ResultTree d p) (ResultTree d p)
| LeafSuccess d [String]
| LeafFail d [String]
type Payload p = (Maybe p, [String])
type Summary p = Either [String] (Payload p)
smryNil :: q -> Summary p
smryNil = const $ Right (Nothing, [])
smryFail :: String -> Either [String] a
smryFail msg = Left [msg]
-- smryInit :: Summary p
-- smryInit = Right (Nothing, [])
-- foldResultTreeMsgs :: ResultTree d p -> ([String], [String])
-- foldResultTreeMsgs = undefined
-- | Result
-- type Result p = Either [String] (Maybe p)
-- resultNil :: p -> Result q
-- resultNil = const $ Right Nothing
-- | IO Dependency
data IODependency p = Executable Bool FilePath
data SystemDependency = Executable Bool FilePath
| AccessiblePath FilePath Bool Bool
| IOTest String (IO (Maybe String))
| IORead String (IO (Either String (Maybe p)))
| Systemd UnitType String
| forall a. NestedAlways (Always a) (a -> p)
| forall a. NestedSometimes (Sometimes a) (a -> p)
-- | The type of a systemd service
data UnitType = SystemUnit | UserUnit deriving (Eq, Show)
sometimesExe :: MonadIO m => String -> Bool -> FilePath -> Sometimes (m ())
sometimesExe n sys path = sometimesExeArgs n sys path []
sometimesExeArgs :: MonadIO m => String -> Bool -> FilePath -> [String] -> Sometimes (m ())
sometimesExeArgs n sys path args =
sometimesIO n (Only (Executable sys path)) $ spawnCmd path args
pathR :: String -> IODependency p
pathR n = AccessiblePath n True False
pathW :: String -> IODependency p
pathW n = AccessiblePath n False True
pathRW :: String -> IODependency p
pathRW n = AccessiblePath n True True
-- | DBus Dependency Result
data DBusDependency p =
Bus BusName
| Endpoint BusName ObjectPath InterfaceName DBusMember
| DBusIO (IODependency p)
-- | Wrapper type to describe and endpoint
data DBusMember = Method_ MemberName
| Signal_ MemberName
| Property_ String
deriving (Eq, Show)
introspectInterface :: InterfaceName
introspectInterface = interfaceName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable"
-- | Tested dependency tree
-- The main reason I need this is so I have a "result" I can convert to JSON
-- and dump on the CLI (unless there is a way to make Aeson work inside an IO)
introspectMethod :: MemberName
introspectMethod = memberName_ "Introspect"
-- | Tested Always feature
data PostAlways a = Primary (SubfeaturePass a) [SubfeatureFail] (Always a)
| Fallback a [SubfeatureFail]
sometimesEndpoint :: MonadIO m => String -> BusName -> ObjectPath -> InterfaceName
-> MemberName -> Maybe Client -> Sometimes (m ())
sometimesEndpoint name busname path iface mem client =
sometimesDBus client name deps cmd
deps = Only $ Endpoint busname path iface $ Method_ mem
cmd c = io $ void $ callMethod c busname path iface mem
-- | Tested Sometimes feature
data PostSometimes a = PostSometimes
{ psSuccess :: Maybe (SubfeaturePass a)
, psFailed :: [SubfeatureFail]
-- | Passing subfeature
type SubfeaturePass a = Subfeature (PostPass a)
-- | Failed subfeature
type SubfeatureFail = Subfeature PostFail
-- | An action that passed
data PostPass a = PostPass a [String] deriving (Functor)
addMsgs :: PostPass a -> [String] -> PostPass a
addMsgs (PostPass a ms) ms' = PostPass a $ ms ++ ms'
-- | An action that failed
data PostFail = PostFail [String] | PostMissing String
-- | Feature evaluation
-- Here we attempt to build and return the monadic actions encoded by each
-- feature.
-- | Testing pipeline
executeAlways :: MonadIO m => Always (m a) -> m a
executeAlways = join . evalAlways
executeSometimes :: MonadIO m => Sometimes (m a) -> m (Maybe a)
executeSometimes a = maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just) =<< evalSometimes a
evalFeature :: MonadIO m => Feature a -> m (Maybe a)
evalFeature (Right a) = Just <$> evalAlways a
evalFeature (Left s) = evalSometimes s
-- TODO actually print things
evalSometimes :: MonadIO m => Sometimes a -> m (Maybe a)
evalSometimes x = either (const Nothing) (Just . fst) <$> evalSometimesMsg x
-- TODO actually collect error messages here
-- TODO add feature name to errors
evalSometimesMsg :: MonadIO m => Sometimes a -> m (Either [String] (a, [String]))
evalSometimesMsg :: MonadIO m => Sometimes a -> m (Result a)
evalSometimesMsg x = io $ do
TestedSometimes { tsSuccess = s, tsFailed = _ } <- testSometimes x
return $ maybe (Left []) (\Finished { finAction = a } -> Right (a, [])) s
PostSometimes { psSuccess = s, psFailed = fs } <- testSometimes x
case s of
(Just (Subfeature { sfData = p })) -> Right . addMsgs p <$> failedMsgs False fs
_ -> Left <$> failedMsgs True fs
evalAlwaysMsg :: MonadIO m => Always a -> m (PostPass a)
evalAlwaysMsg x = io $ do
r <- testAlways x
case r of
(Primary (Subfeature { sfData = p }) fs _) -> addMsgs p <$> failedMsgs False fs
(Fallback act fs) -> PostPass act <$> failedMsgs False fs
-- TODO actually print things
evalAlways :: MonadIO m => Always a -> m a
evalAlways a = fst <$> evalAlwaysMsg a
evalAlwaysMsg :: MonadIO m => Always a -> m (a, [String])
evalAlwaysMsg a = io $ do
r <- testAlways a
return $ case r of
(Primary (Finished { finAction = act }) _ _) -> (act, [])
(Fallback act _) -> (act, [])
-- | Dependency Testing
-- Here we test all dependencies and keep the tree structure so we can print it
-- for diagnostic purposes. This obviously has overlap with feature evaluation
-- since we need to resolve dependencies to build each feature.
testAlways :: Always m -> IO (TestedAlways m p)
testAlways :: Always a -> IO (PostAlways a)
testAlways = go []
go failed (Option fd next) = do
r <- testSubfeature fd
case r of
(Untestable fd' err) -> go (Left (fd' ,err):failed) next
(FailedFtr fd' errs) -> go (Right (fd' ,errs):failed) next
(SuccessfulFtr s) -> return $ Primary s failed next
(Left l) -> go (l:failed) next
(Right pass) -> return $ Primary pass failed next
go failed (Always a) = return $ Fallback a failed
testSometimes :: Sometimes m -> IO (TestedSometimes m p)
testSometimes = go (TestedSometimes Nothing [] [])
testSometimes :: Sometimes a -> IO (PostSometimes a)
testSometimes = go (PostSometimes Nothing [])
go ts [] = return ts
go ts (x:xs) = do
r <- testSubfeature x
case r of
(Untestable fd' err) -> go (addFail ts (Left (fd' ,err))) xs
(FailedFtr fd' errs) -> go (addFail ts (Right (fd' ,errs))) xs
(SuccessfulFtr s) -> return $ ts { tsSuccess = Just s }
addFail ts@(TestedSometimes { tsFailed = f }) new
= ts { tsFailed = new:f }
sf <- testSubfeature x
case sf of
(Left l) -> go (ts { psFailed = l:psFailed ts }) xs
(Right pass) -> return $ ts { psSuccess = Just pass }
testSubfeature :: Subfeature m Tree -> IO (FeatureResult m p)
testSubfeature fd@(Subfeature { sfTree = t }) = do
atm <- testActionTree t
return $ either untestable checkAction atm
testSubfeature :: SubfeatureRoot a -> IO (Either SubfeatureFail (SubfeaturePass a))
testSubfeature sf@Subfeature{ sfData = t } = do
t' <- testRoot t
-- monomorphism restriction :(
return $ bimap (\n -> sf { sfData = n }) (\n -> sf { sfData = n }) t'
testRoot :: Root a -> IO (Either PostFail (PostPass a))
testRoot r = do
case r of
(IORoot a t) -> go a testIODependency_ testIODependency t
(IORoot_ a t) -> go_ a testIODependency_ t
(DBusRoot a t (Just cl)) -> go (`a` cl) (testDBusDependency_ cl) testIODependency t
(DBusRoot_ a t (Just cl)) -> go_ (a cl) (testDBusDependency_ cl) t
_ -> return $ Left $ PostMissing "client not available"
untestable (t', err) = Untestable (fd { sfTree = t' }) err
checkAction (t', Just a, ms) = SuccessfulFtr
$ Finished { finData = fd { sfTree = t' }
, finAction = a
, finWarnings = ms
checkAction (t', Nothing, ms) = FailedFtr (fd { sfTree = t' }) ms
go a f_ f t = bimap PostFail (fmap a) <$> testTree f_ f t
go_ a f_ t = bimap PostFail (PostPass a) <$> testTree_ f_ t
testActionTree :: ActionTree m Tree -> IO (ActionTreeMaybe m p)
testActionTree t = do
case t of
(IOTree a d) -> do
(t', a', msgs) <- doTest testIOTree d a
return $ Right (IOTree a t', a', msgs)
(DBusTree a (Just cl) d) -> do
(t', a', msgs) <- doTest (testDBusTree cl) d a
return $ Right (DBusTree a (Just cl) t', fmap (\f -> f cl) a', msgs)
_ -> return $ Left (t, "client not available")
-- | Payloaded dependency testing
type Result p = Either [String] (PostPass p)
testTree :: (d_ -> IO Result_) -> (d p -> IO (Result p)) -> Tree d d_ p
-> IO (Either [String] (PostPass p))
testTree test_ test = go
-- TODO clean this up
doTest testFun d a = do
(t', r) <- testFun d
-- TODO actually recover the proper error messages
let (a', msgs) = maybe (Nothing, []) (\p -> (fmap (apply a) p, [])) r
return (t', a', msgs)
apply (Standalone a) _ = a
apply (Consumer a) p = a p
testIOTree :: Tree (IODependency p) p
-> IO (ResultTree (IODependency p) p, Maybe (Maybe p))
testIOTree = testTree testIODependency
testDBusTree :: Client -> Tree (DBusDependency p) p
-> IO (ResultTree (DBusDependency p) p, Maybe (Maybe p))
testDBusTree client = testTree (testDBusDependency client)
testTree :: Monad m => (d -> m (Summary p)) -> Tree d p
-> m (ResultTree d p, Maybe (Maybe p))
testTree test = go
go (And f a b) = do
(ra, pa) <- go a
let combine = maybe (const Nothing) (\pa' -> Just . f pa')
let pass p = test2nd (combine p) ra b
let fail_ = return (First ra b, Nothing)
maybe fail_ pass pa
go (And12 f a b) = either (return . Left) (\ra -> (and2nd f ra =<<) <$> go b)
=<< go a
go (And1 f a b) = do
ra <- go a
case ra of
(Right (PostPass pa wa)) -> do
rb <- testTree_ test_ b
return $ case rb of
(Left es) -> Left es
(Right wb) -> Right $ PostPass (f pa) $ wa ++ wb
l -> return l
go (And2 f a b) = do
ra <- testTree_ test_ a
case ra of
(Right wa) -> do
rb <- go b
return $ case rb of
(Left es) -> Left es
(Right (PostPass pb wb)) -> Right $ PostPass (f pb) $ wa ++ wb
(Left l) -> return $ Left l
go (Or fa fb a b) = do
(ra, pa) <- go a
let pass p = return (First ra b, Just $ fa <$> p)
let fail_ = test2nd (Just . fb) ra b
maybe fail_ pass pa
go (Only a) =
either (\es -> (LeafFail a es, Nothing)) (\(p, ws) -> (LeafSuccess a ws, Just p))
<$> test a
test2nd f ra b = do
(rb, pb) <- go b
return (Both ra rb, fmap (f =<<) pb)
ra <- go a
case ra of
(Right (PostPass pa wa)) -> return $ Right $ PostPass (fa pa) wa
(Left ea) -> (or2nd fb ea =<<) <$> go b
go (Only a) = test a
and2nd f (PostPass pa wa) (PostPass pb wb) = Right $ PostPass (f pa pb) $ wa ++ wb
or2nd f es (PostPass pb wb) = Right $ PostPass (f pb) $ es ++ wb
testIODependency :: IODependency p -> IO (Summary p)
testIODependency (Executable _ bin) = maybe err smryNil <$> findExecutable bin
testIODependency :: IODependency p -> IO (Result p)
testIODependency (IORead _ t) = t
testIODependency (IOAlways a f) = Right . fmap f <$> evalAlwaysMsg a
testIODependency (IOSometimes x f) = second (fmap f) <$> evalSometimesMsg x
-- | Standalone dependency testing
type Result_ = Either [String] [String]
testTree_ :: (d -> IO Result_) -> Tree_ d -> IO (Either [String] [String])
testTree_ test = go
err = Left ["executable '" ++ bin ++ "' not found"]
go (And_ a b) = either (return . Left) (`test2nd` b) =<< go a
go (Or_ a b) = either (`test2nd` b) (return . Right) =<< go a
go (Only_ a) = test a
test2nd ws = fmap ((Right . (ws ++)) =<<) . go
testIODependency (IOTest _ t) = maybe (Right (Nothing, [])) (Left . (:[])) <$> t
testIODependency_ :: IODependency_ -> IO Result_
testIODependency_ (IOSystem_ s) = maybe (Right []) (Left . (:[])) <$> testSysDependency s
testIODependency_ (IOSometimes_ x) = second (\(PostPass _ ws) -> ws) <$> evalSometimesMsg x
testIODependency (IORead _ t) = bimap (:[]) (, []) <$> t
testIODependency (Systemd t n) = do
testSysDependency :: SystemDependency -> IO (Maybe String)
testSysDependency (IOTest _ t) = t
testSysDependency (Executable sys bin) = maybe (Just msg) (const Nothing)
<$> findExecutable bin
msg = unwords [e, "executable", quote bin, "not found"]
e = if sys then "system" else "local"
testSysDependency (Systemd t n) = do
(rc, _, _) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode' (shell cmd) ""
return $ case rc of
ExitSuccess -> Right (Nothing, [])
_ -> Left ["systemd " ++ unitType t ++ " unit '" ++ n ++ "' not found"]
ExitSuccess -> Nothing
_ -> Just $ "systemd " ++ unitType t ++ " unit '" ++ n ++ "' not found"
cmd = fmtCmd "systemctl" $ ["--user" | t == UserUnit] ++ ["status", n]
unitType SystemUnit = "system"
unitType UserUnit = "user"
testIODependency (AccessiblePath p r w) = do
res <- getPermissionsSafe p
let msg = permMsg res
return msg
testSysDependency (AccessiblePath p r w) = permMsg <$> getPermissionsSafe p
testPerm False _ _ = Nothing
testPerm True f res = Just $ f res
permMsg NotFoundError = smryFail "file not found"
permMsg PermError = smryFail "could not get permissions"
permMsg NotFoundError = Just "file not found"
permMsg PermError = Just "could not get permissions"
permMsg (PermResult res) =
case (testPerm r readable res, testPerm w writable res) of
(Just False, Just False) -> smryFail "file not readable or writable"
(Just False, _) -> smryFail "file not readable"
(_, Just False) -> smryFail "file not writable"
_ -> Right (Nothing, [])
(Just False, Just False) -> Just "file not readable or writable"
(Just False, _) -> Just "file not readable"
(_, Just False) -> Just "file not writable"
_ -> Nothing
-- TODO actually collect errors here
testIODependency (NestedAlways a f) = do
r <- testAlways a
return $ Right $ case r of
(Primary (Finished { finAction = act }) _ _) -> (Just $ f act, [])
(Fallback act _) -> (Just $ f act, [])
testIODependency (NestedSometimes x f) = do
TestedSometimes { tsSuccess = s, tsFailed = _ } <- testSometimes x
return $ maybe (Left []) (\Finished { finAction = a } -> Right (Just $ f a, [])) s
testDBusDependency :: Client -> DBusDependency p -> IO (Summary p)
testDBusDependency client (Bus bus) = do
testDBusDependency_ :: Client -> DBusDependency_ -> IO Result_
testDBusDependency_ client (Bus bus) = do
ret <- callMethod client queryBus queryPath queryIface queryMem
return $ case ret of
Left e -> smryFail e
Right b -> let ns = bodyGetNames b in
if bus' `elem` ns then Right (Nothing, [])
if bus' `elem` ns then Right []
else smryFail $ unwords ["name", singleQuote bus', "not found on dbus"]
bus' = formatBusName bus
@ -479,7 +419,7 @@ testDBusDependency client (Bus bus) = do
bodyGetNames [v] = fromMaybe [] $ fromVariant v :: [String]
bodyGetNames _ = []
testDBusDependency client (Endpoint busname objpath iface mem) = do
testDBusDependency_ client (Endpoint busname objpath iface mem) = do
ret <- callMethod client busname objpath introspectInterface introspectMethod
return $ case ret of
Left e -> smryFail e
@ -488,7 +428,7 @@ testDBusDependency client (Endpoint busname objpath iface mem) = do
procBody body = let res = findMem =<< I.parseXML objpath =<< fromVariant
=<< listToMaybe body in
case res of
Just True -> Right (Nothing, [])
Just True -> Right []
_ -> smryFail $ fmtMsg' mem
findMem = fmap (matchMem mem)
. find (\i -> I.interfaceName i == iface)
@ -509,7 +449,124 @@ testDBusDependency client (Endpoint busname objpath iface mem) = do
, formatBusName busname
testDBusDependency _ (DBusIO d) = testIODependency d
testDBusDependency_ _ (DBusIO i) = testIODependency_ i
-- | Constructor functions
sometimes1_ :: LogLevel -> String -> Root a -> Sometimes a
sometimes1_ l n t = [Subfeature{ sfData = t, sfName = n, sfLevel = l }]
-- always1_ :: LogLevel -> String -> Root a Tree -> a -> Always a
-- always1_ l n t x =
-- Option (Subfeature{ sfData = t, sfName = n, sfLevel = l }) (Always x)
sometimes1 :: String -> Root a -> Sometimes a
sometimes1 = sometimes1_ Error
sometimesIO :: String -> Tree_ IODependency_ -> a -> Sometimes a
sometimesIO n t x = sometimes1 n $ IORoot_ x t
sometimesDBus :: Maybe Client -> String -> Tree_ DBusDependency_
-> (Client -> a) -> Sometimes a
sometimesDBus c n t x = sometimes1 n $ DBusRoot_ x t c
-- | IO Lifting functions
ioSometimes :: MonadIO m => Sometimes (IO a) -> Sometimes (m a)
ioSometimes = fmap ioSubfeature
ioAlways :: MonadIO m => Always (IO a) -> Always (m a)
ioAlways (Always x) = Always $ io x
ioAlways (Option sf a) = Option (ioSubfeature sf) $ ioAlways a
ioSubfeature :: MonadIO m => SubfeatureRoot (IO a) -> SubfeatureRoot (m a)
ioSubfeature sf = sf { sfData = ioRoot $ sfData sf }
-- data Msg = Msg LogLevel String String
ioRoot :: MonadIO m => Root (IO a) -> Root (m a)
ioRoot (IORoot a t) = IORoot (io . a) t
ioRoot (IORoot_ a t) = IORoot_ (io a) t
ioRoot (DBusRoot a t cl) = DBusRoot (\p c -> io $ a p c) t cl
ioRoot (DBusRoot_ a t cl) = DBusRoot_ (io . a) t cl
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Dependency Tree
listToAnds :: d -> [d] -> Tree_ d
listToAnds i = foldr (And_ . Only_) (Only_ i)
toAnd :: d -> d -> Tree_ d
toAnd a b = And_ (Only_ a) (Only_ b)
smryFail :: String -> Either [String] a
smryFail msg = Left [msg]
-- | IO Dependency
sometimesExe :: MonadIO m => String -> Bool -> FilePath -> Sometimes (m ())
sometimesExe n sys path = sometimesExeArgs n sys path []
sometimesExeArgs :: MonadIO m => String -> Bool -> FilePath -> [String] -> Sometimes (m ())
sometimesExeArgs n sys path args =
sometimesIO n (Only_ (IOSystem_ $ Executable sys path)) $ spawnCmd path args
exe :: Bool -> String -> IODependency_
exe b = IOSystem_ . Executable b
sysExe :: String -> IODependency_
sysExe = exe True
localExe :: String -> IODependency_
localExe = exe False
pathR :: String -> IODependency_
pathR n = IOSystem_ $ AccessiblePath n True False
pathW :: String -> IODependency_
pathW n = IOSystem_ $ AccessiblePath n False True
pathRW :: String -> IODependency_
pathRW n = IOSystem_ $ AccessiblePath n True True
sysd :: UnitType -> String -> IODependency_
sysd u = IOSystem_ . Systemd u
sysdUser :: String -> IODependency_
sysdUser = sysd UserUnit
sysdSystem :: String -> IODependency_
sysdSystem = sysd SystemUnit
sysTest :: String -> IO (Maybe String) -> IODependency_
sysTest n = IOSystem_ . IOTest n
-- | DBus Dependency Result
introspectInterface :: InterfaceName
introspectInterface = interfaceName_ "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable"
introspectMethod :: MemberName
introspectMethod = memberName_ "Introspect"
sometimesEndpoint :: MonadIO m => String -> BusName -> ObjectPath -> InterfaceName
-> MemberName -> Maybe Client -> Sometimes (m ())
sometimesEndpoint name busname path iface mem client =
sometimesDBus client name deps cmd
deps = Only_ $ Endpoint busname path iface $ Method_ mem
cmd c = io $ void $ callMethod c busname path iface mem
-- | Dependency Testing
-- Here we test all dependencies and keep the tree structure so we can print it
-- for diagnostic purposes. This obviously has overlap with feature evaluation
-- since we need to resolve dependencies to build each feature.
-- | Printing
@ -525,3 +582,22 @@ testDBusDependency _ (DBusIO d) = testIODependency d
-- | otherwise = skip
-- where
-- bracket s = "[" ++ s ++ "]"
bracket :: String -> String
bracket s = "[" ++ s ++ "]"
quote :: String -> String
quote s = "'" ++ s ++ "'"
failedMsgs :: Bool -> [SubfeatureFail] -> IO [String]
failedMsgs err = fmap concat . mapM (failedMsg err)
failedMsg :: Bool -> SubfeatureFail -> IO [String]
failedMsg err Subfeature { sfData = d, sfName = n } = do
mapM (fmtMsg err n) $ case d of (PostMissing e) -> [e]; (PostFail es) -> es
fmtMsg :: Bool -> String -> String -> IO String
fmtMsg err n msg = do
let e = if err then "ERROR" else "WARNING"
p <- getProgName
return $ unwords [bracket p, bracket e, bracket n, msg]

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ import Xmobar.Plugins.Common
btAlias :: String
btAlias = "bluetooth"
btDep :: DBusDependency p
btDep :: DBusDependency_
btDep = Endpoint btBus btOMPath omInterface $ Method_ getManagedObjects
data Bluetooth = Bluetooth Icons Colors deriving (Read, Show)

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ getByIP = memberName_ "GetDeviceByIpIface"
devSignal :: String
devSignal = "Ip4Connectivity"
devDep :: DBusDependency p
devDep :: DBusDependency_
devDep = Endpoint nmBus nmPath nmInterface $ Method_ getByIP
getDevice :: Client -> String -> IO (Maybe ObjectPath)

View File

@ -118,5 +118,5 @@ vpnDeviceTun = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Tun"
vpnAlias :: String
vpnAlias = "vpn"
vpnDep :: DBusDependency p
vpnDep :: DBusDependency_
vpnDep = Endpoint vpnBus vpnPath omInterface $ Method_ getManagedObjects